Monday, December 25, 2017

New Year's Resolution - Eat Local

What Pilar had for lunch
Tacos with Rice and Beans
Taco Bus - Downtown Tampa
Hit corporate America where it hurts.
Eat local, help your neighbor, keep your money at home!

Florida's 20 Year Right Wing Infestation

2018, will mark 20 years of one party, one ideology rule in Florida politics. 
Fight Florida’s right wing establishment
Energize and mobilize progressive voters
You can start here

Andrew Gillum for Florida Governor

Lets take Florida back from the GOP 
and Corporate Dems.

Ultra Florida Right Winger Matt Gaetz Wants To End Mueller's Investigation Into Russia

"With the corrupt senior leadership that we see in the Mueller probe at the FBI and at the Department of Justice - this bias is like an infection. It's an incurable cancer that's inoperable, and we've got to end this Mueller probe once and for all." 
Matt Gaetz on FOX news

NO to the "Bathhouse Ordinance" Rally!

January 6, 2018 at 4 PM
Tampa City Hall

Rick Scott's Right Wing Propaganda

The rosy picture Gov. Rick Scott described at nearly every public appearance last week was again dinged by Amy Baker, the state's top legislative economist. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Bob Buckhorn 2017

Florida GOP Richard Corcoran Tammany Hall

Corcoran is more ethically challenged than Charles Dickens’ Fagin, as he presides over Tallahassee’s Artful Sammy Glicks in the endless pursuit of power and money. But the Daddy Warbucks of the capital doesn’t come cheap.
Benefiting from the Republican Party of Florida’s accounts as well as his political committee, Watchdog PAC (really, that’s its name, stop laughing).
Corcoran has blown through $11,000 for dinners at the chi-chi Morton’s steakhouses, another $15,000 at Ruth’s Chris steakhouse and (belch) $29,000 at Tampa’s Capital Grille, not to mention $8,000 dropped on a single supper at the hotsy-totsy French Laundry eatery in California. Did that include an after-dinner mint? And what have we learned? Apparently the speaker likes steak, with a side 
order of hubris.


Tampa Awake The State Rally

 January 9, 4:00 PM
Lykes Gaslight Park

A Tampa Taxi Drivers Day

Florida GOP Ron DeSantis Is Trump's Guy For Governor

Trump has endorsed Republican congressman Ron DeSantis for Florida governor. here

Friday, December 22, 2017

No Difference Between Gwen Graham and Adam Putnam

Florida Democrats, not Republicans, will be the ones tested in 2018.
When it comes to lessons learned, the GOP is the quicker study. 
Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson leads current Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott by 1 point in a potential 2018 matchup. 1 point, look at the voting record of these 2 men and think how is this possible. 
49 percent of Floridians ARE not able to assess his job performance. Nelson has been in the Senate since 2001.
The test for Democrats will be the governor’s race. Graham, the candidate representing the party establishment, leads the polls and in fundraising.
  Philip Levine, the wealthy mayor of Miami Beach has praised Trump and Chris King talks like a progressive but with no record of public service and low name recognition. 
That leaves Gillum, the unabashed progressive mayor of Tallahassee.  On the campaign trail,  he has excited Millennials, Latinos, people of color, and true progressives.
Consider this,  when Graham became a Congresswoman representing the Big Bend,  she announced she would “reach across the aisle.”  She might as well have been sitting across the aisle. According to USA Today.
She was one of 
12 Democrats to vote for a bill increasing from 30 to 40 the number of hours an employee must work per week to qualify for mandatory health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
28 Democrats to vote for a bill approving the Keystone XL pipeline.
8 Democrats to vote for a bill making it tougher for federal agencies to impose new rules without detailed justification.
29 Democrats to vote for a bill relaxing some Dodd-Frank banking regulations.
31 Democrats to vote for an intelligence authorization bill to ban the government from transferring detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to the U.S.
19 Democrats to vote for a bill granting states authority to regulate coal ash disposal. The measure would undo a federal EPA rule.
25 Democrats to vote against a bill approving the nuclear deal with Iran.
That is not going to excite the demographic Democrats need to win.
Graham surrogates advocate the erroneous  perception that Graham is their party’s best opportunity to recapture the Florida governorship.  There’s a more compelling argument that her nomination would be business—losing—as usual.
Graham allies in the press and social media are perpetuating this utter “best bet” balderdash.  She’s scared stiff of Gillum and being exposed as an ideological fraud.
Her father (Who we have always liked) sits on the Board of the Poynter Foundation. The Poynter Institute is the parent of the Tampa Bay Times.  The paper, discredited in 2017 because of slanted, unethical coverage in several political races, has maliciously attempted to torpedo Gillum’s candidacy.
An example: a political reporter labeled Gillum’s candidacy “toast” because of an FBI investigation of contracts in Tallahassee.  Outright falsehood.  It is widely known by everyone but the Times’ dwindling readership, that Gillum is not a target of the probe.
The Graham campaign has resorted to placing fluff pieces in pay-for-play blogs that few voters read and those that do can easily spot an advertorial.
To Mr. Javellana and all her misinformed supporters. 
We were very good to Ms. Graham when she ran for congress, we thought we were getting her father. We even bought her opponents info domain name.
Words of Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat used with permission.

2017 Florida GOP Turkeys

Tracks In Need Of Trains

In Downtown Tampa

Tampa Paparazzi

Jean and Bobby

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Guido Needs To Come Clean

There has been a lot of talk and shock in the local progressive community about Giudo's decision to co-chair a Trump supporter's event. Guido has said that this in no way means he is endorsing him. That he only did it as a favor to Straz for helping him in his campaign. But isn't this what we are all against. The wealthy pouring money into campaigns expecting favors later.
We at this blog have always been very good to Guido, we like his platform and his voting record. but this is unacceptable. He needs to stop listening to the whispers in his ears and be himself.
He has been invited to The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay March meeting to talk about this and has accepted. We can't wait to hear what he has to say. 
Local blogger Jim Bleyer has written about this

several times

Join the conversation here 

Ybor Paparazzi

Bob collecting signatures 

Marco Rubio Votes Yes On GOP Tax Scam

Read more about his other
votes against Americans

Tampa Hoods


Tampa Bay Homeless


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

We Are Under Attack On Facebook

For telling the truth!
The Corporate Democrats time is over. They know it. Millennials want nothing to do with their brand of politicsThey are in desperate mode right now. Trying to grasp at any thing they can to hold on to power.
I would not put to much stock in what happened in Alabama. If you guys couldn't beat that disgusting human being you would really be in trouble. You can't be the anti Trump party forever.
Eyes Wide Shut 
Open your eyes. The Democratic party. as is, is only a token opposition to the GOP. An illusion. to make you think you actually have a choice.
Look at the facts:
You have 3 local Dems Yvonne Yolie Capin, Guido Maniscalco, and Frank Reddick in a movement to make a Trump supporter Mayor of Tampa. Ms. Capin attended his fundraiser, Victor DiMaio, former chairman of the county's Democratic Hispanic Caucus was also there.   Their future with the grassroots is surely over.
Also, one way to tell where a candidate stands on the working class is to look at the venue they choose to hold their events. If you can't afford to buy a beer, beware!

Ybor Paparazzi

Walter Smith
Of WMNF Sunday Forum

Free Beer For Teachers In Seminole Heights

Brew Bus

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Downtown Bob
He is from Jersey 

Tampa Anarchist Black Cross