Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Nontraditional Cuban Sandwich

Andy Huse outdoes himself again...This time he takes us back to the Ybor City roots of the Cuban Sandwich.

Water Salesman

The Stogie Was Thirsty
In Tampa

Art On Wall

In Tampa

Rev. Lucius Walker

August 3, 1930 - September 7, 2010

"We don’t consider Cuba our enemy, but rather our neighbor. And as people who are motivated by the great teachers of faith, we believe that we are to love our neighbors. That means we have to act contrary to US policy, which is an imposition of a blockade against Cuba to try to force it to do the will of the US rather than to pursue its own path towards a better world."......Rev. Lucius Walker

Move On Protest

Kathy Castor's Office
In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Moro And Yuca
$2.99......At Huracan Supermarket, 402 E Sligh Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Meet & Greet

Linda Saul-Sena and John Dingfelder
Sunday, September 12, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
At The Home Of Claudia & Pete Davidsen, 103 2nd St. NW, Ruskin
Please RSVP to Claudia Davidsen: 813-641-3237 or e-mail

Tampa Cigar Bash

The wounded warrior project is a nonprofit organization that helps veterans. They have inspired the folks at Cigar City Magazine to host a fundraiser for them.

SWFBUD's Bicycle Bash Classic


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kelly Benjamin

Vote Kelly! For Tampa's District 6 City Council Seat
"Out with the Old, In with the New"

Linda Saul-Sena On Facebook

Hi Friends
I need your help to kick my FB campaign into high gear. Please click on the "Suggest to Friends" button below my logo and pass this onto friends. Remember ballots begin to drop in a month and I need your help now! We have 661 friends -- Help me make it 1,000 by next weekend!
We Still Disagree On Amendment 4!
"If preventing bad decisions were simply a matter of electing better people,
would Amendment 4 even exist?".........Kenneth Quinnell

Heather Beaven

Democrat for Florida's 7th District

Is The Stogie A Communist?

According To The Website "Juniper Sec" He Is.
And So Is:
Code Pink, Move On, Democracy Now, Democratic Underground, Michael Moore, The Progressive, Think Progress, truthout, United for Peace & Justice, The Rachel Corrie Foundation.
It's So Nice To Be In Such Great Company!

Corexit Found in Homosassa, Florida Pool

“Our Heads Are Still Swimming”
Stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Tampa Tea Party

In Tampa

Monday, September 6, 2010

Linda Saul-Sena Commendation

Tampa City Council Commendation for Linda Saul-Sena

John Travolta & Kelly Preston's Florida Fun

John Travolta and his expectant wife Kelly Preston were all smiles during
their visit to Universal Orlando Resort.

The Art of Ebon Serafin

New Tampa Artist

Happy Labor Day America!

From The AFL-CIO And Stogie!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bob's Blend Wings
$7.99.....My Place, 4944 E. Busch Blvd, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa

HART: The Alternatives Analysis

We Need Your Input!
Community Open Houses
Drop by any of the 6 open houses to view information, talk to staff, and provide comments.
Tommy in Seminole Heights

Marco Rubio's Record Is A Sham

For the frenzy he brings to politics, Marco Rubio has been called the Energizer Bunny. But he's really the Wizard of Oz, a manipulator behind a façade, making himself seem larger than life.

The Other Side of Florida

There's a sunny side to Florida, it's called Tampa Bay.

Congratulations To Rep. Jennifer Carroll

On Her First Joel Award

MoveOn Rally in Tampa

Clean up Corporate Corruption
Corner Of Martin Luther King Jr. And Armenia Avenue, Tampa
Wednesday, September 8th, 12:00 PM

Sunday, September 5, 2010

2010 Recycled Yard Art

A little creativity, an old something bound for the trash heap and close attention to deadlines could win you cash next month. The contest, in its third year, aims to encourage reusing or recycling items that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Contestants are asked to create art that can weather the elements. It should be constructed mostly with recycled - or recyclable - goods, and weigh no more than 40 pounds. Only Hillsborough residents are eligible to enter.

Tampa: A City Without Culture

When you think of downtown areas, you usually think of an urban setting with lots of people, multiple forms of transportation, shops, bakeries and a central park for people to gather amongst high-rise buildings. Downtown Tampa has some of those amenities, but in many ways it is lacking a cultural community.

The Game is in Tampa!

Help us bring the FIFA World Cup to to the USA and Tampa Bay.

2010 Community Health Fair

3011 E North Bay, Tampa
Saturday, September 18, 2010
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Democracy And The Republic

Michael E. Arth
One of the greatest threats to a democratic republic is when factions are able to act against the will of the majority. This is why George Washington belonged to no party, and famously warned against them.
Our two-party system, cemented in place by anti-democratic election laws, acts against the interest of the majority by shutting out other parties or individuals, by not allowing the best candidates to come forward, and by manufacturing consent through emotionally potent advertising and propaganda.

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa