Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ybor Paparazzi

 Ybor City Photographer

Historic Tampa Cuban Sandwich

Miami New Times is bashing our Cuban because we like them with Salami and mayonnaise.
According to the City of Tampa, it, and not Miami, is the birthplace of the Cuban sandwich. It even went so far as to "officially rename" the sandwich, the "Historic Tampa Cuban Sandwich." Considering the fact that in Tampa the sandwich's ingredients include salami and mayonnaise, Tampa can keep the name. That ain't no Cuban sandwich.
 Tampa should call its sandwich the "mixto" as it was originally called, because that is what it is -- a mix of cultural appetites resting between two slices of bread -- and stop trying to steal the title of "birthplace of the Cuban sandwich" from Miami, where it belongs.......more>

Amanda Murphy House District 36

Amanda Murphy in the race to replace Mike Fasano in House District 36. Murphy, a Raymond James financial advisor, is running in a special election on Oct. 15 to replace Fasano. Fasano resigned when he was appointed by Gov. Rick Scott to replace county tax collector Mike Olson who died.
Check her out here

Conchs Hunting Mosquitoes With Drones

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Local Bartenders: My Last Bloody Mary

 Meet Jill
She works at The Oasis Lounge on Dana Shores Drive, once a year I stop by to have the best Bloody Mary in Tampa. She is leaving us, moving away.
We will miss her.

Ybor City Hookah Lounge

Tampa Florida

Tampa Bay Workers Join Fast Food Strike

Feed Your Head

You are invited to Feed Your Head, a birthday party with the best in local flavor! Feed Your Head is the big celebration for two independent entities "serving" the community! Feed Your Head salutes WMNF's 34 years on the air and Ella's fourth year in business.
Feed Your Head at Ella's Americana Folk Art Cafe5119 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa
Monday, September 9th 6 - 10pm for more info here

Gainesville Protest Against U.S. Intervention

Protesters gathered on the corner of University and SW 13th Street outside of the University of Florida, Aug. 28, to demand no U.S. military intervention in Syria......more>

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ybor Paparazzi

The Ladies At The Ritz

Bill Zapf: The Rolling Comic

Saw him at The Improv in Ybor City. Very Funny.
Visit him here

Florida Fights Rising Sea Level

In Florida, sea level could rise 60 centimeters by 2060. The Florida Keys, especially vunerable because of their low altitude, are protecting themselves.

The Merchants Of Ybor

The spirits at La France on 7th ave.
A vintage clothing store. Pic not Photoshopped, looks like someone might want their clothes back. Visit them on Facebook, new website coming soon.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tampeños Say No To Corporate Welfare

according to a survey they say tax dollars should go toward solving the homeless problem and improving transportation not building ball parks for MLB.  Don't listen to Mayor Bob and Ken Hagan, if Pam Iorio runs again Mayor Bob will be looking for a new job. And Hagan's political career is over. Read Mitch Perry's wonderful piece here 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bacon Burger with fries.
At Florida Lanes on N. Florida ave.

Egyptians Demonstrate In Tampa

George Zimmerman A Right Wing Icon?

 Did anyone not expect Zimmerman to become a hero to the deeply racist right wing? He bagged himself a Negro and got away with it. It's a dream come true! That liberals and black people are disgusted is the icing on the cake......more>

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Mystery Of The St. Pete Chicken Solved

Local blogger Peter Schorsch was the guy in the chicken suit that kept showing up at political events that St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Kathleen Ford didn't attend. The chicken always held the same sign: "Kathleen Ford: Too chicken to debate Foster + Kriseman." Schorsch posed in a chicken suit in the announcement on Facebook and confessed: "You're damn right I was behind the chicken! Bye-bye Kathleen"......more>

No Corporate Welfare For Rays

A new poll of 584 registered voters in Tampa finds little support for using taxpayer money for a new stadium for the Tampa Bay Rays.  The poll, from and commissioned by St. Petersburg political blogger Peter Schorsch, asked whether taxpayer dollars should be used to help pay for a new Tampa Bay Rays baseball stadium in Tampa, 55.9 percent of respondents said no, 36.4 percent said yes and 7.8 percent were unsure.....more>
Don't let Mayor Bob fool you, remember Bush and the Rangers?
Financially, the Rangers deal was basically about real estate. By getting the city to build them a new stadium, Bush and his partners increased the team’s book value from $83 million to $138 million. This required convincing the city’s taxpayers that they would lose the team if they did not pay up for the stadium. To raise the $191 million it would cost to build the Ballpark at Arlington, residents were asked to add a half cent to what was already one of the nation’s highest sales tax rates. According to attorney Glenn Sodd, W.’s group helped egg along Arlington by leaking a story that Dallas was competing for the team and had offered to build them a stadium. “We found out that this was untrue..... more>

Bong Heaven

In Tampa, where is Rouson's bong police?


Thursday, August 29, 2013
Corner of Fowler Ave and 15th Street in Tampa

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Context Florida

  Peter Schorsch: Putting Florida in Context with the launch of
A non-profit, online, statewide opinion network. Florida Voices editors Tom O’Hara and Rich Bard will run this publication, thereby bringing into the fold two experienced, trusted journalists to helm a site that is as much a paean to legacy media as it is to the new techniques and tools.
Check it out here

The Rum Runner

This has always been one of my favorite drinks. It has many names, Planter's Punch, Hurricanes etc. here it is called a Dunk Tank. Some of you are to young to remember Clearwater's famous Kapok Tree restaurant. It served it in a tall souvenir glass which you got to keep. I've had them all over the world and one of the best I've ever had is made right here in Tampa by Kristie at Florida Lanes on N. Florida ave.

Ed Narain For Florida

Ed Narain is a dedicated member of the Tampa community who has served in various community and civic roles over the last nineteen years. Ed is a former USF Student Body President and a member of College Leadership Florida. While a student leader, Ed was elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Florida Student Association Board and received the first USF Student Affairs Leadership Award.
check him out here

TasedTo Death In Miami

Eighteen-year-old Israel Hernandez-Llach was an award-winning artist in Miami, Florida – a painter, sculptor, photographer and graffiti artist. He was armed with nothing more than a can of spray paint, threatening nothing but the wall of an abandoned McDonalds, when the cops chased him down, tased him, and allegedly laughed and high-fived as he lay motionless and dying on the ground. This is not an isolated incident. The Miami Beach Police Department has an appalling record of using excessive force......more>

Monday, August 26, 2013

Florida Dems

Rep. Ricardo Rangel of Kissimmee; Sen. Joe Abruzzo of Wellington, Sen. Darren Soto of Orlando and Rep. Daphne Campbell of Miami did not bother to vote on whether to hold a special session on Stand Your Ground. A non-vote is the same as a “no” vote, so those four lawmakers, by not voting or having their votes recorded, joined seven other Democrats who voted against the special session. Those Democrats who did bother to let their constituents know that they were breaking with their party were: Rep. Mark Danish of Tampa; Rep. Katie Edwards of Plantation; Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda of Tallahassee, Rep. Michelle Rehwinkelof Orlando; Rep. Carl Zimmermann of Palm Harbor; Rep. Mike Clelland of Lake Mary, and Rep. Dwight Dudley of St. Petersburg. That meant that of the 58 Democrats in the Legislature, only 47 voted for a special session to repeal or change a 2005 law that has sparked some protests in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting......more

Tampa Bay Cameros

Right Wing Bloggers’ Acting Like Nazis

A top House Democrat blasted conservative Internet bloggers for spreading lies and “manufactured controversies” about President Obama, equating their actions to Nazi propagandists......more>
Here is their latest, Obama Does Not Have Any White Dogs!

Nick Ruiz for Congress 2014: "Florida

As a professor of philosophy and humanities, my commitment to the health, education and well-being of Americans dently progressive and Democratic constituency that is not being adequately represented by the Democratic Party as it stands today. Constituents on the Left are hungry for the real thing. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

What Stogie Had For Breakfast

French Toast with Blueberries.
$4.95 at 3 Coins Diner in Seminole Heights
How much was your last value meal?

John's Pass

 more at Tampa Colada

Democrat Allie Braswell To Challenge Florida CFO Jeff Atwater

Allie Braswell, a Sanford native is head of the central Florida Urban League. He said,
"I’m not a politician. But what we’re getting out of politician Jeff Atwater is a go-along to get-along style that is hurting Floridians. Under his watch, billions in no-bid contracts have been given away and people with insider connections are getting rich off taxpayer money. We need a leader who will help protect taxpayers by cracking down on huge contracts that politicians are handing over to their supporters and political allies. I’ll be a fiscal watchdog who will hold our government and politicians accountable and fight to shift the focus of our leaders away from helping their friends and back to attracting good jobs to Florida.".....more>

Dream Defenders: 31 Days 30 Nights

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Hillsborough County Republican Party

Is developing a ground game for the 2014 election cycle. Brian Swanson, the political director for the Republican Party of Florida who identified himself as the biggest Libertarian in the world said Scott has done a phenomenal job. 
"That's what a conservative governor can do with a phenomenal conservative legislature." What we have to do is look at what we can control and what we can do, and what we can do is organize. Organize early, get involved in your communities, bring new folks into the RNC, strengthen the party from inside. Our grassroots organization is very poor.  We want to bring more minority groups into our party." 
Good luck with that.  Then he blames us. We are the ones making them look like fools all over the country.  
"The left right now is declaring us as something we are completely not, they are saying the Republican party is made up of racists and evil people and that we hate minorities, and they're trying to brand us with that. We can't let them do that."
Swanson summed up his talk with the HCRP by insisting on the importance of the Tampa Bay region in the upcoming election........more>

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Carne con Papa with yellow rice and black beans.
$7.99 at The Cuban Sandwich Café on N. Florida ave in Tampa.

Protest In Ft. Lauderdale

Supporters of whistleblower Private First Class Bradley Manning gathered at the Federal Building in downtown Ft. Lauderdale for an emergency protest. They demanded a presidential pardon for the 25-year old whistleblower.......more

2014 Florida Progressive Candidates

District 1: Jim Bryan (D)
 District 2: Gwen Graham (D)
 District 5: Corrine Brown (D)
District 6: David Cox (D)Andrew Scott (D)
District 7: Nick Ruiz III (D)
District 13: Jessica Ehrlich (D)
District 14: Kathy Castor (D)*
District 18: Patrick Murphy
District 19: April Freeman (D)
For more info visit Politics 1

Friday, August 23, 2013

Osama bin Laden In Cuba

Since the right wing is always starting rumors about Obama I thought I would start one of my own. Obama never had bin Laden killed, it was all a show. Castro granted him asylum. He has been living in Cuba. Here he is at a local beach having a mimosa. Pic was taken by a Canadian tourist. The Canadian said he also likes mojitos.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Philly cheesesteak with New England Clam Chowder
At The Hut in John's Pass.
Stay Local, Eat Local visit Tampa Bay Locavore. 

the Race Factor

I got on an elevator the other day with a group of young people. It looked like they were very good friends. It made me think about what Pres.Obama said about his kids and future generations. Times are changing and for the better.
"The nation shouldn't lose sight of its progress on issues of race and equality. When I talk to Malia and Sasha, and I listen to their friends and I see them interact, they're better than we are,"....President Obama 

scott Reality Check

Rick Scott wants you and other Florida voters to think our schools are better off with him in the governor's office. Tell that to students who lost their teacher last year, or had their favorite class cut, or their after school program eliminated. Rick Scott’s rosy education rhetoric just doesn’t match up with the reality experienced by our teachers and students. Help  get the truth out? Click to SHARE the truth on Facebook or Twitter.
Gov. Scott has been touring the state promoting the fact that he is putting funding back into public education after cutting more than $1.3 billion in 2011. Scott is hoping to wipe his abysmal education record clean with Florida voters but the reality in local communities still doesn’t match up with the governor’s rhetoric.
Help us get the truth out today.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dark Skinned People Don’t Need To Tan

More great stuff from Florida's Right Wing.
Rep. Ted Yoho Florida's Dumbest Politician told an appreciative crowd at a recent town hall meeting in Florida "Obamacare’s 10% tax on tanning bed services is racist against white people because darker-skinned people don’t need to tan." Allen West added,  “You want to talk about something that’s really racist? They have a tanning tax. I’m not tanning.”
Who the hell votes for these people?

In Florida Life Is Always A Beach

 That is why we live here. Clean beaches and the view void of oil rigs.

The Mafia Tour

Cigar City Magazine Presents: The Mafia Tour
September 21, 2013 and October 19, 2013
The tour will take you to old gambling palaces, street corners and alleys where some mobsters met their demise, and restaurants where wise guys like famed boss Santo Trafficante Jr. held

Liberals Scream for Howard Dean

Howard Dean today became the latest Democrat to head to Iowa. He spoke at an Iowa Federation of Labor event about an effort by the liberal group Democracy For America to elect more Democratic state legislators. Asked by Iowa radio whether he would run if Hillary doesn't, Dean answered, "We're not going there, I'm supporting Hillary." If Dean were to run, he'd probably have to do it by heading straight for Clinton's (or Vice President Joe Biden's) left flank. That would mean a more populist message, focused on expanding, not "reforming" entitlements and Wall Street reform, which some liberal Democrats feel the mainstream of the party has largely abandoned for the sake of political expediency. "If no candidate endorses these positions there's absolutely room for a Howard Dean type of candidate," said Matt Wall, press secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee........more>

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In Defense Of Kathleen Ford

The Stogie had too many pints of Yuengling one night and desided to parody Ms. Ford's comment about making potato salad.  This brought a response from someone we all admire very much around here local blogger and activist Tom Tito of Bartlett Park. He wrote,
"Ford has worked very hard for south St. Pete residents. The newspaper won't say anything good about her due to their bias toward their business advocate Rick Baker (who is loved by Rick Kriseman.) Check out this story, it was honored by the Columbia Journalism Review."
I read the story he is talking about and if you live in St. Pete you should too before you go to the polls.  Check it out here.

Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture

In 2011 Scott vetoed state money for a Sarasota rowing center. Then the money started rolling in.  Scott's "Let's Get To Work" committee received $125,000 in donations from Benderson Development, which owns the land for the rowing center. He received another $85,000 from Pat Neal, the nearby Lakewood Ranch developer who would benefit from the project. Scott also has received $1,000 from Diane Bennett, the wife of former state senator and current Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett, who helped lead the effort in the Senate to secure state funding for the rowing center. Bennett is a consultant for an electrical contractor on the facility bidding for work on the project, which could run from $200,000 to $2 million. Benderson Development president Randy Benderson even got an extra bonus for his generosity — a Business Ambassador Award medal from the governor. He clearly earned it. Scott says supporters of the project convinced him of the economic benefits and tourism allure of the rowing center. Now The $40 million rowing center project is under construction and scheduled for completion in 2015.......more>

Equal Marriage FLA HD3

Ybor Paparazzi

Charlie and Bob of A-List Steaks.


The Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce traveled to Cuba in May 2013 to support Tampa International Airport's nonstop service to Cuba.