Saturday, May 23, 2015

Top Alan Grayson Quotes

"Here I am the only member of Congress who actually worked as an economist, and this lobbyist, this K Street whore, is trying to teach me about economics."
"They call me nuts, they call me stupid, they call me ugly. They might be right about ugly, but that's not what's important."
"I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking."
"You can call me partisan if you want. But I see one party's leadership trying hard to solve this nation's problems. And the other party's leadership showing its true colors. They are callous sellouts. Always have been, always will be."
And our favorite
"We're dealing with people on the other side who are utterly unscrupulous. These are foot-dragging, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who know nothing but 'no.'"

Friday, May 22, 2015

March Against Monsanto - Tampa

Downtown Tampa Tomorrow

Corporate Welfare In Ybor City

Last summer, citing a Tampa economic development official, the Tampa Bay Times reported that a division of Ashley Furniture — one of the nation's biggest furniture brands — planned to move 300 employees into Centro Ybor. Neither Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corp. executives nor Ashley Furniture spokespeople offered any comment Wednesday on the expected Ashley expansion. here

Ashley Furniture facing nearly $1.8 million in federal fines for workplace safety violations 
stands to receive up to 
$6.7 million 
in tax credits (Corporate Welfare) 
from the state's top job creation agency. here 
This is where our money goes, they should be paying us for the privilege to do business in Ybor. wake up Hillsborough County. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Garlic Drums Only Wings
At Wing Alley, Kissimmee

Local Treasure Pat Collier Frank

"If you think one person 
(Helen Gordon Davis) 
doesn't make a difference, you're wrong. She made a difference. She got a lot of things passed because of her perseverance." Pat Frank

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Marvin
He is from Georgia, homeless 6 months

Hillsborough County Right Wing Infestation

 All five Republican Hillsborough County Commissioners rejected a draft ordinance put on the agenda by Democratic Commissioner Kevin Beckner that would have created an administrative process to deal with wage theft. The ordinance, modeled on a program in Miami-Dade County, seeks to settle wage disputes through conciliation. If that doesn’t work and a worker’s claims are judged valid, the employer has to appear before a formal hearing officer. here

A recent study showed Hillsborough County is No. 2 in the state for reported cases of wage theft.
South Shore thanks alot for Stacy White

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Marco Rubio's Strategy Toward Global Terrorism

“We will look for you, we will find you, and we will kill you.”
Quoting Liam Neeson’s character from the movie “Taken”
Miami Cuban Mafia Expossed here

Florida DINOs Gwen Graham And Patrick Murphy

Working To Undermine and Take Over The Democratic Party here 

Florida INC. Shuts Down July 1, Street Lights Will Go Dark

If Florida INC. shuts down July 1, street lights will go dark and the state will stop monitoring privately owned prisons. here

Read more here:

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Spaghetti and Meatballs
With salad at Brandon Italian Express Pizzeria
9017 E Adamo Dr, Brandon

Sharia law comes to Walmart? By Allen West

Fox News contributor Allen West went to Walmart and thought he was the victim of "Sharia law" because a checkout clerk under the age of 21 couldn't sell him alcohol. He did indeed. And he wrote of his harrowing experience in a post titled Sharia law comes to Walmart?" here

Florida's Right Wing Infestation In Jacksonville

Former Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) Chairman Lenny Curry defeated Jacksonville Mayor Democrat Alvin Brown, 51% to 49%. 4 years ago Brown narrowly won office by positioning himself as a conservative Democrat who tried to avoid partisan politics. He said he wanted to work with Republican Gov. Rick Scott to bring jobs to the area and upset local Democrats by not appearing with President Barack Obama at a 2012 campaign rally. here

Mr. Brown when the folks want a Republican they vote for a real one.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

If Only Congress Had Listened To Alan Grayson

The Obama administration is barring the transfer of some types of military equipment to police departments. here

Last year Alan Grayson introduced a bill to stop the militarization of local police,  The conservative New Dem, Patrick Murphy, whom Grayson is opposing in the race for the Florida Senate seat voted against the amendment. here

Patrick Murphy has called himself a Democrat 
for around 4 years now.

Learn more about this weasel Corporate Dems 
and the GOP is trying to shove down our throats.

Marco Rubio still doesn’t get it on Iraq

Was it a mistake to go to war in Iraq?
“No, I don’t believe it was. The world is a better place because Saddam Hussein doesn’t run Iraq,” he said, adding, “Hindsight is always 20/20, but we don’t know what the world would look like if Saddam Hussein was still there.” Marco Rubio

What Pilar And Stogie Had For Lunch

Moo goo gai pan and General Tso's chicken with Fried Rice
At Peking Chinese Restaurant 56th St, Tampa
Visit them here
Tell our friend Nancy the Stogie sent you.

The Grand Old Party (GOP) Is Dying

There are two certainties in life: Death and taxes. Right now, both are enemies of the GOP and they might want to worry more about the former than the latter. here

3 million Republican voters could be dead by 2016 election 

Republican Jesus ™

Is a registered trademark of the GOP, not to be confused with Jesus from the Bible or anyone that would feed the hungry or cure the sick.

Call Sandy Murman

Organizations around the state of Florida will be uniting to demand support for
which would protect thousands who are undocumented! Be sure to participate in Hillsborough County's!

Commission Chair, Sandra L. Murman
Phone:(813) 272 - 5470

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Helen Gordon Davis RIP

Helen Gordon Davis
December 25, 1926 – May 18, 2015
Champion of the Disenfranchised 
Our hearts are broken here

Florida GOP John Mica: Amtrak 'Soviet-style operation'

Less than 24 hours after the New York-bound train crashed, the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee voted to reduce grants to Amtrak by $252 million -- a drop of about 15% from last year's level. Mica suggested on CNN that opening the commuter rail market to private investment was the solution to what he called a "third-world rail system ... run in a Soviet-style operation." here

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

For 3 of my closest friends Bob, Tazz and Eva.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jay
He is from Missouri, homeless 10 years.

Pam Keith For Florida 2016

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Grouper Sandwich
At Family Table Restaurant in North Port
Visit them here

Monday, May 18, 2015

Pathetic Journalist Adam Smith Of The Tampa Bay Times

Several weeks ago, a highly placed source within Patrick Murphy's campaign bragged that Chuck Schumer would drive Alan Grayson out of the Florida Senate primary by unleashing a barrage of opposition research about his business dealings. Schumer, easily the sleaziest Democrat in the Senate-- who is desperate to please Wall Street banksters by delivering the open Florida seat to Murphy-- twisted a perfectly innocent SEC filing into a smoking gun of corruption. He then hired Queen Helena's p.r. assistant to find a pathetic "journalist" willing to run it up the flag pole and get the tongues wagging. Schumer did well in planting his bullshit bombshell with lazy would-be muck-raker Adam Smith from the Tampa Bay Times, who was eager to make the story about himself. here

St. Pete Cop Kills 18 year-old Austin Lee Goodner

Tampa Bay Needs Candidates

Senate District 17: 
Florida GOP John Legg, unopposed
House District 57:
Florida GOP Jake Raburn, unopposed
House District 58:
Florida GOP Dan Raulerson, unopposed
House District 60: 
Florida GOP Dana Young, unopposed
House District 64:
Florida GOP Jamie Grant, faces fellow 
 GOP’er Joseph Michael Wilkinson
House District 65: 
Florida GOP Chris Sprowls, unopposed
House District 66: 
Florida GOP Larry Ahern, unopposed
House District 67: 
Florida GOP Chris Latvala unopposed
House District 69: 
Florida GOP Kathleen Peters, unopposed
Learn Pest Control Only $35.00 here

Disgusting Subhuman Jason Falbo Of Palm Beach

Pointed his riding lawnmower towards a family of ducks and ran over them, the heartless man then turned around and ran over the ducklings again, while laughing and giggling about it. He was booked and charged with nine counts of animal neglect. He could not provide any explanation for his actions.

Please sign the petition and urge the authorities to impose the maximum penalty available by law in this case. here

Mermaid MINGLE Against Monsanto

Tonight in Seminole Heights
An awareness building event at the Mermaid Tavern! There will be local acoustic music from Alexis and Cuba Luna as well as a silent movie screening educating people about big agribusiness and the march. here

Florida's orgy of incompetence and waste

We have House Republicans who want nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act — and who are willing to raid state reserves to make ends meet.

We have Scott who 

has sued the federal government and has enlisted a high-powered attorney, Paul Clement, who has made headlines for charging clients as much as $1,100 an hour. (More than some uninsured Floridians make in an entire paycheck. State officials confirmed Tuesday that taxpayers will be footing Clement's bills. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Damian
He is a local, been homeless 3 years.

St. Augustine Is Drowning

America's oldest city is slowly drowning
St. Augustine's centuries-old Spanish fortress sits feet from the encroaching Atlantic, whose waters already flood the city's narrow streets about 10 times a year. here

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cyclovia in Temple Terrace

Thank you Temple Terrace for putting on this great event.

Learn more about Cyclovia here
More pics here

Local Treasure Marisol Marquez Of Raíces en Tampa

Growing up, before walking into class, I'd scrub my hands with soap and water to try to take off the green-tint, caused by cutting asparagus. Every morning, from February to July starting at 2 am - 6am I'd work the fields before school started. If I didn't scrub my hands raw, my school papers would turn green. here

Anybody But Patrick Murphy

With all the bad press our man  Alan Grayson has been getting lately, here, here and here, we thought we would turn you on to someone else you might like. Since we,
don't have our shit together. 
Again, we will not support Patrick Murphy. Mayor Kriseman we are very
disappointed with you.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Moo goo gai pan
With Fried Rice
At China 1 in Riverview
Visit them here
Eat Local!

Kim Bruns Of George & Dragon British Pub In Orlando Knows Black People

Kim Bruns, who owns the Orlando George & Dragon British Pub was arrested last weekend after holding a young black couple at gunpoint while hurling racist comments and threatening to shoot them, according to police records. here
She denies the charges and explains that 
she knows black people and she’s totally not racist. 
She refused to allow police access to surveillance footage from the incident and more disparaging remarks were made later at the police station by Bruns.

The Citrus Taliban: Sheriff Grady Judd

Polk County Sheriff and part-time pastor Grady Judd delivered a guest sermon at First Baptist Church on the Mall last month — it was called “Wouldn’t the World be Better if Everyone Behaved Like a Christian” — and he didn’t do it as a private citizen. He delivered it while wearing his sheriff uniform, suggesting that he was speaking 
as a government official. here

This is a man incapable of separating church and state. He’s shown it time and time again. He equates Christianity with goodness, which doesn’t bode well for people looking for justice who don’t believe in his imaginary friend.