Saturday, March 7, 2020

Florida Clown Matt Gaetz

Showed up at the budget vote for the coronavirus wearing a gas mask.
Well, thats one way to prevent people from smelling the liquor on your breath." 
Stephen Colbert

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Young Florida Berners Check This Out

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses.
 Young voters cheer Bernie Sanders' anti-establishment message. They turn out in throngs at his rallies. And they form the core of his grassroots efforts to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
But their fiery passion did not translate into the robust turnout he needed on Super Tuesday to win a number of key states. HERE
Without you Bernie can't win. Early voting is happening right now everywhere. 


Bernie 2020 Barnstorm in Port Richey!

Join Bernie 2020 in connecting, learning and celebrating with all of your our Berners, beach side, in Port Richey! Together we will define and propel this movement in Florida as we approach the Florida primary on March 17th.

 Mon, Mar 9 at 7:00pm 
Whiskey Joe's Port Richey
7835 Bayview St
Port Richey

Dixie Chicks - Gaslighter


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Florida Berners pull yourselves together

Dear fellow progressives: pull yourselves together. I know last night was disappointing. However, no one said this was going to be easy or fair. When moderates were losing, they didn’t throw in the towel. They claimed victory, even as they lost. Then they collated. A seventy delegate lead after Super Tuesday (especially with a majority of southern states that will vote red in the general election anyway) isn’t the end of the world, or even close to it.
Pull yourselves out of your depression and get to work. As progressives, we will always have to work ten times harder than the establishment.
There are still over 1,000 pledged delegates on the table, especially in states that Democrats are more likely to win and who lean progressive.

But it will take more work and more organizing. Get yourself to a Bernie event, start knocking doors, get on that Bernie dialer, talk to your friends and family to make sure they are prepared to vote and STOP attacking other candidates. It isn’t effective and it hurts us. Channel that frustration into action. Posting articles about why other candidates suck doesn’t win votes. It just turns off possible allies and it only excites your echo chamber.

Ask yourself: how much work have I done to get my candidate elected? If your not willing to help with the heavy lifting, you’re not really ready for a political revolution. If your not willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone and leave it all on the field, your candidate is never going to win.
I know it’s discouraging, trust me. However, I’m actually pretty impressed and pretty hopeful that Bernie walked out of Super Tuesday only behind 70 delegates. Especially after three ex-candidates endorsed Biden a Monday night. I thought we’d be behind a couple of hundred delegates.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Do boo, organize!
We can still do this! PM me for details on how to get involved! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending you all love! Jessica Vaughn 

Stay Focused Berners

"Let's get our A game going, team!! Bernie and surrogates have more time for the next few states - Florida delegates are big! Let's stay positive, be kind to the voters whose candidates are not viable, and let's push the vote for BERNIE!"
 Kristin Hoffmann 
Our Revolution Tampa Bay

Ybor Life

7th Ave

The Stone Soup Company fills up cups for the homeless

Mack Winton MD - Tampa Riverwalk

Chris Harris Bucket Drummer - Ybor City

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Vote for Bernie, and...

Please be sure to avoid candidate shaming other Democrats. In order to better consolidate support from former candidates in the Democratic primaries, and to be the change we so desperately need, we must approach people with kindness. I know that each camp has its share of good supporters and belligerent supporters. As Bernie supporters, we must acknowledge that due to our campaign’s size it also has more loud, problematic people who have passion that needs to be reigned in for the sake of what I mentioned above.

We must not take the bait. When interacting with supporters of other Democratic candidates, we need to be ready to disagree and do so respectfully. Doing so will help bring more people over when more candidates drop out, and they likely will. Share this message far and wide; we need to win, and doing so will require a degree of unity with those who support Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard right now. It is necessary to have passion and a sense of urgency regarding our revolution; let’s make it count. We must be prepared to listen when Bernie asks us to approach the Democratic field with civility, now more than ever. Do not apologize for disagreement on the issues, and show humility for taking passions too far. I have done this and I aim to be better about disagreement with fellow Democrats in the future as best as I can. I say this as a true Bernie supporter, a constituent of his, and a candidate for Bernie Sanders’ delegate who is about to turn in his primary ballot.

Join me to help Bernie win. If we can get him to be the Democratic nominee, we can absolutely defeat Trump. A progressive nominee who galvanizes support in lieu of senseless attacks (think about Barack Hussein Obama) will win this election. The socialist attack will be tough, and similarly devious lines will be used against whomever wins the nomination. What we need is someone who can win, and then govern from a place of strength. That person is Bernie Sanders. Let’s win Super Tuesday for Bernie Sanders.

Stay groovy,

Riverside Berners at it again

"The 4 of us knocked on 140 homes in a cold and damp day. Light sprinkles a couple of times, but we had rain ponchos.Gotta do it for Bernie!" Candy Doss
Check out their work in 2016 HERE

Central Avenue Black History Tour

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Florida Dems Hold a Voter Registration Advantage Over GOP

For the first time in Florida's history, a political party in the state has more than 5 million registered voters.
As of Jan. 31, Democrats had 5.04 million registered voters in the state, compared to 4.79 million registered Republicans, according to Florida's Department of State. An additional 3.78 million voters are registered with minor parties or have no party affiliation. HERE

The St. Pete Courageous 12

Surprise Wasserman Schultz endorses Biden

She also  published an op-ed supporting the former vice president in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. She is the fifth representative of Congress to endorse Biden from Florida. HERE