Sunday, August 23, 2009

High Speed Rail In Florida

Think a high speed train between Tampa, Orlando and Miami is a good idea?
If so, you may want to check out ConnectUs.
ConnectUs was founded by Ed Turanchik as a grassroots organization in collaboration with the leadership of the Central Florida Partnership, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Tampa Downtown Partnership, and Tampa Bay

Crist Wants To 'Shut Down That Cockamamie Idea'

At a jam-packed reception for his U.S. Senate bid at a Republican Party of Florida convention in Orlando, Gov. Charlie Crist gave a detailed, policy-laden analysis of the health care reform legislation in

Family Of Slain UT Student Ask For Help

Ready to Fly Marian

It's a concert, featuring a ton of bands with Times employees and Times-affiliated folks, hoping to help photojournalist Steve Coddington and his wife, Marian.
Tonight At Skippers Smokehouse In Tampa.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Peabody The $68,000 Stud Deer

A Haines City man, serving probation for beheading a prized breeding buck last year, found out that this was one deer worth a lot of

South Florida Blog Is Being Sued By The Miami Herald!

Just received this letter from the Herald's law firm, Greenberg Traurig.
It appears that the attorney, Ian Ballon, has done some sloppy

Rep. Ray Sansom Of Florida

Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer told party officials Saturday that he had taken back the American Express cards issued to staff and was "tired" of hearing stories -- some of which circulated by disgruntled GOP leaders -- about their misuse.
The issue came to a head this week after stories that Rep. Ray Sansom had used his card to charge $170,000 in travel expenses, flowers, hotels, and other

Car Wash At The Quik Mart

In Tampa

New Local Blog: Latin Solution

Welcome Manny

Holly Benson Of Florida

Inept Secretary at Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration,
said in a radio interview Wednesday being poor or unemployed is no excuse to be unhealthy.
“It means,” Benson said, “you have a lot more time to go running.”
The radio host laughed in

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Casanova Of Hillsborough County

Friday, the jury came back with its verdict in the Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin White sex trial at 5:10 p.m. Jurors determined that 1) Commissioner Kevin White did sexually harass Alyssa Ogden during her employment with Hillsborough County and 2) that the sexual harassment played a part in her
Great Job George Niemann

Tampa Bay Journey Fans

There's a big Retro Party on Saturday night (Aug. 22) here in Tampa Bay and it features a Journey tribute band called Don't Stop Believin'

Is Obama A Socialist?

The funny thing is, of course, that socialists know that Barack Obama is not one of us.
Not only is he not a socialist, he may in fact not even be a liberal.

Socialists And Atheists At Braden River High School

Man, You Got To Love This Shit

I heard the cops were looking for me today. They called United Cab, staked out my house (ya, right, a Goddamn motel room), put out an APB. In Short, they where breathing down my neck. I had to hide from them like a criminal........Tim Fasano

Viva México!

Mexico has decriminalised the possession of small amounts of cocaine, heroin and marijuana, as part of an attempt to focus a police crackdown on drug producers and traffickers.
The new law, which also covers LSD and methamphetamine possession,
will also offer addicts free treatment, in order to tackle the domestic demand for

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

St. Petersburg, Florida, Twitter Meetup

Scarecrows, Crackheads & Hookers

In St. Petersburg
I like Ross Pavio. I don’t know him personally, but dude has a great mustache. And he likes plants. I like plants. But Ross isn’t a bad gardener. He’s just not very

Michelle Obama’s Shorts

If we weren’t eating it, they wouldn’t be feeding it to us.
So I’m damned if I write about this nothingness (because by doing so I am just perpetuating the media echo chamber on this particular non-news item) but if I sit by and let this phenomenon continue to go unchallenged I look either a) out of touch or b) like I condone such

22News could not find anyone opposed to Obama's shorts, but many online bloggers think otherwise.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friends Of Stogie

At Gilda's 50th

Tampa Bay Green Drinks

Strengthening the Green Community - Making Tampa a Sustainable City!
Green Drinks is a social networking group that brings together corporate, government, ngo, non-profit and interested people who want to learn about environmentally responsible practices and other related topics. Our goal at Tampa Bay Green Drinks is to bring together the Tampa Bay community to keep “green” moving forward in our community.........more

Kathleen Ford Frontrunner In New Poll

The poll, commissioned by the St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership, found 23 percent of voters were still

Deveron Gibbons had 11 percent of the vote.

Dr. Howard Dean: Co-ops Don't Work

Public Option is the Only True Reform

Vampires In Ybor City


The Kevin White Sex Trial

Monday, August 17, 2009

Obama Picks Fight with Left

In backing away from its support for a public option in healthcare reform, the Obama administration is picking a fight with the liberal wing of the Democratic party. Liberal Democrats have insisted a public insurance option is necessary to ensure competition for private insurers. Just this week, former
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean predicted there could be Democratic primary challenges if a healthcare bill without a public option is approved by

Eco-Friendly Stores in Tampa Bay

This morning I sent out a call to all of our customer list asking them to take a few moments and vote for us in Creative Loafing's Best of the Bay. This year they have a category for Best Eco-Friendly

Deveron Gibbons Putting Voters To Sleep

Deveron Gibbons has a new mailer designed to put voters to sleep. On the front, the mail-piece has a couple of pictures that basically say "I am down with white voters. You are allowed to vote for me." Gibbons even gives you his cell phone number in case you need a free money

Obama The Loser (If There’s No Public Option)

If Rahm Emanuel thinks he can now shift the discussion to co-ops as the answer to our healthcare woes, then he is sadly mistaken. Howard Dean very clearly pointed out last Friday at Netroots

Sexxy Brandon

Brandon Areana

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Longwood's Steven Perezluha, Journeys To Alaska

Steven Perezluha left his home in Longwood on June 8 on his trusty racing bike, three days after graduating from Lake Mary High. He wore his yellow racing jersey, black bike shorts and a helmet. The maps he stashed away were highlighted with back roads and bike trails that crisscrossed the United States and Canada, a distinct path that would guide him for the next 6,000 miles. Steven Perezluha was headed for

Friday, August 14, 2009

Republican Brian Blair To Run For House

He plans to run for Rep. Kevin Ambler's seat (Ambler is running against Hillsborough Commish Jim Norman for Sen. Victor Crist's Tampa seat)

I cannot think of anyone more qualified to continue on in the footsteps of Kevin Ambler........Legacy Lover

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pork Shop
With Spanish Bean Soup And Rice
$5.99.........At Pipos In Town N' Country

Our Man Damon Interviews The Pres.
