Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ybor Bartenders

Elaina at Reservoir Bar

Sheriff Grady Judd : People Die Everyday From Marijuana

Ybor City - Paradise Lost?

Ybor City, Florida

We warned You About this guy in 2014

Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White plans to sue the county and ask a judge to decide whether a citizens committee that will oversee the spending of the new sales transportation sales tax violates state law by usurping the authority of elected officials. The tax was approved by 57 percent of Hillsborough voters on Nov. 6. here
More on Mr. White here

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Proposed Gentrification of Ybor City by the Tampa Bay Rays

Tomorrow morning I, along with several others, will be speaking before the Hillsborough County Board of County Commission in opposition to the proposed relocation of the Tampa Bay Rays to a new stadium in Ybor City. This is the graphic I plan to put on their overhead projector and the speech I plan to give.

Come on out to the meeting if you can and support those who are fighting to preserve the Ybor City community. The commission meeting is at 9:00am on the second floor of the County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd.

Hillsborough County Commissioners on their way out the door

Last month, the LAME DUCK County Commission killed the MacDill Ferry Project in one of their final acts. After causing four years of delay, they threw away $500,000 of your money, and prevented the project from delivering REAL plans this January for 
moving forward.

So I'm bringing the ferry back to the new Commission this Wed to reinstate the Ferry Plan which would have been 
completed in January. 

Please email, call and all your commissioners.
I was the only vote to complete the plan, even though it passed with 7 to 0 support in Sept. And come down and speak at public comment before the meeting on Wed. Sign in before 9 am. Let them know you are watching. Thank you! (Stay tuned for more redo's on other terrible actions the old Commission did on the way out the door.) here
"Pat Kemp is no longer alone on the County Commission where solutions to traffic gridlock have, up to now, been thwarted by narrow minded, shore-sighted, pro-development, pro-pavement, anti-transit troglodytes." 
Kent Bailey

The Merchants Of Ybor

New York, New York

Ybor Paparazzi

Asher and Merri at Chillum

End Of HART 360LX Brandon Mall

We heard it was going well but the mall complained, too many people were parking there to ride it.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

2020 Vision with Asher

If you are a presidential election “junkie” like I am, you are likely thinking about who will step up and run to be our 46th United States President. To me, a good platform on the issues is necessary for me to support someone, especially with a heated Democratic primary just ahead of us.

My candidate will need to be anti war. Someone who supports a full withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen will earn gratitude from those who recognize the atrocity that is our War on Terror. These wars have kept the vacuum of terror wide open, poured billions of dollars per year away like expensive cat litter on an open wound, and cost thousands of American lives, not to mention thousands more veterans traumatically injured for life; not to mention the colossal damage we have done to the countries we have indefinitely occupied, whether in terms of massive instability or thousands dead and maimed. The War on Terror, and the money spent on appeasing defense contractors, must be controlled and stopped. This does not mean end counter terrorism or become isolationist. This means end the wars.

My candidate will need to oppose the War on Drugs. The legalization of cannabis nationwide should be a top priority. The decriminalization of other, harder drugs should also be on the agenda. Putting people in jail for use or possession of drugs does not solve the drug issue, it only exacerbated it, putting a strain on marginalized communities and taxpayers. We should follow examples like in Portugal where drug epidemics have been tackled by ending drug wars. We should hurt the black market and cartels by legalizing cannabis and decriminalizing other drugs. We should liberate non violent drug users/possessors by ending the abysmal War on Drugs.

My candidate will support environmental protection. In this, they should be an advocate for alternative energy, carbon taxes, and keeping corporations from polluting as they please. They should be in favor of healthcare expansion, ADA expansion, and securing liberties for the trans community. They should be opposed to “Teach to Test” education and support the protection of public education. They should support worker rights like a living wage, unionization, and safe workplaces. They should be progressive, independent minded, bold on the issues, and possess quality character.

With all of that said, I like Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard, Beto O’Rourke, Andrew Gillum, Jeff Merkley, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Who do you like that will be good on the issues I mentioned?

katrine1101 visits Ybor City

Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Without draconian voting systems in Florida, Mississippi, and Texas, the GOP may not have survived the midterms with its Senate majority. source 
Rick Scott removes elections supervisor
 Brenda Snipes. Source
Tim Canova warned us.

Katherine Harris 2000


Ybor Paparazzi

Asher and Glen

Republicans for the Rule of Law

A group of Republicans founded by conservative commentator Bill Kristol who are mobilizing against the president’s efforts to politicize the Department of Justice. It’s funded by the group Defending Democracy Together.
We represent the majority of Republicans who believe Robert Mueller should 
not be fired.”

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival

"Tampa friends! One of my fave #indiefilm directors/grad school friends Lonnie Martin has a screening in your town next week!" 
Dawn Michelle Morgan

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ybor Paparazzi


Tampa Bay DSA 2018

Gulf of Mexico Fracking Dump

Environmentalists are warning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that its draft plan to continue allowing oil and gas companies to dump unlimited amounts of fracking chemicals and wastewater directly into the Gulf of Mexico is in violation of federal law. more

Friday, November 30, 2018

Tampa Activist Life: January 2018

Vigil For Erica Garner 



Meals On Wheels of Tampa

Ybor Paparazzi

Danny, Chris and Merri at Chillum

Ybor Rob First Amendment Audit: LEAVE NOW (One Chance) "NO" I'LL TAKE MY CHANCE

Ken Hagan Has Gone Rogue

He wants to sue 10News WTSP over a story claiming he improperly coordinated with Darryl Shaw, the owner of six properties within the footprint of a proposed Tampa Bay Rays ballpark in Ybor City.
Mayor Rick Kriseman, in a series of tweets, called for Hagan to be removed from his role in leading Hillsborough's efforts to bring the Rays to Tampa.
"He’s gone rogue from his fellow commissioners throughout this process, and now questions have been raised related to potential unethical or criminal behavior," Kriseman said in a statement. more

Last year he wanted go after citizens who filed ethics complaints against him. more

Kenny is out of control, 
he should of been beaten, 
what happened?