Thursday, August 2, 2007

you might be a right winger if....
...You're pro-life, pro-death penalty, and pro-war, as long as it doesn't effect you personally.
Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 4: US Media And Society
We're not the United States of Amnesia — we're the United States of Alzheimer'
What Stogie Had For Lunch
Moro and Yuca
$5.95 At.......Nayda's 50th St. And Palm River Road Tampa
Forget Corporate - Eat Local

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Kathy Castor Wants You To Call Her
Phone: 202-225-3376
The president is using fear to pressure Congress to grant him sweeping new powers to spy on Americans. And Congress is on the verge of giving in to his scare tactics. Call Rep. Castor today and tell her to oppose any efforts to give the president additional authority to wiretap Americans without a warrant.

Rudy The Urban Legend
On Hillsborough Ave
Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 3: Liberty
The people who wrote the Constitution hated democracy. We've always been an oligarchy of the well-to-do and are becoming even more so now. What freedoms we had have now been eliminated -- Magna Carta guaranteed us due process of law, the only good thing England left
Party With The Tampa Bay O-Train
Ba-Rock For Change!
Local musicians (Last Day Alive, Shane Ali, Falter Boy, Mind Static, Plush, & Danger Flight) will be rockin the Crowbar in Ybor City in support of Senator Obama.

Sunday - Aug 05, 2007 - 7PM
1812 N.17th St
Ybor City
What Stogie Had For Lunch
$4.95 At.......
Merino's Deli 6428 North Florida Ave Tampa
Forget Corporate - Eat Local

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

American Low Wage Workers' Tour

Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 2: The Emperor
"He smiled benignly at the oil wells"....... here
Howard Dean Knows The Power Of The Internet
The man who launched the Internet revolution in presidential politics says the medium has changed politics into a two-way conversation between voters and candidates."Technology is traveling so fast; now it has transformed American politics. It's beginning to advance politics by getting ordinary Americans back in the process. Before, there was a one-way campaign where candidates talked to voters; now we have a two-way campaign.......more
you might be a right winger if..... think any one motivated in their profession by something other than making a profit is a communist.

The Fox is Wrong: Global Warming

Monday, July 30, 2007

Interview With The Legendary Gore Vidal
Part 1: The Cold War
"I was born 80 years ago in a country called the United States of America and now I live in a Homeland - an expression we haven't heard since Hitler."
DFA Night School Live From YearlyKos
Thursday August 2nd, 5:30-6:30pm Central Daylight Time

This special DFA Night School event will be brought to you live from the YearlyKos convention hall, so it should prove to be an exciting, unique experience. Join us as DFA brings YearlyKos to you. Night School is DFA's no-cost online training program. After you sign up, you will receive the information for our nationwide toll free conference
Judith Leekin's Torture Palace
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Nine teenagers and young adults were held like prisoners in a Florida woman's home in what appeared to be a decades-long scheme to receive government payments for adopting and raising them, police say......more
The 18-year-old told police Leekin threatened to cut her head off if she told anyone what was happening.
Searching For The Soul of Florida
The Progressive Spirit
Today, when you say Floridian, what comes to mind? Many Floridians are from somewhere else. Only 33 percent of the state is native-born, according to the 2005 American Community Survey part of the U.S. census. Our identity is shaped by out-of-state residents, and in Central Florida, it is even more pronounced.......more
What Stogie Had For Lunch
Pork Chunks
Red Bean And Rice And Plantains
$5.99 At.......Rosa's Market 4209 W.Martin Luther King Blvd Tampa
Forget Corporate - Spend Your Money Locally

Sunday, July 29, 2007

FOX Has Declared War On The Blogosphere
So Let's Fight Back!
We're fighting back by identifying and calling all of FOX's advertisers. This is not a boycott. We are simply calling advertisers and informing them about FOX. And making Bill O'Reilly's life a living hell................ Sign
Bloggers, Join the FOX Attacker Madfloridian
The Other Ron Paul
But He Looks Like Such A Nice Guy
What I didn’t expect was that his anti-war advocacy would attract as many evident admirers from the left as it seems to have, particularly those who are dissatisfied with Democrats’ apparent fumbling of the Iraq war issue. Certainly, the message boards at liberal outlets like Crooks and Liars who’ve carried factual counterinformation about Paul have been flooded with raging defenses of the man, as have some of our comments
What Stogie Had For Lunch
Shrimp In Lobster Sauce
Fried Rice
$4.25 At.......Peking 6936 N. 56th St. Tampa
Forget Corporate - Spend Your Money
SWAT Team Takes Over University of Miami

University of Miami Police, in conjunction with the City of Coral Gables Police Department, will hold an all-day training exercise on the northeast section of UM’s Coral Gables campus from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 28. The exercise will involve mock explosions, helicopters, SWAT teams, and multiple response teams from most local municipalities......more


Canine Erectile Dysfunction

AM Chuckle

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Walking to America
It is one of the truly emblematic journeys of our times, although it never makes it into the travel pages of any newspaper: the million or more people who make the trip each year are poor Latin Americans, trekking north from Mexico, albeit illegally, in search of a better life in the United States.....more

Arm Yourself With a 'SiCKO' Health Care Card

Friday, July 27, 2007

Local Bumpers 7

Oil-Covered Penguins
Off Coast Of South America
Hundreds of oil-covered Magellanic penguins have surfaced off the Atlantic coast of South America in the past few weeks. A continuous stream of oil from spills has created a chronic problem across South American waters and other parts of the world.....more

If You Google Ron Paul

What Stogie Had For Lunch
Fried Crispy Baby Shrimp
Fried Rice
$5.50 At....... Peking 6936 N. 56th St. Tampa
Forget Corporate - Spend Your Money Locally

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bay Pines VA Medical Center
Emergency Room Refuse Critically Ill Man
Mark A. Surette a 25-year VA employee, collapsed of a heart attack in Building 24, perhaps 200 feet from the hospital emergency room. Since he wasn't a veteran, confused paramedics asked Bay Pines if its emergency room would treat Surette. Paramedics were directed to take him to St. Petersburg General Hospital, three miles away. A doctor who made the decision did not realize the man, a Bay Pines employee who later died, had collapsed on the Bay Pines campus......more

"In a life-and-death situation it appears to me that any medical professional would be willing and able to help save a life."........Rep. C.W. Bill Young
Havana Nights
Florida GOP Lavish Fundraiser
A yacht cruise, salsa dancing lessons, dinner at the famed Versace Mansion in Miami Beach, and even a personal concierge. Platinum sponsors who fork out $100,000 will get two rooms at the hotel and also get three different private meetings with House leaders over dessert and breakfast. Gold sponsors who donate $50,000 will be given one room at the hotel and be allowed to bring two people to all events.......more
''There's a lot of people out there who think that Tallahassee is out of touch with the rest of the state of Florida; maybe there's some truth to it''.......Rep. Jack Seiler
No Summer Of Love For Howard Dean
With Peace And Understanding In Short Supply
The Democratic National Committee chairman faces several formidable challenges. Some states are determined to move up the dates of their presidential primaries despite the potential for upending the nomination process, and the party's convention in Denver in 2008 is already dealing with nettlesome labor and financial woes......more
What Stogie Had For Lunch
Filete Salteado
White Rice And Collard Green Soup
$7.25 At....La Teresita 7101 66th Street Pinellas Park
Forget Corporate - Spend Your Money Locally