Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Went To Florida

A Beautiful Mess

Florida Bay: Potential for Ecological Collapse

Audubon raised concerns today that this year´s poor nesting season of Roseate Spoonbills—an important indicator species of Everglades restoration success—and the algae blooms in Florida Bay, persisting since 2006, are serious signals that the ecosystem is suffering signs of ecological

McCain And Bush Embrace

Four More

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What Kind of Florida Do You Want to Leave Your Kids?

State legislators returned to Tallahassee today for the beginning of the annual 60-day legislative session. Getting the most attention this year are the revenue shortfalls and resulting necessity to cut $2 billion from the budget........more
In the meantime, use their online tool to contact your senator and state representative and let them know the issues you want them to focus on during the

The Population Bomb And Florida's Vanishing Paradise

After you've spent a day hiking through Florida's preserves along its Nature Coast, you just might find yourself on the back deck of the Rusty Rim Pub on Cedar Key near about sundown. There, along with your $3 bottled brew and a view of the gulf that won't quit, you'll hear the local men who make their living out of the surrounding waters debrief the day.......more

Monkeys Getting High At Miami Zoo

A species of millipede which originated in the West Indies but has recently appeared in parts of South Florida seems to have a hallucinogenic effect on Monkeys. The monkeys "bite the millipedes, then reach behind their backs and rub it on their fur."........more

Civil War Battles In Florida Were Fought Over Lighthouses

Lighthouses and mariners are strongly bound. Although technology has lessened the mariner’s dependency on traditional lighthouses, the familiar shape represents sanctuary and

Government Surveillance Harms Society

Acts of government surveillance — from increasing use of closed-circuit televisions and global positioning systems to an array of sophisticated technologies that can access records about our activities — represent an insidious assault on the freedom of Americans that the law has failed to respond to, according to a new book from a University of Florida law

Tampa In High Definition

Robert La Follette

Curtis Hixon Park Is Fine As Is

As you know, Mayor Pam Iorio wants the area currently known as Curtis Hixon Park to be Tampa’s signature park. Iorio remains insistent in putting $15 Million into redesigning the already functioning green space. And what do we get for $15 MILLION?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ronda Storms And The Theory Of Evolution

On Friday she introduced an Academic Freedom Act designed to tweak the state's recently adopted educational standard that calls for science teachers to teach evolution. The basis of her bill came from activists who failed in February to persuade the state Board of Education to allow the leeway. The board voted 4-3 two weeks ago to explicitly require the teaching of evolution......more

Mayor Of Fort Lauderdale Uses Tax Dollars to Incite Violence

Mayor Jim Naugle of Fort Lauderdale has once again used his office to spread fear and hate about the gay community. In the latest city newsletter, paid for by the city and available on the city's website, Naugle again used misinformation and bigotry to paint the LGBT community as predators and a

Florida Bride Gets Dream Wedding

Tammy Clifton wanted her wedding to be the big day she had always dreamed of. But when she recently found out she had breast cancer, that all changed. So, about 72 hours after informing family and friends that she wanted to get married before starting chemotherapy this week, Clifton and Troy Lindsey were wed Sunday. The whirlwind event was put together through the generosity of local wedding planners, volunteers and area

Happy Birthday Florida


Op-ed by young woman incarcerated in Florida

Rebecca Falcon
I anticipated my 16th birthday so that I would be eligible to apply for a job. In all aspects, I was considered a juvenile; however, when my life made a turn for the worse, and I committed a terrible crime, I was at least in the eyes of the criminal justice system, an
Visit Her

Time to Stop Hatred and Violence

On Friday, Feb. 22, 17-year-old Simmie Williams Jr. was gunned down on a street corner in Broward County. Just 10 days earlier, Lawrence King, a 15-year-old Oxnard, Calif., junior high student, was shot to death in his own classroom because he wore makeup — because he was different. And less than one year ago, Ryan Keith Skipper, 24, was stabbed to death in Polk County.......more
Equality Florida

Where's Charlie? Florida Dems Want To Know

Democrats have launched a website, that challenges Crist for stepping away from his gubernatorial duties for a lot of January and February. The party claims Crist took more days off thann he worked in the first six weeks of the year -- calculating a 48.3 percent attendance record during 30 potential work days........more

More Cameras At Florida Intersections

The cameras are coming to the area beginning this month, and they'll almost certainly become more widespread if Florida legislators smooth the way by changing a state law this spring. This is plunging the state into a long-running nationwide debate: Are these devices just a bunch of cities' moneymaking schemes, a Big Brother-ish invasion of privacy? Or are they a way to restore sanity to intersections by fighting what officials call an "epidemic" of red-light running?

The Struggle For A Community Garden In Bartlett Park

Under a cloudy sky threatening rain, Bartlett Park resident Andrea Hildebran steps over discarded potato chip bags, torn newspapers and broken 40-ounce bottles of Budweiser. This vacant lot off Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in St. Petersburg has seen better days, though only the old-timers who've lived in Bartlett Park for decades can remember those

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gibsonton, Florida

For generations, carnies have wintered in Gibsonton - "Gib-town" - in south Hillsborough County. They eat and drink at the Showtown Bar & Grill. For business, they visit the annual trade show of the Showmen's Association. When they die, they wind up in a local mausoleum called Showmen's
Al Tomaini

"President Uribe, I'll send some Sukhois"

President Hugo Chavez ordered tanks and thousands of troops on Sunday to the border with Colombia, accusing it of pushing South America to the brink of war by killing a top rebel leader on Ecuadorean

Olivia's Kiss

Chapter 4

The Great Calusa Blueway

Seriously, southwest Florida is a fantastic place to kayak, with miles of interesting little rivers and estuaries and enough birds to fill a thousand aviaries. In fact, southwest Florida has embraced the kayak fad with a 190-mile kayaking route called the Great Calusa


Or perhaps, as those of us who are not gullible, Hero-supporting, Macho-Macho-Man-worshipping sheep with blindfolders surgically affixed to their skulls--as well as those of us whose paychecks do not sport the logo of any traditional media outlet--are able to see, Senator McCain is, in reality, a once-brave, once-admirable hero who long ago squandered his Honorable Man bona fides in favor of a relentless quest for the Good Life........more

Silent Tribute In St. Petersburg

Silent Tribute to the men and women of the U.S. armed forces who have died in the two conflicts in Iraq is traveling around the country. Recently it stopped here in St.
4,440 Flags

Tampa Bay Historical Markers

Central Avenue
From the late 19th century until the mid 1970's, Central Avenue was the principal business and entertainment district of Tampa's African-American community. Before it was destroyed, this section contained schools, churches, lodges, a library, physicians, lawyers, dentists, grocery stores, barbershops, drug stores, insurance companies, newspapers, restaurants, a hotel, movie theaters and more than a score of bars and nightclubs, some featuring major headliners of the black entertainment circuit......more

Celebrities, such as Ray Charles, James Brown, B.B. King, Bobby "Blue" Bland, Nate and Cannonball Adderly, all played on Central when they were just getting started.

Tampa, The Royal City Of Atlantis

Tampa was once the Royal City of Atlantis. Using Plato's description of Atlantis, the film maker matches the Florida terrain with the Great Plain of Atlantis.

Bringing More Warmth To The Sunshine State

Many charities have got car contribution programs which are indispensable to their ability to raise funds. The cars donated will, if in good adequate condition, be used by the charities in their worMany charities have got car contribution programs which are indispensable to their ability to raise funds. The cars donated will, if in good adequate condition, be used by the charities in their

Gov. Crist Supports A Repeat Of The Democratic Primary

Howard Dean said he's open to the possibility. Primary elections are paid for by a state's taxpayers, so the offer from Crist, a Republican, is ``very helpful'' because money is an issue, Dean said.
"We're very willing to listen to the people of Florida"
So, thanks to the Florida Democratic Party and the Republicans, Florida might have to vote again! Vote Obama.

Jack Nicholson's Hillary Clinton Ad

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Florida Has A Medical Examiner For Manatees

Martine De Wit is a medical examiner, for manatees. If one of the endangered animals is reported dead anywhere in Florida's waters, it's brought to de Wit, who helps determine and duly record its cause of death. About 250 of their bodies arrive at her lab every year......more

We Are The Ones We Been Waiting For

Tampa Bay Gas Prices Could Push $3.75 A Gallon This Summer

The average cost of unleaded gas in the Bay area went up by 3.2 cents on Wednesday to a little over $3.10. That's 3.2 cents in a single day.That one-day jump put regular gas 87 cents higher than the same time a year ago, and barely below the all-time record set in November 2007.Hold on to your wallet, because the experts say there's more to
Alan Snel Can

Debby Dowell: Hillsborough Teacher Of The Year

A middle school teacher 15 years into her second career jumped up and down, hugged everyone in sight and gasped for breath when she learned Thursday night that she is Hillsborough County's 2008 teacher of the year. Debby Dowell was then short and to the point in her acceptance

Rogue Florida Democrats

Proving yet again that nobody does bizarre elections like Florida, thousands of loyal Democrats turned out for a rogue election Saturday where the votes may not count and the winners may not win......more

Miami Vice: Bottom-Fishing For Condo Bargains

Home buyers from around the U.S. and abroad are descending on Florida to buy condominiums that have suffered sharp price drops amid the housing glut, subprime-mortgage crisis and credit crunch. Some are searching for investment properties, confident home prices will eventually rebound. Others are hunting for vacation or retirement homes. Yet pitfalls abound, and experts warn that prices could dip

From Tampa to Tallahassee: Cracker Horse Heritage

Catch a glimpse of Billy Ray Hunter and Carlton Dudley as they try to ride two Floridian Cracker horses from Tampa to Tallahassee in hopes of making the Cracker horse Florida's official Heritage

Big Brother Won't Ogle Beaches In Florida Town

It appears the Almighty Dollar was just too much for Big Brother to handle in this South Florida town. Due to the cost, the Martin County Commission decided this week against spending $300,000 on a high-tech video surveillance system which would "talk back" to people, warning them not to have sex on the

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hillsborough County Jails

A former special-education teacher says Hillsborough jail deputies violently threw him to the floor of a cell, put a hood over his head while he was in a restraint chair, and intentionally obstructed the view of a surveillance camera before beating

McCain Running Mate? Crist, If GOP Needs Florida?

Four days before the Republican primary election in Florida, when it became apparent to many that Sen. John McCain had a good chance of winning, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist climbed on board the senator's campaign for president.
This is the same Crist who could not find time to appear at a rally with President Bush in Florida's heavily Republican Panhandle near the eve of the 2006 midterm elections.......more

The Sons of Confederate Veterans

The citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South's decision to fight the Second American
Other festive "Confederate Heritage"......plates

Florida Forever Successor

When state legislators convene a 60-day legislative session March 4, they will discuss creating and funding a successor to the Florida Forever program, one of the most successful state-funded land acquisition programs in the

Cuba Signs Human Rights Treaties

Cuba Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said Thursday the signing of two human rights treaties responds to a sovereign decision by the Cuban government, which has never acted under pressure.......more

Burmese Python From Everglades National Park

Burmese pythons, an invasive species now spreading across south Florida, could find comfortable climatic conditions in roughly a third of the United States, according to new "climate match" maps developed by the U.S. Geological

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Florida Governor And The Green Iguana

The story goes that the Florida governor frequented the Green Iguana, a bar in Tampa, back in the early 1990s when he was just starting his political career. He was less careful back then, people say, and during his partying at the Green Iguana, he was openly

The Floridian Offers $5,000 Reward In Gay Attack

The owner of the popular restaurant where a gay man was verbally and physically assaulted in a possible hate crime has put up a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the

Florida Considering Spaceflight Indemnification Bill

The Florida Legislature, following the lead of Virginia, is considering legislation to provide liability immunity for suborbital commercial vehicle operators. The legislation, HB 737, was introduced in the Florida House of Representatives in January by Rep. David Simmons, an Orlando-area Republican, and is currently working its way through various House committees. The legislation would make any “spaceflight entity” (any company or organization with an FAA launch, reentry, or spaceport license) “not liable for injury to or death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of spaceflight launch activities”.....more

Mayor Iorio’s Fitness Walk

Takes place on Saturday, March 8 at Al Lopez Park.
Registration opens at 6:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 7:30 a.m.
Participants receive a Walking with the Mayor T-shirt. Health and wellness organizations from throughout the city will be on hand with free health screenings and information on how to lead a more active and well lifestyle.

Litbrit Is Two

Exactly two years ago, I typed out the introductory post for my very first blog. Back then it was called The Last Duchess after a favorite Browning poem; later, I decided to use my online nickname, litbrit, which was simpler and far better known around Left Blogistan......more

Dean Says Democrat Party Of Diversity

The Democratic Party is committed to addressing the needs of the African American community and should take over in the upcoming presidential elections, said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean in a speech last night in the Intercultural Center Auditorium in honor of Black History

The Blair Watch Project


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jose Marti In Ybor City

Ybor Street Closure Feeds Culture Of Paranoia

The St. Pertersburg Times reported that Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee stood before City Council members holding a report from the Department of Homeland Security he said detailed all the dangers that could befall his operations center in Ybor City. Gee wouldn't tell them what it said,

Andrea Gonzmart

Fifth-generation member of the Hernandez-Gonzmart family, which founded the Columbia Restaurant in 1905. Through the Ybor City Chamber, Gonzmart has organized various arts and food events that she hopes will turn around Ybor City's negative image. Last year, the Tampa Bay Business Journal and Gulf Coast Business Review recognized Gonzmart as a rising star for her restaurateuring, charity organizing and support for the arts.......more
The Columbia Restaurant