Tuesday, October 2, 2007

L.A. Professor Triggers Myanmar Web Shutdown

A Los Angeles academic may have been a driving force behind the move by Myanmar's 19-year-old dictatorship to shut down Internet access after bloggers posted images of soldiers killing civilians......more

"The feeling of being just the conduit for a video of this power and importance--a video which so starkly shows the depravity to which men will sink when compelled by a fascist state to follow orders--was, truthfully, a feeling of power in itself,"

Jim Carrey - Message for Ban Ki Moon on Burma

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dean: 'We Will Find a Way to Screw This Up'

"Folks, let's not forget, we're Democrats, If there's a way to lose, we will find it."
Amid a growing belief that there is no way the Democrats can blow the 2008 presidential election, Democratic National Committee chief Howard Dean sought today to reassure the party faithful that the party was "doing everything in its power" to uphold its losing tradition. At a top-level summit called "Defeat: 2008" being held in Boston, the former Vermont Governor gave a rousing speech to concerned Democrats, bringing his audience to his feet by vowing, "I can assure each and every one of you, we will find a way to screw this up."..........here

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mayor Bob Cashell: A Compassionate Republican

Feds Raid McDonalds
The raids drew immediate criticism from Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and activists. He said he would contact Nevada's congressional delegation and ask the city council to look into the raids. He said that he opposes illegal immigration, as well as immunity for illegal immigrants, but that "there has to be a better way to do this."........here

"Think of some of the people who were arrested and picked up; they have children. They don't know where their mama or their daddy is. That's not right."

GOP Phonies

Click here

Newt Newton TV Commercial

Monks And Myanmar

"Bloodbath again! Bloodbath again!"
A Yangon resident yelled while watching soldiers break up one march by shooting into air, firing tear gas and beating people with clubs. Thousands of monks had provided the backbone of the protests, but they were besieged in their monasteries, penned in by locked gates and barbed wire surrounding the compounds in the two biggest cities, Yangon and Mandalay. Troops stood guard outside and blocked nearby roads to keep the clergymen isolated........more
Why Doesn't China Do Something About This. Am I Suppose To Be Excited About The 2008 Summer Games in Beijing?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bill Clinton On MoveOn

Stealth War Authorization: Attacking Persia

Chickenhawks Joe Lieberman and Jon Kyle
Want the US to attack Iran, but because they know most Americans know that is a crazy idea at a time that the US is already bogged down in a losing war in Iraq, they want to authorize this disastrous expansion of the conflict secretly. That’s why, instead of introducing a war authorizing bill in the Senate, they have introduced a war-authorizing amendment, attached to the latest Defense Authorization Bill currently working its way through Congress......here

The $5.5 Trillion Bush Legacy

Whatever happens over the next 16 months, Bush will leave office having presided over one of the fastest accumulations of government debt in the history of the United States. During his time in office, federal debt held by the public – Washington's equivalent of a credit-card balance – will have increased by more than 50 percent, to about $5.5 trillion. Uncle Sam will be paying interest on that sum for years to come......here

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3,801 And The Killing Continues

Solidarity Action With The Coalition Of Immokalee Workers

This Sunday, September 30, members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) a farmworker organization from Immokalee, Fl will be stopping in St. Petersburg as part of a state-wide "Focus on Florida" mini tour to bring people together for education and action around its current campaign against Miami-based Burger King......More info...here

6:30pm - Peaceful Rally for Justice at Burger King: 4570 34th St. S. Join the CIW and their local student, faith and community allies for a spirited action at Burger King. Art will be available, but feel free to make and bring your own!
7:45pm - Film Screening & Campaign Presentation: Cafe Bohemia, 937 Central Ave. Come out to learn more about the lives of Florida farmworkers, the CIW and how you can take action locally to support the Campaign for Fair Food. A silent auction of donated art work will be held during the event.

Our Very Own Newt

Wengay "Newt" Newton for City Council District 7
Wengay Newton has now filed his candidacy for the vacant seat. Newt his wife Melissa, children and grandchildren are District 7 residents. Newt was born and raised right here in St. Petersburg, 44 years home grown native.........here

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Faith Hill Baptist High School

17-Year-Old David McSwane's Sting Operation Busts Recruiters

Monday, September 24, 2007

Roseland Indiana Cop Beats Up Council Member

Roseland council member David Snyder was taken to St. Joseph County jail and held overnight after an incident during a Roseland council meeting. He was released after the prosecutor's office reviewed the police report and decided to drop the felony charge, clearing way for Dorothy Snyder to bail him out. David Snyder was ejected from a budget meeting Friday night, before being taken to the ground outside by a Roseland police officer. The melee started because David Snyder protested after being given only one minute to speak by council member Charlie Shields. After a heated argument, laced with profanities, Shields kicked Snyder from the meeting........The Video here......YouTube Pulled Video
What Are They Charging The Cop With?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Rather: Government, Corporations Influencing Newsrooms

Dan Rather said Thursday that the undue influence of the government and large corporations over newsrooms spurred his decision to file a $70 million lawsuit against CBS and its former parent company. Somebody, sometime has got to take a stand and say democracy cannot survive, much less thrive with the level of big corporate and big government interference and intimidation in news....more

80% Of Columnists Featured By The Tampa Tribune Are Conservative

Wow What A Surprise
Only the Winter Haven News Chief, the Villages Daily Sun and the Fort Walton Beach Northwest Florida Daily News had highest percentages of conservative columnists. The St. Petersburg Times is shown featuring more progressives than conservatives, with 43 percent of columnists considered progressive and 29 percent considered conservative......here

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Local Liberal Radio: Radio Bullseye

I Can Take Away Your Lives With A Stroke Of A Pen

The U.S. Senate Just Told Us To Sit Down And Shut Up

They passed a resolution condemning MoveOn.org and it has one purpose: to intimidate all of us who care about responsibly ending this war. They wanted to send a message that anyone who speaks unpleasant truths about this war will pay. To make everyone--especially politicians--think twice before they accuse the administration of lying. We can't let that happen, so we're letting Congress know that they're not going to intimidate us. Can you sign on to this statement?

McCain: Move On Ought To Be Thrown Out Of This Country

John McCain has taken criticism of anti-war group MoveOn.org to a whole new level: He is suggesting that the organization “ought to be thrown out of this country.”.....more
Polls show last week's Bush Administration PR blitz increased the number of Americans favoring withdrawal and vulnerable Republicans are sinking lower and lower in the polls (or announcing their retirement).


More Big Brother At Florida Intersections

A Florida state representative and a citizens association are backing a state bill to install cameras at red light intersections. Melissa Wandall, a Bradenton woman whose husband was killed by a red light runner in 2003, is spearheading the citizens' effort.......more

David Bowie Donates To Jena 6 Defense Fund

The British rocker's donation to the Jena Six Legal Defense Fund was announced by the NAACP as thousands of protesters were expected to march through Jena on Thursday in defense of Mychal Bell and five other teens. The group has become known as the Jena Six......here

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mel Martinez: Letting Troops Rest Would

"Demean Their Service"

Central Florida Residents March On Jena

Authorities in Jena, La., are preparing for 60,000 people to march Thursday in support of six black teenagers charged in connection with a fight with a white classmate. Seven buses full of protestors will make the 800-mile journey from Central Florida to Jena for the march......here

Kasey Chambers - On A Bad Day

Monday, September 17, 2007

YouTube: UF Student Tasered

Fox Censors Sally Field's Anti Iraq War Statement At Emmys

University Of Florida Student Arrested, Tasered At Kerry Forum

Andrew Meyer, 21, asked Kerry, D-Mass., why he did not contest the 2004 presidential election, which he lost to President Bush, and why there had been no moves to impeach Bush.
While as many as four police officers tried to remove Meyer from the forum, he yelled for help and asked "What did I do?" Minutes after Meyer started speaking, he was Tasered......more

No Respect For Kucinich, Even Though Many Agree With Him

Rep. Dennis Kucinich opposed the Iraq war from the beginning, voted against the Patriot Act and has drawn up articles of impeachment for Vice President Dick Cheney. Compared with his rivals, he's been far closer to the views of his party's base, and on issues that matter, he's been years ahead of his competitors, who are frequently dragged along - kicking and screaming - by the grass roots. And yet Kucinich, who ran in 2004 and is campaigning in Las Vegas today , is more often viewed as comedy fodder than party leader or contender.........more

Rudy Giuliani: A Betrayal of Trust

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saggy Pants Will Get You Redirection

In Trenton, getting caught with your pants down may soon result in not only a fine, but a city worker assessing where your life is headed. "Are they employed? Do they have a high school diploma? It's a wonderful way to redirect at that point," said Trenton Councilwoman Annette Lartigue, who is drafting a law to outlaw saggy pants.......here

Toxic West Virginia: Mountaintop Removal

Kucinich Calls For End To Iraq War Funding

Dennis Kucinich told an audience in Hilo Thursday that Congress can stop the war in Iraq anytime it wants by simply cutting off funding. “Congress has the ability to tell the administration we’re not going to give you any more money, and this isn’t even a close question,” Kucinich said. “What happens is Congress keeps telling the American people that we don’t have the votes. But you don’t need the votes to do this. We don’t have to take another vote.”.........more

More Than 190 Arrested At D.C. Protest

Several thousand anti-war demonstrators marched through downtown Washington on Saturday, clashing with police at the foot of the Capitol steps where more than 190 protesters were arrested.......more

Friday, September 14, 2007

Lies Americans Believe About The War In Iraq

Wingnut In Largo

Cop Tantrum Caught On Tape

Dean Renews Call On Boehner To Apologize

Howard Dean today renewed his call for House Republican Leader John Boehner to apologize for his reprehensible and offensive comments trivializing the sacrifices our brave men and women in uniform make for our country every day......here

WMNF's 28th Birthday Bash

Saturday Sep 15, 7:00PM
Cuban Club, Ybor City

Friday, September 7, 2007

Dean: Jones Report Shows We Need to Change Course In Iraq

"General Jones' report on the weak state of Iraqi security forces is one more sign that President Bush's strategy in Iraq is not working. Our brave men and women in uniform have done everything we've asked of them, but only the Iraqis themselves can achieve the political progress necessary to sustain peace.

"While Democrats are eager to hear from General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker next week, there are clear signs coming out of Iraq that political reconciliation is not occurring. President Bush and his Republican allies want to cherry-pick the facts, but the way forward is clear. It's long past time to change course in Iraq."

Cops Shut Down Anti-War Press Conference

Gatorgump Hikes Appalachian Trail

A five and a half month journey along the Appalachian Trail concluded Friday for a man from Florida. Defying doctors orders, Mike Osmond hiked the trail from Georgia to Maine. A final hike of Mount Katahdin Friday concluded his trek......here
Just your average heart attack victim with diabetes, allergies and bad feet who appreciates fine wine, a good cigar, and a soft bed. Lets hike 2000 miles!......more

Republican Culture Of Corruption

An extended list......here

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mitt Romney And The French Rudy Might Be Blood Brothers

Excitement is stirring in the (GOP) presidential campaign over a politician who's been talked about in the same breath as John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. He's Nicolas Sarkozy. Presidential candidates are bullish on him, some to the point of gaga. Even Mitt Romney, the only GOP candidate capable of insulting France in fluent French, thinks Sarkozy might be a "blood brother." John McCain has met him at least twice. Rudy Giuliani feels a special kinship with the conservative Frenchman because Sarkozy was once his country's top cop, and because another nickname for the president is "the French Rudy."........more

Dean: Republicans Have Promoted A Culture Of Corruption

That has disgraced our country, and recent events show they have a long way to go before they've cleaned up their act. While Republicans in Washington have campaigned on one set of values, they have lived by another. The American people expect and deserve better......here

Bilingual In Tarpon Springs

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hamas Cartoon Targets Children

There Are Too Many Tomatoes

Tomato growers elsewhere in Florida, like those operating in Immokalee, have made little to no profit from their crop in the past decade. Low market prices are forcing growers to find solutions to lowering their high production costs. It's enough to make growers want to throw tomatoes "“ or even throw in the towel.......more

South Florida Police Turn To YouTube To Catch Criminals

Some South Florida law enforcement agencies are turning to the online video sharing site YouTube.com to post public service announcements and surveillance videos......here

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Dean tells Muslims: Run for political office

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean told American Muslims gathered in Rosemont to think beyond voter registration drives. "You need to run for political office," Dean said Saturday. "The only way you can achieve your goals is to stand up and say who you are and be proud of it.".....here


Richard Gere Urges Olympics Boycott

Actor Richard Gere chases a fugitive Bosnian war criminal in his latest movie role, but in real life the devout Buddhist is pursuing China on human rights abuses and says a boycott of the Beijing Olympics could help......more

Friday, August 31, 2007

Jailed In New Orleans Without Charge

Roderick Dean, a former corrections officer, recounts his harrowing ordeal two years ago when he was arrested and jailed without charge on August 11, 2005 - two weeks before Hurricane Katrina. When the storm hit, Dean was in New Orleans Parish Prison where he narrowly escaped drowning after the jail flooded. He was never charged and released four months later......more

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hands Across the Border

Georgia, Florida, and Alabama
It's the 16th year of the Hands Across the Border highway safety awareness campaign. State troopers, police officers, and sheriff's deputies from Georgia, Florida, and Alabama work together to set up road checks.......here
Officers, deputies and troopers already conducted a sobriety checkpoint at the Georgia-Florida line on U.S. 319 Tuesday night, issuing around a hundred citations and even making some DUI arrests.
In The Name Of His Father
Wellstone Democrat
The Wellstone legacy has become so intertwined with progressive politics, its origin is all but forgotten. The "Democratic wing of the Democratic party" has been kicked around by Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, small-town Iowa state Rep. Ed Fallon and other Democrats nationwide. Paul Wellstone's name and some actions are being used to channel the inner liberal of the country's most prominent Democrats.......more

Portable Surveillance

In Brandon

Photographing 'Nowhere People'

Nationwide Is Not On Your Side
Nationwide Insurance said Tuesday it will reduce its catastrophe exposure in Florida by dropping more than 40,000 homeowner and commercial property policies.......more
Bush Photo Opp
At Dooky Chase's
Bush said Tuesday he wanted to celebrate the spirit of New Orleans. He chose to do so with Leah Chase, considered this proud, still-struggling city's Queen of Creole, known as much for her famous cooking as her warm personality........more
Katrina's anniversary must be approaching.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Florida Beaches
Sun, Sea, And Some Crushed Glass
Officials in Florida have come up with the sharp idea of using recycled glass to replenish denuded beaches. The glass grains would be mixed with sand and sprinkled on the shore. But you won’t get splinters in your flip-flops: sand and glass are both made from silica.....more
Howard Dean
"It's about time that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned, From illegally firing US Attorneys to limiting voting rights to warrantless wiretapping, Alberto Gonzales' Justice Department has promoted a culture of lawlessness designed to serve the Bush White House's narrow political agenda, not the American people. Gonzales now joins a long list of Republican officials resigning under a cloud of scandal, but these resignations cannot purge the Bush Administration of its problems. The true problem rests with the Bush White House itself, which continues to put what's best for the Republican Party ahead of what's best for America."