Friday, July 24, 2020

Ybor Life

Ybor City, Florida

Self Isolate Blues

Miami Author Adrian Carter

New Book Explores the Importance of Men Loving and Leading HERE
Buy his book here

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Offers Non-Apology To AOC

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz's Personal Taxpayer Funded TV Studio

Gaetz, a vocal conservative and supporter of Trump, appears to have violated House ethics rules with spending throughout his four years in office. That includes installing a TV studio in his father's home and hiring a speechwriter who'd been ousted from the 
Trump administration.
Over the past year, Gaetz spent $28,000 in taxpayer money to an LLC company connected to Darren Beattie, a former White House aide who lost his job after appearing at a convention where white nationalists are known to speak. HERE

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Bien Criada Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Kevin Beckner Flashback

PRIDE - Ybor City 2017

Self Isolate Blues

Rebekah Jones Was Right

She is the ex-public health employee who predicted Florida's coronavirus catastrophe before she 

was fired. HERE

Theo Von on Tampa

Movement for a People’s Party Rally in South Tampa

The Movement for a People’s Party stands in solidarity with the demands of communities whose pain and struggle have been deeply exacerbated over these past few months. This is a time to make bold demands for justice. 
The communities rising up against police militarization, brutality and white supremacy are the same communities that are being hit the hardest by the pandemic 
and economic meltdown.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Florida GOP Ted Yoho Bullshit

Tampa Hoods

Centro Ybor

Self Isolate Blues

Bernie Sanders: Police State

We are in a very dangerous moment in American history.
Last month, as you'll recall, Trump had peaceful protestors outside of the White House in Washington, D.C. viciously attacked by federal agents who wore no identification.
As we speak, in Portland, Oregon, federal agents in combat gear and unmarked vehicles are pulling protesters off the streets and jailing them without charges, despite opposition from local and state officials.
What Trump and his allies are now doing is "normalizing" the use of federal troops to patrol and make arrests of American citizens in communities throughout the country. Today it is Portland, Oregon. Tomorrow, Trump is suggesting it could be New York City, Chicago or Philadelphia. Next, your hometown.
This is what a police state is all about.
Too many Americans fought and died to defend American democracy to let President Trump move us even further in an 
authoritarian direction.
And that is why I am asking you to join Senator Jeff Merkley and me in making your voice heard.
Add your name: Defend the right 
of Americans to peacefully demonstrate

Stogie Recommends

Refreshing  sci-fi from writer/director Alex Garland. Great performances by Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Leigh,. Has an 
88% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Radical Socialist in the Democratic Party

It's no surprise that Trump's team is coming after Jamaal's "far-left extremism" and using him to discredit the progressive movement and Joe Biden. We're proud to have someone like Jamaal who is already putting in the work to move this country forward 


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Impeach Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

This petition calls for our Florida leaders to impeach Ron DeSantis for failing his sworn duty to protect Florida and its inhabitants. HERE

Duval County Sheriff Mike Williams

Said he can’t provide security for the Republican National Convention because of a lack of clear plans, adequate funding and enough law enforcement officers.
“As we're talking today, we are still not close to having some kind of plan that we can work with that makes me comfortable that we're going to keep that event and the community safe.” HERE

Self Isolate Blues

Jen Perelman Making Housing a Human Right

I support making housing a human right through investing in millions of new affordable and social units, national rent stabilization, and a tenants' bill of rights. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has failed to fight for housing justice because she's taking money from the corporate developers and real estate lobbyists. 
I'm fighting for you

Read her full plan here
We are a People-Powered campaign. 
Unlike Wasserman Schultz, we will never take money from any 
corporate donor.

Longtime Sarasota Republican Rejects Trump

March To Kathy Castor's Home

Saturday, July 25, 2020• 1:00 PM

Britton Plaza parking lot 

in front of Vision Center

Protesters Interrupt Florida Governor's Briefing

Monday, July 20, 2020

Tampa Hoods


Self Isolate Blues

Bernie Sanders: Cut the Pentagon budget by 10%

If this horrific coronavirus pandemic has shown us anything, it is that national security involves a lot more than bombs, missiles, tanks, submarines, nuclear warheads and other weapons of mass destruction.
Yet, in the midst of a pandemic and an economic meltdown, Republicans and Democrats want to pass a record-breaking $740 billion military budget, even before taking care of the millions and millions of Americans who are suffering right now.
We have to get our priorities right.
That is why I have introduced legislation to cut military spending by 10 percent and to use those savings to invest in jobs, education, housing and health care.
My amendment to the upcoming defense spending bill could happen as soon as tomorrow. So before the Senate reconvenes for this debate and vote, I am once again asking you to make your voice heard:
Please add your name: Say you support my amendment to reduce the Pentagon budget by 10 percent and invest that money in health care, education, and housing.
The time is now to wage a moral and political war against war itself.
The time is now to address the true causes of war: poverty, hatred, hopelessness and ignorance.
The time is now to cut military spending and use that money for human needs.
How can it be that we have enough to spend more on defense than the next eleven countries combined, but we don’t have enough to make sure every American child has a roof over their head and enough food to eat?
As a nation, our priorities have become horribly distorted. Congress listens to the lobbyists from the powerful defense industry and ignores the pain of so many who are suffering during this historic time.
At this unprecedented moment in American history, the time is NOW to bring people together to fundamentally alter our national priorities and rethink the very structure of American society.
My amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act will do just that. My amendment cutting the military budget by 10 percent and investing that money into communities across the country is a modest way to begin that process.
And that is why I am asking:
A great nation is not judged by the size of its military budget, it is judged by how well it treats its weakest and most vulnerable citizens.
Thank you for adding your name to our fight.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders

Karens Gone Wild: Florida Edition