Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Vote Rebekah Jones Today!

Teamsters Local 991
Progressive Turnout Project
Florida Young Democrats
College Democrats of Florida
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressives for Democracy in America
Freethought Equality
Vietnam Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg
Climate scientist Dr. Michael E. Mann
Actor and activist Mark Ruffalo
and many more...


Planet Booty in Ybor City

Fri, August 26, 2022 - 8 PM

Drone footage of Sand Key

Poll: Threats to Democracy top list of issues facing US

Threats to democracy clocked in as the most important issue facing the country for a plurality of 
registered voters. here

Tampa Jay's Unusual Night in Tampa

Monday, August 22, 2022

Ybor's Best Bloody Mary

Suncoast NORML: Better Know Your Candidate - Janelle Perez

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp in Lobster Sauce
With Fried Rice
New China
Dale Mabry and Gandy - South Tampa

Joffrey's Coffee & Tea Company in Tampa

Two To Go Florida!

Florida's primaries could have huge implications for national politics

Protest Matt Gaetz in Pensacola

How 'Fear Of Communism' Is Impacting The Latino Vote

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Lying Florida GOP congresswoman

Florida GOP María Elvira Salazar is a savvy congresswoman. She knows her constituents require a steady stream of lies to stay happy, so yesterday she gave them a whopper of a fib, claiming U.S. inflation is 40%. That's 31.5% more than the actual rate of inflation. In fact, inflation in July was 0%. MORE

Matt Gaetz RUNS after Women SHUT DOWN his Rally

Suncoast NORML: Better Know Your Candidate - Eddie Geller

Commissioner Mariella Smith Party in Ybor City

Monday, August 29 - 5:30 PM

Bernie Endorses Maxwell Frost


St. Pete cinema history 1980-1999

Tampa Locavore at Ulele


Living In Clearwater Florida | It's Not Just About the Beach

Florida Rising Political Star Rebekah Jones


The Truth Behind The DeSantis ‘Election Integrity’ Stunt In Florida

Friday, August 19, 2022