Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Ybor City Homeless

Herbie from Chicago

Hemp legalization is having an impact on marijuana charges in Florida

FBI Eyeing Public Corruption Throughout Florida

The guilty pleas entered last week by former Tallahassee Mayor Scott Maddox and a confidante is not the end of public corruption investigations in Florida.

That’s the word from Lawrence Keefe, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, and sources at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Maddox and Paige Carter-Smith have agreed to cooperate with law enforcement authorities about other possible misdeeds in Tallahassee and Leon County.

A sentencing date for the pair has been set for Nov. 19. They could receive up to 25 years in prison on fraud and income tax charges for their role in helping ride share giant Uber get a favorable ordinance in exchange for cash and accepting payments from a developer that turned out to be an FBI front company.

But Lawrence Keefe, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida, declared the Maddox investigation should put all Florida public officials on notice.

“A public office is a sacred trust,” Keefe told the Tallahassee Democrat in the wake of the Maddox and Carter-Smith plea deals.

The FBI never discusses its ongoing investigations but the agency should look at Hillsborough County if it isn’t already.

In his 2018 re-election campaign, Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan solicited and accepted donations from real estate interests that stand to benefit from construction of a new stadium for the Tampa Bay Rays in Ybor City.

St. Petersburg’s Tropicana Field, considered antiquated by 2019 standards, has been the home of the Rays since they first took the field in 1998. Despite recent success, attendance has perennially stood at or near the bottom of the 30 major league baseball teams.

Owner Stuart Sternberg has maintained that a new stadium will solve the team’s attendance woes and found a ready and more-then-willing ally in Hagan. Talks between the Rays, Hillsborough County, and the City of Tampa struck out last year when it was determined no public funding existed to finance a $850 million stadium in Ybor, even with Sternberg willing to chip in $200 million.

Ybor City as the site for a new Rays home has always been puzzling. Low and middle income families would be displaced. One of the country’s iconic historic districts would be destroyed. And the rationale for any projected attendance increase never has been documented.

But Darryl Shaw, who acquired thousands of acres around Ybor, and Jeff Vinik, whose Water Street Tampa project is in nearby Channelside, would reap benefits from the increased traffic generated by a new ballpark.

Sternberg’s latest canard—sharing the franchise with the city of Montreal—has not being taken seriously by most observers. St. Pete Mayor Rick Kriseman did not disguise his disdain for the scheme. His initial response:

“The Rays cannot explore playing any Major League Baseball games in Montreal or anywhere else for that matter prior to 2028, without reaching a formal memorandum of understanding with the City of St. Petersburg,” Kriseman said. “Ultimately, such a decision is up to me. And I have no intention of bringing this latest idea to our city council to consider. In fact, I believe this is getting a bit silly.”

The City of St. Petersburg continues to investigate whether or not Sternberg violated the terms of his lease agreement which decrees he must get permission to discuss relocation with representatives of other geographical entities.

As for Hagan, he continues to promote Ybor City for a Rays Stadium, despite the fanciful prospect of sharing a split season with Montreal. Hagan and Sternberg, at least publicly, are a minority of two in that respect.

Meanwhile, in the wake of the Maddox plea deal, federal law enforcement authorities have put Florida politicians on notice that viola
tions of that “sacred
trust” will be prosecuted.

By Jim Bleyer

Monday, August 12, 2019

Taking On The Florida Public Service Commission Day 2

Silenced By The PSC

"I came to the Public Service Commission to tell the church's story of helping people pay their light bill because their rental home is energy inefficient. But the PSC doesn't want our testimony." Rev. Russell Myers

They got solar?

Tallahassee, Florida

Tallahassee Homeless

Meet Lynn

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Taking On The Florida Public Service Commission

Tallahassee, Florida

Ybor Paparazzi

Johanna at Chillum

Florida Stand Your Ground Law Means I Can Shoot Anyone

Ybor Musicians


Florida Pastor Adam Fannin Attacks Sarah Silverman

Florida GOP Looking For Trump Voters At Gun Shows

Working to reelect Trump they will send volunteers to a gun show this weekend as part of a broader effort to sign up new voters in the battleground state. HERE

Living in Florida vs Living in California (IN DEPTH COMPARISON!)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

CR World at Chillum in Ybor City

Ybor City Homeless


Climate Change Denier Ross Spano

You spew crap into the atmosphere for a century and not expect something 
to happen?

RALLY AT HIS OFFICE 8.12.2019 - 10 AM
10101 Bloomingdale Ave Riverview. INFO

Florida Trump Supporters

Miami Dolphins

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

The only Floridian Marco Rubio is looking out for is himself

“The only thing more disgusting than Marco Rubio strategizing about what office to run for next at the scene of the deadliest shooting in United States history is his continued refusal to support commonsense gun safety measures backed by 9 out of 10 Floridians. Today’s disgraceful votes demonstrate the depths of Rubio’s callousness and prove, yet again, that the only Floridian Marco is looking out
 for is himself.” 
Florida Dem spokesman Max Steele

Friday, August 9, 2019

Asher’s August Ranked Vote!

Hello friends! I meant to have this up earlier, though life in Vermont keeps me relatively busy! Even if our preferred candidates do not win, we need to beat Trump. I am a proud Tampa Berner, and Bennington Berner, thus my appreciation for other 2020 candidates does not detract from or override my enthusiastic support for Bernie Sanders for President! Reminder, this list accounts for the most recent debate performance, platform, character, and electability. I am also adding a seventh slot.

1. Bernie Sanders
2. Elizabeth Warren
3. Tulsi Gabbard
4. Kamala Harris
5. Andrew Yang
6. Pete Buttigieg
7. Julian Castro

Who are YOUR top 7 candidate favorites? List them and feel free to provide your reasons. Please be civil toward fellow Democrats, and non Democrats (unless they are elected shills).

— Asher

Ybor Paparazzi

Wayne and Danial 

Ken Hagan pitches new plan to land Rays in Ybor City

What Stogie Had For Lunch

BBQ Beef
With Potato Salad and Beans
At Al's BBQ in Ybor City


Moscow Mitch, The Musical