Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Singapore Mei Fun
From New China
Dale Mabry & Gandy in Tampa

Asher Edelson For School Board

Ed Letourneau, A member of the Mount Anthony Union School Board is under fire on social media over recent Facebook comments relating to Blacks, the Black Lives Matter movement and liberals. HERE

I may run for his seat, or another seat on the Bennington Supervisory Union (MAU School Board). I always aim to be civil and collected when disagreeing with people who share different views; I followed such a practice in my online interaction with this person, and I received nothing save hate & vitriol. People who served in elected office should strive to practice decency, even with constituents they do not agree with. I believe that the Bennington community deserves that, in our School Boards of all places, and that is one reason why I plan to run — maybe this upcoming March of 2021.

Stay tuned, and groovy

Ybor Rob in Ybor City

Monday, September 28, 2020

Local GOP Fumes As Previously Unknown Traci Koster Shows Her Dark, Selfish Side

According to sources in the state capitol, incoming House Speaker Chris Sprowls, who resides in Pasco County, with approval from the office of Gov. Ron DeSantis, used his superior political clout to override the local party and select Traci Koster, a Tampa attorney. MORE

Fund to Support Florida Vendors Re-Emerging from Covid

 As you know I coordinate the Lincoln Road Antiques and Collectibles Market on Lincoln Road, Miami Beach. We are back to the road on October 4th and are looking forward to creating a safe outdoor market in the face of corona. Some of our dealers have suffered greatly these past months and we would like to 
offer them support. HERE


Tampa Bay Teen Lit Fest 2020

Tampa Bay Teen Lit Fest is a one of a kind event bringing over a dozen critically acclaimed writers of Young Adult Fiction to one 
virtual space.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

QAnon Stole Sally Harris Brain

"District 7 race, it is imperative that we KEEP LYNN GRAY. Sally Harris has become a QAnon associate, if not supporter, with all that implies. Anti-vaxxer, anti-Semitism, Pizzagate, you name the most insane corners of conspiracy castles and she's manning the gates.
Please tell everyone you know that QAnon stole her brain and she's become dangerous.

Vote LYNN GRAY." Rochelle Reback HERE

Help Build a Left-Movement


Thank you to everyone who supported Crowbar - Ybor City

Thank you to everyone who supported
through Virtual Vibes of the Bay presented by Symphonic Distribution yesterday. We will be announcing our 2020 calendar tomorrow.
These concerts will be limited to 100 people regardless of governors order. Our first priority is to keep Staff, artists, and all of you safe. Even though we will be doing these small events, it’s still important that we continue to lobby Congress for a funding package to #SaveOurStages. Even as we get permission to reopen around the country, the damage has been done. We will ALL need funding to make it out of this. HERE

Mike Baluja: I Remember Tampa (2020) Film with Mario Nunez

Jessica Vaughn Virtual Phone Bank

We kicked off our virtual phone bank this weekend! It’s such an easy, fun and home-based way of volunteering for our campaign. We have ten people calling like-minded voters, each with a goal of 50 calls to be made sometime this week. This covers a whole precinct. Imagine the impact we could have if we had 20-30 volunteers phone banking. Are you willing to do some phone banking before Election Day?

Tampa, Florida Top 10 - What makes this a great place!

I Voted

And mailed it in

J Green in Ybor City

Friday, September 25, 2020

Hillsborough School Resource Tyrant Charged with Child Abuse

Century-old Ybor City clock tower is being restored

Brian Kelly For Venice City Council

The developers should not be the decision makers in our town. We need affordable housing. Unless you want your kids to move out of town, take a stand. Vote for me this election. Let’s put the developers in the back seat for a change.Help Him HERE

Ybor City bands together to survive the pandemic

Florida GOP Ashley Moody Voter Suppression

Called for an investigation into an effort backed by Mike Bloomberg to help restore the voting rights of thousands of felons ahead of the November election.

The former New York City mayor partnered with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition to help raise at least $16 million for felons to pay off outstanding legal fines and fees in order to regain the right to vote.

"Today, I sent a letter to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation into potential violations of election laws." HERE 

Caitlin Johnstone: Throw Sand In The Gears Of The Machine

Humanity will continue along its self-destructive trajectory until the masses use the power of their numbers to force real change. Humanity will not use the power of its numbers to force real change as long as it’s being successfully propagandized not to do so. The oligarchic propaganda machine is therefore the primary barrier to our transition from our self-destructive patterns into a healthy collaborative relationship with each other and with 
our ecosystem.

So throw sand in the gears of the machine. If enough of us throw enough sand, we can cause the whole thing to break down.

Kill public trust in the mass media by exposing their lies at every opportunity, from whatever platform you can gain access to. Anywhere you can find an audience, whether it’s an audience of one or ten thousand, kill public trust in the establishment propaganda engine. HERE

Deserted Ybor City

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Sen. Bernie Sanders gives speech on November election

babybrother - Ybor City

Bernie Sanders Nightmare Scenario

“We are living in an unprecedented and dangerous moment — extremely dangerous moment — in American history.” 

Bernie said he would spend the next six weeks urging the country to prepare for a “nightmare scenario” in which Trump declares himself the winner of the election and refuses to step down even if he loses.


Florida To Legalize Murdering Protesters