Thursday, November 5, 2015

Floridians Against Fracking

Florida citizens demanding clean, safe water for the people and their environment.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Has To Go

And she has to take her approach to building the party with her. How many times does Howard Dean's 50-state strategy have to be vindicated before the Democratic Party admits that he was right, and that Rahm Emanuel (and DWS) 
were wrong? here

Woman Goes Off On Anti- Abortion Protesters In Tampa

Florida’s Hardest Hit Fund A Flop

A federal inspector general paints Florida’s Hardest Hit Fund as a flop at saving homeowners from foreclosure. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

At New York New York Pizza in Ybor City
Visit them here

Poll: Everybody hates Jeb! (except rich people)

Meet N' Greet For Kevin Beckner

11.7.2015 - 2 pm
805 Proclamation Dr. Tampa

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Jeb Can Fix It: Remember The 2000 Election

Bush delivers  a "reset" speech
"Our story is about action, doing, not just talking" he said
and he debuted the new "Jeb Can Fix It" motto. 
By Monday afternoon, #JebCanFixIt had gone viral, becoming a trending hashtag on Twitter. But not necessarily in the way 
the campaign wanted. here

Local Artist Rodrick Michael (Zebra) Bailey

In Ybor City
Visit him here
Thanks for the Hillary print Mr. Bailey!

Marco Rubio Snags Another Billionaire

Two days after the latest Republican debate, the Florida senator won the backing of billionaire investor 
Paul Singer. here

artLOUD Tampa Bay

artLOUD! is a program sponsored by CREW Tampa Bay to promote art appreciation in Tampa Bay. here

Farid A. Khavari: Save Florida From Sea Level Rise

Towards a Zero-Cost Economy 
A Blueprint to Create General Economic Security in a Carefree Economy. here

Million Mask March-St. Petersburg

11.5.2015 - 11 am
St. Pete City Hall

Janelle Irwin’s Fight for $15 Challenge

Please follow along this week as I share my own observations as well as those from my family. here

Monday, November 2, 2015

Who Are Marco Rubio’s Secret Donors?

Who's to blame when Patrick Murphy gets crushed next year?

Patrick Murphy, the Florida New Dems Senate nomination
 has ZERO legislative accomplishments resulting from a Murphy authored bill signed into law by President Obama
is the largest recipient of Wall Street contributions of any Democrat that sits on the Financial Services committeewith regulating)
Wall Street 
voted FOR the Benghazi committee, 
FOR Keystone pipeline, 
:( FOR offshore drilling in Florida, 
FOR cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, 
and social security
FOR cutting taxes on the 1%
 while raising those on the middle and working classes,
 FOR delaying Obamacare, 
FOR delaying Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and AGAINST All Aboard Florida commuter rail funding.
 He's been silent on raising the minimum wage to $15,
 the Black Lives Matter movement, 
and breaking up the banks. Why? Because that's what 
his big money Republican donors want. here 
Who the hell wants to vote for him?  We like the real Dems better! YCS
The story goes that he is the front runner, maybe theirs but not ours. 
Florida don't be fooled Poll says he is in 3rd place. 
 Join The Susan Smith Wing of The Florida Democratic Paty

Shocker In Orlando: Florida GOP Dick Cheney Dinner Sold Out

The Florida GOP has announced that former Vice President Dick Cheney will give the keynote speech at the RPOF Statesman Dinner on November 12th. The event is at capacity with more than 950 tickets sold. here
What a shocker!
Please note, Germany just filed War Crimes Against Cheney here

Ad 2 Tampa Bay

Ad 2 Tampa Bay, an affiliate of the American Advertising Federation and the Tampa Bay Advertising Federation, is a non-profit organization of advertising professionals 32 and younger. Like their page on Facebook here

Marco Rubio Rare Sighting In Washington

Rubio showed up to vote on an immigration related bill, he proved himself again to the white bigot voters by voting in favor of a "Sanctuary Cities" bill that would block funding from certain cities that don't deport undocumented immigrants fast enough for Marco's liking. here

Florida Ranks Among Top Places

Well, not in a good way!
The Florida Keys and parts of the Panhandle rank among the most vulnerable places in the nation for wildlife in danger of disappearing, according to a new study. here

Read more here:

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Local Blogger Diana Kline

Visit her here

Florida Uber Right Wing Ron DeSantis

 Already a favorite of the right wing and Tea Party conservatives in Florida,took it a step further by echoing the sentiments of Florida’s Junior Senator Marco Rubio on American foreign policy. here

Ybor Paparazzi

Gabrielle Perham

Fair Elections At Hampton Terrace In Tampa

We, the residents of Hampton Terrace, located in Tampa, Florida, hereby petition the City of Tampa and Mayor Bob Buckhorn to postpone the upcoming Hampton Terrace Neighborhood Association (HTNA) Board of Directors Election allegedly scheduled for December 5, 2015.  We also ask the City of Tampa to suspend recognition of the current association until an Open election, monitored by an independent body, can be held. here

November AdTalk: Blockbuster or Bust

November 10 at 6:30pm
Spectrum in Tampa
Why is Ben Affleck’s upcoming blockbuster about Tampa’s Ybor City being filmed off the coast of Georgia? We’ll talk about this controversy, the successes of films like Dolphin Tale, and the far-reaching impact of making movies here in Florida. Enjoy free drinks, food and networking.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Walk to end Alzheimer's in Tampa

What Stogie And Pilar Had For Lunch

Shish Chicken and Veggie Burger
At Istanblu Restaurant in Ybor City
Visit them here 

Rick Scott's Florida: Mental Hospitals

I’m Leonora LaPeter Anton, a reporter for the 
Tampa Bay Times
I was one of three journalists who spent the past year reporting on a single subject: the violence and decay inside Florida’s mental hospitals. After a grueling reporting effort, here’s what we found. 

Demand Federal Criminal Investigation of Rick Scott’s Land Give-away to Koch Brothers

Georgia-Pacific/Koch Industries is permitted to discharge up to 60 million gallons per day of toxic waste into the St. Johns River, smothering the bottom with tons of solids and making the water unfit for human/animal use. The pipeline easement was issued by FDEP, as agent for the Florida Governor and Cabinet, after a highly misleading newspaper notice and no fair opportunity to request an evidentiary hearing. The river should be held in trust by the Governor and Cabinet for the people of Florida, not given away for private use as dumping grounds and without just compensation. here

Blocking Solar in the Sunshine State

How low Florida’s monopoly utilities are willing to go to protect their right to pollute and keep their captive customers.  Frankly, it’s scary and that seems very appropriate given 
Halloween is upon us. here
It’s scary that Florida – the Sunshine State – gets only about 1/10 of 1 percent of the state’s energy needs met with solar.

Memo to Gov. Rick Scott

"Keep the oil in the soil unless you want the bird dogs on your tail." Message from environmental activists
Rose Braz, with the Center for Biological Diversity, called the tactic "bird-dogging," and she encouraged several environmental groups and dozens of concerned citizens meeting Wednesday at the Holiday Inn near Florida Gulf Coast University to do the same. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pam Bondi: Most Corrupt Florida Attorney General Ever!

Here we go again, 
Attorney General Pam Bondi said her continuing challenges to federal environmental regulations are not political and instead are aimed at protecting Floridians. So she is  joining 23 other states in challenging an Obama administration rule on power plant emissions designed to address climate change. Remember last year she challenged a Chesapeake Bay water cleanup plan that most of the states around the bay had agreed to but industry and agriculture groups opposed. She also is challenging federal wetlands rules that agricultural groups and stormwater utilities are opposing. here
"The role of the Florida attorney general is to protect the citizens of Florida by going to court and providing legal services to government agencies. Instead Bondi is acting as the government arm of polluting industries that want to degrade the Florida environment at the expense of ordinary citizens." David Guest of the Earthjustice law firm office in Tallahassee.
Click here to see what real Corruption looks like!

Florida's Solar Amendments

Floridians for Solar Choice
(backed by solar power companies and the League of Women Voters) want out of state solar power companies to be able to sell solar power to homeowners and businesses in Florida because the state’s existing utilities are not doing enough to promote that form of energy. here

Consumers for Smart Solar 
are pushing an amendment that would in effect continue to allow only utilities regulated in Florida to provide solar power, and without competition from outside companies. 

Consumers for Smart Solar have relied almost entirely on existing public utilities in Florida for financial support. FPL, Duke, Gulf Power and Tampa Electric have all given at least $160,000 each to the campaign. Also A group calling itself “Let’s Preserve the American Dream” a group that has never given campaign donations before in Florida and will not disclose who its supporters are gave $200,000 to the utility-backed Consumers for Smart Solar. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

All you can eat!
At Great Wall Buffet in Englewood
Visit them here

Marco Rubio: Donor Bitch

Party With Kevin Beckner In Tampa

11.3.2015 - 5:30 pm 
Downtown Tampa

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tampa Chamber Kissing Rick Scott's Ass

Last Friday, Bob Rohrlack, the respected Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, sent off a blistering letter to Rick Scott.
Now Mr. Rohrlack is in hot water with his own board after the publication of that letter was released. 
“Although we asked Mr. Rohrlack to communicate the importance of appointments in the community, the letter you received was in tone, choice of words, and content not appropriate and not sanctioned by the Tampa Chamber Board,” Chamber Board Chair. Sam Christaldi
The ass kissing continues, he goes on to lavish Scott with praise, writing,”with your historic investments in our community and your steadfast commitment to job creation in the State of Florida. The Chamber is “appreciative” of the business initiatives that “you have advanced for the benefit of Tampa Bay. We hope that nothing in Mr. Rohrlack’s letter gave anyone a contrary impression.”

Who We Are

Marco Rubio's Cconnection To Florida's Religious Freedom Bill

American Bridge PAC singled out the Miami Republican for his relationship with District 74 Republican Rep. Julio Gonzalez, who last week filed HB 401, which would allow adoption agencies to not place children with couples whose lifestyle is “contrary to the religious or moral convictions” of the agency. here