Friday, November 1, 2013

John Morgan's Jack Russell Terrier

“She knows about as much about constitutional law
as my Jack Russell terrier does”
Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan said of Florida's Right Wing Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi after Bondi argued to the Florida Supreme Court last week that the ballot summary for the medical marijuana question fails to inform voters of the “breathtaking scope” of the amendment......more
Well she does love dogs.

ONE Tampa Meetup And 5K Bayshore run

Tuesday, November 12, 6:00 PM
Four Green Fields
205 W Platt St in Tampa

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ybor City

Susan Smith On Leberals And Charlie

Smith talks to Nicole Sandler about progressive disapproval of Crist.

Friends Of Stogie

Meet Shannon, she is a bartender at The Pegasus Lounge in Tampa

Mitch Mallett For Congress

A self-described “practical liberal” has announced he will challenge one of the country's most corrupt politicians U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan of Sarasota........more
Visit him at Facebook.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Alan Grayson Plans Agenda For GOP Conference

 Florida’s Congressman, Alan Grayson, addressed the state party faithful Saturday and likened some Republicans to Confederate flag-waving “bigots.”
Grayson made his comments during a mock reading of a fake Republican Party agenda in which he suggested conservatives were also gay marriage-bashing gun nuts. “At 8:30 a.m., the morning breakout sessions,” Grayson said, reading the made-up GOP agenda. “Ballroom A: the bigots. Ballroom B: the paranoids. And Ballroom C, the largest group of all: the gullible.”......
Congressman Alan Grayson

Ybor Surveillance

7th Ave

Michael Hussey: Charlie Crist And Nan Rich

I say let Crist and Rich both run and we have a healthy debate on the issues in the Democratic primary. Democrats need to support the winner of the primary. People are worried about if Crist is progressive enough or can Rich raise as much money as Gov. Rick Scott. The answer to both questions is no. If you decide to sit this election out then Scott gets a second term. Think about that for a moment......more

They Eat Their Own: Tea Party Hit List

Florida's Daniel Webster, Gus Bilirakis, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
and Mario Diaz-Balart are on it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Guavaween - Ybor City

Click on pic to enlarge.

Tampa Police Raid Sulphur Springs Church

On the afternoon of Wed., July 31,  TPD took a battering ram to the front door of Bishop Chuck Leigh's Apostolic Catholic Church of Christ the Servant in Sulphur Springs. The dramatic door-smashing was captured by ABC Action News. The door was unlocked. TPD keeps sending girls wearing wires to him to get him to sign off on community service hours in exchange for sex. One of the arresting officers told him the orders for his arrest came straight from Mayor Buckhorn’s office. The mayor’s office denies the claim. Leigh had followed one of the girls from a distance and saw her walk toward two Tampa police cars and a waiting ABC Action News van. She leaned into the open police window and spoke to the police.
TPD spokesperson Laura McElroy condemns the notion that the city is out to get Bishop Leigh. “That’s ridiculous,” she said. McElroy initially told CL that the television crew “just happened to be there” during the raid of Leigh’s church. After being caught in a lie by CL she called back to amend her comment.  “The news media was invited along for the raid,” she explained,
“but we did not tip them off.” What is the difference between an invite and a tip?
Also there is this, Reverend Russell Meyer, executive director of the Florida Council of Churches, suspects there is more going on than meets the eye with the made-for-media police raid. “There is a real attempt to silence Bishop Leigh,” he says. “The picture painted by the local media is not only a fabrication and an insult, it’s an attack on the Church and its relationship with the poor.” Meyer is one of several following the case who have floated the theory that activists like Bishop Leigh are standing in the way of the city’s gentrification plans for Sulphur Springs and have thus become targets. Citing Mayor Buckhorn’s Nehemiah Project to demolish houses considered havens for drug dealers and prostitutes and the city’s aggressive code enforcement and plans to “repopulate” the neighborhood, some see the work of Leigh’s Apostolic Catholic Church as antithetical to the administration’s vision.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Willie

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Allen West Condemns Rep. Alan Grayson's Tea Party - KKK Comparison

Wait, isn't this the guy that in 2011 compared the Democratic Party to the
 What cojones this guy has.

I Am Dennis Ross

New national poll suggests Dennis Ross could be in trouble. Ross’ approval rating is also upside down at 23% approve/38% disapprove. Two-thirds of voters in this district opposed the government shutdown. Against a generic Democrat, Ross trails 38% to 45%; he is down 42% to 50% when the respondent is informed Ross supported the government shutdown........more

Democrat George Sheldon Enters Florida AG Race Against Bondi

Former Department of Children & Families Secretary George Sheldon has announced he’ll run against Attorney General Bondi, criticizing her judgment and performance in office.
Read more>
Taking on predatory lenders, human traffickers and those who engage in deceptive practices is the job of the Attorney General,” he said, “not working full time trying to deny health insurance to children and anyone with pre-existing conditions.”

Charlie Crist: Tell me how I can help

Friday, October 25, 2013

Vulnerable Florida House Republicans

Rep. Daniel Webster (FL-10) -- This guy defeated Alan Grayson in 2010, but now has 33% popularity and is losing to a hypothetical Dem opponent. 

McResources "Help" Line

Why I don't eat at McDonalds.
McDonald's just bought another $35-million-dollar luxury jet. Yet their employees make so little they rely on public assistance just to get by. This costs taxpayers $1.2 billion a year!
Eat local, support our local businesses.Check out

Pam Bondi Contesting Medical Marijuana

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is contesting a proposed ballot initiative for a medical marijuana constitutional amendment and has asked the Florida Supreme Court for an opinion. Bondi contends the proposal from People United for Medical Marijuana, a group led by high-profile attorney John Morgan, is misleading the public and is presented in a way that does not convey its “true meaning and ramifications.”......more

University Of Florida SDS Demands Tuition Equity

On Oct. 17, student activists at the University of Florida (UF) officially launched their tuition equity campaign by having a demonstration at Tigert Hall, the University of Florida’s administration building. Around 40 students gathered in front of Tigert Hall to demand in-state tuition for undocumented students who have graduated from Florida high schools. The delegation made speeches calling for the university to implement DACA (the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals process) at UF and live up to its claim of being a flagship university and open the door to undocumented students........more

Thursday, October 24, 2013

FL-02: Steve Southerland - "Their Games"

Visit his countdown clock here
More Florida Tea Partiers here
Update: New poll of FL CD 2 shows Gwen Graham leading Steve Southerland, 44% to 41%

FL Man Kills Black Teen For Refusing To Turn Down Music!

Michael Dunn

200 Gather In Tampa To Urge Hillary Clinton

200 people packed into a Mise en Place meeting room in South Tampa on Tuesday night to join a grass roots campaign that is urging the former secretary of state to run for president in 2016.....more

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Alan Grayson Maintains Firm Grip on Race

The latest race ratings for Florida's 9th Congressional District affirm that Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) remains a heavy favorite to win re-election in 2014. "These nonpartisan prognosticators understand the reality of this race. We are in a heavily-Democratic district. We won in record fashion in 2012. We have some of the best field and fundraising operations in the entire country. But most importantly, I work hard, pay attention, and get things done for my constituents. They want a ‘Congressman With Guts' representing them," Grayson said.......more

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Miami-Dade Police Officer Vicki Thomas

This Cop Caught a Woman Shoplifting Food 
So She Bought Her $100 Worth of Groceries!

Hillsborough County Commissioners Honor Jan Platt

The Hillsborough County Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to name its popular land-preservation program for its originator, former board member Jan Platt. Commissioner Kevin Beckner acknowledged that the proposal he floated last month was spontaneous. It came as the board was celebrating the 25th anniversary of ELAPP, and Beckner said he realized during that presentation that the program and environmental stewardship are among Platt's most enduring legacies.....more

Allen West: Obama Turning United States Into A Monarchy

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Fish
With yellow rice and yuca.
$5.95 at La Teresita Grocery, on Boliche Blvd. in West Tampa

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rep. Alan Grayson: "Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan"

Jessica Ehrlich Not Welcome

In an email shared with Peter Schorsch of Saint Petersblog  Mrs. Young, Bill Young's widow advises Ehrlich, who ran against Rep. Young in 2012, that she is not “welcome at any of my husband’s memorial services.”
“People like you are the exact people that makes this world a scary place to live in,” Young writes. “You should be ashamed of the games you attempted to play so you could secure a job.“
I will keep my words to myself on this one, RIP Mr. Young. 

Consider Rep. Ted Yoho Of Florida

Consider Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL), a Tea Party freshman whose outspoken stupidity on a default’s potential benefits, such as an improved U.S. credit rating, has provided a bit of dark humor in these dark days. Yoho, a large-animal veterinarian, announced months ago that he would never vote to raise the debt ceiling. Like most Republican candidates, he had no problem raising contributions from business interests, notably including contractors, insurance companies, manufacturers and agricultural processors — all of which presumably share the horror of default expressed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. But no doubt Yoho parroted the usual right-wing clichés about taxes, regulation, labor, and health care, so all the business guys wrote a check without caring that Yoho is an ignorant yobbo.......more

KKK Group Begs Florida Officials

A Ku Klux Klan chapter is fighting a grassroots effort to change the name of a Florida high school that honors the Confederate general who helped found the notoriously racist organization.....more

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Right Owes America $24 Billion

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Chicken
With mashed potatoes and baked beans.
$5.99 at Maryland Fried Chicken in Plant City

I Am Mario Diaz-Balart


The GOP Carnage Has Begun

First Amanda Murphy a Democrat from New Port Richey beats Bill Gunter who had the support of the state GOP and Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross,  who spent $75,000 in the last weeks of the campaign. And now Democrat Cory Booker slides into victory in New Jersey. A Tea Party Republican has been soundly defeated and thus denied entry into the Senate, The Tea Party guy Steve Lonegan ran an embarrassing campaign, resorting to questioning Booker’s sexual orientation in lieu of focusing on the issues facing the state and the country....more And their man Ken Cuccinelli up in Virginia is also losing. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hey Marco Rubio, The Christ Was A Liberal

He cared about his fellow man. He promoted peace. He cleansed his fathers temple of greed and profit. He would never condone you and your cohorts. You and the rest of the so called Christians are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. You guys would of been the mob screaming for his execution. Stop hiding behind our Christ, you are Insulting us.
Read what Mr. Rubio had to say at the Values Voter Summit.

Rick Kriseman For Mayor of St. Pete

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Rick Scott and his fellow 'walking dead'

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What A Nice Time To Be A Liberal

Florida Republicans 
Rick Scott,  Elizabeth Cuevas-Neunder, Pam Bondi, Jeff Atwater,  Adam Putnam,  
Steve Southerland, Ander Crenshaw, Ron DeSantis,  John Mica, Bill Posey,
Jorge Bonilla, Daniel Webster, Rich Nugent, Gus Bilirakis, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan, 
Tom Rooney, Mario Diaz-Balart,  Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
               Remember these folks in 2014.                     

Ben Kirby On The Shutdown

On behalf of rational thinking people everywhere, I would like to call for a formal and official end to the news media and societal malpractice of false equivalence. The government shutdown was never about two equally aggrieved sides trying to find common ground.......more

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Pam Bondi And Donald Trump

The Donald made a $25,000 contribution to a political committee associated with Bondi. The donation came three days after an Attorney General's Office spokeswoman said Bondi was reviewing allegations in a lawsuit filed by the New York attorney general against get-rich-quick seminars associated with Trump......more

Sharon Carter, Democrat for Florida House of Representatives

I am Sharon Carter, your candidate for Florida State Representative. As a long time citizen of this beautiful community, with the blessings of my family, friends, community leaders and you, my fellow supporters of the 61st district, I, Sharon Carter, want to represent you in the Florida House of Representatives.
Check her out here

Friday, October 18, 2013

I Am Marco Rubio And I Voted No

I voted against the Senate bill to end the government shutdown. I was one of
18  republicans who voted no.

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Supporters Rally for Obamacare In Largo

Hillsborough County Tea Party Takeover

Hillsborough County Tea Party leader Sharon Calvert and one of her political allies both won offices in the Hillsborough County Republican Party on Tuesday, leading one GOP leader to worry about a tea party takeover.......more