Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meatloaf The Florida Cat

Took a 3-week cross-country ride locked in a storage container, was reunited on Tuesday with his Florida owner. The 2-year-old Meatloaf apparently crawled into the large locker in Pompano Beach as a man loaded it for a move to Phoenix......here

Biologists Use Fire On Florida Wetlands

A team of biologists, including Patrick Bohlen of MacArthur Agro Ecology Research Center, set control burns in February as part of a three-year research study looking at best land management strategies for wetlands within ranch lands........here

World On Fire - Cape Canaveral, Florida

The Photography Of Ron Dubin

Bob Allen Wins Golden Duke Award

Best Scandal -- Local Venue
TPM is pleased to announce the winners of the First Annual Golden Dukes! The Golden Dukes are given in recognition great accomplishments in muckiness including acts of venal corruption, outstanding self-inflicted losses of dignity, crimes against the republic, bribery, exposed hypocrisy and generally malevolent governance.......here

Will Smith as Barack Obama?

Will Smith has played his share of famous men in film, but is he ready to play a (possible) president of the United States? Senator Barack Obama has singled the man in black out as his choice to portray him in a biopic on his life.......here

Take A Swamp Walk To See Florida Orchids

The ghost orchid is among the world's rarest flowers, the star of the popular book "The Orchid Thief" and the movie "Adaptation" and is the biggest lure to the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park in southwest Florida..........here

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Old Bartow Cigar Factory

A group of 35 to 40 Bartowans attended the forum at the Crawford Agriculture Center to explore the feasibility of renovating the deteriorating building, located at 255 North Third Ave. Bartow's Community Redevelopment Agency has established for itself a March 24 deadline to decide if it is feasible for the CRA to take over the county-owned building and see it converted for public or private use........here

Cuba-Policy Issue Enlivens Florida Congressional Race

Raul Martinez

U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, a Republican admired by many Cuban exiles, has been reelected handily to the 21st Congressional District since it was created 15 years ago. Raul Martinez, a Democrat, was the popular Hialeah mayor of the majority Cuban-American city for almost a quarter century -- reelected even after a criminal conviction later reversed on appeal........here

Foreign Policy: Barack Obama

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., right, is dressed as a Somali elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya. Obama, whose late father was Kenyan, visited the country in 2006.......here

Florida Confederate Flag Specialty Plate

A Florida panhandle lawmaker wants a "Confederate Heritage" license plate to join the 109 specialty tags already available in Florida.....here

Gov. Crist The Democrats Don't Need Your Opinion

If you believe in Democracy… it’s almost ironic to me that in coming from a state like Florida on the Democratic side -- where every vote most count and was such a big deal in our state-- that you have this notion where just because you go a little bit earlier that your delegates may not be seated at the convention whether it’s Denver or Minneapolis. And so, at any rate, I think it’s important to continue to push forward to do that.........here

Random Tampa Photography


Tampa Weekend Film School In Ybor City

Filmmaking is perhaps the most expensive art form in which to partake. No matter how talented a filmmaker may be, unless he/she has the proper lights, equipment and crew, the filmmaker may never be able to create that perfect film that properly showcases his/her talent and launches his/her career. The Weekend Film School is going to help Tampa Bay filmmakers solve this problem during a one-day workshop to be held on Saturday March 15, beginning at 8 a.m. at the Cuban Club in Ybor City.

Dean On McCain

Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean accused Republican presidential front-runner John McCain of trying to skirt campaign finance laws Sunday by trying to opt out of public financing for his primary campaign. Dean told reporters McCain has already used the prospect of nearly $6 million in federal matching funds -- which he now says he won't claim -- as collateral for a January campaign loan and to obtain automatic ballot access in every state.........here
"He has made a career out of posing as a reformer, And the truth is, the reforms he's proposed apply to everybody but him. We've seen this again and again and again."

Taxi To The Dark Side

Javier Bardem: This is for Spain!

Javier Bardem became the first Spanish actor to win an Oscar on Sunday by taking the best supporting actor award for his chilling portrait of a psychopathic killer in "No Country For Old Men."..........here
"Mama, this is for you. This is for your grandparents and your parents, Rafael and Matilde, This is for the comedians of Spain who like you have brought dignity and pride to our profession.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


It was recently decided that the base water rate in Broward County, Florida will be increased by $15.00. Part of the reason for this increase is money loss due to water conservation. This is a joke! The water district needs to implement better fiscal policies rather than tax responsible homeowners for observing conservation practices. If water is so expensive to purchase in Broward County, wouldn´t the better idea be to encourage less water use so the county does not have to buy water at high rates?......here

Florida State Officials Take Advantage Of Loophole

Thousands of state workers -- including lawmakers, judges and top managers -- are receiving retirement benefits in addition to full-time paychecks because of a loophole in state law........here

Florida Is Closed

Via.....The Sight Unseen

Florida: Congressional Races Round 2

Florida has 25 representatives: 16 Republicans and 9 Democrats. Filing deadline is May 2, primary is Aug 26. Of the 22 districts with more than 17% veterans, 12 are in Florida; I think this makes Florida an excellent pickup ground - the veterans, traditionally a very solidly Republican group - are tired of the war and tired of being abused by the powers that be. Remember - Democrats support the troops, Republicans support the war.......here

Creationism Lecture At University Of Florida

Mr. Hovind, also known as Dr. Dino, is a young-earth creationist and runs Creation Science Evangelism, in Pensacola, Florida. He claims to have a doctoral degree from Patriot University in Colorado. If PU is accredited, they hide the fact very well........here

Florida Theme Parks Building Ties With Political Parties

Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando are building ties with lawmakers through hundreds of thousands of dollars in free tickets, food, drinks and hotel rooms. Campaign records show the two theme parks gave Democrats and Republicans in-kind contributions worth more than $571,000 from 2001 through 2007..........here

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Florida Zoo Takes in Expunged Exotics

With alternately tearful goodbyes and barely contained impatience, more than 100 South Floridians surrendered their exotic animals Saturday at a zoo event designed to give owners an alternative to simply turning them loose........here

Pot Plant Operations In Southwest Florida

With a canal running by one side of his house, a large plot of brush and foliage on the other, and a front yard as big as a tree-filled football field, Joe Cook’s Golden Gate Estates home on 22nd Street Northeast offers a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of modern life......here


The 27th annual run across the scenic Seven Mile Bridge in Marathon is set for Saturday, April 19, 2008, but interested runners need to act now to secure their participation.......here

Gay Teen Killed In Fort Lauderdale

The shooting death of a gay teenage boy who was dressed in women's clothing is being investigated as a possible hate crime, while detectives try to determine whether he was targeted because of his sexual orientation........here

Marine Major Brian Dennis And Nubs

This image provided by Marine Major Brian Dennis, of St. Pete Beach, Fl., shows Dennis holding his adopted dog, Nubs, near the Iraq-Jordan border Monday, Feb. 4, 2008. It began with a simple act of kindness to save an abused and injured dog from becoming one more victim in the war in Iraq. But what followed for Marine Maj. Brian Dennis and the mutt was a tale of friendship and loyalty that spanned miles, borders, and overcame long odds — a tale that takes a turn Friday Feb. 22, 2008 with the anticipated arrival here of the Marine's best friend........here

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Florida Cracker Trail

About 10 years ago, on assignment for a country music magazine, I accompanied the Bellamy Brothers on a bumpy stretch of the Florida Cracker Trail Ride, a 120-mile, cross-state horseback trip.......here

Central Florida Spring Could Be Sold To Water-Bottling Company

It's a rare natural treasure, but a Central Florida spring could be sold for millions to a water bottling company if no one intervenes. Paradise Springs is fed by two aquifers and if a bottling company has its way, it's going to pump millions of gallons of Central Florida water from the same aquifers that supply local residents........here

Historic South Florida Beach Reopens

Virginia Key Beach Park celebrated the grand opening of its historic beach and park after nine years of being closed. In 1945 Virginia Key Beach was known as Dade County's only black beach under the separate but equal laws of the first half of the twentieth century......here

Diversity in the USF Tampa Library

USF Tampa Library faculty and staff speak about diversity.

Tampa Bay Teens Take Part In Famine To Help Homeless

Teens from the Bay Area will join hundreds of thousands of others nationwide to fight world hunger by taking part in a 30 hour famine starting today at noon. During the the 2008 World Vision Famine, the teens will serve and prepare food for the homeless and collect can goods. The teens will consume liquids only as they fast.......here

The Florida Black Bear Scenic Byway

The Florida Black Bear Scenic Byway received its official state Scenic Byway designation on February 20, 2008 by the Florida Scenic Highways Program’s Scenic Highways Advisory Committee. Connecting Silver Springs with the city of Ormond Beach, the Florida Black Bear Scenic Byway (SR 40) traverses some of Florida's most pristine ecosystems, centered on the Big Scrub, the world’s largest scrub forest. Providing access to a wide array of public lands......here

Student Shoots AP Florida Photo Of The Year

The Associated Press named photojournalism student Andrew Stanfill’s “Don’t Tase Me, Bro!” Florida Photo of the Year. It ran in The Independent Florida Alligator and in newspapers around the world after being transmitted by the AP........here

Nancy Pelosi In Ft. Lauderdale This Sunday

Pelosi is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party. She is deaf, dumb and blind. She obviously never read the Constitution, doesn't understand her oath of office, and certainly knows nothing of the Geneva Convention or International Laws of Humanity.....here

Iraqi 'Air Force' Plane Lands In Florida

No one knew what to make of it when a small propeller airplane stenciled with the words "Iraqi Air Force" made an emergency landing on a country road near the rural Florida community of Sebring.......here

Howard Dean On John McCain

I have no idea whether the affair story is true or not, and I don't care. What I do care about is John McCain -- and this has been well documented -- is talking all the time about being a reformer and a maverick, and in fact, he has taken thousands of dollars from corporations, ridden on their corporate jets, and then turned around and tried to do favors for them and get projects approved........here

Obama Wants To Rule The World

Florida: Obama/Clinton 2008

The Deam Team

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Tampa Pirate Taking a New Direction

We have to stand up and start speaking in a unified voice against the oppression of our government. What was supposed to be a government by and for the people is now a government made by the rich for the rich. If I have to take a bullet in the head by the federal government for trying to help my daughter grow up in a real America I will. I will keep standing up and no longer allow myself to be pushed down and censored by the feds......here

The Poorest Zip Code In Hillsborough County

The poorest zip code in Hillsborough County was 33605 and most of the Tampa foreclosure homes were recorded in Ybor City. It was definitely not a rosy picture and this created a negative polarity in Tampa. Tampa saw a fall in the number of investors and homebuyers in Hillsborough and especially the 33605 neighborhood........here

Ybor City March

Paul Camp and Andrew Huse, USF Librarians, share a 1938 film featuring the Ybor City cigar-making community.

Everglades Earth First! Shuts Down Florida Power Plant Construction

Early Monday morning dozens of concerned community members from Palm Beach County and all over the nation put their bodies on the line to halt construction of FPL’s West County Energy Center (WCEC), demanding energy efficiency, truly clean, renewable energy and a moratorium on development in south Florida.......here

Spike Lee At USF

March 4, 2008 - 7 pm
Sun Dome
Tickets: Free for USF Students with valid USF ID
$3- USF Faculty, Staff, and Alumni with valid USF ID
$8- Public

Florida Gov. Crist: Health Insurance For All

Insurance with "robust" benefits would be available for as little as $150 a month. Young adults could stay on their parents' health insurance until age 30. Every Florida child would be eligible for KidCare health coverage regardless of family income. Gov. Charlie Crist went to bat Tuesday for Florida's estimated 4 million residents without health-care coverage, and he was clearly aiming for a home run......here

2010: Jim Davis vs. Mel Martinez

Other names of possible Democratic candidates for Martinez's include Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, state House Minority Leader Dan Gelber, and Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio........here

Kathy Castor Endorses Obama

Barack Obama has just received the endorsement of freshman U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor of Tampa, who also is a superdelegate to the Democratic convention.....here
“It is time for our party to coalesce around Barack Obama’s nomination for President. I ran for Congress in 2006 to fight for a new direction for our country. Senator Obama offers the most determined and coherent plan for a new direction and change and I am proud to endorse him for President of the United States.”

Rightwing Previews Its Anti-Obama Attacks

It is a fundamental rule of politics: If you don’t define yourself, you will be defined by your opponent. Barack Obama’s charisma and inspirational message may have his supporters fainting in the aisles but his bio and voting records are a blank slate for Republicans to fill........here

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Spreading Democracy" on This Day of Fidel Castro's Retirement

And who, while decrying the dictatorial splinter in the collective cornea of yet another palm-tree-lined nation doing us no harm, all the while ignoring the beam lodged in their own myopic eye; and who, to this day, and despite mounting evidence to the contrary, tell the citizenry that promoting freedom is what they've been doing all this time.......here

Time to Retire America's Failed Cuba Policy

This is the event that fifty years of U.S. policy was designed to stop
Fidel Castro has announced his retirement. He will be replaced in a peaceful succession, without the violent upheaval that U.S. policy makers have been predicting since the 1960s.
Now that Fidel Castro has announced his retirement, it's time to retire our Cold War era Cuba policy..........It failed........here

Freedom In Cuba?

Representatives of the students of the University of Ciencias Informa'ticas (UCI) interrogated the president of the Cuban parliament, Ricardo Alarcón, on the policies of the government.In Spanish

The United States Embargo On The Cuban People

The United States embargo against Cuba is an economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed on Cuba on February 7, 1962. The embargo was enacted after Cuba expropriated the properties of United States citizens and corporations (notably those that belonged to the United Fruit Company and the ITT)........Wikipedia
The only candidate I see who is even close to ending the embargo is Barack Obama. He has stated that he favors a loosening of the travel ban so that Cuban Americans can visit family; he also wants fewer restrictions on remittances. Further, he is the only candidate who believes we should be in dialogue with governments that have been determined enemies.......here
Mario Diaz-Balart - Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Lincoln Diaz-Balart - Mel Martinez

Creationism in Florida

The southern racists refused to allow desegregation, despite the fact that they were (a) wrong and (b) breaking the law of the land. Having failed, their children and grandchildren are fighting to impose another evil on children - not racism, but ignorance. Like creationism, racism was once a fashionable pseudoscience. It’s still there, it has just gone out of fashion. The sooner people discard both lies, the better........here

No Sympathy For Florida and Michigan

It isn’t up to Howard Dean. As Chair of the DNC, he has to follow the rules, and the rules for the primary elections were adopted way back in August of 2006. State Parties violated the rules, knowing in advance exactly what they were doing and what the consequences would be. Just because a great injustice has happened in Florida and Michigan, it doesn’t mean we should abandon the process and the rules – that would be a greater injustice........here


Monday, February 18, 2008

The Foreclosure Express Driving Into Florida

The bus tours that have motored across foreclosure-littered neighborhoods of California, Nevada and other slumping states are pulling into the Treasure Coast and Palm Beach County. Two local real estate firms in Port St. Lucie and Tequesta are planning their first tours of bank-owned properties Saturday........here

Tampa Bay Online Engages In Censorship

Tampa Bay Online, which is somehow partnered or owned by The Tampa Tribune and WFLA News Channel 8 has decided to remove reader comments en masse. On February 10, the website posted a story about a group of people protesting Scientologists. A day or 2 later there were over 100 comments, most not favorable to Scientology but none that used profanity or otherwise violated the website's Terms Of Service........here