Saturday, February 28, 2015

Florida could be next state to legalize recreational pot

The “Floridians for Solar Choice” amendment

As part of our effort to free Florida’s energy grid from dirty fossil fuels, Sierra Club Florida has joined a wide-ranging coalition of conservatives and environmentalists in a campaign to put a solar energy constitutional amendment on the 2016 ballot. here 

Friday, February 27, 2015

JOSE for Mayor City of Tampa 2015

My Name is Jose, write-in candidate for 
Mayor City of Tampa. 
Since December 5, 1999, I have resided, eaten, shopped and worked within this city. Since Mayor Bob was elected, his priority is downtown Tampa and he has no thought about the problems this cause to the residents whole City of Tampa.

From that fact, I decide to run for mayor, and I want you to give me the opportunity to make a difference to benefit the residents of the City of Tampa. I have the interest, experience, capacity and ideas to reduce and resolve part or all problems of the residents of Tampa

Remember this is our future and not my personal decision, I am not perfect, but I am human just like you. I not do this for money, I do it because I cant continue see my city falling in pieces and the mayor do nothing to help us. 

Do not look at my past; look forward to your future. The only thing I want is for you to trust me. I need for you to go and vote write-in  for JOSE  on March 3, 2015. Every vote counts and you are very important to me. I am counting on your support! 

Sincerely; Jose
Visit him here, don't forget your pen/pencil when you go vote.

Floridians for Clean Water Rally in Tallahassee

 What do we want?  Clean water!  How do we get it?  Buy the land!
“Amendment 1 is not your slush fund!” 
“Buy the land!  Send water south!

On February 18, 400 activists gathered together at the Floridians for Clean Water & Amendment 1 Rally on the Historic Front Steps of the Capitol Building in Tallahassee. The crowds delivered a resounding message to the Governor and the legislature. here

Congratulations, you helped protect Florida’s East Coast from offshore drilling

Last month, the Obama administration proposed a five year plan to open huge swaths of the East Coast to offshore drilling for oil. With your support, we are fighting hard to keep this dangerous proposal from becoming a reality. I wanted to take a moment to highlight your recent victory and a step in the right direction: Florida was not included in the five year plan for drilling in the Atlantic.
Congratulations, you helped protect Florida’s East Coast from offshore drilling for five more years! here

? To Ask Republicans

March For Ocean Justice in St. Augustine

 March for Ocean Justice
Saturday, March 7 at noon, in 
downtown St. Augustine. info

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Jeff Kottkamp and Ethan Nadelmann to Give Keynotes at Legislative Policy Conference

Tomorrow Florida for Care is hosting this year’s first policy conference- just before the start of legislative session. Among local politicians, lawyers, and experts will be former Lt. Gov Jeff Kottkamp, who is now advocating with Florida for Care for medical marijuana, and Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance, Ethan Nadelmann.

WHAT: Legislative Policy Conference

WHERE: Westin Coral Gables, 180 Aragon Ave. Coral gables, FL 33134 at the Merrick Ballroom

WHEN: Friday, February 27, 2015

WHO: Florida for Care staff, former Lt. Gov Jeff Kottkamp; Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance, Ethan Nadelmann, other speakers will be present

WHY: With the recent filings of SB528 and HB683 many Floridians want to the landscape of our legislature.

Tell The Tampa City Council To Stop Lying

When you lie to and turn your backs on the undocumented people of Tampa, Raíces en Tampa will come for you.

FANM 2015 Gala - Miami

Florida Competes

In Florida, someone can be fired from their job or denied housing simply because they are gay or transgender. It's wrong—but in 2015, we can pass common sense legislation protecting hardworking LGBT Floridians from discrimination.

Contact your legislators and ask them to support HB33/SB156, the Florida Competitive Workforce Act, a law to protect gay and transgender people from discrimination in Florida! Just enter your information on the right to get started. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Pressed Cuban
At The Cuban Sandwich Shop, Tampa

Rick Scott: Worst Florida Republican

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fort Lauderdale Cop (Pig) Victor Ramirez

"I tell you what to do and you do it. It's that simple."

Florida for Care Bringing Nation’s Leading Drug Reformer

Florida for Care is hosting their first policy conference of 2015 this week. On Friday, February 27, 2015 they will bring Sheriffs, legislators, County Commissioners, advocates, medical professionals and business people together to discuss medical marijuana in Florida. Among those speaking at the conference will be Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance. “We are thrilled to have Ethan back. I suspect he’ll shed light on where Florida goes from here.” Stated Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care.
Ethan Nadelmann was present during FFC’s last conference where he touched on Jamaica’s state of affairs in regards to medical marijuana- just over a month later Jamaica, as he predicted, decriminalized marijuana clearing the way for safe, legal access to medical marijuana. He also told guests of the last conference, “Building this industry isn’t just good for business, it’s the right thing to do”.
In addition to Ethan’s Afternoon Keynote speech, there will be panels titled Best Business Practices and Government Regulations.
The Policy Conference is being held at The Westin Colonnade of Coral Gables. The Conference is from 8am to 3pm on Friday, February 27 with a social networking event the evening before from 6:30 to 9pm. Registration is required to join the conference.
For more information on the event or how to become a member email Eric Stevens, Executive Deputy Director, at Eric@floridaforcare

Florida for Care will spearhead legislation in March of 2015 in Tallahassee, setting the standard for what the state’s medical cannabis system should look like and how it can function most effectively. Such a system must balance three core principles: first, safe, affordable patient access; second, a tightly controlled state regulatory structure; and third, a robust, free market commercial enterprise.

Local Hero Officer Christina Ammons

 I would like to thank the Florida Voices for Animals group for inviting me to be a guest of honor at their 22nd annual "HAVE A HEART FOR ANIMALS" meeting. I was awarded the "Animal Hero Award" and the group made a donation to the Shrimp Docks Kitty Rescue Project which was awesome! I met a great group of people who are completely dedicated to preventing the exploitation and abuse of all animals. This group is also involved with activities which benefit children and others in need as well as the betterment of our environment . I had a wonderful time and want to thank this great group of individuals for all that they do! here 

Florida Round Table - Alan Grayson

Stop New Oil And Gas Drilling Off America's Shores!

Did you know that after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon spill, which dumped more than 130 million gallons of toxic crude oil into the 
Gulf of Mexico, only eight percent 
of that oil was ever cleaned up? Yet the Obama Administration just proposed a disastrous five-year plan that would open up vast portions of the Arctic and the Atlantic coast from Virginia to Georgia to dangerous new offshore oil and gas drilling. here 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Campaign Against Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Because of her congressional votes and her criticisms of a Florida medical marijuana initiative last year, four political groups that advocate prescription cannabis and drug decriminalization vowed to campaign against the Florida representative if she were to seek a Senate seat in 2016. here

“She’s voted repeatedly to send terminally ill patients to prison. And we’re certainly going to make sure Floridians know that.

Hillsborough County Gives Hollywood $100,000

Director Tim Burton's next movie, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, will start shooting in various locations around both Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties thanks to $100,000 approved by the Hillsborough County Commission. Florida Inc. approved about $200 million dollars in state tax credits over a 5 year period. here

Florida GOP Corruption

The Florida House's move to quickly change how the state manages and preserves water is more about pleasing developers and farmers than protecting the environment. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Szechuan Beef
With fried rice and egg roll
At Hong Kong Chinese Food
128 W. Fletcher Avenue, Tampa

Monday, February 23, 2015

Lisa Wheeler-Brown Party In St. Pete

Tuesday, February 24th - 5:30pm – 7:30pm
The Hanger, 540 1st Street Southeast, St. Pete
To RSVP please contact Jon Stewart at 614-364-6601 
Karl Nurse and Darden Rice will be there. 

Sign the New Petition for Medical Marijuana

Thank you for helping us get medical marijuana back on the ballot for 2016.  We need everyone to sign the new petition. here

Guide Dog Brittani Retires In St. Pete

Brittani, guide dog of wounded U.S. Marine veteran Cpl. Michael Jernigan, was honored upon her retirement when St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman declared Tuesday “Southeastern Guide Dog Brittani Day.” here 

The Florida Wildlife Corridor

On January 10, 2015 we begin a new 1000-mile leg of our Expedition, to highlight a wildlife corridor from Central Florida to the Gulf Coast, through the Big Bend, and across the Panhandle all the way to Alabama, 
where our trek will conclude.
We’ll document our journey the entire way, using social media to showcase imagery and reporting from the field. We’ll host a series of Saturday Trail Mixers, where followers can join the Expedition team and participate in our trek. We are committed to bringing the Florida Wildlife Corridor to life through our Expedition. Join us!


Clear Channel refused to accept billboard here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Justice for Brittany Overstreet

On February 13, twenty five activists marched through the streets of Ybor City to demand justice for Brittany Overstreet, a Black teenager who was attacked by her School Resource Officer at Chamberlain High School. here

On Monday, February 23, Bay Area Activists Coalition will be holding a rally at 7:45am at Joe Chillura Courthouse Square, 600 East Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33602, as Brittany and her family fight to get the charges dropped. The rally, “Kids Not Criminals: Justice for Brittany Overstreet” will be wearing all black and asking the question, Are our children really safe in Hillsborough County Schools?

Allen West Wants Congress To Censure Obama For Being An 'Islamist Sympathizer'

Florida Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam

 is aiming to wrest control of Florida water quality from the (absurdly, horribly) weak Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in which case taxpayers will never, ever have a "fair and balanced" accounting of the costs of pollution and why, exactly, the polluters aren't being held accountable to clean up their pollution. This development is unfolding right now in Tallahassee. It is being portrayed as a conflict between the ambitious Putnam and Gov. Rick Scott. In reality, these two are working 
hand-in-glove. here

Raíces en Tampa Rally To Support #DAPA

What: Sign-wave to support #DAPA
Where: La Mexicana Store
When: MONDAY, February 23rd at 6:00 pm

Jeb Bush Just Like His Brother In The Scariest Way

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Art Of Nicki La Rosa

Please join our art instructor, Nicki La Rosa, at her reception tomorrow at Bamboozle Tea Lounge. Her exhibition of fine art and photography will be displayed until March 12th and proceeds from her sales will support C4G!
For more info and to see Ms. Nicki's work, visit her website

John Morgan: We don't negotiate with prohibitionists

 We don't negotiate with prohibitionists. 
 Or bullies.

When Debbie Wasserman Schultz came out last year against Amendment 2, she didn't just simply empower our opposition - she obstructed thousands of patients who desperately need access to this medicine.  Her poor timing and very public stand against medical marijuana helped squander the efforts of thousands of volunteers and donors. 

Now she wants to have a conversation in exchange for me toning down my criticism of her position last year (and the damage she caused)?  Not a chance.  

Because, while I don't believe she is well loved or personally has much influence in this state, I'll allow her the possibility that she might have changed a few minds that we needed.  Staring down a campaign funded by a billionaire, we needed all the help we could get.  She turned her back on people with Cancer, MS, PTSD, epilepsy, severe neuropathic pain, and more.  She could have even stayed silent.  She didn't.  She made a big show of it.

I won't be bullied or trade favors when it comes to medical marijuana.  If she thinks its time to support the bill - as she should - then SHE SHOULD SIGN THE PETITION, MAKE A DONATION TO UNITED FOR CARE AND 

Everything else is B.S. politics in order to rehabilitate the damage she's done to herself by being on the wrong side of the issue.  It's not support - it's a quid pro quo and I won't do it.  3.4 million voters came out for medical marijuana - and she should know that if she runs for Senate, we're not going to fall in line just because she's more open to it now.   

First - we have to get this back on the ballot.  So I encourage you, your family, and your friends to use this moment to show your support for medical marijuana by contributing here.  Let's make this a lesson for her and anyone else against us.  We're coming back - and I'll be sure to let her know how we did in response to this.

- John Morgan

Florida Banana Republican T-Shirt

Florida Inc.

Florida is closing in, to win the red state race to be the most locked down by crony capitalism. here 

Photo exhibit looks at Florida's Seminole Tribe

Hillsborough County, Florida. Land Of Corporate Welfare

Recent giveaways
$3.4 million to Citigroup
$60,000 to an unidentified logistics operation 
$78,500 to a Tampa financial services firm. here
Need CASH, call Sandy Murman 813.272.5470

If Ms. Murman is busy, try Ken Hagan
Locals need not apply 

Call Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has a history of voting against medical marijuana in Congress. And 
she stood against the medical marijuana amendment that 
58% of Floridians supported last year.
But now she has an opportunity 
to finally do the right thing.
She can cosponsor the Veterans Equal Access Act, a bill that would allow doctors at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to recommend marijuana to patients with PTSD and other debilitating 
conditions in states where it’s legal.

Call her office now: 
 Urge her to support HR 667
the Veterans Equal Access Act

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt

The 12th Annual WMNF Rockabilly Ruckus

Skipper's Smokehouse

Saturday Feb 28 6:00PM INFO


I think Diesel, Oli and Bubba are happy to be away from the shrimp docks and living with

Awake The State March 3rd

On the opening day of Florida's legislative session - 
Tuesday, March 3rd - locally-led Awake The State press conferences and rallies throughout the state will present a strong progressive agenda designed to build a Florida that works for every Floridian. This agenda was voted for online by thousands of Floridians, and represents a clear alternative to the regressive policies of Gov. Scott and his legislative allies.
Join us and sign up for an Awake The State event in your community.

Tampa City Council: "STOP LYING, SUPPORT LICENSES!" Rally

What: Rally against Tampa City Council 

When: Thursday, February 26th
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Outside of Tampa City Council

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser In Ybor City

Hamburger Mary's Bar & Grille Tampa is proud to welcome Tampa Pride on Thursday, February 19th (Today) for a VERY SPECIAL Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser. Funds from this event will benefit the 1st Annual TAMPA PRIDE Festival and Parade to be held in the Gaybor District (Ybor City) on March 28, 2015. info

Rick Scott: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Storm clouds circle the Florida governor, who seems insulated only by the state GOP's staggeringly low standards. 

The End Of The Republican Party

Republicans are hailing a federal judge’s decision to halt President Obama’s new program that would allow potentially millions of undocumented immigrants to temporarily work and live in the United States. 
Republicans just don't understand how numbers work. Not only is the Hispanic population the fastest growing minority in the US, they do vote. Republicans due to their lack of support for Immigration Legislation have now alienated numerous generations of potential future Hispanic voters. here