Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Representative Cindy Sheehan
California's Eighth District
Cape Coral Couple
Will Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
More than 20,000 people try to scale Africa's Mt. Kilimanjaro every year, but only about half actually make it to the top. One local couple is training for the climb-- and they're doing it right here in Southwest Florida.......more

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

George Carlin Speaks The Truth

What Stogie Had For Lunch
Palomilla Steak
Yellow Rice And Red Beans (Stogie Likes Onions)
$7.25 At.......China Latina 3715 E. Busch Blvd Tampa

Forget Corporate - Spend Your Money Locally
Contaminated Water Reaches
The Florida Keys
The widespread use of in-ground waste disposal through septic tanks and injection wells appears to be leading to the contamination of submarine groundwater even up to six miles offshore, when the contaminated groundwater mixes with surface water and reaches the reef, the corals as well as human health might be harmed.......more
Keel & Curley Winery
Drink Local
Chase Marden’s recipe starts with crushing fresh blueberries and fermenting them on the skins to give the wines their deep color. The wine is 100% Berries. They also produce Tangerine, Wild Berry, Peach, Mango Citrus and Apple wines. Visit
5202 Thonotosassa Road, Plant City, Florida

Spend Your Money Locally

Monday, July 23, 2007

YouTube Debate: Mike Gravel

Where Is The Money Coming From?

300 Pound Pythons On The Loose In Florida
The South Asian snakes, which can top 300 pounds, or 135 kilograms, and 20 feet, or 6 meters, are presumed to have entered the park as discards or escapees from the bustling international trade in exotic pets. Year-old, foot-long pythons are a popular $70 item at reptile fairs, but in a few years can reach room-spanning, cat-munching size, prompting some owners to abandon them by the roadside. That practice may not pose an ecological problem in Detroit, Snow said, but in a near-tropical Florida park, it is an unfolding nightmare.......more

New Wetlands - Dee Hood

What Stogie Had For Lunch
The Big Daddy
$6.95 At.......Merino's Deli 6428 North Florida Ave Tampa
Forget Corporate - Eat Local

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Liberals Suck

"Tomcat Scat" gives us a view into the mind of the remaining 28%...

How To Create An Angry American
Mexicans In Florida Share A Rite Of Death
But their teenage giggles are sliced with talk of death. And faith and family. And being buried in a homeland a thousand miles and a gulf away. Soon, the girls will compete in a special pageant in which beauty falls second to charity. They're raising money to help pay for the proper burials of Mexican migrants who die here. The pageant is as much a celebration of honoring the dead as it is about youth and grace -- a strange juxtaposition of beginnings and endings......more

Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank

Ten years in the making with three years to go, the 160-acre site is being bulldozed into Hillsborough County's first wetlands mitigation bank. When it's finished, developers that want to destroy wetlands will be able to compensate for the environmental damage by buying credits in the form of wetland acreage in Casey's Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank.......more

"The neighborhood where the wetland is damaged suffers flooding and pollution of their lake or river, But they don't get the benefit of the mitigation when the developer purchases part of a wetlands somewhere else.".....Mariella Smith

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chinese Cardboard Buns With A Side Of Chemicals
The report generated wide national and international attention as the latest in a string of scares involving China-produced foods, including toxic seafood, virus-plagued pigs and chemical-laden toothpaste. The "expose" purportedly showed a seller of the buns, known as "baozi," softening shredded cardboard with an industrial chemical and fortifying the bogus meat with a bit of fatty

Generation Chickenhawk - College Republicans

Friday, July 20, 2007

HARRY REID - JULY 20, 2007

Señor Garcia On Studio 10
Video.... here
The World's Worst Airline
A TAM Plane Crashed In Brazil Tuesday. I Wasn't Surprised

TAM Linhas Aereas is the worst airline in the world. I've been saying that repeatedly since early April, when my boyfriend and I took a short vacation in Brazil and returned happy with our stay but traumatized by the air travel.....more
Elizabeth Spiers
Blind Loyalty Latest US War Casualty
Pemberton, New Jersey

If George Bush loses towns like Pemberton, then he has surely lost America. And it seems he is losing this piece of small-town America, population 29,000........more
"Me and my husband try not to be political people — we try to take authority from God, I think he has been a good president. But I do think in some ways, instead of letting God totally rule his decisions (Bush) has let some of the other people higher up do that."........Virginia Green

Michael Moore Goes Head to Head With Stephen Colbert

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Liberals Vow to Block Continued Iraq Funding
Seventy House members, nearly all liberal Democrats, vowed today that they would not support any more funding for Iraq military operations unless tied to a complete withdrawal of combat troops. This is a big development. Earlier this year, liberals grudgingly voted for Iraq funding bills because they didn't want to give Nancy Pelosi a defeat. Now it seems that their patience has run out........more
James Kotecki
Forget New Hampshire. The first real presidential primary is on the Internet

So it was irritating to him to see presidential candidates making poor use of the Web — posting speeches and canned performances rather than more personal communications. They weren't using the medium the way young people use it — talking directly to the camera in a very casual and laid-back way.......more
"Probably the world's foremost expert on YouTube videos posted by presidential candidates."
Visit His
The Narrow Band Of Democratic Elites
Howard Dean
The Washington Post is under the impression that Governor Dean's campaign failed. But what's left unsaid is the fact that the heart of Governor Dean's campaign -- which was to end the war in Iraq and the 50 State Strategy -- is now the core platform within the Democratic Party. Due primarily to the work of Deaniacs like us who have blogged, contributed money, knocked on doors, made phone calls and attended campaign trainings like the one in Orange County, California this weekend -- the Governor and Democracy for America have changed the face of American politics. And this is a progressive political movement we can all be proud of.......more
Worst American President

However he was wrong, and no one can ignore it any longer. Eighteen months from the end of his mandate, those closest to him say that Bush is concerned with the mark on history he will leave. Confronting chaos, he has already been judged by part of the American press: he's the worst President the United States has ever had.....more

"George W. Bush has succeeded in simultaneously driving Iraq and his own country into a dead end."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take Action To Stop An Execution
With no physical evidence — the murder weapon was never found — prosecutors relied heavily on the testimony of nine eyewitnesses who took the stand against Mr. Davis. But since his trial, seven of the nine have recanted or changed their testimony, saying they were harassed and pressed by investigators to lie under oath. Other witnesses have come forward identifying a different man as the shooter.more
Send A Letter To The Georgia State Board Of Pardons & Paroles Urging
Impeach Now
Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future........more
Tampa Ranked 16th In Rude Drivers

Islamic Creationist
And A Book Sent Round The World
It is the voice of Adnan Oktar of Turkey, who, under the name Harun Yahya, has produced numerous books, videos and DVDs on science and faith, in particular what he calls the “deceit” inherent in the theory of evolution. One of his books, “Atlas of Creation,” is turning up, unsolicited, in mailboxes of scientists around the country and members of

Monday, July 16, 2007

Rep. Keith Ellison's Views
On Cheney, Libby, 9/11
Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison was among friends Sunday -- in this case, a gathering of atheists -- so his support for a fistful of hot-button opinions, including the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney, brought enthusiastic nods of approval and standing ovations.......more
After Duke's Spin
St. Pete - July 16, 2007
Project No. 45403
Anybody Need A Seawall, Only $200
Project 45403 is a 480-foot-wide slope of concrete rubble along the Palm River that county crews completed on March 9. For motorists who see it while driving south on the Maydell Drive bridge, the wall stands as a jagged symbol of how one of the homeowners, a 67-year-old widow named Edna Walters, used connections to get the government to pay for a project of questionable public value.......

"I agree with his politics, I'm determined to stop the county from giving itself away to the people who don't work for it.".......Roy Davis

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ralph Nader
"No other country comes close to providing voters with such a small number of choices and making third party candidates hurdle an almost insuperable number of obstacles just to get on the ballot,"
Underwater Music Festival
Big Pine Key, Florida
More than 500 scuba divers and snorkelers listened to a local radio station's four-hour broadcast Saturday, piped in beneath the sea in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary........more
Public service announcements about coral reef preservation were played between musical selections.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

One Blair Down, One To Go
How the bulldogs of British journalism might have savaged a Florida politician
"Hillsborough County Commissioner Brian Blair is facing calls for his resignation from taxpayer groups today after a St Petersburg Times investigation revealed that Blair pressured county officials to spend $1 million on the Noreast lake where he lives.......more

Robin Miller

Our Famous Local Video Maker

Natural Florida Thrives In State's Most Crowded County
Weedon Island Preserve
In Florida's most crowded county, not far from a greyhound track and a busy thoroughfare, kayakers paddle through a labyrinth of trails that wind for miles under the dense canopy of a stunning mangrove forest. Floating through those dark, cool tunnels, it's easy to forget that the gleaming highrises of downtown Tampa loom just on the other side of the bay or that this chunk of Gulf Coast Florida is so developed that there's hardly any available land left........more
Little Gasparilla Island, Florida
Welcome Cuban Refugees
As the Cubans waited for the officials to arrive for processing, word of their presence spread through this island of mostly private vacation homes. Islanders came to Lowell's house with clothes, food and water. The joyful demeanor of the Cubans was infectious, with homeowners and vacationers alike laughing and becoming instant friends........more
Charlie, Another Great Action Hero
Hasta La Vista Baby, To Greenhouse Gases
The Republican governors of California and Florida gave the Bush administration the cold shoulder on Friday as Florida set new limits on greenhouse gas emissions and signed cooperation pacts on climate change with Germany and Britain........more
"Something is changing here in America, It's what I would call a new consensus.".......Matthias Machnig

Friday, July 13, 2007

Clinton And Edwards
Only Serious Candidates Need Apply
Serious “candidates,” or elite selectees, hate the idea of sharing the corporate media spotlight with the unselected. All of this is quite natural, as Edwards rubs elbows with the Council on Foreign Relations and Hillary is a Bilderberg doorstop. Serious candidates are arranged in advance by the elite and outsiders such as Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are not welcome, are in fact deeply

Mike Gravel
What Stogie Had For Lunch

Breaded Grouper With Yellow Rice, Red Beans, Platanos And Salad.
$5.95 At.........Seafood Palace 6207 Causeway Boulevard, Tampa

Forget Corporate - Eat Local

Governor Dean Responds to Bush

Michael Moore on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Honk To Impeach!
According to the polls, a majority of Americans support the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney. But few Americans know there is a nationwide grassroots impeachment movement because the Corporate Media refuses to report on our efforts on orders from Karl Rove. So what can we do about it? How about making some old-fashioned noise - and breaking new ground in high-tech grassroots organizing! HonkToImpeach is

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Drug That Kid
Or Get Off The Plane
A woman said she and her toddler son were kicked off a plane after she refused a flight attendant's request to medicate her son to get him to quiet down and stop saying "Bye bye, plane."

Bye Bye, Flight Attendant
Giant 'Corpse-Eating' Badgers
Invade Iraq
The Iraqi port city of Basra, already prey to a nasty turf war between rival militia factions, has now been gripped by a scary rumour – giant badgers are stalking the streets by night, eating
Watch the

Local Bumpers 6

Candidate Web Sites
Propaganda or News?
In 2004, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean gained early momentum in his bid for presidency by using a new political tool, his campaign Web site. Setting new standards along the way, he used the Web to help raise roughly $50 million, to communicate directly with supporters through a blog, create a legion of new political activists called “Deaniacs,” and even organize gatherings called “meet ups.”
Dunedin - July 11, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Bush Blog

Michael Moore VS Wolf Blitzer - Round II

Florida State Rep. Robert Allen
Oral Sex For $20
State Representative, Robert "Bob" Allen, was arrested this afternoon at Veteran's Memorial Park on East Broad St. in Titusville for Solicitation for
Cheap Bastard
Charlie And Arnold In Miami
Summit on Global Climate Change
Persuaded that ''global climate change is one of the most important issues that we will face this century,'' and that Florida, with almost 1,200 miles of coastline is especially ''vulnerable to rising ocean levels and violent weather patterns,'' Governor Charlie Crist has invited all who care about the state's ''environmental and economic future'' to his ''Serve to Preserve'' Summit on Global Climate Change, July 12-13 in

BOCC Bozo's

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

March for Peace
San Francisco To DC
The march began on May 21, 2007 in San Francisco and plans to arrive in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2007. Midway point of the journey July 14 in Omaha,
Brandon - July 10, 2007

Faux Attacks The Environment

Land O' Lakes - July 9, 2007

CNN Gets Blitzed by Michael Moore

Just apologize to the American people and to the families of the troops for not doing your job four years ago. We wouldn't be in this war if you had done your job. Come on. Just admit it. Just apologize to the American people.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Save The Internet -- Before July 16

6 Days Left To Tell The FCC Your Story!

The Rumble Of The People
Amy And Ralph Chat
What’s important is to basically get back to self-determination. Do we really believe in self-government? Do we really believe in accountable government? And do we really believe that the supremacy of the people has to be reinstalled over the supremacy of what Jefferson called the moneyed

Imagine $12 Billion A Month

Local Bumpers 5