Friday, November 8, 2013

WMNFs 4th Annual Little Manatee River Jam

Florida Tea Party Republican Ted Yoho Wants To Impeach Eric Holder

A group of House Republicans plan an effort to oust Attorney General Eric Holder by year's end, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) told the Gainesville Sun. “It’s to get him out of office -- impeachment,” said Yoho, who was a large-animal veterinarian before winning election last year. “It will probably be when we get back in [Washington]. It will be before the end of the year......more

Where The Hell Did Florida Go?

If all of the ice in the world melted, sea levels would raise some 216 feet. But what exactly would that look like? And more specifically, what would such a worse-case scenario mean for the Earth’s population? National Geographic has created a fascinating visual representation of this thought experiment and provided an analysis of how each continent would be affected by such a catastrophic change........more
What Florida might look like in the near future.
Florida 2073

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friends Of Stogie

Local artist Cristina Fernandez with fans at The Pegasus Lounge in Tampa

GOP: The Party of ‘Not Racist’

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Democrats Force Jessica Ehrlich Out

Jessica Ehrlich is out of the race to replace the late Rep. Bill Young.
"This morning I am officially announcing that I am suspending my campaign for Congress," she wrote in a statement distributed by the Florida Democratic Party.......more

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hey Rubio, Prayer Is Not Going To Help You

Marco Rubio says he'll be at the Supreme Court today for oral arguments in a case from upstate New York that tests church-state separation......more
Our Christ despises people like you! more

Liberals Take St.Pete

 Congratulations to them all, life is good!
Pic Lara Cerri, Tampa Bay Times

CBS News: Stop Reporting Obamacare Myths

Monica Sanders, a MoveOn member in Zephyrhills, has started a petition to CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager and CBS President Leslie Moonves,
which says:
CBS News should retract the false report on Obamacare that has become a key right-wing talking point and fire the producers who failed to fact-check the
One problem: The report was wrong, and has been debunked by other news sources. But Republicans and Fox News have been repeating it over and over to make the case that Obamacare isn't working. CBS should retract the story and hold the producers responsible for the report accountable

Cuban Rapper May Die On Hunger Strike

Yunier Remón, a young Cuban rapper who is in critical condition because of his hunger strike in protest of the Castro regime.
We must not ignore the plight of those suffering in Cuba and we must lend our voices to those who are being silenced by the regime and who are risking their lives every day, demanding that dignity and freedom be respected.”.......more

ENDA: GOP Bigots Still Said ‘No’!

LGBT Hatred Alive and Well! ENDA Passes Senate 
Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson joined Democrats and a handful of Republicans to move the legislation forward. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio voted against it.
Thank you Mr. Nelson.
ENDA is supported by over 70% of Americans, including 81% of Democrats, 74% of Independents, and 66% of Republicans.  Even among people who think gay people are icky, there is 50% support for ENDA.  In other words, this one is a no-brainer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hillsborough County Commission Meeting Single-Member Districts

The Hillsborough County Commission will consider plans to add additional single-member districts to the County Commission. More single-member districts would mean fairer representation of the needs of our diverse county and make it easier for the citizens to have their voices heard.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm            
Hillsborough County Center
601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL (Map)
Contact Joyce Hamilton-Henry at

A Conversation With Nan Rich, Our Choice For Florida Governor

Democratic candidate for governor

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Buy some cookies

I Am Rick Scott

Ted Cruz For President

If "I didn't care so much about our country, I would hope he will get the Republican nomination for president, because that would be the end of the Republican Party,” 
Harry Reid
 Mr. Reid is thinking what I am thinking here 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Charlie Crist Governor Announcement

The Countdown Begins

The end of political careers
Countdown Clocks

Right Wing Bullshit

Email From Ken Blackwell Chairman, of the Tea Party Victory Fund
The latest poll from Emerson College shows McAuliffe, the Democrat, with 42 percent support and Cuccinelli, the Republican, with 40 percent. Libertarian Robert Sarvis has 13 percent in the poll of 874 likely voters.
According to Zogby, McAuliffe, former Democratic National chairman, now leads Cuccinelli, state attorney general, by a margin of 44 percent to 32 percent statewide, with 10 percent going to Libertarian Robert Sarvis, 3 percent for other candidates, and 12 percent undecided.
In fact here is the headline at Newsmax "McAuliffe Headed for Big Win".....more
Is this the bubble everyone talks about?

Jessica Ehrlich 'I'm Running For Congress'

“I’m running for Congress. Pinellas County is my home and it's made up of all of my friends and neighbors. I wasn’t afraid to stand up to the establishment and run against Bill Young and I’m not afraid to stand up to the establishment now,”....more
 She has our support, Jessica Ehrlich for Congress

Marco Rubio Lies About Obamacare

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly last week that 300,000 people are being dropped from their individual health insurance provider in Florida.......more
Politifact factcheckers reported Sunday that the claim is almost entirely false.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Governor Charlie Crist Rally

Monday, November 4, 2013 9:30am 
Albert Whitted Park, 480 Bayshore Drive SE, St. Pete
Crist's History of Leaning Left

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Two more Florida right wingers have come out against the medical marijuana ballot initiative. On Wednesday afternoon, Florida House Speaker 
Will Weatherford and Senate President Don Gaetz submitted a notice of intent to file a brief to the Supreme Court as “interested persons” opposing the ballot initiative. They join Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi......more
Governor candidate Nan Rich supports medical marijuana
They are  scared that if the amendment makes it to the ballot, it is widely expected to draw voters to the polls who may not normally vote in mid-term elections and who could potentially send  Gov. Rick Scott and other Republicans packing.
Visit Mr. Weatherford's countdown clock here
And Ms. Bondi's here

Dianne Barrette Of Winter Haven Lies About Obamacare

By now everyone has heard Dianne Barrette’s sob story about how Obama “lied” to her when he said that she could keep her health insurance plan if that was what she wanted. Barrette has been making the rounds since the CBS report, The plan that she has is hardly an insurance plan at all, which costs her $648 per year As Van Susteren of FOX, yes FOX points out "this is a “bare bones” policy (junk health insurance) and even suggests that there might be better options available to her, saying, “If you’re walking across the street and someone runs a red light, you’re in deep trouble under your existing policy.” Barrette may be eligible for a subsidy under the ACA, Susteren asked if she has looked into any other possibilities for insurance,  Barrette admits that she had received emails with other options, but that she has not yet looked into them........more and here

Jacksonville Protesters Rally At Courthouse For Marissa Alexander

Protesters from across Florida gathered in front of the Duval County Courthouse on October 31 for the first status hearing in the retrial of Marissa Alexander.......more

Florida GOP Attacks SaintPetersBlog

I really don’t know what to say about this other than to laugh … to laugh at the irony of the Republican Party of Florida attacking me. Peter Schorsch

Saturday, November 2, 2013

EMILY’s List Throws Jessica Ehrlich To The Curve

Emily's List today endorsed Alex Sink in the race to replace the late Rep. C.W. Bill Young. Ehrlich, ran against Young in 2012 and had declared her intentions to take him on again, Yesterday, the group erased her from its website........more

Anti Drone Protest In Jacksonville

More than 20 war veterans and community allies from the North Florida area gathered outside of Jacksonville's Naval Air Station (NAS) to protest a new drone operations base run by the Pentagon. The protest, organized by Occupy Jacksonville and Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), drew supporters from as far away as Gainesville and Pensacola.......more


One in 12 people in the US is a restaurant worker
ROC-Miami is a member led local restaurant workers’ org founded in 2009 that has 500 restaurant worker members. We build power and voice for restaurant workers.

Communist Lesbian Girl Scout Cookies

Religious Right activists have long campaigned against the Girl Scouts of the USA, and pastors Kevin Swanson and Dave Buehner of Generations Radio have now joined in by urging listeners not to purchase Girl Scout cookies. “Please, I beg of you, do not buy Girl Scout cookies,” Swanson said. “Please, I beg of you, stop buying Girl Scout cookies.”.......more

Friday, November 1, 2013

What Stogie Had For Dinner

 Spaghetti and sausage with salad and bread $9.99
at the Spaghetti Warehouse in Ybor City.

Latino Donors Target GOP Lawmakers

A Latino political action committee has kicked off a $20 million campaign to eject from office Republicans who oppose immigration reform being pushed by President Barack Obama and Democratic lawmakers.  The Latino Victory Project, a key fundraising player in efforts to help re-elect the president, is targeting members of Congress who represent sizeable Latino communities, but remain against comprehensive immigration reform. The committee was created by actress Eva Longoria, Puerto Rico lawyer Andres Lopez, and San Antonio businessman Henry R. Muñoz III.

John Morgan's Jack Russell Terrier

“She knows about as much about constitutional law
as my Jack Russell terrier does”
Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan said of Florida's Right Wing Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi after Bondi argued to the Florida Supreme Court last week that the ballot summary for the medical marijuana question fails to inform voters of the “breathtaking scope” of the amendment......more
Well she does love dogs.

ONE Tampa Meetup And 5K Bayshore run

Tuesday, November 12, 6:00 PM
Four Green Fields
205 W Platt St in Tampa

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ybor City

Susan Smith On Leberals And Charlie

Smith talks to Nicole Sandler about progressive disapproval of Crist.

Friends Of Stogie

Meet Shannon, she is a bartender at The Pegasus Lounge in Tampa

Mitch Mallett For Congress

A self-described “practical liberal” has announced he will challenge one of the country's most corrupt politicians U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan of Sarasota........more
Visit him at Facebook.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Alan Grayson Plans Agenda For GOP Conference

 Florida’s Congressman, Alan Grayson, addressed the state party faithful Saturday and likened some Republicans to Confederate flag-waving “bigots.”
Grayson made his comments during a mock reading of a fake Republican Party agenda in which he suggested conservatives were also gay marriage-bashing gun nuts. “At 8:30 a.m., the morning breakout sessions,” Grayson said, reading the made-up GOP agenda. “Ballroom A: the bigots. Ballroom B: the paranoids. And Ballroom C, the largest group of all: the gullible.”......
Congressman Alan Grayson

Ybor Surveillance

7th Ave

Michael Hussey: Charlie Crist And Nan Rich

I say let Crist and Rich both run and we have a healthy debate on the issues in the Democratic primary. Democrats need to support the winner of the primary. People are worried about if Crist is progressive enough or can Rich raise as much money as Gov. Rick Scott. The answer to both questions is no. If you decide to sit this election out then Scott gets a second term. Think about that for a moment......more

They Eat Their Own: Tea Party Hit List

Florida's Daniel Webster, Gus Bilirakis, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
and Mario Diaz-Balart are on it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Guavaween - Ybor City

Click on pic to enlarge.

Tampa Police Raid Sulphur Springs Church

On the afternoon of Wed., July 31,  TPD took a battering ram to the front door of Bishop Chuck Leigh's Apostolic Catholic Church of Christ the Servant in Sulphur Springs. The dramatic door-smashing was captured by ABC Action News. The door was unlocked. TPD keeps sending girls wearing wires to him to get him to sign off on community service hours in exchange for sex. One of the arresting officers told him the orders for his arrest came straight from Mayor Buckhorn’s office. The mayor’s office denies the claim. Leigh had followed one of the girls from a distance and saw her walk toward two Tampa police cars and a waiting ABC Action News van. She leaned into the open police window and spoke to the police.
TPD spokesperson Laura McElroy condemns the notion that the city is out to get Bishop Leigh. “That’s ridiculous,” she said. McElroy initially told CL that the television crew “just happened to be there” during the raid of Leigh’s church. After being caught in a lie by CL she called back to amend her comment.  “The news media was invited along for the raid,” she explained,
“but we did not tip them off.” What is the difference between an invite and a tip?
Also there is this, Reverend Russell Meyer, executive director of the Florida Council of Churches, suspects there is more going on than meets the eye with the made-for-media police raid. “There is a real attempt to silence Bishop Leigh,” he says. “The picture painted by the local media is not only a fabrication and an insult, it’s an attack on the Church and its relationship with the poor.” Meyer is one of several following the case who have floated the theory that activists like Bishop Leigh are standing in the way of the city’s gentrification plans for Sulphur Springs and have thus become targets. Citing Mayor Buckhorn’s Nehemiah Project to demolish houses considered havens for drug dealers and prostitutes and the city’s aggressive code enforcement and plans to “repopulate” the neighborhood, some see the work of Leigh’s Apostolic Catholic Church as antithetical to the administration’s vision.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Willie