Thursday, July 16, 2015

Bernie Sanders Party In St.Pete

Tonight 7pm
At Ferg's Sports Bar & Grill

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Garlic Wings
With Bloody Mary
At Buffalo Wings & Rings in North Port
Visit them here

The Florida Democratic Party Sucks

In Florida, the Republicans control Both Houses, the Governorship, and the majority of state appointments. Statistically, this does not make sense, because there are more Democrats registered on the voting polls, which gives the party the advantage in every election. But somehow the Republicans continue to win, and it would appear that the wrong Democratic leadership is in positions of power. here

Under the leadership of the Florida Democratic Chairperson Allison Tant, the Democrats have lost the Governorship twice. For almost two decades the Florida Democrats have delivered constant electoral defeats, and the same group is now making recommendations based on what they keep doing wrong. Fire Tant and hire Susan Smith! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Florida Workers Rally in St. Pete

July 23 - 11am
St. Pete City Hall

Tampa Audubon Party

Tonight at Nature’s Classroom in Thonotosassa
3 local environmental groups: Sierra Club, Audubon & Native Plant Society will be there, and so will Pat Kemp and Mariella Smith.


The heart of Tampa does not have to be broken again. As a united force, we CAN stop TBX and make it known that we won't stand for more destruction of our history and our future. Help us fight! here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Mongolian Beef
With Fried Rice
At China Gate in Tampa

Money Bomb for Bernie! Today

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Marco Rubio blocks Elizabeth Warren's student loan refinancing bill

Senate Republicans have blocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s student loan refinancing bill that would have helped 40 million borrowers because it would have raised taxes on millionaires. here

A Democrats Wet Dream

Poll: Trump, Bush Tied at Top of GOP Pack

The New St Petersburg Pier

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 BBQ Beef
With Potato Salad and Baked Beans
At Dickeys Barbecue in Brooksville
Visit them here

Sierra Club: Other transportation solutions should come first

Tampa Bay Sierra Club offers an intelligent, informed assessment of Hillsborough County’s proposal to increase the sales tax to pay mainly for road improvements with relatively little for mass transit. here

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Florida GOP Ron DeSantis Is Already Running Scared

Check out his post on Facebook 

Florida INC. - Liesa Priddy

The state pays nearly $1 million a year to biologists to study the Florida panther. Yet when the state's top wildlife official decided to rewrite Florida's panther policy to overhaul how the state manages the endangered cats, he didn't consult them until the document was done. Instead, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission executive director Nick Wiley brainstormed almost exclusively with Immokalee ranch owner Liesa Priddy who was appointed to the wildlife commission in 2012 by Gov. Rick Scott. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Baked Fish
With Black Beans and Yellow Rice
At Havana House Cafe in Lecanto
Visit them here
Stop in and say hello to Megan and Frank

Raven's Bowtique

Custom made bows

Stop Oil Drilling In The Big Cypress National Preserve

A newly proposed project from a Texas oil company, threatens to irreversibly alter the character of the protected area and turn essential habitat into just another oil field crisscrossed with roads and dotted with drill pads. The company has asked for permission to begin seismic surveying -- which itself will require the removal of trees and destruction of habitat on 70,000 acres. Limited drilling is already permitted in the preserve, but this project is unprecedented in its scale and must be stopped. If oil and gas is found, all risks will mushroom. here

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Florida Banana Republicans

37% or 10 of 27 Congressional House seats are held by Dems. 47% of FL 2014 votes were for Dems

The Florida Supreme Court just ruled against the gerrymandering that makes this corruption possible. Those legislators who voted for maps that are deemed unconstitutional should be treated and punished as traitors. The legislators elected by gerrymandering constitute a Banana Republic; they and the laws they pass are illegitimate.

July Solidarity Sunday

July 12th 6pm
It's time for Tampa's monthly worker meetup at Lee's
Lee's Grocery - Tampa

The Sierra Club, Tea Party Love Fest

Kevin Thurman of Connect Tampa Bay, a transit advocacy group, said he hopes the Sierra Club executive committee members who voted on the statement consulted their membership before advocating for a gas tax for road maintenance.
"I find it very concerning and upsetting that the Sierra Club would require a tax for more money for roads before getting more money for transit," Thurman said he was also surprised to see the Sierra Club moving away from partnerships with transit groups and aligning itself with the tea party.

Florida GOP Corruption In 4 Cool Visuals

How the Florida GOP’s gerrymander went too far. here

Florida GOP voters don't forget we got your back!

“John should lay off the scotch … at least until noon.”

Local Hero Diane McKee

A Hillsborough County teacher has been named Florida's Teacher of the Year.
Diane McKee, is an English teacher at Williams Middle Magnet School. She has been a teacher for 14 years, 11 of those in Florida. McKee received the award at a banquet Thursday night in Orlando. here

Friday, July 10, 2015

Deborah Newell Tornello: So much awesome!

"Bernie running for prez, and now Alan Grayson is running for senate. So much awesome!"

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Wheelbarrows of cash utility companies dump in Tallahassee

Pam Bondi and 
Florida's Chamber of Commerce

Have both joined with mega utility companies to fight a constitutional amendment on solar power that embraces a competitive marketplace.

 The simple truth is Florida's leaders are a bunch of lemmings running in unison in whichever direction the power companies tell them. Utility companies have donated $12 million to the campaigns of state lawmakers since 2010. Seven members of the chamber's board of directors are employed by the electric industry. Power companies are forever trying to gouge consumers — to the tune of billions — for nuclear plant construction and fracking operations.

The bottom line is this wouldn't be a problem if the Public (Corporate) Service Commission did its job and actually regulated electric monopolies. Or if state legislators showed more interest in reining in their sugar daddies. here

FBI Is Now Investigating The Broward County Sheriff's Office

A beloved computer engineer who had never been in trouble a day in his life, Jermaine McBean was shot and killed in the apartment complex where he lived in Broward County, more than two years ago. To this day, the sheriff's office has kept the case in limbo and still not taken the case to a grand jury. It was just announced that the FBI is launching its own probe into McBean's killing. here

Kenny Stabler RIP

The Snake is dead at 69!
Been a Raiders fan since I was 10. He was always my favorite. 

Ken Stabler belongs in Hall of Fame here

So Sad, I will miss him.

Florida GOP Culture Of Corruption

 The Florida Supreme Court took a wrecking ball to Florida’s political landscape Thursday, throwing out the state’s carefully-crafted congressional districts drawn by the GOP-led Legislature and ordered a new map within 100 days. here

Read more here:

Alan Grayson For U.S. Senate (Video)

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cruises to Cuba coming to Florida

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Half Slab of Ribs and Pulled Pork Sandwich
At Rons Roadside Grille in Garden Grove

I pass this place all the time on my way to Brooksville. It is always packed. My friend and I stopped in for lunch. He had the Pulled Pork and I had the Ribs. I can see why it is a local favorite. The Ribs were perfectly cooked, best Baby Back Ribs I have ever had  and the service was great. Thank you Katherine, we will be back. Visit them on Facebook and like their page. here 

Jeb Bush: People Need to Work Longer Hours

A 2014 Gallup poll found that already many Americans employed full-time report working, on average, 47 hours a week, while nearly 4 in 10 say they work at least 50 hours a week.
US workers work more hours than workers in any other large, industrialized country, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. here

Urbanism On Tap In Tampa

July 14th @ 5pm
Independent Bar and Cafe, Tampa

Marco Rubio: Lower Corporate Tax Rates

Rubio jabbed at Democrats, for policies that he said stifle job growth and "snuff out innovation"  namely, their push for a higher minimum wage and for tax increases on the wealthy. here

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Miami Cuban Mafia Trying To Stop Obama's Cuba Normalization

President Obama’s announcement last week that the U.S. will restore diplomatic relations with communist Cuba on July 20 – and will open an embassy there a few days after – is angering the MCM. Their options to stop the Administration are limited. But they’re moving against Obama’s new engagement policy nonetheless, and it’s shaping up as one of the summer’s big political battles. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Chicken Kabobs
With Yellow Rice and Salad
At La Pita Lebanese Taverna in Tampa

How Much Did Pam Bondi Spend Fighting Gay Marriage?

State Rep. David Richardson (D-Miami Beach) wants to know what the Sunshine State spent fighting equal marriage rights for the past several years. here 

Heights Unites Benefit Bonanza 2015

September 26 - 2pm
To benefit the The Centre for Girls - Tampa!

C4G is safe space in Seminole Heights where girls can play, learn, create,  and grow in a nurturing and fun environment. Then, after you complete your hunt, you'll get to party down at MF Arts Ybor with free beer, live music and art, local vendors, food trucks and lots more!

No Love For Rubio In Cuba

"He wants to kill us!"
 Alain Marcelo

"If Marco Rubio becomes president, we're done for. He's against Cuba in every possible way. Hillary Clinton understands much more the case of Cuba. Rubio and these Republicans, they are
still stuck in 1959." 
Héctor Montiel

Miami Cuban Mafia Ezposed

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Christopher Cano Speaks Out

Selfishness, Sellouts, and Insulting Sacrifice

A recent wave of flag burning protest have become viral across the nation. These protestors represent various groups that are protesting racism in America. They say that the American Flag represents oppression and bondage to them, and they are utilizing their First Amendment Rights to burn it in protest. Clearly there is nothing more infuriating and disrespectful to the patriots of this nation than burning the American Flag. As a former member of the United States Air Force, this author finds these so called activists’ actions reprehensible.

Sadly, many of these activists had credibility at one point because they fought for just causes: immigration reform, equal rights, and ending institutionalized racism in America. These are all causes that this author has supported and continues to support, but it is the organizers of these protest that one can no longer support. It is quite ironic that these protestors claim the flag is one of oppression and bondage, yet demand the protection of the First Amendment to protect their right to burn it. They call patriots who condemn them sellouts and Uncle Tom’s. They speak so low of this nation with little regard for the sacrifices made for their Freedom of Speech. America is far from perfect and there are clear inequalities that have been institutionalized in this nation, yet there are men and women from every walk of life that have put on the uniform of the United States Armed Forces. Each of these veterans chose to be one color, one voice, and one heart so they could make us a more perfect union.

American Freedom is not some abstract ideal. It is a living concept that is constantly evolving. It has widened its arms to immigrants from every nation, who upon their naturalization swear to defend its Constitution. Yes, American Freedom has its hands stained in the blood of slavery. Yet, it also has its hands stained with the blood of those soldiers who died defending it. Soldiers like the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, the 92nd Infantry Division, 332nd Fighter Group, the 65th Infantry Division, Colonel Virgilio Cordero, Lt. Colonel Ray Perez and countless others. So the question must be posed to these organizers who have such disdain for America, are these brave servicemen and women of color who have bled for the stars and stripes, Uncle Tom’s and sellouts in their eyes? Men like General Colin Powell or women like General Marcia Anderson?

Currently there American veterans in Tijuana who have been deported. Men who have bled for the stars and stripes. These brave men have been done a great injustice and this author would gladly trade these organizers in exchange for these brave men. The irony of hiding behind the First Amendment’s guarantee of Free Speech, for burning the same Flag that has real blood shed to protect it, must be lost on these unpatriotic protestors. All one can really take away from their message is they have never been of service to their country.

By Christopher Cano, Community Organizer

Florida Medical Marijuana 2016

Volunteer collecting signatures for petition at the 
Jan Platt Library in Tampa
Have you signed yet?
Pic Thanks to Mayra Figueroa