Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We want to live in Rick Scott's commercials too

John Romano: I have discovered a new and spectacular locale that defies belief. It is a place where the economy is bustling, and the problems are inconsequential. People are always smiling, the environment is pristine and no one seems to care about, or need, health insurance of any type. No doubt about it, I want to live in Rick Scott's commercials. here

Charlotte County Cop Watched as Woman’s Kids Taken at Gunpoint, Ignored Her Cries for Help, Drove Off

Tampa Palestine Solidarity Protest

Palestine solidarity activists filed into the intersection of Maritime and 20th Street at the Port of Tampa to protest the docking of the 
ZIM Alabama, a container ship carrying 
Israeli goods. 
Members of the International Longshoremen’s Association Local 1402 waved and honked in support.

Rick Scott's failure to create jobs

Rick Scott promised to create 700,000 jobs in 7 years, on top of normal economic growth. He failed to meet that promise -- and is now pretending he never said anything at all. 
My Fox Tampa Bay holds him accountable.

New poll shows 69% of Florida voters support #2

With 43 days until the election, and only days until early voting starts, public support for medical marijuana remains very stable:
Our new poll shows 69% of likely voters in Florida support this measure with only 28% opposed. 60% voter approval is needed to pass a Constitutional Amendment in the State of Florida. The findings are significant because they show voter backing of the amendment has remained virtually unchanged since the beginning of 2013.  Previous polls (conducted by 3 different pollsters) showed support at 70% in January, 71% in March, and 70% in June. 
Here's what's clear: 
Keeping medical decisions in the hands of doctors - not politicians - is simply not a controversial position for the vast majority of Floridians, and that has not changed over the last twenty-one months.
Opponents of Amendment 2 have been relentlessly pushing disingenuous talking points, and insulting the intelligence of the voters.  They've got millions behind them - but their uber-wealthy funders won't be able to dislodge support if we stay strong.

Tampa Bay's Own "Shane And Emily"

Visit them here

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

John Morgan Speaks to the Rotary Club of Tampa

Tuesday September 23, 12 to 1 p.m.
Hillsborough County Bar Association Office, 
Chester H. Ferguson Law Center, 
1610 North Tampa Street, Tampa

Arrest Marxist collaborator Marco Rubio?

    Marco Rubio's unconstitutional amnesty plan aka RUBIOCARE poses a clear and present danger to the United States. A Petition started by 
    Musha Hadeen of Albuquerque, NM.

    Rick Scott fills a seat on the Florida Public Service Commission with a environmental disaster

    Looking to a political ally to fill the job, Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday named state Rep. Jimmy Patronis to a seat on the  Florida Public Service Commission.

    Every year during the legislative session in Tallahassee, he pushes a bill to destroy Florida's environmental regulations, 
    Last Year
     Bill to block local governments from protecting thousands of acres of wetlands. Which passed 
    This Year
     He has  introduced a destructive bill that will prevent local governments from being able to protect their own water supply. 
    HB 703 not only prohibits local governments from enforcing wetlands, springs or storm water protections – it takes the decision-making powers out of their hands and gives it to Tallahassee politicians.
    Frank Matthews, who lobbies on behalf of developers, phosphate miners, boat manufacturers, sugar growers, power companies and a garbage company said 
    "I can't say enough good things about him
    He couldn't be more accommodating. That's the appealing thing to me." more

    We can say goodbye to clean energy in Florida.

    Rick Kriseman with Cheech and Chong @Atlanta Airport

    The 2010 Orange County Barbershop Raids

    Deputies violated the rights of barbers at Strictly Skillz barbershop during a 2010 raid in the guise of a license inspection, a federal appeal court said this week, in a strongly-worded rebuke of the Orange County Sheriff's Office. "It was a scene right out of a Hollywood movie," the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals said in an opinion issued Tuesday,  The Sheriff's Office had found no wrongdoing. here

    The Florida 2 State Solution

    One in four Americans want their state to secede from the U.S. 

    Bring on the 51st state or the country 

     of South Florida.

    We draw a line across, just below Ocala. (Sorry Gainesville). They get, Off-Shore Drilling, Stinky Paper Mills and Tallahassee. We get the Everglades, The Keys, Ybor City, South Beach and Disney World.

    The Stogie: 2073

    See what it might look like 60 years from now.    


    Sunday, September 21, 2014

    Pro-Palestinian 'Block the Boat' Movement In Tampa

     About two dozen pro-Palestinian protesters gathered at the Port of Tampa on Saturday morning to try and keep crews from offloading an Israeli cargo ship. 
    The protest was peaceful. here

    National Voter Registration Day 2014 @ USF

    September 23, 2014 11:00 AM,  USF Marshall Student Center 

    Rick Scott: 4,000 Lies

    Rick Scott has lied to you 4,000 times. The press calls it false and misleading. We shouldn't be surprised. Scott pled the fifth 75 times to avoid jail after committing massive Medicare fraud. Fraud then -- fraud now. Rick Scott is just too shady for the Sunshine state.

    Tampa Bay Homeless

    Meet John from Atlanta, again. Doing well, still homeless.

    Kush Liberty - Tampa Bay

    Legalize it! We are seeking seed funding to grow support for the free the weed movement. here

    Saturday, September 20, 2014

    Vote By Mail Florida

    Hundreds of progressive voters signed up to Vote By Mail on Progressive Florida's new website in less than 48 hours. here

    Go Granny D @ The University of Tampa

    Host: Harriet Hollywood
    Plant Hall, UT Monday at 7:00 p.m. 

    Bill Nelson: Spoken Like A True Democrat

    "Since taking office nearly four years ago, I believe Gov. Rick Scott has been leading our state in the wrong direction. And now, as a result, I think we're headed into the ditch. During his time as the state's chief executive, there's been an assault on Florida's voter laws, there's been a refusal to expand Medicaid to more than a million people, and there's been a deregulation of the state's health care industry, allowing rates to go up unchecked. Just imagine what he'll do if given another four years without any checks or balances. 
    It's nice to see Florida Dems sticking together,unlike our mayor.

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    Mayor Bob Is Sitting This One Out

    Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn says he will not endorse anyone in Florida's gubernatorial race. 
    He is on the sidelines. Buckhorn, a Democrat, often appears at events touting 
    job creation and economic news

    Tampa Bay Ranks Dead Last

     with Republican Gov. Rick Scott. Publicly at these events, the two have had kind words for each other despite their differing political parties.  Go ahead mayor, why don't you tell us how you really feel. here

    Satan In Florida Schools

    "If a public school board is going to allow religious pamphlets and full Bibles to be distributed to students -- as is the case in Orange County, Florida -- we think the responsible thing to do is to ensure that these students are given access to a variety of differing religious opinions, as opposed to standing idly by while one religious voice dominates the discourse and delivers propaganda to youth.” The Satanic Temple’s , Lucien Greaves here

    Block the Boat – Tampa

    5am 9.20.14 Port Of Tampa info
    Palestine is calling us to action! Palestinians laborers, Palestinian General Federation Trade Union (PGFTU), have called on workers around the world to refuse to handle Israel goods. Palestinians throughout Gaza, the West Bank and 1948 Palestine have demonstrated their unity in the struggle against Apartheid Israel and have taken to the streets in the tens of thousands, bravely facing Israeli military armed with US made weapons to call on the international community to stand with them as they resist Zionism throughout all of historic Palestine. We will be answering this call by organizing community pickets at the Port, asking the longshoreman and truckers to honor this request and to stand with the people of Palestine.

    Gov. Rick Scott's Ark

    Great Scott, Tampa Bay Ranks Dead Last

    Median household income in Tampa Bay has sunk lower than it was in 2010, the early days of recovery from the Great Recession, cementing the bay area's dead-last ranking in income among the country's 25 biggest metro areas.Miami, comes in at second lowest. here

    Tampa Cabbie/Blogger Tim Fasano

    Tim Fasano may look like an old man, but we're now certain that if anyone tries to mess with him, he's taking down hard. Fasano shows us his cardio routine. "This is awesome cardio as I get in shape with weights and running to smash my haters in the mouth," says Fasano

    How To Deal With Florida's Koch Problem

    The Koch brothers are set to outspend Democrats in Florida. They can spend all they want. Dems are you  going to let a 30sec. TV ad tell you who to vote for? Get the facts. 
    Be an Educated Voter. 
    How to Be an Educated Voter 
    Then VOTE on 11.4.14 
    Fight your battles at the polls 
    There are more of you. Or

    Victory Party 
    11.4.14 - 7:00 PM  info
    @ Tequilas in Ybor

    Thursday, September 18, 2014

    Florida. Why you should vote Yes on Amendment 2

    Victory Party 
    11.4.14 - 7:00 PM  info
    @ Tequilas in Ybor

    Floridians Against Condo Takeover

    Join, unite, & fight to change FL Ch. 718.117 & save condo owners from being forced out of their homes! here

    Two-year anniversary of The Undercurrent

    The Undercurrent is a grassroots political web-show produced and hosted by Lauren Windsor.  You can view more of her work at and follow her 
    on Twitter at @LadyLib27.

    Florida One Of The Worst States For Tax Fairness

    Florida GOP Jeb Bush and Rick Scott as well as GOP legislators consistently discussed the need to lower taxes to create a”favorable business climate.It did not work. 
    Not only can they not attract enough new business to the state, but Florida’s Republicans have crafted a fundamentally unfair tax structure that hurts workingfamilies and those who seek to be upwardly mobile in society.
    It has long been the goal of Florida Republicans to reward corporations and entities that handsomely contribute to campaigns. here

    "Go Granny D!" In St. Pete

    Famous for their inspiring off-Broadway performances, and currently touring nationwide, actress Barbara Bates Smith and musician Jeff Sebens will present "Go Granny D!" a play about the life and activism of Doris Haddock, the 90 year-old activist who walked from California to Washington D.C. to get big money out of politics. She also played a pivotal role in the enactment of the McCain-Feingold Act for campaign finance reform.
    USF St Petersburg / Harbor Hall
    1000 3rd St. South, St. Petersburg
     Friday, September 19, 7:00 pm.
    Host: Harriet Heywood