Wednesday, March 30, 2016

? For The Ybor City Chamber of Commerce

Disclaimer: We love food trucks!
How do Ybor restaurants feel when you bring food trucks 
in and they take their business?

Florida GOP Chris Ingram Pinched His Nose

"They're pinching their noses, the same way I pinched my nose when I voted for Trump." Chris Ingram 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

DFA Endorse Alan Grayson

Every step of the way -- from Wall Street reform to expanding Social Security to being a national leader for Medicare expansion -- Alan Grayson has stood with progressives as one of our boldest and most reliable allies. That's why we are proud to endorse him today.
Democracy for America
If you loved Alan Grayson in the U.S. House, 
you'll love him in the U.S. Senate. 
He has consistently said NO to cutting Social Security and YES to expanding Social Security benefits. A national leader for expanding Medicare. The most effective member of the House.

here He was also endorse by PCCC!

The Citrus Taliban In Ybor City

2016 Tampa Pride Parade

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Tried To Rigg Election to Destroy Tim Canova's Campaign

StopTBX March In Tampa

4.2 - 11AM

Florida GOP Keep Up Attack On Women

Rick Scott perpetuated another politically motivated attack today against Planned Parenthood that was disguised as a piece of legislation. Even worse, the bill aims to deprive some of the state's poorest women of basic health care such as access to contraception, cancer screenings or testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. here

For all you Florida women who vote GOP!

Cuban Freedom Fighter: Rosa Maria Paya

Human Rights Foundation submitted an urgent appeal to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary, or arbitrary executions requesting that he call on the Cuban government to provide an official and comprehensive explanation regarding the state’s treatment of Rosa María Payá. The daughter of late Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá, Rosa María has suffered death threats and acts of intimidation at the hands of state security forces while campaigning on the island. here

Through peaceful initiatives like Cuba Decide — a campaign that seeks a referendum which would allow Cubans to vote to change the constitution to allow for free and fair elections — Rosa María is continuing the brave work begun by her father almost 20 years ago,” here

Free Dinner With Florida GOP John Mica

U.S. Rep. John Mica likes taking constituents out to lunch (or breakfast, dinner or coffee). He also loves having his re-election campaign pay for it. The latter preference has Mica, a 12-term Republican from Winter Park, explaining why his re-election campaigns are paying for scores of “meals with constituents” tallying tens of thousands of dollars a year in food and drink, when other members of Congress rarely, if ever, do so. here

Monday, March 28, 2016

Weed Legal In Florida If You Can Prove You Are Dying In 12 Months

Rick Scott signed a bill making medical marijuana legal for people who can prove they're dying within 12 months.   
The law is a total mistake, and here's why:
By passing this illogical, limited bill which does nothing for the vast majority of patients (whether they are dying or not), Scott and his cronies in the legislature will try to say they've already passed medical marijuana and therefore we don't need Amendment 2.   They probably think this law gets them off the hook and/or will distract the public into thinking the job's done.   They're wrong. While they've acknowledged that marijuana is medicine, the new law does nothing for people who are fighting to stay alive, who need marijuana to help inspire hunger and alleviate pain, or alleviate life threatening (but not necessarily fatal) seizures. The new law denies medical marijuana to soldiers with PTSD and to those with MS.  Amendment 2 gives access to those who are seriously debilitated, whether or not they are dying within an arbitrary period of time.   We MUST pass Amendment 2 for those patients and more. Please support our efforts and our drive for 1000 new donations between now and April 30.  We only have 755 to go!  Click here to support our 1000 donor drive with a contribution of any size.  Thank you for everything you're doing to support medical marijuana in Florida. 
Ben Pollara Campaign Manager United for Care

Lee's Grocery Paparazzi

Gaby of  The Centre for Girls and Ashley of Fight For 15

Cuban Bloggers

Yoani Sánchez: Generacion Y
 Lis García: La Cachaza del Otoño
Elaine Díaz: La Polémica Digital
Carlos Alberto Pérez: La Chiringa de Cuba
Harold Cárdenas Lema: El Toque

Children's Board of Hillsborough County Welcome Video

Free Bicycle Tune Ups/Oil Changes @ 'The Field'

3.31 - 4PM @ The Field in Suitcase City. info

Florida Fish Kill Voters Fault

The massive, horrendous, shocking and sad fish kills happening in and around the Indian River Lagoon represent the political corruption infecting the state of Florida. Blame the Florida legislature, its leaders like Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam, Florida Representative Matt Caldwell, House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, Senator Joe Negron, to start. Blame the most clueless, radical governor in Florida history — the anti-people governor Rick Scott. here
We know exactly what is wrong: voters who don’t care, don’t vote, or vote for candidates and incumbents who represent institutionalized corruption.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Red Star Rock Bar In The Heights

Co-ed bathrooms, both of them!
Visit them here

Florida Millennials: The 58%

Florida millennials make up a strong majority — 58 percent of the eligible voters in the state. 
But 40 percent of them are not registered to vote. here

Prison Gerrymandering” In Florida

A federal district judge has ruled “prison gerrymandering” in Jefferson County, Florida, to be unconstitutional.
The practice of counting prison inmates (who cannot vote) as local residents when drawing district maps for elections dilutes the clout of voters in other districts without prisons. And, given the demographics of incarcerated populations are disproportionately heavy with people of color (especially blacks), these prison-gerrymandered districts appear on paper to have more minority voters than is actually the case. What that amounts to is a bleaching of the districts around the prison-gerrymandered ones, giving an edge to Republicans in those districts. here

Florida GOP Voters Are Rebelling

Republican voters are in full rebellion against the GOP in Florida. In last week's presidential primary, GOP voters treated Marco Rubio as a stand-in for the special interests who dominate party politics. They might not know the names but they know the outcomes.
As a result, the party establishment has been thrown into a panic. This one is filled with voter anger at both Florida coasts coated by a layer of toxic scum, as the state's rivers, bays and estuaries are turning to collateral damage by the state's most powerful special interest group, Big Sugar. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Filet Mignon
With Baked Potato @ Frontier Steak House
Visit them on Facebook

Fight for 15 Community Meeting - Tampa

3.31 - 7PM
Seminole Heights Library

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Tampa Pride 2016 in Ybor City

Kelly Benjamin with Zora

Dave Cutler

LGBT Champion Pat Kemp

Mike Reedy with supporters

Brian Willis with supporter

Alan Grayson, Lisa Montelione, Mike Suarez
and Pam Iorio. Not one republican attended. 
Well, Bob Buckhorn was there.

What is polluting Biscayne National Park?

Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

"Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida for stepping up for fairness in our elections!!! Access to the voting list should be available to all Democratic candidates."