Monday, July 6, 2020

Hot Jacksonville, Florida

FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who was appointed to the post by Trump, said it’s “too early to tell” if Jacksonville will be safe to hold the convention on the planned Aug. 24-27 dates. 
Jacksonville is now one of the hotspots for coronavirus transmission in the U.S. 

Stogie Recommends

Beautiful film-making. Great cast, especially 
Hillery Swank. Directed by Tommy Lee Jones.
81% on Rotten Tomatoes

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Local Trump Deplorable And Facebook Serial Jailbird Gordon Brown

Found a post we did on him in 2016 and shared it on his page HERE
Mr. Brown you must be a popular guy, that post has been trending and is currently at #1. Thanks for all the traffic.
From all the Liberal Loons at this blog!

Tour of the Samuel L. Davis Cigar Factory - Ybor City

Samuel L. Davis was a native New Yorker who learned the cigar trade at a young age in his hometown. After being a salesman for Julius Ellinger Co., he founded the Samuel L. Davis Co. in 1886 at the age of 24 to produce El Sidelo, Gen. Good, Charle Carroll, Segundo and Harvester brands.
Samuel L. Davis first occupied the old Joyce Cigar Co. factory building between Ybor City and Tampa before constructing a new facility
in 1904.

Tampa Colada: African Extravaganza



Self Isolate Blues

Floridians Reminiscing

Now that we finally got around to treason and are in a patriotic mood. Let's recap shell we. On this date this man could of put a stop to this madness 
and he didn't. HERE

This Dem wants his job!

So does 
Theodore Murray NPA

Saul Martinez at The Box Gallery's The Aesthetics of Politics In time of Protest Photo Exhibition

Florida Trump Voters Lash Out

Longtime Florida Republicans who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 admitted they have no intention of helping him stay in office when they vote in November.
With polls showing the Trump trailing in the all-important Sunshine State.
According to retired banker John Dudley, 77, he voted for Trump last election and the president promptly “blew it.”

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Florida GOP Bullshit

Florida Dems called on GOP Ron DeSantis to require the use of face coverings in public statewide to curb the state’s surging pace of coronavirus infections.
DeSantis has said repeatedly, and recently reiterated, that he will not mandate mask use, leaving it to local governments and individuals to decide for themselves.
Miami-Dade County, Palm Beach County, Orange County, Leon County, Hillsborough County and St. Augustine have adopted mask mandates.
Meanwhile, state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, a Lake County Republican, is filing lawsuits against local governments that impose 
face-mask ordinances.

Happy Birthday Andrew Joseph III

"There’s not a day that passes by that I don’t think of you and Remember that I still have a son and I named him Andrew Joseph, III ... he is forever 14 years old. Today and Always. I love you son and miss you so damn much." Deanna Hardy-Joseph

Florida Dems Beware

Trump is scheming to retain power in the event of an electoral loss in November, according to a former Senator from Colorado.
Trump will attempt to retain power through voter suppression. The Senator alleges there is a strategy to suppress voter turnout by purging voters - especially inner-city voters - from registration rolls and to suppress mail-in voting. He also believes physical polling locations will be limited, especially in urban areas, in an effort to create long lines on Election Day and discourage voting. HERE

Self Isolate Blues

The Right-Wing Cuban Diaspora in Miami

The fury over French director Olivier Assayas’s new film “Wasp Network,” inspired by the real story of a Cuban spy ring operating in the U.S. in the 1990s.
 The feature film has reignited ideological passions across the Florida Straits. The vociferous right-wing Cuban diaspora in Miami has led a petition drive #RemoveWaspNetwork (18,000 signatures as of July 2) for Netflix to take down the film. HERE

Happy 4th of July

Tampa Hoods


Friday, July 3, 2020

Floridians Reminiscing

Now that we finally got around to treason and are in a patriotic mood. Let's recap shell we. On this date this man could of put a stop to this madness and 
he didn't. HERE


Happy Independence Day!

Operation Pedro Pan and the Exodus of Cuba’s Children

Operation Peter Pan (or Operación Pedro Pan) was a clandestine mass exodus of over 14,000 unaccompanied Cuban minors ages 6 to 18 to the United States over a two-year span from 1960 to 1962. They were sent by their parents who were alarmed by rumors circulating amongst Cuban families that the new government under Fidel Castro was planning to terminate parental rights, and place minors in communist indoctrination centers. HERE

Fort Lauderdale Police Body-Cam

Florida's Ron DeSantis Disaster

One recent survey has some troubling news for DeSantis. HERE
His unfavorable rating has shot up from 28.5 percent to 40.5 percent. The reason? 
More and more people know who DeSantis is and have formed an opinion about him. Wish voters had know that before they 
voted for him.
2018 Florida gubernatorial election
Ron DeSantis 4,076,186
Andrew Gillum 4,043,723

Ybor Life

7th Ave

Florida History: The Tampa Mafia (Part One)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Our Revolution - Tampa Bay Endorses Jessica Vaughn

I’m so incredibly honored to be endorsed by “Our Revolution”. Now is the time to elect people-powered candidates who are ready to work for all of their constituents - equally, and not just wealthy developers who can afford to make giant campaign contributions in exchange for votes; votes which will ultimately hurt our district and our schools. Please join our campaign - because when we organize, we win!
Please donate to our campaign 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Italian Sausage with Ziti
At Westshore Pizza

Florida Presidents Men

Self Isolate Blues

Tampa Bodega Food: The Latin Spot Cafe & Market