Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hub Grub Bicycle Ride in Seminole Heights

It's a bicycle ride that combines a fun casual bike ride
with stops at restaurants and other businesses in Seminole Heights.


Spotlight Tampa - It All Started on a Bus

"Spotlight Tampa" on City of Tampa Television (CTTV) about the history that involved mass transit.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

USF Chitra Chaunhan

Dead / Jailed Scientists Affiliated With The BP Oil Disaster
Chauhan worked in the USF Center for Biological Defense and Global Health Infectious Disease Research.
She was found dead in an apparent suicide by cyanide at a Temple Terrace hotel.
She leaves behind a husband and a young child.

More about her death here
Thanks to the ever wonderful Anita Stewart and Coastal Warriors

Sophia-Louise Espindola von Wrangell

St. Petersburg Resident Artist

I Built A Slideshow For Susan Long

Real People With Faces And Names

Susan Long

Rally To Support Libya

Temple Terrace

Monday, February 21, 2011

Homeless In Hillsborough

A brief glimpse of a day in the life of a homeless in Hillsborough. Created by The Kukumbus at The University of Tampa in 2011 as part of Campus MovieFest, the world's largest student film festival.

Kelly Benjamin Needs $10.00

We need your help! Feb. 24 is the last day we can accept contributions before the election on March 1. We are direct mailing out thousands of pieces to voters in the district over the next few days.
If you have $10.00 to contribute
it will go a long way in direct mail postage and printing costs! Thank you!

Bay News 9 Poll

Do you support Gov. Rick Scott's decision to reject the high-speed rail project?
Yes (39%)
No (57%)
Not sure (5%)


Everything You Need To Know

About Tampa's Municipal Election 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Saltado
With Black Beans and Rice
Gold Ring Cafe, 2510 N. Tampa Street, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?

Rally To Support High-Speed Rail In Tampa

City Hall - Downtown Tampa
Entertainment provided by the folks at Tampa 912
Divide And Conquer!

Tampa Bay Homeless

Dancing Mime
At Busch Blvd And Nebraska Ave In Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

The Stogie Recommends The Following Candidates

MayorEd Turanchik
District 1 – No Endorsement
District 2Mary Mulhern
District 3Yvonne Yolie Capin
District 4 – No Endorsement
District 5 Carroll “Carrie” West
District 6Kelly Benjamin
District 7 – Lisa Montelione

No - On the ballot initiative

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tampa Candidate Forum At USF

Ed, Mary and Carrie

Ed And Kelly

Tom, Rose and Ed were there. Greco's mom was ill and Buckhorn was too busy to join us, he was eating spaghetti in South Tampa. I hope he gets indigestion.

Rose and her crew.

Seth Nelson and Jason Wilson. I liked both these guys, to bad they are running aganist each other.

Mr. Redner and Mary.
More Pics Here

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fellow Travelers In The Alternative Consciousness Community

Perhaps a brief review is in order.
Over the space of just a few short weeks, newbie Gov. Rick Scott, R-Lurch, has managed to:

Scuttle Florida's high-speed rail effort that would have meant tens of thousands of jobs by rejecting $2.4 billion in federal funding based on the financial due diligence equivalent of consulting a Wikipedia entry, a matchbook cover and Rush Limbaugh's website.

Local fellow traveler Chris Ingram is all excited.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Black Beans And Rice
$6.50......At Gold Ring Cafe, 2510 N. Tampa Street, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Ride HART For Free

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Get out and vote, or you know what can happen. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio.

Driving Mr. Greco

City Council Chairman Thomas Scott, the only black candidate in the race for mayor, says he was shocked when Greco, asked what job he would give Scott in a Greco administration, said Scott could "drive me" on a night on the town.

Rally In Tampa To Support High-Speed Rail

Monday, February 21 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Downtown Tampa

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tom
He is from Ohio. He has been homeless 2 years.
Tampa Bay Homeless

Ice Cold Water Man

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rick Scott Does Not Speak For Orlando

Representative Scott Randolph blasted Governor Rick Scott’s decision to return more than $2 billion already set aside for Florida’s high speed rail project.

“I thought Governor Rick Scott wanted to put Floridians back to work. Here we are two months into his term and the only thing he has done is propose budget cuts that put middle-class Floridians out of work, now he’s turning down funded projects that would directly create jobs."
“Let me be clear: Governor Rick Scott does not speak for me, nor does he speak for the district I represent."

Required Reading List for Tampa’s Next Policy Makers

"I see the 2011 City Elections as a crossroads for Tampa. We can continue along a path towards a continuous erosion of our quality of life and a gradual economic death OR we can take stock of where we are at in the beginning of the 21st century and how to begin to make our city a more sustainable, livable, pleasant place to exist for us and for future generations."......Kelly Benjamin

Awake The State

The people who teach Florida's future generations deserve better. No Florida public employee deserves a pay cut or a less secure retirement while billions exist in tax loopholes throughout our state's tax code.

So Proud Of Wisconsin

Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker targets unions, the people fight back.
Go Packers!

James Worley of Brandon has started a YouTube channel profiling the local homeless.
Visit him here

Hospital Grifter Rick Scott And High Speed Rail

High-Speed Rail Blues: The Spencerian
Scott Rejects High-Speed Rail: Re/Creating Tampa
Tea Party governors to America: The Reid Report
Rick Scott Rejects High-Speed Rail Money: Pushing Rope
Let's Not Get To Work!

"We are in uncharted territory where the ideologues are successfully dictating policy.".......Kathy Castor

Creative Loafing Endorses Ed Turanchik For Mayor

Ed Turanchik represents a combination of qualities unique among the five highly qualified candidates running for mayor of Tampa. A big-picture thinker who served in elected office and exercised leadership across county boundaries, he also has first-hand experience with the block-by-block realities of doing business in Tampa. He’s a progressive and a pragmatist.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Liz
She is from Vermont. She has been homeless 8 months.
Tampa Bay Homeless

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Carne con Papas
With Red Beans And Rice
$5.99.....At Corona's Coffee Shop, 9307 N Nebraska Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homeless Michael McKinney Dancing On The Median

He is not your average pan handler as he does not beg for money. He DANCES for it instead! I have driven past him at one time and hours later driven back by and there he was STILL DANCING!

Marco Rubio And State Sponsors Of Terrorism

So Senator Rubio is taking on the President's attempts to increase travel to Cuba by placing language in pending legislation that would negate it.

Stop The War On The Cuban People!

The Firehouse Girls

In Tampa
Streets Of Tampa Bay

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Word for the Day: LegiCamp

Florida Progressive Coalition

Kelly Benjamin Responds To Times Pick In District 6

Dear Times Editorial Board,
I can’t help but feel you’ve made a colossal mistake in your choice for the next Tampa City Councilmember in District 6 but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion and I won’t hold it against you. However, one thing struck me in your endorsement:

“Benjamin is unable to make a convincing argument for succeeding Miranda.”
Vote Kelly

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Terry
He has been homeless 8 months. He is from Michigan.
Tampa Bay Homeless

What Stogie Had For Lunch

$7.95......At Gaspar's Patio Bar & Grille in Temple Terrace
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mayor Dave For Our Wonderful City Of Tampa

Dave's Imaginary Mayoral Platform

A Stogie Favorite, "Free bicycles for all. Working with various advocacy and charitable groups across the city I will establish a non-profit that focuses on giving bicycles to everyone.
The best way to reduce bicycle fatalities in Tampa is to
make them so common-place that it becomes second-nature for drivers to look out for cyclists."
I can't wait to see that...

Alex Pickett In Thailand


Ed Turanchik's Top Ten List

Tampa mayoral candidate Ed Turanchik lists the top ten things that he won't do if elected mayor.

Pushing Rope Fifth Anniversary

Happy Birthday!

A Case For My Favorite Beer

Besides being delicious, it is brewed here in Tampa. I bet those workers appreciate us drinking their beer. Anheuser-Busch dosn't brew beer here anymore. They are not even owned by an American company.

You are sending your money to Belgian and Brazil.
Yuengling is the oldest operating brewing company in the United States.
Help your neighbor keep his job. Drink Local.

For a complete list of local eateries visit Tampa Locavore.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Sheldon
He has been homeless 2 days. Born in Tampa.
Tampa Bay Homeless