Monday, September 18, 2006

Drums of War
Are we gearing up to attack Iran?

Noting that recent orders have put U.S. ships on standby in the Persian Gulf, the cover piece weighs the likelihood of war against Iran......more
Texan works to impeach president

Since he arrived in Lawrence a week ago to collect signatures from people who would like to see President Bush impeached, Jim Goodnow has received a mostly positive or at least tolerant response.....more

Democrats gain as November vote nears

Polls show, and politicians from both parties agree, that a steady drip of bad news from Iraq, anger over high fuel prices and a spate of corruption scandals have soured the public's feelings toward the ruling Republicans. President Bush, with his approval rating hovering near 40 percent, does not have the political clout he had in past campaigns......more

Ron Klein 2006
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 260
click here

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day

That's right. But "Fun with Guns" is just one of the ways College Republicans at several campuses across the U.S. will be trying to get twenty-somethings enthusiastic about this fall's elections. Another is "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" days, in which volunteers dressed in orange t-shirts and representing "mock immigrants" will hide around campus and those "catching" them will be awarded prizes......more

Dean Sends Mehlman Letter

Chickenhawk Sean Hannity Condemns Veterans Against Torture

Sean Hannity, who declined to serve in the military when he had the chance, condemned General Colin Powell and Republican Senators Graham, McCain and Warner, all of whom did serve, for taking a stand on behalf of the legal rights of prisoners and maintaining the Geneva Conventions’ standards for humane treatment......more

Summit Examines U.S.-Muslim Relations Five Years After 9-11

Five years after 9-11, U.S.-Islamic relations continue to deteriorate at a rapid pace. Recent polls reveal that 90 percent of residents in predominantly Muslim countries view the U.S. as the primary threat to their country. To examine this relationship, 300 young leaders from around the Muslim world and the U.S. came together to develop a blueprint for long-term engagement between the U.S. and the Muslim world.....more

The U.S. vs. John Lennon

War Is Over If You Want It.........more

Friday, September 15, 2006

Fortress America is an ugly America

"Capitol Hill is a zone of fear, welcoming the tourists with fences, slanted concrete barriers, steel walls that pop out of the pavement and steel posts called bollards that are designed to hold a vehicle-delivered bomb at bay,".....more
Mall sues war protesters

Kings Mall has filed a civil suit against protesters who read the names of dead soldiers and distribute anti-war literature in front of the military recruitment center at the U.S. Route 9W mall. The mall's attorney, Jon A. Simonson, said the suit stems from tenants' complaints over loss of business from the protests, with damages estimated at $50,000. The suit follows the dismissal in late May of trespassing charges against two of the defendants, Jay Wenk and Joan Keefe, both members of the group Veterans For Peace. The two were arrested Feb. 4, and Wenk was arrested again Feb. 11, on charges of harassment.....more
Iraq: Experts Fear a Lost Generation

At first glance, the games occupying Sameer, Salwa, Batul, Taghreed, Yasir and Fawzi seem much like those enjoyed by any children as they play happily in a Baghdad street with friends from school and the neighbourhood.On closer inspection, however, their games are far from innocent, and offer a brutal reflection of daily life in Iraq. This group of five- to seven-year-olds is re-enacting a beheading, a scene they have most likely seen on television or on one of the many graphic videos circulating in the country......more

Congress May be Prosecutable For Participating In Bush War Crimes

Members of Congress are thus on notice that minimum due process guarantees under customary international law must not be denied when Congress attempts to articulate what forms of procedure a military commission should adopt. If members participate in a plan to do so or are complicit in the deprivation of minimum due process guarantees under customary international law incorporated by reference in common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions or any other rights or protections under common Article 3 (e.g., concerning the right to humane treatment even at the hands of CIA interrogators), they would be participating in the denial of rights, protections, and duties under Geneva law. Such denials are war crimes......more

Advantage, Davis

The first rule of thumb for candidates for governor is to do no harm to their campaigns when selecting running mates. Charlie Crist and Jim Davis passed that test, selecting serious men knowledgeable about state issues and shoring up support among key voting blocs. While Crist played it safe as the Republican front-runner, Davis' decision was uncharacteristically bold and potentially historic......more

Thursday, September 14, 2006

George Clooney Addresses The U.N. On Darfur

The right likes to attack "liberal Hollywood" for speaking out on political matters but isn’t that their right and responsibility as Americans? As fellow members of the human race? Clooney (and every other person on the face of this earth) has that right and responsibility to do their part in trying to bring an end to preventable mass killing and suffering......more

Las Vegas in the Arabian Desert

Dubai has sold its soul to globalization like few cities have. A glittering capitalist fantasyland has taken shape at the heart of the Arab world. It's a center of international trade, a holiday paradise and a carnival rolled into one......more

Candidate Franken

Gearing up for a possible Minnesota state senate run, Al Franken is changing his image from provocateur to politico. Will he still call Rush Limbaugh a big fat idiot?......more
Why Blogs?

With an innumerable amount of flashy, take-forever-to-load mainstream websites teeming with must-read items about pseudo-people like Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise, Bill O'Reilly, and Michael Moore...why do so many bother maintaining a blog that's read by (maybe) 75 outcasts?.....more

"War on Terror" Numbers To Silence Republican Candidates

When George W. Bush made a prime-time television appearance Monday night to give a political speech -- under the guise of commemorating the five-year anniversary of September 11 -- he started right off by telling both a lie and the truth in one short sentence."Today, we are safer, but we are not yet safe," said Bush, which means he was batting .500 with the truth in just one short statement. Not bad for him. It is undeniably true that we are not yet safe, but to imply that we are safer than we were before Bush turned the world against us is demonstrably false......more

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Study finds Neanderthals survived longer

The work contends that Neanderthals were using a cave in Gibraltar at least 2,000 years later than their presence had been firmly documented anywhere before, researchers said.....more
Lebanon to sue Israel over oil spill caused by war bombing

Lebanon is preparing legal action against Israel for damages over a large oil spill caused by the Israel Air Force's bombing of a power station during the recent conflict, the Lebanese environment minister said Wednesday. The spill has been described as Lebanon's worst-ever environmental disaster, and experts say it could take up to a year to clean it up.....more

PUSHING ROPE POLL: Who is the worst candidate running for the Hillsborough County Commission?
Katie and Rush and the face of corporate news

There was a revealing, if unintentionally ironic, moment during Katie Couric's first week on the job as host of the CBS Evening News. It surrounded the segment called "Free Speech," which featured commentaries from invited guests. "Expressing your opinion is very American," Couric told viewers, stressing: "Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion." On Thursday night, Couric welcomed right-wing talker Rush Limbaugh who taped his 90-second contribution and took a very different tact. He suggested during his "Free Speech" commentary that the wrong kind of free speech (i.e., criticizing the war in Iraq) undermines patriotism and drags down the morale of U.S. troops. So much for CBS' attempt at a democratic dialogue......more
Quote of the Day:

Given that most polls are conducted during the day and democrats tend to be at home because they have no work ethic and prefer to collect welfare, maybe such a poll result is not so unusual.......From our very own, Vilmar @ Right Wing Howler

If You Are Not Gop, You Are: Leftist Morons, Blog Nut Extremists, Moonbat Loonies, Israeli Haters, America Bashers, Camel Fornicators, Retard's, Stupid Liberal, Piece Of Shiite, Left's Upper Crust, Wetback Defender, Gun Grabbing, Blinkered, Tofu-Eating, America Hating, Starbucks Drinking, Elitist, Granola Eating, Birkenstock Waring, Long Hired, Chickenshit, Pansy-Assed, Kumbaya-Singing, Bed-Wetting, Patchouli Wearing, Dope Smoking, Arm Pit Haired Women, Armpit Shaved Men Crying, Pig Fellating, Goat Fornicating

The Blue Pill

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Republicans tense as voter disillusionment sets in

President Bush's anemic job approval, underscored this week by the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, is a drag on Republicans almost everywhere. His rating hasn't risen above 42% in six months.....more

Rockefeller: Bush Duped Public On Iraq

"[Saddam] wasn't going to attack us. He would've been isolated there. He would have been in control of that country but we wouldn't have depleted our resources preventing us from prosecuting a war on terror which is what this is all about.".......more

Keith Olbermann blasts Bush

Who has left this hole in the ground? We have not forgotten, Mr. President. You have. May this country forgive you......more

Monday, September 11, 2006

Raider's, Charger's, Viking's and Redskin's, 42

The Fake Path To 911, 0

What Liberal Media?
The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 259
click here

A Tribute to Marc A. Murolo

'He Had Come of Age' Marc A. Murolo never used a napkin, even when he was eating at his favorite restaurant, Morton's steakhouse. His sister, Cathy Lynn Roberti, said, "I can go through three napkins in one sitting. He never used one, even when he ate a rack of ribs, so I would usually steal his." Bright and quiet with a ready smile, Mr. Murolo, 28, worked as a bond trader at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of 1 World Trade Center. He loved his job. He also loved the city. He liked to go out to restaurants with friends. And to Mets games. Mr. Murolo, who grew up in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., moved to the city shortly after graduating from Fairfield University in Connecticut. "He was really proud of his apartment," his sister said. "In July, for my dad's 70th birthday, we went to the Water Club for lunch. Afterward, he entertained the family at his apartment. He had come of age."......more

ABC’s Path to 9/11 Docudrama is “Worse than you think.”

President Bush was repeatedly warned by Clarke and Tenet about the mounting threat in the summer of 2001 and decided not to act. If aired as is — which seems likely — this film will completely swiftboat and scapegoat the Clinton administration like the "Veterans for Truth" did to John Kerry.....more
Howard Dean breezes through Chris Wallace interview
Howard Dean gave a good performance on this morning’s edition of Fox News Sunday. He breezed through Chris Wallace’s interview with clear, honest and realistic answers. Chairman Dean presented one of the most unified voices for the Democratic Party of the election season so far......Video
The Best War Ever

Five Years In, Bush Is Losing Terror War

To consider whether U.S. President George W. Bush is winning his "global war on terror" (GWOT) five years after al Qaeda's devastating 9/11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon, one has only to look at the news of the past few days.....more

'Removing Saddam strengthened Iran'

Political Islam expert Vali Nasr says the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq by the US during the invasion of the country in 2003 strengthened Iran's strategic viability and increased its regional popularity, especially among Iraq's Shia majority......more

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Discover the Secret Right-Wing Network Behind ABC's 9/11 Deception

Less than 72 hours before ABC's "The Path to 9/11" is scheduled to air, the network is suddenly under siege. On Tuesday, ABC was forced to concede that "The Path to 9/11" is "a dramatization, not a documentary." The film deceptively invents scenes to depict former President Bill Clinton's handling of the Al Qaeda threat......more

Election 2006 & World War III

As Americans go to the polls in two months, they should have one thought fixed in their minds: they will be voting on whether to commit the nation to fighting World War III against large segments of the world’s one billion Muslims......more
Lie by Lie: Chronicle of a War Foretold:
August 1990 to March 2003

The first drafts of history are fragmentary. Important revelations arrive late, and out of order. In this timeline, we’ve assembled the history of the Iraq War to create a resource we hope will help resolve open questions of the Bush era......more

Friday, September 8, 2006

Keep the Pressure on ABC/Disney

Sources close to the project say the network, which has been in a media maelstrom over the pic, is mulling the idea of yanking the mini altogether.

click here
10 Miami journalists take U.S. pay

At least 10 local journalists accepted U.S. government pay for programs on Radio Martí or TV Martí. El Nuevo Herald fired two of them Thursday for conflict of interest.....more
Scholastic’s Decision To Pull Their Material On ABC’s Docucrap

After a thorough review of the original guide that we offered online to about 25,000 high school teachers, we determined that the materials did not meet our high standards for dealing with controversial issues.....more
The US Is A Nation Of Fags

2,996 Victims - But Only One "Marc A. Murolo"

This is my tribute to Mr. Marc A. Murolo who died on 9/11/ here

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Bush Fears War Crimes Prosecution, Impeachment

With great fanfare, George W. Bush announced to a group of carefully selected 9/11 families yesterday that he had finally decided to send Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 13 other alleged terrorists to Guantánamo Bay, where they will be tried in military commissions. After nearly 5 years of interrogating these men, why did Bush choose this moment to bring them to "justice"?.....more
Bush Aims to Kill War Crimes Act
The US War Crimes Act of 1996 makes it a felony to commit grave violations of the Geneva Conventions. The Washington Post recently reported that the Bush administration is quietly circulating draft legislation to eliminate crucial parts of the War Crimes Act......more