Monday, June 1, 2020

Boarded Up Ybor

Ybor City, Florida

Chris Cano on City GOV.

Tampa leaders vote down police body camera deal HERE
---So, we have a militarized police department, enabled by a Mayor that turned a blind eye to police corruption under her tenure as Chief, that is now issuing ultimatums to halt protests and you all didn’t think it wise to spend money on the very camera systems that hold these corrupt killers with badges accountable?
Please explain...and if you choose to not answer or untag yourself, we are all watching.
Appreciate all the members of the city council today who have reached out since posting this story, bill carlson, guido maniscalco, orlando gudes, luis viera. glad this vote is to be revisited. body cameras are a good first step...yet the citizenry needs real power to hold accountable its police when the justice system fails to deliver. citizen’s review boards with subpoenas and punitive power are 
the logical next step.
Christopher Cano

Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Floyd Protest In Tampa

This guy came looking for trouble

MLK and 22nd St

Kelly Benjamin: The Real Looters

The real looters have long been destroying our society from the safety and luxury of corporate board rooms and the halls of power in America. The anger and rage in our communities is 100% justified.
We can and must understand and empathize with that anger in this moment to organize for real positive change. The whole system has to fundamentally transform to move forward. A return to pre-pandemic business as usual is a death sentence for America.
Let this moment of riots in the midst of a pandemic in a failing system with vast inequality and millions unemployed with a complete buffoon in charge be a catalyst to move this nation in a profoundly new direction.
If we don’t seize this moment to have the hard conversations we’ve been pretending don’t need to happen, we fail our children.

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Tampa Locavore: Ybor Food


Self Isolate Blues