Friday, October 26, 2007

Alex Jones' Endgame - Trailer

Lets Move To New Hampshire

Free State Project
The Free State Project is an effort to recruit 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire. We are looking for neighborly, productive, tolerant folks from all walks of life, of all ages, creeds, and colors who agree to the political philosophy expressed in our Statement of Intent

70 Years Later, Florida College Fountain Finally Works

Frank Lloyd Wright
Was an architectural genius, but a giant fountain he designed for a Florida college was a dud. Engineers could never make it work right. Now, nearly 70 years after Wright first planned it, the fountain finally gushed into the three-story high dome of water he envisioned. More than 1,000 people cheered its opening Thursday at Florida Southern College, but behind the so-called "Water Dome" were modern engineers, technology and computer

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Florida Prison Guards Disciplined For Allowing

Gay Wedding
One prison guard was fired, another resigned and six others were handed suspensions for allowing what the Florida Department of Corrections calls a gay wedding between two female inmates at the Lowell Correctional

On Oct. 27th: End This War

Members of Democracy for America Prefer Gore

Members of Democracy for America (DFA), prefer Al Gore as the Democrats’ 2008 presidential nominee. According to an ongoing poll, the former vice president and recent winner of the Nobel Peace Prize attracts nearly 30 percent of the vote as a write-in candidate. Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) is second with 22 percent, followed by former Sen. John Edwards (N.C.) and Rep. Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), both of whom have garnered about 17 percent of the

Democratic front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton lags far behind the quartet with 5 percent.

School Board Police Arrest Reporter In Miami

Taser Gator

University of Florida police were justified when they used a Taser against a student who refused to stop questioning Sen. John Kerry at a campus event, according to a state investigation released

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Vote For Our Hometown Favorites

Best Writer: Litbrit
Best National Blog: Pushing Rope, Best Media Blog: The Buzz, Best Professional Blog: Samm Simpson, Best Candidate Website: Lee Nelson, Best Local Party Website: East Hillsborough Democratic Club, Netroots Candidate of the Year: Mary Mulhern, Netroots Activist of the Year: Susan Smith, Netroots Organization of the Year: DFA, And Best Local Blog: Tampa Bay Blue

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Florida's Butterfly Population Struggles

The Queen Butterfly at Buttonwood Canal in the Everglades
"These represent the first butterflies lost from Florida that we know about," Marc Minno, an entomologist who conducted monthly surveys for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, told the Herald. "There are things down there that are just hanging on by a thread.""Clearly, the diversity of the butterfly population has been compromised," said Dennis Olle, president of the Miami blue chapter of the North American Butterfly
Scientists said the destruction of the butterflies' habitat the strongest factor in their disappearance.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Why I'm A Liberal

"Today, Republicans in Congress chose to side with President Bush and leave millions of children behind. Bush Republicans will spend billions of dollars on their failed strategy in Iraq, but have no problem denying millions of children the health care they need and deserve. This is shameful" .....Dr. Howard Dean

Prehistoric Florida Swamp

Shiny amber jewelry and a mucky Florida swamp have given scientists a window into an ancient ecosystem that could be anywhere from 15 million to 130 million years

Burma's Secret War

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Florida NAACP Plan For March In Tallahassee

Justice For Martin Lee Anderson
Members of the NAACP from around Florida will march from the Capitol to the U.S. Attorney's office Tuesday, in an attempt to bring pressure for federal charges against those cleared in the boot-camp trial in Panama City last

The Foul Stench Of The GOP

Florida Stinkers
Yuck, Who Votes For These People?

Stephen Colbert to Run for President

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

8 More Guard Units Headed for Duty

The Pentagon is preparing to alert eight National Guard units that they should be ready to go to Iraq or Afghanistan beginning late next summer, The Associated Press learned Wednesday. The U.S. military is reaching out to more Guard units in an effort to maintain needed troop levels, ease some of the strain on the active duty Army and provide security for ports, convoys and other installations......more

Dean: Bush Republicans Have the Wrong Priorities

When the Republican Congress didn't do their job, President Bush turned a blind eye and signed bill after bill, passing $3 trillion in new spending. Yet he's now hiding behind an insincere claim of fiscal discipline to defend his immoral decision to deny millions of low income children health care here at home while spending billions of dollars on his failed war in

800,000 Healthy Children or 1 Week in Iraq?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Chevy Volt In Miami

Imagine A 40 Mile Daily Commute Without A Drop Of Gas
The Chevy Volt was first shown in January at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. Volt is powered by a 16 kWh lithium-ion battery to power the vehicle for 40 miles of all-electric range. An on-board “range-extender” engine and generator set, powered by gasoline or E85, is used to extend the vehicles range to more than 640

Florida Subpoenas Allstate

Allstate Corp
The largest publicly traded U.S. insurer, was subpoenaed on Tuesday by Florida regulators in an ongoing probe into possible industry collusion to thwart state efforts to slash homeowner insurance rates. Calling the industry "tenacious" and "greedy," Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican, said the investigation would shed light on the failure of Allstate and others to provide meaningful rate relief to Florida customers despite legislation earlier this year to lower

Cheney's Law

Angola, Florida

Story Of Early Florida Black Settlement Emerging
For 10 years, they fought, hid and prayed for freedom here by the river, those 750 fugitive slaves, free blacks and black Seminoles who drifted west from the middle of Florida to form the largest community of its kind in the early 19th century South. Then, in 1821, their settlement, which they had named Angola after its kindred region in West Africa, was burned and looted and destroyed, probably by order of Gen. Andrew Jackson.......more

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Racist Explains Hip Hop Culture

"There are many humorous things in the world; among them the white man's notion that he is less savage than other savages."
- Mark Twain

King George Collects $1M From Pinellas County Republicans

We only had less than 48 hours to get this together, but still between 75 and 100 folks cooked in the sun from 9am-11:30am to let King George know we're going to keep working to stop the war and save our constitution. We were moved twice, and prevented from getting within 100 yards of the president, but that's fine. ABC, NBC, the Trib, The Times, WMNF, and a couple of indies all stopped
Mike Fox 727-320-4502

Vaxjo, Sweden

Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change
When this quiet city in southern Sweden decided in 1996 to wean itself off fossil fuels, most people doubted the ambitious goal would have any impact beyond the town limits. A few melting glaciers later, Vaxjo is attracting a green pilgrimage of politicians, scientists and business leaders from as far afield as the United States and North Korea seeking inspiration from a city program that has allowed it to cut CO2 emissions 30 percent since

A Travesty Of Justice In Bay County, Florida

No Justice For Martin Lee Anderson
At 6:30 in the morning on June 5, 2006, Martin Lee Anderson is admitted to boot camp. At 9:06 am the use of force begins. At 9:45 am the paramedics take Martin Lee Anderson At 1:00 pm he was transported by air to Pensacola to the hospital where he died the next
Watch The

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Venezuela's Oil Revenues Staying In South America

Police cars, helicopters, radio stations, health clinics and fertilizer -- the deep pockets of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez benefit leftist allies and the poor from Bolivia to Nicaragua, but rankle opposition leaders. Chavez is using Venezuela's soaring oil revenues to spread aid to Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina and especially to Bolivia, where
He has helped President Evo Morales meet social spending promises to the indigenous majority that elected him in 2005.......more

Friday, October 12, 2007

Howard Dean On The Nobel Peace Prize

I want to congratulate our former Vice President Al Gore

For winning the Nobel Peace Prize today. No other person has worked harder or done more to draw much needed attention to the crisis of global climate change, one of the most critical issues facing our planet. Future generations will thank him for his work to save our way of life. But the fight is far from over.
His example should motivate each one of us to commit ourselves to doing everything we can in our own lives to save our precious planet."

High Tech Killing