Thursday, August 8, 2013

Local Writer Dante Hadley

My friend local blogger, artist and writer Dante Hadley  next book Broken Ohn 3 is due on Amazon on Aug 10th. Check him out here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Black Beans and Rice
At Ruben's Cubans in Temple Terrace

Is Rick Scott The Worst Governor In The History of America!

Tampa IsThe Nicest City In America

Airbnb crunched its unique set of data to rank American's most hospitable cities, and according to its more than 4 million guests,Tampa topped the
Try being a local.
 Our local  politicians don't do enough to help the homeless.
Traffic sucks.

And we get a little rain which we do often,it becomes a mess.

 But we are trying to do better and we got the best food in the world.

WMNF Birthday Party


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

it’sGoing To Last A While

Marco Rubio was on the Mark Levin show concerned about President Obama’s tepid reaction to terror threats in the Middle East. Maybe he had a phone in the golf cart, I don’t know,” Rubio said, adding that he had no reason to believe that the president wasn’t taking the threats seriously. Rubio pointed out, however, that he found it puzzling that Obama refused to call the struggle a “war on terror.” “I have a problem with that because we need to have that mentality — that, in fact, that this is a battle we’re engaged, it’s going to last a while,” Rubio said.

First Public Meeting OnTtransportation

Tonight is the first public meeting on transportation in Hillsborough County as they work to create a new vision for transportation, create jobs and improve quality of life. This process is key to connecting our region
 WHAT: Hillsborough County Transportation Public Meeting 
WHEN: Tonight at 6:00 pm 
WHERE: 26th Floor, Hillsborough County Center
608 E Kennedy Blvd.Downtown Tampa 

Around Tampa Bay

Florida Rep. Ted Yoho

Speaking at a town hall meeting earlier this month, Florida Republican congressman Ted Yoho promised that he would support possible birther legislation floated by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), telling the crowd that after learning about a potential birther bill from Stockman while attending a Tea Party meeting, he called the congressman and agreed to back it........more

What Stogie Had For Breakfast

2 Eggs with bacon and homefries.
$4.95 at Three Coins Diner in  Seminole Heights, Tampa

The Great Bull Run

Running of the bulls coming to Florida
The Great Bull Run is coming to Little Everglades Ranch in central Florida on February 1st, 2014!

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Merchants Of Ybor

Gaby The Mad Strategist at Mace Multimedia 

Suspend Florida School Grading

DFA Member and Tampa resident Susan Smith created a campaign on YouPower calling on Governor Rick Scott, the State Board of Education, and the State Legislature to immediately suspend Florida's school grading system.  

Florida's Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act

Met these guys at the Britton Plaza Transfer center collecting signatures for medical marijuana. You can help out, get invoved help Florida catch up with the rest of the country. check it out here.

2013 Hall of Fame Inductee: Warren Sapp Hall of Fame

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Bricks Of Ybor

What Stogie Had For Lunch
 Pacific Rim Pulled Pork With 3 Cigar City Beers,Jai Alai IPA,Maduro Brown Ale and Hard Cider at
The Bricks in Ybor City,  very tasty.

Jazzing Up

Ybor City

Who Wants To Be Our Governor

Rick Scott (R)* - We know all about Mr. Scott. (Campaign Site)
Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder (R) - Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce of Florida President & Businesswoman
Tim Devine (R) - Frequent Candidate
Berthram Samuel (R) - '10 Candidate
Dr Joe Smith (R) - Chiropractor & Frequent Candidate
Charlie Crist (D) - Ex-Governor, Ex-Attorney General, Ex-State Sen., Ex-Republican & '10/'98 US Sen. Candidate

Ryan Lipner (D) - Frequent Candidate
Marcelle Martelly (D) - Social Worker
Nan Rich (D) - State Senate Minority Leader, Ex-State Rep. & Ex-President of National Council of Jewish Women
Alex Sink (D) - Ex-State CFO, Ex-Bank Presudent & '10 Nominee

Jessica Stewart (D)
Atlee Yarrow (American Third Position) - Press Operator, White Supremacist Activist & '06 Candidate
John Wayne Smith (Libertarian) - Libertarian Activist, Awning Installer, Army Veteran & Frequent Candidate
Adrian Wyllie (Libertarian) - State Party Chair, Businessman & Veteran
Rubin Anderson (Independent) - Baptist Pastor, Community Activist & Felon
Kyle "KC" Gibson (Independent) - Pastor
Herman Giger (Independent) - Pilot, Flight Instructor, Army Veteran & '10 Candidate
Mark Griffis (Independent) - System Administrator & Community Activist
Jeff Rabinowitz (Independent) - Waiter
C.C. Reed (Independent) - Businessman & Frequent Candidate
Charles Tolbert (Independent) - Minister, Retired Army Master Sergeant & Vietnam War Veteran 

 Check out Politics 1 for more info.

Tampa Police Chief Addresses DUI Investigation Scandal

On the very same day that the Washington Post reported on Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul’s call for more school vouchers and expanded charter programs, the Associated Press exposed a frantic behind-the-scenes operation in Indiana to raise the grade given to a charter school run by a major Republican donor. As Rick Perry might say, “oops.” - See more at:

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Florida Release Marissa Alexander Immediately

Miss Alexander fired a WARNING shot in the state of Florida in self defense to keep her abusive husband away from her, and was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years after 12 minutes of deliberation. Her right to use this defense and be found not guilty was violated because she was protecting herself from harm. Spousal abuse should never be tolerated on any level.  
Sign Petition

Kevin Beckner's August Newsletter

I am pleased to share with you some of the major news and events within your county government. In this month's edition learn about the County Commission's special recognition of T. Terrell Sessums and Matilda Garcia.

Pathetic Florida Legislators

Hey, elected clowns! Thanks for passing a law forcing Duke Energy customers to pay up to $1.5 billion in higher rates for a long proposed nuclear power plant in Levy County that will not be built. Customers, you're not getting any of that money back. This borders on fraud. If our elected officials had not rubber-stamped it into law seven years ago, it probably would be. And get this, new Duke CEO Lynn Good says she wants to change the rules in Florida so that any type of big power plant can be charged in advance to its customers. The executive sees gold by stiffing customers instead of shareholders for all mega-projects.......more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

  Italian Wedding Soup @ The Stone Soup Co. In Ybor City

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rick Scott's Dirty Money

Bill Edwards is the largest individual donor to Scott’s 2014 re-election campaign outside of the governor’s own family. He runs a St. Petersburg-based mortgage company recently fined $7.5 million by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for violating the “Do Not Call” telemarketing law and for misrepresentations made to members and veterans of the military......Sign .this petition

Florida's Hate Alan Grayson Site

 Javier Manjarres of Florida's premiere right wing website "The Shark Tank" whose buddy Jorge Bonilla is Alan Grayson’s republican congressional opponent next year has been laying it on Mr. Grayson lately.At a Grayson Town Hall meeting at the Barry University School of Law in Orlando Mr. Grayson had enough.........
 “No, you’ve been very insulting to me, I don't appreciate that. I read what you write, lies. You are a liar, go ahead and record that" 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Attlee Yarrow Wants To Be Our Governor

He writes on his website.....There is often an assumption by liberals and leftist that somehow there is this great right-wing conspiracy happening because white people are becoming aware of the racism actually happening against them by hypocrites who hate our culture, faith, and are ignorant of any real facts.He says he has never been a republican because they are too left leaning for his taste....check him out here  

Tampa City Council Making Us Look Bad

Tampa, Florida: Homeless People Thrown in Jail For...Sleeping?
Mass incarceration: the answer to all our problems. Last week, the city council passed two ordinances that ban panhandling in much of the city and allow police to arrest people for sleeping or storing their stuff in public spaces. Courts have previously ruled that public behaviors people must engage in to stay alive, like sleeping and eating, cannot be banned without ensuring the resources that provide them with alternatives, but the council did not increase funding for shelters or transitional housing at Alter NetWhat they are saying about us: The state of florida doesn't even deserve a capital letter. It's a fetid swamp. Hey Tampa, "Stupid is as stupid does. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Hot Wings
At Gaspar's Patio In Temple Terrace

Liberals Fight Back: Operation Bust Their Chops

 florida treasure Alan Grayson and other liberals in the House are hatching a plan to ‘Bust the Chops’ of GOP' the liberal Democrats behind an aggressive new legislative strategy targeting House Republicans are calling it “Operation Bust Their Chops.” That was the actual title that Rep. Alan Grayson used when he announced the plan during an appearance late last month at the closed-door strategy summit in Pikesville, Md., according to attendees.Democrats are developing what they call an “amendment bank,” ready-to-go Democratic attachments for House GOP bills on any number of topics—education, transportation, veterans’ affairs.....more

Rick Scott Inc. Florida Style

Dear Lee

Levi Dixon, Jr. was a 17-year-old gospel singer attending Blake High School when he was tragically shot and killed on July 27, 2008. His friend AJ Crawford, who goes by the stage name Young AJ, recently released "Dear Lee" in Dixon's honor. He wrote the song as a way of coping with the unsolved murder, and to also speak out against violence.

Monday, July 29, 2013

you might be a right winger if

you're pro-life, pro-death penalty, and pro-war, as long as it
doesn't effect you personally.

 If you have no problem with our bombs finding Afghanistan or Iraq
even though most of our citizens can't find either country on the map.

You think labor unions are a communist plot.
you believe that the spread of AIDS can be stopped by pulling
funding for sex education and needle exchanges.

you point to Sean Hannity and say, "See, Jesus can cure

you are convinced that greed has gotten a bad rap
 you think any one motivated in their profession by something other
than making a profit is a communist.

You'd rather make money than breathe
If you think that Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice are the
greatest African-American leaders since Martin Luther King

If you think African-Americans should stop whining because forty
years of affirmative action has magically erased the debilitating effects
of 246 years of slavery and 100 years of violent Jim Crow racism

 you think that any woman who has the temerity to think they should
receive equal rights under the law, in the workplace, and in general
are 'feminazis'

you think corporate profits are more important than breathable air, potable water, and a diverse ecosystem
Ann Coulter gives you a "woody" 
you possess millions in unexplnable, unindictable, and now
untaxable cash

Visit Evil GOP bastards here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Raw Oysters
At Gaspar' Patio in Temple Terrace

Happy 52nd Birthday

Sign his card here


Real Live Music
Kyle 813.695.5050 - John 813.787.3256 - Ryan 813.650.3363

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Steaks At My Door

with the  online grocery store thing booming i wanted to try it. Bought this box of steaks at my door from some guy selling it. they were good. They are a local business.  He did not leave a number. I hope he comes back.

Does The Republican Party Piss You Off?

Friends Of Stogie

\                                 Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

Evil GOP Bastards

Why does the Republican Party zealously pursue policies so obviously counter to the best interests of ordinary Americans? Exposing the ugly truth about the Republican Party's diabolical plot to replace constitutional democracy with an oligarchic fascist

Dream Defenders Update

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Take This Job And Shove It

Bob's Farewell Party'

United Nations Honors Che Guevara

The U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced earlier this week that it would include Guevara’s “life and works” in its 2013 “Memory of the World Register,” which codifies historical material that has a “world significance and outstanding universal value.”....more
Of couse the announcement sparked an outcry from Cuban-American members of Congress. “UNESCO continued its longstanding tradition of making a mockery of its own institution when it opted to venerate and memorialize the life of a blood thirsty, murderous sadist,” Rep. Ros-Lehtinen
Please note, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen was a strong supporter of President George W. Bush and his war in Iraq, where 4,488 Americans and over a million Iraqis died. 

Call Scott

Florida Looking For Candidate

Florida liberals are looking for a good candidate for governor in 2014. Someone who is pro-choice, for the legalization of marijuana and gay marriage. Someone who will take care of our beaches, springs and wetlands. Someone who is against offshore drilling off our coast. Someone who will take the feds money for high speed rail, health care for all and anything eles they want to give us money for. Someone who is pro education and tolerant. Someone who will make our state so desirable that corporations will want to pay us to relocate and do business  here.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Darden Rice Is Running Away With The Race

At least in the primary. According to a survey conducted by St. Pete Polls and commissioned by this blog, Rice has a wide lead over her next closest rival, Dr. McKalip. Among likely voters, Rice receives 32% support, McKalip is at 17%, Carolyn Fries is at 11% and Richard Eldridge is at 4%. Thirty-seven percent of respondents said they were undecided.....St. Petersblog,
at pushing rope.
She will be in Tampa tonight for a meet and greet. info

Florida To Begin Voter Purge

Jacksonville To Sanford Walk For Dignity

Florida'ssummer afternoon rain couldn’t stop more than 25 activists from meeting in downtown Jacksonville’s Hemming Plaza, July 22, to begin a five-day walk to Sanford, Florida. Activists took the first steps in the “Walk for Dignity – Enough is Enough” event, demanding justice for Trayvon Martin and the resignation of State Attorney Angela Corey, who prosecuted the George Zimmerman case.
Called by the Southern Movement Assembly, a network of activist groups around the South that met in Jacksonville last April, the walk will end with a large rally in Sanford.......more

Tampa Demands Justice For Javon Neal

Community members gathered in front of a police substation July 22, the one-year anniversary of Javon Neal's murder by Tampa police. Neal, a 16-year-old African American student, was shot more than 19 times byTPD.....more

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Grand OLD Party of Florida

The The Republican Party of Florida is greeting President Barack Obama to Jacksonville with a full page ad in the Florida Times-Union.....more

Will Weatherford's Countdown Clock

Telemundo's Diaz-Balart Confronts Steve King

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
"For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."          Steve King
The Grand OLD Party reaching out to hispanics.