Monday, October 5, 2009

Florida Solar Group Backs Offshore Drilling

When solar power advocates peddle their product, they emphasize that the panels generate clean energy – in implicit contrast to greenhouse gas-producing fossil fuels. In Florida, however,
the solar industry is backing offshore oil and gas

Stop Offshore Oil Drilling in Florida

Leroy Filmore Of Tampa

Police say a 30-year-old man took his children with him to a cocaine deal Friday night and then tried to hide the drugs in his

A History Of U2 In Tampa

In celebration of U2's concert Friday at Raymond James Stadium, we're revisiting some of the band's most memorable Tampa performances over the past 30

Flavors of Cuba In Ybor City

It's cigar smoke and colorful shops. It's flamenco dancers and the aroma of rich coffee. Exit the interstate, and take a day trip to Cuba in Tampa's Ybor City historic

GOP Civil War Breaks Out In Florida

Far right conservatives from around the country-- and Sunshine State teabaggers who get all their information from Hate Talk radio and Fox "news"-- have flocked to the banner of Florida extremist

Catherine Durkin Robinson Of Out in Left Field

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Earlier this week, I got a request to appear on Studio 10, a local morning talk show in Tampa, hosted by Holley Sinn and Jerome Ritchey.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa

What's A Hummer Good For?

If you're going to drive one of the most reviled, gas-hogging vehicle brands to ever grace the American highways and tony upscale driveways of MacMansions, you might as well call attention to yourself, too........Tampa Daily Photo

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Stogie Had For Dinner

Henry the Loaf!
Angus Beef & Pork wrapped in Bacon with Garlic Potato Cake, Seasonal Veggies,
Crispy Onions, & demi glaze.
$12.00 At......
Ella’s Americana Folk Art Cafe
Eat Local

While Tallahassee Jumps On Gravy Train

The city of Tallahassee still plans to install red-light cameras by the beginning of next year despite civil lawsuits filed against five Florida cities that are using the

"This is all about revenue and nothing about safety,"......Nick Providakis

Ybor City: 1909

"Young cigarmakers in Englehardt & Co., Tampa. Youngsters all smoke.

Music By Tampa Bay Artists

Sticks Of Fire Bringing New Music To New Ears
There is a lot of great music being written, performed and produced by Tampa Bay area artists. The local music scene is bustling with creativity. A new regular column hopes to bring some of this music to your ears in the hopes that you will enjoy the sounds here, and then choose to catch a live performance, and perhaps buy a CD or

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friends Of Stogie

The Two Kens Of Clearwater

Tampa Students Get A Lesson

In The Dangers Of Distracted Driving
With a national summit and a bill in the Florida House, distracted driving is becoming a major issue in the United States as well as in our home state of

Local Artist

Cristina Fernandez

WMNF Needs Our Help

Fall Fund Drive
T-Shirt Above Only 80 Bucs

Florida Licans’ Double-Dipping

Retirement double-dipping is one of the nastiest little frauds Florida “public servants” pull on taxpayers. It’s legal because Republicans — who dominate state government here — have made it so. Republicans apparently took their party’s name from the slang word “lican,” a bowdlerization of “licking,”
because they love to stick their faces in the public trough and
lick, lick, lick up taxpayers’ money for themselves and their rich cronies........Roblimo

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Shit That Bubbled To The Top Of The County’s Cesspool

As if giving double digit raises in an economic crisis to some of her faves wasn’t infuriating enough to taxpayers, it was recently revealed that County Administrator Pat Bean took an “award”

Tampa Pier: 1900


Miami Bloggers Carlos And Bill

Bill Cooke of Random Pixels prides himself on being a ballsy blogger. A blogger who is not afraid to speak his mind or stand up to the powers that be, including The Miami Herald.........Carlos Miller

Once again Carlos, you are wrong. Instead of assuming stuff, why not email me and ask why I moderate comments...........Bill Cooke

Landmark Christian School Of Haines City, Florida

I read these letters today, and I just wanted to cry. I realize Central Florida is very much a fundamentalist area, but this was a painful reminder

Tampa Fire Rescue's New Fireboat

Tampa Daily Photo

Remembering Ralph Hughes

At commission meetings, Mr. Hughes used hand signals to let commissioners know how he wanted them to vote.......Jim Hosler

Why I Support WMNF

The Empire State Building

Is lit in red and yellow to honor The Stogie

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

4th Annual Love Shouldn't Hurt Motorcycle Ride

October 11th - 8 a.m.
Cost: $25 per rider with first two hundred registered receiving "Love Shouldn't Hurt" T-shirt and Commemorative Patch. Come and enjoy good food,

music and lots of fun activities at every stop along the

The Spring of Tampa Bay

Local Artist

Leigh Humes

Rachel Maddow Chats With Howard Dean

ConservaDems Vote AGAINST the American People Today!

Creative Loafing Looking For Its Missing Box

Reward Offered

Any information succesfully leading to the “recovery” of the missing box will result in a free Bites certificate from our CL Deals store. That’s right, a $30 meal on

2009 Florida Netroots Awards Finalists

Local Congratulations

madfloridian - Out in Left Field - The Buzz - Hillsborough County GLBTA Caucus - The O-Train The Ruthington Post - Saint Petersblog 2.0
Good Luck!

Why Stogie Lives Here

Sunset Beach
Don McBride of St. Petersburg
No Oil Wells, No Tarballs!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Kathleen Ford A Racist?

A recent newspaper story depicting mayoral candidate Kathleen Ford as a racist has caused quite a stir in some black

"Kathleen Ford is not a racist and to try to paint her as a racist is unfortunate on the part of the people who are trying to do that. She shouldn't have to defend something stupid Gypsy wrote. Just because Gypsy says she is racist doesn't mean she is a racist.".....Ray Tampa, president of the St. Petersburg NAACP

Bicycle Bash by the Bay


Monday, September 28, 2009

Florida Museum of Natural History

This fall, travel into the rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History with
Amazon Voyage: Vicious Fishes and Other Riches
Oct. 3 - Jan. 17,