Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Kennedy Detail In Tampa

Vincent Palamara: The Kennedy Detail in Tampa

Memorial Ride for Slain Cyclist Kayoko “Kay” Ishizuka

On Sunday, October 10th at 10 a.m. friends and fellow cyclists of
Dr. Kayoko “Kay” Ishizuka
will come together for a memorial ride in her honor.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Wendy
She Is From LA., She Has Been Homeless For 8 Years.

Happy Birthday John

We Still Haven't Gotten It Right. But We Are Working On It.
We Miss You!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Rally for Kendrick with President Clinton

USF - St. Petersburg
Tuesday, Oct. 19th
Doors Open:10:45AM

Don't Ignore Third-Party Candidates

Florida District 20
Besides Republican Karen Harrington And Blue Dog Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
These Folks Are Also Running
Stanley Blumenthal - Independent
Bob Kunst - Independent
Clayton Schock - Whig

The Seminole Heights Sunday Market


The Sierra Club's Credibility

An Insult To Florida’s Environmental Community
Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek has rejected an endorsement from the Sierra Club, because the environmental group has also endorsed Gov. Charlie Crist.
“I cannot in good conscience accept an endorsement from an organization that would stand with a governor who has consistently put developers, oil companies and the special interests first,”.....Kendrick Meek

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Jumbo Shrimp
With Fried Rice
$6.50......At New China, 8900 N. 56th Street In Temple Terrace
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Linden
He Is From Atlanta, Has Been Homeless For 4 Years.

HART Solar Powered Bus Stop

In Tampa

Orange Blossom Special to High-Speed Rail

The Tampa Bay History Center's
Latest exhibition, From the Orange Blossom Special to High Speed Rail: Train Travel in Tampa Bay, opens today, Friday, October 8 at 10:00 a.m.

Charlie Crist Sucks

Corrupt Democratic Party Hack Debbie Wasserman Schultz

The DCCC is going to extraordinary lengths to prop up the political careers of Blue Dogs who, as a default position, habitually cross the aisle and vote with the GOP on key issues. The DCCC has tens of millions of dollars ready to deploy and, in a boneheaded strategy devised largely by corrupt Democratic Party hack Debbie Wasserman Schultz, much of it will be used to attempt to save the seats of anti-Choice, antigay, anti-healthcare conservatives who vote with the Republicans.

Bobbie Bean Is Also Running

For The US Senate In Florida....And So Is All These Other Guys.

Bernie DeCastro - Alex Snitker - Lewis Armstrong - Sue Askeland - Bruce Ray - Riggs Rick Tyler - Piotr Blass George Drake - Howard Knepper - Carol LaRosa - Richard Lock - Robert Monroe - Belinda Quarterman-Noah

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Baseball Fever In Tampa

Life is certainly bittersweet for the Tampa Bay Rays. Excellent team, exciting style, just not enough people who care. Despite arguably fielding the best team in the Majors this year.

Ed Turanchik For Mayor Of Tampa

Standing on top of a mountain with your family in the Rockies at sunset with
a storm rolling in during mid-summer is as good as it gets.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

A Hispanic family cigar business helped cement Tampa's position as the cigar capital of the world.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Beef Shawarma Wrap
With Rice And Salad
$6.49....At Sahara Cafe, 4914 E Busch Blvd, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Vote Yes On Amendment 4

There are plenty of scary monsters fighting against Amendment 4, your right to vote on development issues that could raise your property taxes. Like the monsters who gave millions to the opposition after getting millions of dollars in federal bailouts. Unlike in the movies, in real life we can fight Florida's monsters by voting Yes on 4 on Nov. 2.

Don't Ignore Third-Party Candidates


Rick Scott (R) - Health Care Executive, Attorney & Navy Veteran
& Jennifer Carroll (R) - State Rep. & Retired Navy Officer

Alex Sink (D) - State CFO & Ex-Bank President
& Rod Smith (D) - Ex-State Sen., Ex-State Attorney & '06 Gov. Candidate

Peter Allen (Independence Party) - Electrical Contractor & State Party Co-Founder
& John Zanni (Independence Party) - Locksmith & State Party Co-Founder

John Wayne Smith (Libertarian) - Libertarian Activist, Awning Installer, Army Veteran & Frequent Candidate
& J.J. McCurry (Libertarian) - State Party Chair & '08 Orange County Soil and Water Commission Candidate

Stogie Likes This Guy> Michael Arth (Independent) - Landscape/Urban Designer & Home Builder
& Al Krulick (Independent) - Investment Banker, Writer, Community Activist & '96/'98 US Rep. Candidate

Daniel Imperato (Independent) - Businessman & '08 Presidential Candidate
& Karl Behm (Independent) - Businessman & '06 Gov. Candidate

Farid Khavari (Independent) - Businessman & Economist
& Darcy Richardson (Independent) - Historian, Author, Financial Consultant & '88 US Sen. Candidate

Check Out This Guy> C.C. Reed (Independent) - Businessman & Frequent Candidate
& Larry Waldo Sr. (Independent)

Josue Larose (Write-In) - Realtor, Businessman & Frequent Candidate
& Runningmate Not Yet Named

"You think that voting for a third-party or independent candidate will be wasting your vote. I think voting for a candidate whom I don't really want is a waste of my vote. Even if that third-party or independent candidate does not win, enough votes will send a clear message to the winner that a large number of people are ready for some fresh ideas.'.....Joe H. Gaston

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friends Of Stogie

Pollo And Hailey

Alex Snitker For Senate 2010

Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Alexander Snitker has
once again been excluded from a televised debate.

"This should be a common cause for all critics of politics-as-usual, and all supporters of third-party candidates. Let Snitker be a part of the debate.".....r/ct


Happy Birthday!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Roast Pork
With Rice And Salad
$5.00.....La Tripleta, 902 W. Busch Blvd. Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

18th Annual NightMoves Adult Awards

Dallas Bull Night Club
Sunday Night - X/X/X


Military Camp In Tampa -1898

The Case for Liberal Apathy

Liberal Democrats are twice as likely as conservative Republicans to stay home this November. Establishmentarian liberals are urging left-of-center voters to ignore the President's failure to deliver--and his refusal to try--on the issues they care about.

"The biggest mistake we [Democrats] could make right now," urged Obama last week, "is to let impatience or frustration lead to apathy and indifference--because that guarantees the other side wins."

"Impatience"? That implies there's something to be impatient about. That Obama is moving too slowly. But that's not the case. Liberals don't see a slow process. They see no process.
And what, exactly, is this "other side"? On issue after issue, Obama has cut-and-pasted Bush's Republican policies. Which isn't surprising, given that he didn't appoint a single liberal to his Cabinet.

The real problem for the Dems is a perception gap. The Democratic Party leadership thinks it deserves credit. They think they've accomplished a lot. "We've done the heavy lifting," bragged Nancy Pelosi, citing passage of the bailout, healthcare and financial regulation bills. But liberal voters were against the bailout.
They see the healthcare and financial reform bills as useless sellouts to corporations.
Vote 3rd Party, Stogie Is!

Moving Hillsborough Forward - "Together"

What does the County Wide Transportation Initiative mean for the Tampa Bay area? $800 million in a dedicated trust fund monitored by citizens to double the bus fleet, improve roads, add more bike paths, and a light rail system...all as part of one of the biggest jobs programs in Hillsborough's history.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kelly Benjamin

What A Showoff!

Rick Scott Welcome To The Family

Ros-Lehtinen, Diaz-Balarts Endorse Rick Scott
Miami's three Republican Cuban-American members of Congress threw their support behind Rick Scott on Monday, despite not seeing eye-to-eye.

Rick Scott will just have to work it out with David Rivera for the nickname Slick.

Old Timer

Busch And Florida
In Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jeff
He is deaf and only knows sign language.

Right Wing Trash

Liberal (Socialist) Rally Leaves Lincoln Memorial Ridden With Trash
The liberal “One Nation Working Together” rally in Washington Saturday was a trashy affair — much trashier than Fox News host Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally held at the end of August, at least according to one member (who didn’t want to be identified by name)......
The Daily Caller

“I consider [The Daily Caller’s article] to be highly inaccurate. The garbage at the “One Nation” rally was no different than any other rally. Trash, it seems, is apolitical......Bill Line, Spokesmen for the National Park Service

Looking at the pic of the trash can and the field behind it. I think those Liberal Socialist Commies did a fine job. For the real Pigs at the Trough, check out these comments

The Stogie is sorry. He usually dosn't post Right Wing Propaganda but was asked to by a friend!

The Future of Florida High-Speed Rail

Florida is about to make U.S. transportation history as the first state to create a high-speed rail network with trains connecting its metropolitan areas at speeds of up to 200 mph. The first segment to be constructed will be Orlando to Tampa. Come hear the bold vision in store for Florida’s transportation future. Walk through a full-size model of a Velaro high-speed train and learn about what make these trains run—safely, superfast and sustainably! At MOSI in Tampa.

10/10/10 - Global Work Party

With your help, 10/10/10 is going to be the biggest day of practical action to cut carbon that the world has ever seen. We're calling it "A Day to Celebrate Climate Solutions"--together we'll get to work in our communities on projects that can cut carbon and build the clean energy future.