Thursday, November 20, 2014

Florida Sen. Bill Nelson only Democrat to vote with Republicans

A law bill to reform some of the NSA's mass surveillance of innocent Americans died in the US Senate. Democrats pushing through the proposed overhaul were two votes short of the 60 needed to break a Republican 

Democratic(?) Senator Bill Nelson of Florida voted against his party to side with the Republicans. Nelson was the only Democrat to vote with Republicans.

Operation: Reveille, a Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative

A total of 53 veterans were granted rent-free housing for up to a year in various living facilities throughout the county. Thanks to Ashley Furniture for the new furnishings and other household essentials, including food. here

What Pilar Had For Lunch

Sushi Combo
At IAsia in North Port
Visit them here

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Brave New Films • The Activist Collection

Call out Pam Bondi for selling out our justice system!

As Florida’s Attorney General, Pam Bondi has a duty to uphold our laws and justice system with integrity.

But she could not care less. She’s been selling out Florida’s justice system to Washington lobbyists, socializing with attorneys who have corporate clients under state investigation.This behavior is wildly inappropriate – and a clear violation of Florida law.

Add your name: Call on Rick Scott to set up an independent investigation into Bondi’s blatant disregard for the law!

Democrats Who Voted For Keystone XL Pipeline

11 Democrats who crossed party lines to support the amendment were Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, 
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, 
Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Jon Tester of Montana and Jim Webb of Virginia. here

Thank you Florida Sen. Bill Nelson for 
not being on this list. 

Fight for 15 Florida

Enough is enough; communities and workers in FL, it's time to end the fast-food struggle by joining the movement to improve the quality of life for thousands of exploited workers in the fast-food industry in Florida.

Right Wing Venezuelan Plotted Coup in Florida in 2013

A new YouTube video was released this month showing Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez detailing destabilization plans against President Nicolas Maduro in a meeting with a right-wing exile group in Florida. The meeting between Lopez, leader and founder of the right-wing Popular Will party, and members of the group Politically Persecuted Venezuelans in Exile (VEPPEX), took place October 31, 2013, just three months before opposition members began violent protests in Caracas. here

Lopez is currently facing a trial in Venezuela for inciting violence during the riots in Caracas that left dozens of people dead.

Congratulations Sen. Arthenia Joyner

State Sen. Arthenia Joyner of Tampa became the first African-American woman to lead the Senate Democratic caucus. Her mission will be to help rebuild the Democratic Party 
one day at a time

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rick Scott's Ark Tour At Hongkong Willies In Tampa

Stop by and take your pic with the famous ark.
Interstate 75 at Fletcher Avenue in Tampa

Florida 2016: Marijuana Legalization For Everybody

Amendment 2 got more votes than any candidate on the ballot (Gov. Rick Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater or 
Agriculture Commissioners 
Adam Putnam).
John Morgan said he might try again, and he might also put a second amendment on the 2016 ballot that calls for outright marijuana legalization. here

Medical marijuana was favored by voters in 52 of 
Florida’s 67 counties.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Read more here:

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Spaghetti and Meatballs
With salad
At Zio's Pizzeria in North Port, Visit them here
Great food. We want to try everything on their menu!

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is the new chairman of the Republican organization that has given her thousands of dollars in free trips over the last four years. here

How we 
"git ur done" 
in Rick Scott's Florida

We're Standing Out For Freedom. Are You?

Protect Our Privacy: Support the USA Freedom Act

Call Senator Nelson(202) 224-5274 and Senator Rubio: (202)-224-3041 today and tell them to support the USA Freedom Act, which will be voted on Tuesday night. Remember to call during regular business hours of 9AM-6PM EST so that you can be sure to speak with someone in the office. info

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gov. Dean Do Something About Allison Tant

 Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant and her allies want you to forget all about those losses nine days ago and focus on the leadership race for the Democratic House Caucus. But is this really a true concern, or a diversion to keep the attention off of the failures of the Florida Democratic Party? here

Save Florida's Briger Forest

Community activists with Everglades Earth First! have halted what they call Kolter Development’s “illegal” construction in Palm Beach Gardens’ Briger Forest. A disabled vehicle is sitting in the road at the construction entrance to the site and two people have locked their bodies to it. here

Ybor City Stogie Hoodie

                                                                         Ybor City Stogie Hoodie
Ybor City Stogie Hoodie 

Petitioning Ft. Lauderdale City Officials

Drop the charges against 90-year-old Arnold Abbott for feeding the homeless. here 

Tell the Senate to Stop Keystone XL Now

You can reach your senators here:
Sen. Bill Nelson
(202) 224-5274
Sen. Marco Rubio
(202) 224-3041

You can also use the capitol switchboard at 
(202) 224-3121

Our Oligarchic Form Of Society

The recent Supreme Court decisions in 
McCutcheon and Citizens United 
have been disastrous for our democracy.  
They are allowing the billionaire class to spend unlimited amounts in elections, and to elect candidates who protect the interests of the 1% while opposing the needs of everyone else. here

Today’s conservative court, in 5-4 votes, embraces corruption.  That has to stop or this country will rapidly evolve into an oligarchic form of society where virtually all power rests in a handful of wealthy hands.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pam Bondi In Pay-To-Look-Away Scandal

The investigation found Bondi flitting around the globe — at posh resorts in Hawaii, California and all sorts of places other than the state she was elected to serve. Gift records examined by The Associated Press found that Bondi had taken more than $51,000 worth of free trips, meals and hotel stays — much of it thanks to corporations that funneled money through the Republican Attorneys General Association. here

The lobbyists got their way. One of the attorneys lobbying Bondi represented online travel companies that were trying to avoid paying certain taxes in Florida. Bondi's predecessor, Bill McCollum, had sued the companies, trying to get the money. But Bondi dropped the matter, saying it wasn't something her office needed to pursue.

Florida GOP voters are you feeling it yet. We know you guys like to take it deep. Order our free tube of lube, it will make the experience more memorable.

South Florida and Sea Level Rise

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pasta and Sausage
At Oregano's Pizza And Bakery in North Port

St. Petersburg named top Florida city for LGBT equality

Florida DINO Patrick Murphy joins Republicans

Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter was the lone Florida Democrat to join this afternoon with Republicans in approving the Keystone pipeline. here

Friday, November 14, 2014

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Caldo Gallego, Rice and Platanos
At Cafe Masaryktown. more

Why America Keeps Dumping Democrats

Florida GOP Luncheon

Myakka City

Rick Scott's Florida: Florida Hospitals Will Lose Billions

Florida hospitals treating the state’s large uninsured population face losing billions of dollars in federal funding if state lawmakers continue to refuse expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). here

Stogie T-Shirt


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Americans vote for the party that got them into the mess that Obama just dug them out of?

Consider, right now in America, corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is below 6%, U.S. gross national product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries The stock market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation, interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S. oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money. here

GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable.

Ybor City is reviving La Verbena festival of 1920's

Hillsborough County Tea Party Leader Sharon Calvert

In an email sent to voters yesterday she asks them to fill out a form to send a stern message to officials in Hillsborough County. “Let your Hillsborough County elected officials know that it’s still “NO” on having an 8% sales tax in Hillsborough County,” Calvert wrote. here

We ask that you do the opposite, tell the Hillsborough County Commission that you want a  referendum on the 2016 ballot. Join the discussion at 6:30 p.m. November 19 at Holy Hog in Downtown Tampa to talk about how to move Hillsborough forward despite early opposition.

Weird Florida "Hong Kong Willie"

Happy Birthday Gov. Howard Dean

Sign Gov. Howard Dean's birthday card

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

John Romano Calls Pam Bondi's Office

Florida Voices for Animals

Yolie Capin Is Having A Party

December 4
5215 South Nichol Street in Tampa 
Among those on the high-profile host committee is Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner, Columbia Restaurant Group President Richard Gonzmart, Tampa preservationist Del Acosta, Ambassador David A. Straz Jr. and former gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink. info

Florida GOP Luncheon

 Plant City

Rally At Rep. Kathy Castor's Office In Tampa

Thursday at 12:00 p.m.
4144 N Armenia Ave., Suite 300 Tampa

 If you care about the future of this country, join us for a rally and meeting to ask Representative Kathy Castor to pledge to vote no on Fast Track for the egregious Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and all other trade bills that should be debated under the regular legislative process. Fast Track would allow the President to circumvent our Constitution which states "Congress shall make all laws respecting trade." Fast Track would allow very little debate on the TPP, which has been negotiated in total secret, and attacks labor, the environment, and affordable medicines, among other targets. 
Can you join us in Tampa on Thursday?  

President Obama's Statement on Keeping the Internet Open and Free

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pam Bondi Convalescence Home In Tampa

Trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan
Prices May Vary

Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida, after taking a free ride on a chartered jet last year to a resort island far from her home state, made an unusual offer to one of the corporate lawyers from Washington who helped foot the bill: an invitation to stay at her Tampa home while recuperating from surgery.

Becky for Mayor Of Tampa

My Platform:
#1 – Increasing the minimum wage within the City of Tampa to $15 an hour
#2 – Decriminalizing marijuana in Tampa
 #3 – Police Accountability Measures – A) All officers of the TPD would be required to wear front facing cameras while on duty and turning them off would result in disciplinary actions.
#4 – Economic Development Beyond Downtown.
#5 – Equity in Mayoral Compensation

Hillsborough High School - Tampa