Friday, May 17, 2013

Tampa's 50-Foot Rule

No not lap dances, car stereos
Tampa City Council gave its preliminary approval to an ordinance Thursday that would make it illegal for drivers to blast their car stereos. The proposal would allow police to ticket drivers if their music can be heard from at least 50 feet away and would include possible jail time for a third offense.
Jail time for playing your stereo too loud? I like this idea better.
Council member Lisa Montelione cast the only vote against the ordinance. She said she supported it, but objected to incarcerating repeat offenders. "Jail time is going to put a lot of young people behind bars who are going to get records and who are not going to be able to get jobs," she said.Better, Montelione said, would be to impound the cars of the offenders.But she was alone on that. "The only way this ordinance is going to work is if the penalties attached to it are steep enough to keep people from repeatedly violating it," council member Harry Cohen said.

A Fired-Up Kevin Beckner

Sue Carlton: Duking it out in the name of diversity
 If you are forming a panel to empower minorities, should a racist get a seat at the table? Does tolerance mean tolerating bigots — who are, by definition, intolerant? And does Terry Kemple — conservative Christian activist and Hillsborough School Board candidate who speaks out against gay rights — belong on a board that's supposed to be about diversity?
Kevin Beckner, the openly gay commissioner who proposed the panel, put it this way:
 "Why would you want to serve on a board you don't believe should be in existence?"
Which led to one fired-up discussion between Beckner and
Victor Crist, who with three other Republicans voted for Kemple.
Commissioner Les Miller voted to table it indefinitely!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Families Homeless In Florida Foreclosures

Rubio Votes Against Everglades Funding

The Senate voted 84-13 to approve a wide-ranging water bill today that includes millions in funding for the Everglades and other Florida-related projects. The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) could have had a positive effect on Florida’s natural resources, industries and residents.   Every Floridian is impacted by the work conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers in our state.  Unfortunately, politics were chosen over sound public policy, and the state’s best interests were left out of the final bill. Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson voted yes,  Marco Rubio voted no.
Rubio doesn't care about the Everglades or south Florida, he has his $800,000 book advance and is moving to DC.

Blackballing Terry Kemple

Several Hillsborough County commissioners ( Al Higginbotham, Ken Hagan) are steamed about the process a national diversity organization used in disqualifying local conservative activist Terry Kemple from a diversity advisory council. The council recommended Kemple be disqualified because of an e-mail he sent to his supporters in September disparaging the new diversity council as a vehicle to promote homosexuality. Kemple also used the e-mail to attack Commissioner Kevin Beckner, who is gay and who proposed creating a local diversity council in the first place. The council cut its ties with the county on Monday.Commissioners are scheduled to approve members for the new council. The discussion is scheduled for Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
Kemple does not belong on any diversity advisory council, he is a bigot and doesn't even know what  diversity means.

High-Speed Ferries On Tampa Bay

Ed Turanchik
Local treasure and Visionary
Is pitching a proposal to some civic leaders and elected officials on behalf of a client hoping to operate a commuter ferry service in Tampa Bay.
"Proceeding with this project expeditiously would be a great and a pleasant unexpected step forward for our whole region, and unquestionably convey the message that Tampa Bay is back and is building for a more sustainable future."
While we are at it lets buy a train and bring people in from Brandon in the morning and take them back in the afternoon. The tracks are already there.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

RNC Florida Hispanic Director: GOP Is Racist

From: Pablo Pantoja: I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party.
It doesn’t take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today. I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others. Look no further; a well-known organization recently confirms the
intolerance of that which seems different or strange to them.
more, At Pushing Rope

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A construction company has essentially destroyed one of Belize's largest Mayan pyramids with backhoes and bulldozers to extract crushed rock for a road-building project. . The ceremonial center dates back at least 2,300 years and is the most important site in northern Belize, near the border with Mexico. The Belize community-action group Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action called the destruction of the archaeological site "an obscene example of disrespect for the environment and history."
here, At Google
"The only way to stop it is by showing that it is a major crime and people can and will go to jail for it."
Francisco Estrada-Belli, a professor at Tulane University's Anthropology Department.

Investigate IRS And DOJ

U.S. Representative Patrick E. Murphy of Florida made the following statement in regards to reports of misconduct by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ):
"The news regarding the IRS is completely unacceptable. Congress should swiftly and thoroughly investigate this matter, and the administration should provide its complete cooperation to ensure that this never happens again. Additionally, the reported actions of the Department of Justice in relation to the Associated Press are deeply troubling and those responsible must be held accountable for any illegal or unethical actions taken. The American people must have faith that their government isn’t abusing its powers, which is why I am calling for full investigations into both of these troubling matters.”

Tampa 'Ride of Silence

The third annual Tampa/Hillsborough Ride of Silence to remember cyclists killed or injured in traffic crashes will be held this Wednesday. The ride begins at 6:30 p.m. at Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park.

Lt. Gov. Allen West?

Get this - after his first pick for Lieutenant Governor resigned in disgrace, Rick Scott is searching for a replacement and as luck would have it, former Congressman Allen West is on the job hunt. Floridians already fired West for his extreme views on pretty much everything. Remember  when he called 80 members of Congress communists? I guess it shouldn't surprise me (yet it still did) that Rick Scott said he thinks West would "be a great Lieutenant Governor." But they're two peas in a Tea Party pod.

Culture Of Corruption: Florida House Republicans

House members say yes to cheap health insurance — for themselves
Florida House Republicans last month loudly and proudly rejected billions of dollars in federal money that would have provided health insurance to 1 million poor Floridians. Quietly, they kept their own health insurance premiums staggeringly low. House members will pay just $8.34 a month for state-subsidized health care next year, or $30 a month to cover their entire family. Eleven of Tampa Bay's 13 Republicans voted against accepting federal Medicaid money and are receiving state-subsidized health care. Rep. Jimmie Smith, R-Inverness, voted against taking federal money but does not participate in the state health care plan. Rep. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, has the state health care plan but wanted the state to take the federal money. The area's House Democrats receive subsidized health care but voted to accept federal money.
Pic: Will Weatherford, Land O' Lakes wake up, send this man packing at the end of his term.

Monday, May 13, 2013

End The CrackDown On Travel To Cuba!

The U.S. government is escalating its attacks on socialist Cuba and U.S. residents who try to travel there. These attacks have now been directed at U.S. labor union activists. Five U.S. union activists who tried to register to participate in the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange in Havana, Cuba over May Day had their funds frozen and seized without explanation by the Labor Exchange’s bank,
Charter One Bank in Detroit, Michigan.

Mistake In Tampa

Whats Wrong With this Picture?
I have been to New Orleans and Atlanta many times to see the Bucs play. When we stay outside the inner city to get a better hotel rate we always take the bus or in Atlanta's case the train. Why then does Hart close their center right across the street from Raymond James Stadium on game days. I can see the  traffic  causing hovac on their schedule, but when i asked a driver why they did this i was told the city uses the center for parking. This place is not very big, i am guessing they can get 20 cars in here at best. Does the city need the money that bad? Alot of people could be taking the bus to the games or other events.

Nan Rich In Tampa

Gubernatorial candidate Nan Rich, a state senator from 2005 to 2012, will be the special guest at Tuesday's joint meeting of the East Hillsborough County Democratic Club and the Hillsborough County Young Democrats from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Barnacles, 926 Providence Road, Brandon.

PBA endorses Darden Rice

Darden Rice announced today she has received the endorsement of the
Sun Coast Police Benevolent Association.
more, At Pushing Rope, Vote Darden Rice

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tell Rep. Castor: Sign The Letter

Republicans in the House are gearing up for yet another symbolic vote to force approval of Keystone XL. Of course, Keystone XL is President Obama’s decision – not the climate deniers who make up a majority of our Congress – but we know that he is sensitive to pressure from Congress as he considers his decision. Now we have an important opportunity to build pressure on the President from those in Congress who actually accept science.

Stogie Recommends

In Time
Is a 2011 dystopian science fiction action film starring Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Matt Bomer, Alex Pettyfer, Vincent Kartheiser, and Johnny Galecki. The film, written, directed and produced by Andrew Niccol,

Friday, May 10, 2013

We Want The Dixie Chicks

HOWARD STERN: Natalie Maines says the Dixie Chicks are "tainted permanently"
 I bought Natalie Maines new CD, Mother, it is nice but just not the same. I totally disagree that the Dixie Chicks brand is tainted permanently. She needs to stop being so stubborn and get back with Martie and Emily. We miss them.
Sign Petition  

Florida HB 655: Stop the Home Rule Hypocrites!

Last week the Florida legislature passed a bill that prevents local governments from writing and passing earned sick time laws and voters from petitioning to put earned sick time initiatives on the ballot such as the pending referendum in Orange County. Our last hope is to convince Governor Rick Scott to veto the bill and stand up for moms, families, and democracy. You can send him a message here with one click.
More info on this bill.

Don't Forget What Gov. Scott Has Done

From his record
We need to make sure Floridians don't forget what Gov. Scott has done – and continues to do – to our great state. Will you help us defeat Scott and his allies' propaganda campaign? Rick Scott is singing a different tune at the close of the 2013 legislative session. More money for education! A pay raise for state employees! Just forget about the fact Scott proposed more than a billion dollars in cuts to education his first year in office. Never mind about Scott standing idly by as our teachers, firefighters, and police officers had their pay cut by three percent. And all the while, Scott and his buddies in the legislature have lavishly handed out hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to their corporate campaign donors. It's a smokescreen covering up how Scott and his allies continue to do the bidding of out of state corporations and the well-connected. Here's what's really going on:
•Thanks to Gov. Scott's inaction, and obstruction by the Republican majority in the Florida House, access to health insurance for more than 1 million uninsured Floridians was blocked.
•Rick Scott’s legislative allies pushed legislation that would lay the ground work for out-of-state corporations to take over our public schools. They failed this year…but they’ll be back next year.
•Scott's allies passed legislation banning local communities from enacting earned sick time benefits for hard working Florida families.
•They caved to mega campaign donor Blue Cross Blue Shield and failed to close an unnecessary tax loophole for big insurance companies, yet they killed legislation that would have lowered vehicle registration fees for everyday Floridians.
Scott and the special interests say this session was a victory for Floridians, but we know what this was: a 60 day corporate special interest feeding frenzy. Will you help us make sure Floridians know the truth?
We won't back down in the face of Gov. Scott's multi-million dollar, special interest fueled propaganda machine. Floridians deserve an efficient, effective government that fights for the needs of middle class families throughout our state.
Thanks for helping us move Florida forward.
Contribute today and help us make sure Floridians never forget Gov. Scott's anti-middle class record.

Compassionate Conservative Frank D. Lucas

The chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Frank D. Lucas, R-Okla., is proposing to cut $20 billion from the food stamp program in the version of the farm bill that lawmakers will began working on Tuesday.  The food stamp program, which is officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, provides nutritional assistance to low-income families and individuals.
Got to pay for those tax breaks.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Florida's Most Corrupt

Vern Buchanan
Rep. Vern Buchanan is still the chief fundraiser for House Republicans — even though his own campaign’s fundraising broke just about every law on the books.
Rep. David Rivera’s personal finances were already a legal black hole before he conspired to break campaign finance laws to prop up a candidate running in the Democratic primary for his House seat.
Cliff Stearns
When it comes to earmarking millions of taxpayer dollars for an institution that contributes to their family income, Rep. Cliff Stearns and his wife make a great team.
All republicans, what a surprise!

Thank You Mr. Barber

For 16 years of greatness. See you in Canton, Ohio.

Seatbelts Save Lives

Florida Man Flees Seatbelt Stop on Foot, Deland Cop Runs Him Over and Kills Him.

Morgan And Morgan For Tebow

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stogie's Top Ten List

Right-Wing In Tampa

America: What A Country

Former Disgraced Republican South Carolina Gov. and adulter Mark Sanford on Tuesday won back his old congressional seat in a district that hasn't elected a Democrat in three decades. I am sure he is headed to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
It must be true what they say that GOP voters will vote for anybody as long as there is an R at the end of their name.
 Locally see vern buchanan or Will Weatherford.

Tampa's New And Improved

Homeless Proof Bench

Jan Platt Day Care Center?

I recently had to go to the Jan Platt Library in South Tampa to use one of their omputers while my was in the shop. All i saw and heard was kids running around screaming and yelling and the parents or staff doing nothing about it. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bush Presidential Library and Museum

Pics Left Out

Iraq Wall

Tampa Needs A Quarterback

The City Not The Bucs
"Everyone refers to him as a cheerleader, and in this we need a quarterback," she said before the vote. "He needs to step up and challenge the County Commission … and I've not heard that from him."
Tampa City Council member Yvonne Yolie Capin criticizing Mayor Bob Buckhorn's record on providing services to the homeless.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Florida's Death Penalty Appeal

At The Tampa Bay Times

Immigration Reform Rally In Tampa

Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse Building
801 N Florida Ave, 4th floor, Tampa
Wednesday, May 8th, 3:00 PM
Let's keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away!

Cricketts And Chipmunks In Kentucky

After fatal shooting of toddler, Kentucky town grieves and hushes up
Kristian, 5, shot and killed his 2-year-old sister with a gun marketed for children as "My First Rifle" in what authorities said was an accident.
There were strong emotions directed at the outside world, which has been quick to pass judgment on the parents and a way of life in which many see nothing unusual about introducing children to firearms while they are still in kindergarten. Anne Beall, a 64-year-old retiree, said she had not heard anyone in town call the parents irresponsible for giving a gun to a 5-year-old or for leaving it unlocked. After the funeral service, two men advanced across North Main Street toward a single television crew present, from the German network RTL, and punched the cameraman, bloodying his face and knocking him down. Two other men told a newspaper reporter, "If you had any sense, you'd get out of here. You're next, buddy." Kristian's gun, a .22-caliber single-shot Crickett rifle designed for children and sold in pink and blue. After the shooting, the Crickett's maker, Keystone Sporting Arms in Milton, Pa., deleted a Web page promoting it, but archived images show the company featured a "kids corner" with dozens of pictures of young children and their Cricketts at shooting ranges and out hunting. Their Chipmunks rifles.

Marco Rubio Has Got Cojones

 Sen. Marco Rubio battling conservative opposition to immigration bill.
Please, i am not changing sides, so no hate mail, but Mr. Rubio needs to have courage and stick with it. As organizer Rachelle Litt of Organizing for Action, the extension of Obama's campaign machine said at  a rally outside his office in Palm Beach Gardens.
"How do you think it would look like if here, a child of immigrants himself, backs out of this legislation after he's gone all-in for it?"
Remember what he may loose with the vocal right he gains with the silent left. 

2013 Clearwater Beach Restaurant Week

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What About Doug Williams?

The Bucs announced last week that Warren Sapp will be the fifth person inducted into their Ring of Honor. Just like the four previous inductees, Sapp is certainly deserving. But one name remains missing from the Ring, and it would appear this name will go on missing for years. Doug Williams.

Culture Of Corruption: Florida Republicans

$51 Billion Failure
State lawmakers refused to accept $51 billion in federal money to provide health care to 1 million uninsured Floridians, and that leaves a permanent stain on the 2013 Florida Legislature.
Other Highlights
DEATH PENALTY (FAILED): Repeals Florida's death penalty for capital cases. (HB 4005)
DEATH PENALTY (PASSED): Limits the legal arguments used by inmates sentenced to death and awaiting execution in an effort to accelerate the death penalty process. (HB 7083)
RED LIGHT CAMERAS (FAILED): Reduces fines and gives people more time to pay them. (SB 1342)
WETLANDS (PASSED): Modifies a series of wetlands-related rules and ratifies the governor and Cabinet's approval of 30-year leases of public lands in the Everglades to sugar companies. (HB 999)
SPRINGS (FAILED): Requires water management district to identify certain springs for protection.
CELLPHONE PRIVACY (FAILED): Requires police to obtain a search warrant before seizing a personal electronic device during an arrest. (SB 846/HB 797)
FRACKING (FAILED): Companies must disclose what chemicals they use when they explore for oil and gas using an extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. (HB 743)
GUN CONTROL (FAILED): Mandates that only licensed dealers can sell guns at gun shows.
 DOCS VS. GLOCKS (FAILED): Repeals the 2011 "docs vs. glocks" law that banned doctors from asking patients about guns. (SB 314/HB 4017)
STAND YOUR GROUND (FAILED): Repeals controversial Stand Your Ground law, which provides immunity to people who use deadly force in self-defense. (SB 622/HB 4009)
STAND YOUR GROUND (FAILED): Limits Stand Your Ground law, clarifying that does not apply when innocent bystanders are hurt or killed. (SB 362/HB 123)
DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS (FAILED): Sets up a domestic registry; allows basic rights primarily related to health care, visitation and property for unmarried couples. (SB 196/HB 259)
SICK LEAVE (PASSED): Bans local governments from requiring employers to provide sick-leave benefits for their workers. Does not affect "living wage" ordinances. (SB 726/HB 655)
MEDICAL MARIJUANA (FAILED): Legalizes use of marijuana for medical reasons. (SB 1250/HB 1139)
IMMIGRANT TUITION (FAILED): Extends in-state tuition to the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants. (SB 180/HB 7051)
WELFARE BENEFITS (PASSED): Prevents people from using welfare benefits at certain "adult entertainment" establishments, casinos or in a liquor store. (SB 1048/HB 701) Gun stores ok.
John Romano's quick review of their 2013 performance.
Daniel Lemon, of Seminole said it best in his letter to The Times:
For results, eject party in power
This editorial asks, Why don't lawmakers care? That question is answered on the front page of Perspective. They care for the show and the dough. They do not care for the citizens and voters of Florida. It would be interesting to find out if the people mentioned in the editorial vote, and if so, for which party.The solution to the problems with state government is very simple. For several decades state government has been controlled by the Republican Party, and the quality of life for the average Floridian has deteriorated. We have historical experience to know the results of Republican control of state government. If we want change, we must vote to remove control from the Republicans. As long as our state government is bought and paid for by special interests, lobbyists and big business, then we will continue to ask pointless questions and receive illogical answers.

Standing-Up-For-Squirrels Crist

Hillsborough County government can be progressive, at least when it comes to cats. This week commissioners approved a smart plan to reduce the terrible number of animals killed at the county shelter yearly. Well, except Commissioner Standing-Up-For-Squirrels Crist who said he was "leading the cause for the squirrels and the birds … who will lose their lives as a result of this decision." Crist apparently did not buy the argument that feral cats are already out there. And by the way, what do you think of "Leading the Cause for Squirrels" as a campaign slogan?

TIA Restores Seasonal Flights To Holguin, Cuba

Three months after the flights were suspended, Tampa International Airport announced Thursday it would host new seasonal flights to Holguin, Cuba. Starting next month, ABC Charters will fly once a week to the east Cuban beach town, about 500 miles from Havana.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Florida Should End Death Penalty

We Are Starting To Look Like Texas
Florida's fast track death penalty bill is blood-thirsty form of justice. This is one that will make all those red-blooded, blood-thirsty Floridians stand up and cheer: Florida is trying to speed up executions. Yep. We can’t fry ‘em anymore because those liberals made us get rid of Ol Sparky, but we sure can put the needle in ‘em quicker.
We should follow Maryland's lead and  abolishes the death penalty. Florida has the shameful distinction of leading the nation in the number of wrongful convictions to death row, with 24 exonerations.
Tell Rick Scott: Veto Florida House’s shameful bill to "speed up" death penalty

Looking Good Ireland

Nearly a month after her legs were severed in a lawnmower accident, Ireland Nugent left Tampa General Hospital just before noon Saturday and headed home to Palm Harbor.
Get well little lady!

Live by Night by Dennis Lehane

A novel set in Ybor City won the Edgar Allan Poe Award for best novel.
Read Colette Bancroft, Times Book Editor's review.
Ben Affleck Eyes Dennis Lehane Novel ‘Live By Night’ As Next Directing Vehicle.
Visit Nr. Lehane website
Buy "Live By Night" at these local book stores.
Inkwell Books in Tampa or Haslam's Book Store in St Pete.

Local Views: Joe McColloch

Attack on public education
The narrow failure of the "parent trigger" bill in the state Senate should put all concerned parents and taxpayers in Florida on notice that the Republican ideologues who dominate the Legislature will stop at nothing to dismantle our system of public education and hand it over to special interests, most of whom help to bankroll these same legislative lackeys as well as their GOP apparatus.
With virtually no public support whatsoever, the House GOP fell all over themselves to embrace this blatant theft of taxpayer-funded assets while employing shamelessly fraudulent means — including a joke of a petition containing a mere handful of signatures, many of which were apparently bogus — to make their case that there was any public support for this hijack of our public education system. Only the courage of a few Republicans in the Senate kept this idiotic and dishonest effort from happening.
The shameful legacy of Jeb Bush, with his grandiose schemes to privatize as many of our state governmental functions as possible — and education most particularly — continues to afflict Florida and its taxpayers, much to our collective detriment.
Tampa Bay Times Letters to the Editor: Joe McColloch, Tampa
Locals who voted yes. John Legg, R-Trinity; Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby; Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg;
Tom Lee, R-Brandon; Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Local Censorship: Tampa May Day Rally

Where was our local media?
During a heavy Florida rainstorm, activists, undocumented immigrants and community members from the Tampa Bay area gathered under a pavilion in a local park. The different organizations and people united under a banner reading, “May Day: 11 million people need equal rights!”
It seems Tampa held a May Day Rally and not one of our local media outlets bother to tell us. I had to find it at Fight Back News.
Story here

Tampa Streets to Get Pedestrian, Cyclist Friendly Redesign

Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced today that four streets are set to get a pedestrian and cyclist friendly makeover with new installations of sidewalks and bike lanes or shared use pathways. The four streets to be redone are Palm Avenue, Willow Avenue, Bougainvillea Avenue, and Cypress Street.

Congratulations Mr. Sapp

Take a good look at the last No. 99