Monday, March 24, 2008

Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz, Step Up or Step Down

South Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (US-20) has repeatedly said that she cannot publicly support the three Democratic candidates who are running to unseat some of the worst Bush Republicans in the US House of Representatives: Mario Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Please sign the

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: A+ On Darfur

Now help end the embargo on the cuban people.

FPL Jumps Into California Solar Market

California law requires the state’s investor-owned utilities — PG&E (PCG), Southern California Edison (EIX) and San Diego Gas & Electric (SRE) — to obtain 20 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2010 and 33 percent by

Jeb And Patricia Levesque

Who Needs Schools When You Have Churches

"A resolution proposing an amendment to Section 3 of Article I of the State Constitution to repeal a limit on the use of public revenues in aid of religious organizations and entities, and to prohibit individuals and entities from being barred from participating in public programs because of their religion.".....Proposal 20 (CP0020) on the ballot in November at which time it could be placed by popular vote into the state
Patricia Levesque is the Executive Director for the Foundation for Florida’s Future.
She served as Governor Jeb Bush’s deputy chief of staff for education.

UCF Students Sending Poop Into Space

It started out as a senior engineering project. Byrd's team of UCF students designed a small "pico" satellite for launch as part of California Polytechnic State University's "CubeSat" project, designed to provide an affordable means for universities to conduct experiments in

Geocaching In Tampa Bay

Karen's Big Adventure
We decided to head over to the Brew Company in Ybor City for dinner, which was a nice, peaceful way to end your Easter holiday. The most exciting part of the visit to Ybor City was when we were strolling down the sidewalk on our way to the parking garage and came across a huge gay bar that was having a transvestite

McCain And John Hagee

Sunday, March 23, 2008

4,000 And Counting

We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.........Thomas Jefferson

Jack Thompson and the Florida Supreme Court

In the latest salvo in the war between anti-porn crusader Jack Thompson and the Florida Supreme Court, the court has sanctioned the attorney and ruled that if he wishes to file any documents with the Florida Court, he will have to hire an attorney to do so on his

Florida Ministry At Westminster Abbey

South Florida's Revelation Ministries was chosen today by the hierarchy and officials of London's Westminster Abbey to present the Passion Play on the Abbey's front lawn on May

Michelle Mitchell Visits Florida

You really can’t get any farther apart than Alaska and Florida—unless maybe you just keep going south and head straight for Brazil—and there are a few differences that became readily apparent during our two-week stay. Well, one or two. Maybe three or

Florida Says No To Crack

"In its ongoing bid to be the most ridiculed state in the Union".....The Red Canuck

Florida Keys Hosting Biodiesel Rally

Starting in Key Largo and ending at the BioDiesel facility at Key West High School, the Biodiesel Rally will make 5 total stops to show local individuals, businesses and policy makers how easy, affordable and self-sufficient it is......more

Worthless Land In The Green Swamp

Property-sales records show that in the past two years, more than 100 Green Swamp parcels of less than 5 acres have changed hands. Frequently, the parcels have flipped more than once, often to buyers across the country who probably don't realize their land is

Snail Blogging From Florida

My son and I arrived in Tampa, Florida this afternoon for 5 days of fun and snailing. We were greeted by a rain storm that, luckily, ended a few hours later. So we went out for an early evening walk in the neighborhood to scout for

Trinity United Church of Christ

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the total number of hours devoted to that loop of Pastor Wright’s most outrageous outtakes. Add to that the number of hours of discussions and shouting matches about something most of the speakers know nothing about..........more

No One Asked For Marco Rubio's Opinion

"You know whose fault this is? This is Howard Dean's fault," House Speaker Marco Rubio, D(R)-West Miami, said Friday while taping a segment for WPLG-TV's "This Week In South Florida with Michael Putney." "This is Howard Dean's fault for treating Florida like a third-rate state, which it is not."

Please See The Florida Democratic Party

A Kiwi In The Florida Keys


Republican Political Operative Roger Stone

Almost four months before Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in a sex scandal, a lawyer for Republican political operative Roger Stone sent a letter to the FBI alleging that Spitzer ”used the services of high-priced call girls” while in Florida. The letter, dated Nov. 19, said Miami Beach resident Stone learned the information from ”a social contact in an adult-themed

Corrine Brown, Howard Dean Is Not To Blame

Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown places the blame for the delegate flap squarely on DNC Chairman Howard

Please See The Florida Democratic Party

Florida Hero Robert Wexler

On Monday, March 17, at the Deerfield Democratic Club in Broward County, Florida Congressman Robert Wexler , who represents the 19th Congressional District of Florida, was honored with the prestigious Backbone

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Election Year Fear At Tampa International

Vehicle searches began this morning at the entrance to Tampa International Airport's short-term parking garage as part of a federal plan to help prevent a bombing at the terminal......Via The Tampa Tribune And Fox
They say they're trying to keep possible terrorist guessing by constantly changing up the security procedures at the airport.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Smiley Takes On Obama At Florida Memorial

Talk show host and political commentator Tavis Smiley dove headlong into the controversy over Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as he headlined Florida Memorial University's Second Annual Presidential Scholarship Banquet last weekend........more

Proud Of The Tampa City Council

Tampa joins a growing number of cities supporting the move away from one of the worst forms of factory farm animal abuse. Tampa joins Hollywood, West Palm Beach, Winter Springs and New Port Richey in passing such a

See Avril Lavigne In Tampa For 9 Bucs

click here

Obama/Richardson 2008

What A Nice 21st Century Couple They Make
Here are a few reasons why.

Walk for Water In Hialeah, Florida

In many parts of the developing world, people have to walk for miles every day just to get the water they need to drink and cook. To highlight that daily challenge, activists in Hialeah, Florida, plan to hold a Walk for Water

Liberty Girl: My Governor Rules!

From Charlie Crist office, in response to my open records request:
A search of our files revealed an electronic file responsive to your request. These files are contained on a CD. We can provide this CD via U.S. Postal Services. There will be no cost for this service. Please send an address for us to mail the CD. Thank

Florida's Powerfull LGBT Community

The media has recently focused more attention on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in Florida, which are playing an increasingly important role in the state’s contradictory political climate. Florida has one of the most vibrant LGBT communities in the country, while also continuing to have some of the most restrictive laws; Florida is one of a few states that still explicitly bans adoption by gay and lesbian

Daniel Ruth Bashes Howard Dean

Dean isn't the chairman of the DNC. He's the pinched homeowner board president busybody from hell, armed with his clipboard, ever on the prowl for the improperly painted mailbox, the oversized yard flag, the dreaded errant open garage

The Sins of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

But the Republicans that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hugging tightly are three Members of Congress who have actually had the power to make the Cold War colder in a small area of the world off of the U.S. border -- Cuba. They have thrived despite the phenomenal failure of the US embargo of Cuba and have succeeded in keeping a more serious interest-driven US foreign policy toward Cuba from ever taking But the Republicans that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hugging tightly are three Members of
Debbie Wasserman Schultz seemingly turns a blind eye to the suspension of justice, the nepotism, and the corruption that have surrounded the Miami side of the US-Cuba policy feud. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-18) has helped protect and then celebrate the achievements of Cuban-American terrorists -- particularly Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada -- in both Florida and in her Congressional role in Washington.
Either Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz does not read, is ignorant of the background and activities of these three Republican congressman, or she is complicit. Which is it?........Steve Clemons

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Florida Program Aims To Protect Nature’s Orphans

Workers at Conservancy of Southwest Florida’s wildlife rehabilitation center are bracing themselves. The sun reaches its vernal equinox over the Earth’s equator today, marking the start of spring, and business is about to

Turn South Florida Blue!

If it's an election year, you can bet that both parties will be fighting hard to swing the battleground state of Florida in their direction. This election year, its clear that Floridians are tired of President Bush's failed policies and want big change. The environment is ripe for a big Democratic year and we have the top-tier candidates who can turn Florida "blue."

GOP Is Afraid Of Obama

Republicans are interfering with democracy by pretending to be Democrats and voting for

Terrorists Attack Florida

The leader of a stingray separatist group has claimed responsibility for the recent murder of a woman in the Florida Keys.The ray, who only identified himself as "The Great Spike," has said that his group, "has begun the war on humanity that our scaly brethren have desired for so long."

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. Has Tampa Ties

For years, Wright has made an annual pilgrimage here, packing sanctuaries at two large, predominantly African-American churches: Bible-Based Fellowship Church in Carrollwood and Bible-Based Fellowship Church of Temple Terrace, which draw members from throughout the Tampa Bay area. Even those who aren't members have flocked to his local

Tampa Entrepreneur Gets Life In Prison

Tampa Tony, the inventor that gave birth to such genius products as “Da Splitter”, is getting life in

Mission Accomplished

May 1, 2003