Sunday, February 17, 2008

For Florida Lawmakers, No More Free Jeb Bush Burgers

A block from the white domes of Florida's state Capitol, suits and ringing cell phones dominated the brick patio of Andrew's Capital Grill & Bar, where patrons can order a "Jeb Bush" burger in the shade of broad umbrellas emblazoned with premium beer logos. But not all is well at the famous haven for Sunshine State lobbyists and

Saturday, February 16, 2008

NIU Students: WBC Don't Fuck With Us.

Carpenters Fans Try To Save Former Home

Owners of The Carpenters' former home aren't feeling on top of the world about the legions of fans who keep stopping by to pay tribute. The five-bedroom tract house, where siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter lived and penned some of their greatest hits, was featured on the cover of their 1973 hit album "Now & Then." It was also where an anorexic Karen Carpenter collapsed in 1983 before
Owners Manuel and Blanca Melendez Parra have apparently grown weary of the parade of fans paying homage.

Ybor City Streetcar

By Chris The Hockey Fan.....Click Here

The Relevant Church in Ybor City

A pastor has a new challenge for his parishioners. It involves sex - a subject that may be taboo in many congregations. The Relevant Church in Ybor City has issued a 30-day sex challenge.

Friend Says Tampa Cops Set Up Jessica Sierra

In a taped interview, a reported longtime friend of "American Idol" contestant Jessica Sierra claims that Sierra's arrest last December was a set up by Tampa

Charlette Marshall-Jones

A Hillsborough County detention deputy who dumped a quadriplegic man from his wheelchair was arrested this morning on a charge of abuse of a disabled person. Charlette Marshall-Jones, 44, turned herself in to authorities and was booked into the Orient Road Jail at 5:19 a.m. before being released about an hour later on $3,500 bail, records show. A warrant for her arrest was announced last night by Sheriff David
State Opens Civil Rights Investigation

Room 641A

What's happening in Room 641A of 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco remains one of the most closely-held secrets in the U.S.

Keith Olbermann Special Comment


Hillary Clinton vs the DNC

In the end this shows a lack of integrity, it shows her manipulating and calculating ways, it shows her lack of character, and above all it shows that she is not ready to be president of the United States. Barack Obama may be even more to the left than Hillary, and he may not be ready to be president, but at least he has integrity and character. Two things that Hillary Clinton does

Kathy Castor at Employee Free Choice Act Rally

Wednesday - February 20, 2008 - 4-6 pm - Gaslight Park, Downtown Tampa
Employee Free Choice Act

An Antiwar Black President With An Arab-Sounding Name

Consider our present situation. Thanks to Iraq and water-boarding, Abu Ghraib and the "rendering" of terror suspects, we've achieved the moral status of a pariah nation. The seas are rising. The dollar is sinking. A growing proportion of Americans have no access to health care. Clinton can put forth all the policy proposals she likes--and many of them are admirable ones--but anyone can see that she's of the same generation and even one of the same families that got us into this checkmate situation in the first place. Whatever she does, the semiotics of her campaign boils down to two words--"same old."

USA 193

During the next week, a wayward U.S. spy satellite will make passes across North America and western Europe soon after sunset and should be easily visible to the unaided eye. That's if it doesn't get shot down

Friday, February 15, 2008

David Gee And Brian Sterner

The Hillsborough County, Florida, sheriff on Wednesday offered a personal apology to a disabled man who was dumped onto the floor from his wheelchair while in deputies'
"I am personally embarrassed and shocked by the horrific treatment Mr. Sterner received,"...... Sheriff David Gee

Cohones Found In The House of Representatives

Still, basic human nature -- if nothing else -- dictates that having finally liberated themselves, however fleetingly, from the truly moronic rule of the Ted "Osama-is-Celebrating" Poes of the world, and having seen that -- as McJoan put it -- "the Democrats stood up to Bush, and the world didn't end," Democrats will crave more of the sweet taste of dignity and

A Florida Treasure

Representative Robert Wexler

Republican Grandstanding

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Up and Running: Florida’s Largest Solar Array

Florida this week boosted its supply of renewable energy when its largest solar power array went online. The Sunshine Energy Solar Array was dedicated Monday by Gov. Charlie Crist and Florida Power & Light (FPL) officials. The facility is located on a former landfill in Sarasota
“The economic future of our state is linked to our maintaining its natural beauty, and this solar power facility is an excellent example that other communities can work to achieve,”......Charlie Crist

Worried Clinton Vows To Claim 'Phantom' Delegates

The Hillary Clinton campaign has served notice that it expects to claim delegates theoretically garnered in primary votes in Michigan and Florida even though the contests in both states were declared void by the Democratic leadership long before they were

Group Urges Florida To Reject State Funded Religion

Efforts to repeal a provision in the Florida Constitution that bars government funding of religious institutions should be rejected, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State. The Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission is considering two proposed constitutional amendments that would allow Florida to use public funds to support religious schools and other faith-based
The efforts to amend the Florida Constitution are being led by former members of Gov. Jeb Bush's administration.

Gulf Stream Eyed As New Energy Source

Just 15 miles off Florida's coast, the world's most powerful sustained ocean current — the mighty Gulf Stream — rushes by at nearly 8.5 billion gallons per second. And it never stops. To scientists, it represents a tantalizing possibility: a new, plentiful and uninterrupted source of clean energy. Florida Atlantic University researchers say the current could someday be used to drive thousands of underwater turbines, produce as much energy as perhaps 10 nuclear plants and supply one-third of Florida's


"The Democratic Party must be democratic. The superdelegates should let the voters decide between Clinton and Obama, then support the people's choice. Can you sign this petition to the superdelegates right away? Click here to add your name.

Bill Nelson's Total Disregard For The U. S. Constitution

The Senate overwhelming voted Tuesday evening to legalize President Bush's warrantless wiretapping program and grant amnesty to the phone companies that helped out with the domestic
Democrats voting for the bill: Evan Bayh (D-IN), Tom Carper (D-DE), Robert Casey (D-PA), Kent Conrad (D-ND), Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Joe Lieberman (ID-CT), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Ben Nelson (D-NE), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Ken Salazar (D-CO), Jim Webb (D-VA), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Florida Is Looking For A Ned Lamont Or A Donna Edwards

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Congratulations, Donna Edwards!

Donna Edwards, the insurgent candidate from Fort Washington, has defeated the odds and unseated an eight-term incumbent Rep. Albert Wynn in the Democratic primary in Maryland's 4th Congressional District. Edwards' message of change in Congress and Washington resonated with voters who came out overwhelmingly to support her, due to an unprecedented collaborative effort between the netroots and the progressive

You Were Wrong And Howard Dean Was Right

Did Big Sugar Step On The Miami International Film Festival

If you expected that Amy Serrano’s film, “The Sugar Babies: The Plight of the Children of Agricultural Workers in the Sugar Industry of the Dominican Republic” would be exhibited at the upcoming Miami International Film Festival, you would be

Crist Seeks 'An Army Of Conservationists'

Surrounded by dozens of Cub, Boy and Girl Scouts in the state Capitol, Gov. Charlie Crist unveiled a new Serve to Preserve scout award Wednesday that was created in partnership with the youth organizations. Troops can earn an award insignia by completing programs that seek to protect the natural

Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination Plant

The nation’s first, large scale seawater desalination plant is delivering drinking water to more than two and a half million residents of the Tampa Bay area. It’s a timely solution as continued drought is forecast across the south eastern United

Former Pinellas County Nuclear Workers Suffer Fatal Diseases

Hundreds of area residents who worked at a 97-acre highly classified General Electric facility in Largo that once manufactured atomic and hydrogen bomb components today suffer from cancer and other disorders, affecting the lungs, skin and internal

Raul TV

Sharpton: Don't Seat Fla., Mich.

Seating delegates from Florida and Michigan at the Democratic National Convention would be a grave injustice, the Rev. Al Sharpton said Wednesday in a break with prominent civil rights leaders. "I firmly believe that changing the rules now, and seating delegates from Florida and Michigan at this point would not only violate the Democratic Party's rules of fairness, but also would be a grave injustice," Sharpton said in a letter to Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Baltimore Cop And The 14-Year-Old Skateboarder

You got that camera on if i find myself......

Online Tool Pinpoints Sand For Florida Beach Restoration

Florida today debuted the first database in the country that identifies sand sources for beach restoration and nourishment projects. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, has compiled a comprehensive on-line tool for identifying suitable sand sources from Florida's coastal

Evolution Under Siege In Florida

As the Florida state board of education prepared to consider a final draft of a new set of state science standards, Floridians offered their opinions at a last-minute meeting held in Orlando on February 11, 2008. Over eighty speakers addressed the state commissioner of education.......more