Friday, July 24, 2009

The Hillsborough County Commission

In A Rare Moment Of Social Enlightenment

"They're not animals, The homeless are you. They are me."............ Mark Sharpe
"They're still going to be in this community. There is never a right location."............. Jim Norman
"The face of homelessness continues to change."........... Kevin Beckner
For today's East Lake Park homeowner could just as easily be tomorrow's welcome guest of Catholic Charities.

Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay

Raised the funds to send life saving bed nets to all inhabitants of the African refugee camp Bakavu in the Democratic Republic of

Meeting Gerald In Downtown, Tampa

Dr. David McKalip Apologizes

“I genuinely regret the decision I made in passing this e-mail message along. Directly to President Obama, I sincerely apologize for offending him. This was, in no way whatsoever, my intention. The image has nothing to do with my feelings or thoughts on any race or culture. I recognize that this image is offensive and hope that the nation refocuses on assuring all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health care with no party interfering in the patient-physician relationship. My intention is to focus directly on the issue at hand, which is putting financial and decision-making power into the hands of patients and taking it from government and insurance companies.”

Mytchel Mora Of West Hollywood, Florida

'take me to jail or give me a ticket,
A U.S. citizen trying to challenge the ban on travel to Cuba on Friday bemoaned his inability to get arrested or cited — even after having his passport stamped in Havana and bringing back Cuban

What’s Wrong With Kathy Castor?

The House Energy and Commerce Committee may vote today (Friday) to put single payer BACK ON THE TABLE in D.C. with an amendment by Anthony Weiner to add single payer (HR 676) to the committee’s health reform bill. Kathy Castor,
Florida’s only representative on the committee is non
813.871.2817 - E-Mail

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Images of the Streets of Tampa..Feeding the Homeless

Gov. Bob Graham Endorses Kendrick Meek For Senate Seat

Endorsing Kendrick is an honor and I look forward to spending time with him and the Meek family on the campaign trail.”

$5 Days at Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo

Take a gander at the more than 2,000 animals and learn about endangered wildlife for just $5 bucks per person..........more

Nationalist Coalition's Tampa Chapter Mails Copy Of "Jud Süß" Movie To Florida Governor

Gets Thank You Letter In Return
John Ubele, the Operations Manager of the Nationalist Coalition, reports on Stormfront that the organization's Tampa chapter recently mailed out DVD copies of the movie "Jud Süß" to various key elected officials throughout the state of Florida, and has received some positive

Governor Crist sent a letter thanking Ubele for the video and expressing his intent to share it with the people of Florida.

Kelly's Weekend In Tampa

I spent my weekend in Tampa and had a grrrrrreat time. It sucked coming back…literally, but I won’t focus on

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicago Dog
With Fries And Slaw
$5.74.......At Mel's Hot Dogs, On Busch In Tampa

Eat Local

Small Guys Have To Do This Stuff

Where Grown Folks Play In St. Petersburg

Philip Morrison, a former Pinellas County bailiff, is a co-owner of Chanele’s, which opened on July 3 on Fourth Street N. He considers his establishment a restaurant, not a jazz club. He says he’ll feature mostly
R & B and rap

Baywalk's Sidewalk

The complex's private, for-profit owners want the city to give them the public sidewalk fronting the complex. They claim that demonstrators create a safety threat even though peaceful protesters have never caused any physical harm to pedestrians at

Ybor City, Florida Walk


Sneaky Florida Senator J.D. Alexander

With a stroke of his pen last week, Gov. Charlie Crist put the future of Florida's water resources in the hands of five people.......more

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Timothy King Of Polk County

An autopsy revealed at least 6 bruises to her lower back, a bruise in the center of her forehead, a large bruise at the base of her skull, bruising on the right rear of her head, bruising behind her left ear, hemorrhages on her brain and a head fracture.

Florida's Teacher Of The Year, Tampa's Megan Allen

Allen, a fourth-grade teacher at Cleveland Elementary, is known for her fun, high-energy teaching style and her work outside the

Largo Doctor Gabriel DeCandido

Agreed to pay $1.7 million to settle allegations by the U.S. Department of Justice that he defrauded the Medicare program........more

Tampa's T-shirt Queen

While her classmates at Berklee College of Music were taking notes on the music biz, Kristen Deiudicibus, was putting what she learned into practice..........more

Derek Jeter's Ego On Davis Islands

Rising like an aircraft carrier under construction, the future home of New York Yankees baseball star Derek Jeter is taking shape on Davis

South America To St. Pete Beach

A sea coconut is a “drift seed.” In other words, it is a seed that has drifted far from the tree that gave it life by floating on the ocean

Tampa Photographer Jamie Jackson

Photo District News (PDN) Magazine announced that local photographer Jamie Jackson is a winner in their magazine’s 2009 Faces Competition. Jackson and the other category winners were selected from over 5,000 entries

"This helps put all of us on the map.”...........Jamie Jackson

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cronkite Fought For Tampa's Right To Truth

The truth had certainly set them free.
By 2005, investigative team Akre and Wilson were free of their house, their life savings and much of their credibility. The couple had lost just about everything in its standoff with Fox, despite having the most trusted and respected man in news by their

Tampa Artist Emporium Celebrates Two Years

Two years ago, Tampa photographer Shelby Boggs took a gamble. Inspired by the Kress Emporium, an historic building in Asheville, NC, that serves as a marketplace for more than 80 regional artists and craftspeople, she set out to create something similar (if smaller) in Tampa........more

Don't Blame Him He Voted For Palin

In Tampa

Friday, July 17, 2009

Teen Summit In St. Pete

Childs Park YMCA - 691 43rd St. South
2PM - 5PM

The Most Trusted Man In America

Walter Cronkite

Pastor Gary Cam

Of Zephyrhills

Tampa Citizens, It's Time To Cheer And Time To Ponder

Via.....Tampa Rail

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Yellow Rice And Yuca
$4.99 At........El Paraiso Cafe, The Best Cuban Food In Tampa Bay. On East 7th Ave. In Tampa.

How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?

Pat Bean Sparred Over Raises

5 Fo 5

At Arbys In Seminole

Tampa Residents Plead To Spare Programs

In all, about 700 people crowded into the cavernous All People's Life Center in North Tampa to ask Hillsborough County commissioners to spare their favorite programs from budget

Bakas Equestrian Center

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rick Baker Has The Dubious Honor

Of being the mayor of the 2nd meanest city in the country to the homeless. From what I have heard it doesn't bother
Four Florida Cities In The Top Ten.
Congratulations Orlando, Gainesville, Bradenton And St. Petersburg.

Ruthington Post

Dan Ruth Has A New Blog

Red Flag Rally in Tampa

More than 100 gay-right protesters took to downtown Tampa to criticize the recent airing of an anti-gay, hourlong paid program on NBC affiliate News Channel 8 (run on the same day as the St. Petersburg Gay Pride Parade).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Phyllis' Legacy … Will Live On

The Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to name an award and a senior center after former Elections Supervisor Phyllis

Best Of Tedd Webb

"If you haven’t realized these Greens are whackos by now, you are not paying attention"........Tedd Webb

Jan Platt Moral Courage Award

Thank You Commissioner Rose Ferlita!
I take back all the bad things i ever said about you.

America’s Second Harvest of Tampa Bay

A non-profit Food Bank, delivers food to 35,000 hungry people living in the Tampa Bay area every week. Almost a quarter of those people are children and more than a third of those people had to between buying food or paying their mortgage or utilities bills..........more
America's Second Harvest of Tampa Bay

Mary Mulhern Traveling To Havana

Mary Mulhern will join a delegation of more than 20 Tampa business people traveling to Havana on Friday. The purpose of their five-day trip: to lay the groundwork for trade with Cuba as soon as U.S.-Cuba relations

Tampa Bay's News Channel Hate
