Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Tampa Pirate Taking a New Direction

We have to stand up and start speaking in a unified voice against the oppression of our government. What was supposed to be a government by and for the people is now a government made by the rich for the rich. If I have to take a bullet in the head by the federal government for trying to help my daughter grow up in a real America I will. I will keep standing up and no longer allow myself to be pushed down and censored by the

The Poorest Zip Code In Hillsborough County

The poorest zip code in Hillsborough County was 33605 and most of the Tampa foreclosure homes were recorded in Ybor City. It was definitely not a rosy picture and this created a negative polarity in Tampa. Tampa saw a fall in the number of investors and homebuyers in Hillsborough and especially the 33605

Ybor City March

Paul Camp and Andrew Huse, USF Librarians, share a 1938 film featuring the Ybor City cigar-making community.

Everglades Earth First! Shuts Down Florida Power Plant Construction

Early Monday morning dozens of concerned community members from Palm Beach County and all over the nation put their bodies on the line to halt construction of FPL’s West County Energy Center (WCEC), demanding energy efficiency, truly clean, renewable energy and a moratorium on development in south

Spike Lee At USF

March 4, 2008 - 7 pm
Sun Dome
Tickets: Free for USF Students with valid USF ID
$3- USF Faculty, Staff, and Alumni with valid USF ID
$8- Public

Florida Gov. Crist: Health Insurance For All

Insurance with "robust" benefits would be available for as little as $150 a month. Young adults could stay on their parents' health insurance until age 30. Every Florida child would be eligible for KidCare health coverage regardless of family income. Gov. Charlie Crist went to bat Tuesday for Florida's estimated 4 million residents without health-care coverage, and he was clearly aiming for a home

2010: Jim Davis vs. Mel Martinez

Other names of possible Democratic candidates for Martinez's include Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, state House Minority Leader Dan Gelber, and Tampa Mayor Pam

Kathy Castor Endorses Obama

Barack Obama has just received the endorsement of freshman U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor of Tampa, who also is a superdelegate to the Democratic
“It is time for our party to coalesce around Barack Obama’s nomination for President. I ran for Congress in 2006 to fight for a new direction for our country. Senator Obama offers the most determined and coherent plan for a new direction and change and I am proud to endorse him for President of the United States.”

Rightwing Previews Its Anti-Obama Attacks

It is a fundamental rule of politics: If you don’t define yourself, you will be defined by your opponent. Barack Obama’s charisma and inspirational message may have his supporters fainting in the aisles but his bio and voting records are a blank slate for Republicans to

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Spreading Democracy" on This Day of Fidel Castro's Retirement

And who, while decrying the dictatorial splinter in the collective cornea of yet another palm-tree-lined nation doing us no harm, all the while ignoring the beam lodged in their own myopic eye; and who, to this day, and despite mounting evidence to the contrary, tell the citizenry that promoting freedom is what they've been doing all this

Time to Retire America's Failed Cuba Policy

This is the event that fifty years of U.S. policy was designed to stop
Fidel Castro has announced his retirement. He will be replaced in a peaceful succession, without the violent upheaval that U.S. policy makers have been predicting since the 1960s.
Now that Fidel Castro has announced his retirement, it's time to retire our Cold War era Cuba policy..........It

Freedom In Cuba?

Representatives of the students of the University of Ciencias Informa'ticas (UCI) interrogated the president of the Cuban parliament, Ricardo Alarcón, on the policies of the government.In Spanish

The United States Embargo On The Cuban People

The United States embargo against Cuba is an economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed on Cuba on February 7, 1962. The embargo was enacted after Cuba expropriated the properties of United States citizens and corporations (notably those that belonged to the United Fruit Company and the ITT)........Wikipedia
The only candidate I see who is even close to ending the embargo is Barack Obama. He has stated that he favors a loosening of the travel ban so that Cuban Americans can visit family; he also wants fewer restrictions on remittances. Further, he is the only candidate who believes we should be in dialogue with governments that have been determined
Mario Diaz-Balart - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Lincoln Diaz-Balart - Mel Martinez

Creationism in Florida

The southern racists refused to allow desegregation, despite the fact that they were (a) wrong and (b) breaking the law of the land. Having failed, their children and grandchildren are fighting to impose another evil on children - not racism, but ignorance. Like creationism, racism was once a fashionable pseudoscience. It’s still there, it has just gone out of fashion. The sooner people discard both lies, the

No Sympathy For Florida and Michigan

It isn’t up to Howard Dean. As Chair of the DNC, he has to follow the rules, and the rules for the primary elections were adopted way back in August of 2006. State Parties violated the rules, knowing in advance exactly what they were doing and what the consequences would be. Just because a great injustice has happened in Florida and Michigan, it doesn’t mean we should abandon the process and the rules – that would be a greater


Monday, February 18, 2008

The Foreclosure Express Driving Into Florida

The bus tours that have motored across foreclosure-littered neighborhoods of California, Nevada and other slumping states are pulling into the Treasure Coast and Palm Beach County. Two local real estate firms in Port St. Lucie and Tequesta are planning their first tours of bank-owned properties

Tampa Bay Online Engages In Censorship

Tampa Bay Online, which is somehow partnered or owned by The Tampa Tribune and WFLA News Channel 8 has decided to remove reader comments en masse. On February 10, the website posted a story about a group of people protesting Scientologists. A day or 2 later there were over 100 comments, most not favorable to Scientology but none that used profanity or otherwise violated the website's Terms Of

Who Signed The GOP Anti Gay Petition?

The names of thousands of Floridians are turning up online, for signing a petition supporting a gay marriage ban in the state. Those who posted the names call it a public service; but we found many others who call it an invasion of

Earth First Conference In West Palm Beach

Alaina is an activist from the native St'at'imc people of British Columbia, fighting to keep her ancestors' land from being lost to ski resorts and the 2010 Winter Olympics. Ron Huber is trying to protect the livelihood of Maine's lobstermen from the invasion of "resort wannabes," 23 years after he squatted in treetops to stop loggers in Oregon. Both were in the wilds of northwest Palm Beach County on Friday, part of an international gathering of Earth First! activists who came to trade tales, talk tactics and express solidarity with their imprisoned

The Godfather Backs McCain

John McCain picked up former President George H.W. Bush's support on Monday, a critical blessing by a pillar of the Republican
Four More Years!

Howard Dean On Counting Florida's Votes

DNC Chairman Howard Dean responded to NAACP head Julian Bond's call to seat the FL and MI delegations by, well, saying pretty much nothing. Looks like the DNC and FDP strategy/plan is to cross their fingers that a nominee emerges

CNN: Obama Supporters Becoming Cult-Like

Tampa Pirate Rebel Radio

Click here to listen to our new station. Right now there is more music than commentary, over the next couple days that will change some.

"Justice Without Borders" At Cafe Bohemia

Amnesty International, in conjunction with St. Pete for Peace, presents "Justice Without Borders", a documentary film that explores the global movement seeking justice and accountability for the most grave human rights abuses.
Wednesday, Feb. 20. 8:00pm - Cafe Bohemia, 937 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Words Are Cheap!

Evolutionary Awareness in Florida Seems to be Abysmal

Once again, Floridians disappoint. A poll conducted by St. Petersburg Times indicates that an alarming 51% of people in Florida think that creationism/intelligent design should be the only thing taught in the classroom. Another 18% think that both creationism and evolution should be taught in class. Only 22% of people in Florida think that Evolution only should be taught in science

DNC Not Backing Down On FL And MI Delegates

Clinton's operatives want DNC chairman Howard Dean to come up with a resolution, but Dean is staying out of the fight for

"It‘s time for us to shut up and listen to the voters, and that‘s what I‘m going to do".......Howard Dean

McCain's advice Miami-bred

Close aides to McCain caution that it's too early to talk about who will be their campaign's Latin American affairs advisors and that an official team has yet to be put together. But when pressed for names of who have been briefing him recently, they mention Florida's Cuban-American Sen. Mel Martinez and Cuban-American congress members Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros
Because of his steadfast support for the Iraq War and his foreign policy views molded during the Cold War, McCain would face an uphill battle to convince the world that he represents change and would bring a breath of fresh air to Washington.
That is likely to be McCain's biggest problem, abroad and at home.
Barring a terrorist scare that would put his national security credentials at center stage,
it's hard to see how he could overcome it.

Orlando, Florida Postcard Art

Pictured here are images of celery fields, a fountain in Lake Ivanhoe, the 1892 Orange County courthouse, downtown Orlando, a wig wam village, and a Brahma bull. This is located in a park in downtown Orlando called Heritage Square, beside the History

The Fairy Godmothers Of Fort Myers, Florida

This program is Only for girls with financial hardships. It is designed to help girls who, without our help, will not be able to attend their Junior or Senior

Charlie Crist Veep-O-Meter

With all the chatter nationally about Gov. Charlie Crist maybe getting tapped as John McCain's running mate, how could we resist? This week the Buzz debuts our exclusive Charlie Crist Veep-O-Meter, which tracks his vice presidential prospects.
It's way too early in the process for St. Petersburg's first governor to start measuring drapes at Dick Cheney's place, but our Veep-O-Meter starts out bullish since Mike Huckabee no longer serves as an amiable McCain ally against Mitt Romney but more like a pesky pain in McCain's

Tampa's Trolley Runs On Shaky Finances

Five years after it started rumbling down the tracks, Tampa's streetcar is running out of time.
The next few months will be crucial in deciding whether it moves forward -- or takes a big step

Tempering Florida's Summers Of Protests

On the evening of June 19, 1964, at the height of the civil rights protest in St. Augustine, J. B. Stoner, an ardent racist and Ku Klux Klan leader, stood on the stage of a park gazebo in the heart of old St. Augustine -- where slaves were once formally sold -- speaking to hundreds of hate-filled Klansmen. "The way to white supremacy," he said, "is to rid Congress of those who voted for the civil rights bill and get that ni---r-loving Lyndon Johnson out of Washington."
I think the enduring story of the Civil Rights Movement is the uncommon courage of the demonstrators.