Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Nan Rich In Ybor City

If the progressive wing of the Florida Democratic Party had a dream candidate for governor, he or she would sound pretty similar to Nan Rich, who spoke to the Hillsborough County GLBTA Democratic Caucus at J.J.'s in Ybor City........more

Marco Rubio Extols Morality to 'Ex-Gay' Supporters

Florida senator Marco Rubio delivered the keynote address at an annual gathering of the right-wing Florida Family Policy Council, which supports 'ex-gay' or 'reparative' therapy.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ribs, Pulled Pork, Dirty Rice and Collard Greens.
Great food, great prices. In Dade City.
Visit them on Facebook

Florida Congressman Grayson

For several months, journalist Glenn Greenwald has reeled off one blockbuster article after another concerning the National Security Agency's pervasive domestic and international electronic spying programs. Congressman Alan Grayson, wanting to learn more about the scope of domestic spying, has invited Greenwald to provide a briefing to Congress in Washington, D.C. Given the threats to prosecute him, Greenwald has been reluctant to do so in person. So one month ago, Congressman Grayson sent a letter to Attorney General Holder, asking whether the AG would prosecute Greenwald if Greenwald came to D.C. to testify. Yesterday, we learned the answer.
Attorney General] Holder indicated that the Justice Department is not planning to prosecute former Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald, 
One way or another, Congressman Grayson will continue to seek Greenwald's testimony regarding the scope of domestic spying, so that Congress and the American People can hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Which is one more reason why

MLB Impeded Florida Health Investigation

Major League Baseball officials impeded an investigation by the Florida Department of Health into Biogensis founder Tony Bosch by purchasing clinic documents they had been asked not to obtain,

Florida Regulators Doing The Bidding Of Polluters

2013 has become the deadliest year ever for
Florida’s endangered manatees.
So far this year, 769 manatees have died (Jan. 1 through Oct. 29), the largest annual manatee die-off in Florida since record-keeping began.
Boat collisions are usually the main killer of these mellow sea cows, who float and graze in Florida’s sea grass beds. But this year, boat collisions are down. This year, the biggest manatee die-offs on Florida’s east and west coasts are linked to algae outbreaks, which are worsened by sewage, manure and fertilizer runoff.
Florida regulators are doing the bidding of polluter-lobbyists, and environmental disasters like the record manatee deaths are the sad result. Instead of stepping in to enforce the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has backed off......more

Monday, November 18, 2013

Florida Right Wing Blogger Attacks Saint Petersblog

A Letter To Charlie Crist’s Liberal Blogger, Peter Schorsch

Tampa Bay Homeless

Honesty pays in Tampa.

Awesome Dade City Mother Outraged After School Puts Son on Honor Roll

Happy Birthday Howard Dean

On my 65th birthday join me in supporting DFA
Right now, Republicans in Congress are trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and cut earned benefits like Social Security and Medicare. Radical right-wingers are in state legislatures across the country trying to restrict the right to vote and take away women’s reproductive rights. But we will continue to fight back -- it's the only we will win and preserve our version of America. And thanks to the Tea Party's obstructionism, Democrats have a real opportunity to win back the House in 2014. So, instead of receiving gifts on my 65th birthday, I'm asking people to support DFA as we fight to build a more progressive America.
In the spirit of our Dean for America presidential campaign, can you donate to DFA today?

The Sick Mind Of The Right Wing

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Florida Blue

Friends Of Stogie

Hail Ceasar

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Florida Executes Inmate With Controversial Lethal Injection

Darius Kimbrough – convicted of sexually assaulting and killing a Florida woman in 1991– was executed and pronounced dead at 6:18 p.m. EST, roughly 18 minutes after his lethal injection was administered. Kimbrough’s execution was notable because it was the second time the state had used the drug midazolam as a sedative in the first of a three-stage lethal injection procedure.  As Reuters reports, midazolam has come under fire from prisoners, who challenged the use of the drug in a lawsuit. Seven of Florida’s death row inmates sued the state, arguing the drug – typically used as a sedative in minor operations – is not actually an anesthetic. They claimed that in addition to halting the body’s ability to speak or move, midazolam leaves inmates aware of their surroundings and in severe pain as they die........more

Friday, November 15, 2013

I Am Ken Hagan

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bloody Mary with a California chicken sandwich and a bowl of chile.
At BJ's Brewhouse in Citrus Park. 

Music For Manatees Benefit Concert

On November 22, you can be a part of the debut concert of the Tampa Bay Music Society (TBMS) at Spoto High School beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10. Spoto High School is located at 8538 Eagle Palm Dr. in Riverview. Proceeds from the debut concert will benefit the Florida Manatee and Aquatic Center at Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo......more

Koch Bros. Beerfest In Miami

Of course, the Kochs themselves didn’t show up to cut checks to entertain their latest targets; that duty was left to the Koch-funded (and ironically named) Generation Opportunity, the youth-oriented outfit behind the Creepy Uncle Sam ads. They were of course aided by the University’s conservative.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I Am Terry Kimple

Ybor Surveillance

Centro Ybor

HART’s ridership At Record High

HART reported all-time record ridership in October with nearly 1.4 million passenger trips, a 1.8 percent increase over the previous record set in October 2012, the Hillsborough County transit system said Monday.......more

homophobic Rubio

U.S. senator Marco Rubio of Florida is set to deliver the keynote address at an annual fund-raiser for the Florida Family Policy Council, an antigay group that counts a veritable who's who of right-wing, homophobic activists and pundits among its honorees.......more

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Branded GOP -Hillsborough County

Friends Of Stogie

At Gaspar's Patio in Temple Terrace

FreeElCritico: His Crime? His Music

The wife of a jailed Cuban rapper known for his vocal opposition to the Castro regime is calling on America’s music industry to stand by her husband, who is on the brink of death after 24 days on a hunger strike......more

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Launch Of The Sunshine State Clean Energy Coalition

The Sunshine State
should be a world leader in solar energy production. 
Instead, we're home to dirty and obsolete coal plants like
Duke Energy's Crystal River.
Launch of the Sunshine State Clean Energy Coalition, rally across from
Duke headquarters
WHEN: Wednesday, November 13, 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Williams Park, directly across from Duke's offices at 299 1st Ave North, St Pete
Questions: Contact Julia Hathaway at 
or call (727) 824-8813 ext. 309

We Are GOP

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


New/Old Local Blogger Is Back

Vox, who use to blog at Tampa's Backdoor Ways is back with a new blog.
Florida Cat Trap. check it out here

Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan

A political scientist at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and former Democratic operative, has filed to take on Republican state Sen. Jeff Brandes........more

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rick Scott's Florida

Friends Of Stogie

Anti-Communist Rafael Cruz

 The more we learn about Rafael Cruz, the more the existence of Ted Cruz begins to make sense. Rafael Cruz was born in 1939 in Matanzas, Cuba; at 14 years old he fought for Fidel Castro, though he later claimed he “didn’t know Castro was a Communist.” After Castro’s regime turned bad, Rafael disowned his former leader, left for Texas to become a mathematician, and later instilled a seething hatred of anything

remotely Communist into Ted Cruz.....more

No New District

Hispanics who spent years pushing for a Hillsborough County Commission district that would enable them to elect one of their own thought that was finally going to happen Wednesday. But commissioners rejected the idea, refusing in a largely partisan vote to put the issue on the 2014 ballot. Commissioners voting in opposition, Victor Crist, Sandra Murman, Ken Hagan and Al Higginbotham all republicans. Mark (The next politico to leave the GOP.) Sharpe joined Democrats Les Miller and Kevin Beckner in backing the proposal........more 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I Am Al Higginbotham

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Charlie Crist's History of Leaning Left

Jacksonville Tells School Board: “No KKK High School"

About 30 residents of Jacksonville rallied and spoke out at a Duval County School Board meeting on Nov. 5 in favor of changing the name of Nathan Bedford Forrest High. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first Imperial Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and members of the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition (JPC) have been gathering community support to change the name.....more

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Stogie Party

Coming 2014

WMNFs 4th Annual Little Manatee River Jam

Florida Tea Party Republican Ted Yoho Wants To Impeach Eric Holder

A group of House Republicans plan an effort to oust Attorney General Eric Holder by year's end, Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) told the Gainesville Sun. “It’s to get him out of office -- impeachment,” said Yoho, who was a large-animal veterinarian before winning election last year. “It will probably be when we get back in [Washington]. It will be before the end of the year......more

Where The Hell Did Florida Go?

If all of the ice in the world melted, sea levels would raise some 216 feet. But what exactly would that look like? And more specifically, what would such a worse-case scenario mean for the Earth’s population? National Geographic has created a fascinating visual representation of this thought experiment and provided an analysis of how each continent would be affected by such a catastrophic change........more
What Florida might look like in the near future.
Florida 2073

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friends Of Stogie

Local artist Cristina Fernandez with fans at The Pegasus Lounge in Tampa

GOP: The Party of ‘Not Racist’

Tampa Bay Tea Party Members


Democrats Force Jessica Ehrlich Out

Jessica Ehrlich is out of the race to replace the late Rep. Bill Young.
"This morning I am officially announcing that I am suspending my campaign for Congress," she wrote in a statement distributed by the Florida Democratic Party.......more

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hey Rubio, Prayer Is Not Going To Help You

Marco Rubio says he'll be at the Supreme Court today for oral arguments in a case from upstate New York that tests church-state separation......more
Our Christ despises people like you! more

Liberals Take St.Pete

 Congratulations to them all, life is good!
Pic Lara Cerri, Tampa Bay Times

CBS News: Stop Reporting Obamacare Myths

Monica Sanders, a MoveOn member in Zephyrhills, has started a petition to CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager and CBS President Leslie Moonves,
which says:
CBS News should retract the false report on Obamacare that has become a key right-wing talking point and fire the producers who failed to fact-check the
One problem: The report was wrong, and has been debunked by other news sources. But Republicans and Fox News have been repeating it over and over to make the case that Obamacare isn't working. CBS should retract the story and hold the producers responsible for the report accountable

Cuban Rapper May Die On Hunger Strike

Yunier Remón, a young Cuban rapper who is in critical condition because of his hunger strike in protest of the Castro regime.
We must not ignore the plight of those suffering in Cuba and we must lend our voices to those who are being silenced by the regime and who are risking their lives every day, demanding that dignity and freedom be respected.”.......more

ENDA: GOP Bigots Still Said ‘No’!

LGBT Hatred Alive and Well! ENDA Passes Senate 
Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson joined Democrats and a handful of Republicans to move the legislation forward. Republican Sen. Marco Rubio voted against it.
Thank you Mr. Nelson.
ENDA is supported by over 70% of Americans, including 81% of Democrats, 74% of Independents, and 66% of Republicans.  Even among people who think gay people are icky, there is 50% support for ENDA.  In other words, this one is a no-brainer.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hillsborough County Commission Meeting Single-Member Districts

The Hillsborough County Commission will consider plans to add additional single-member districts to the County Commission. More single-member districts would mean fairer representation of the needs of our diverse county and make it easier for the citizens to have their voices heard.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm            
Hillsborough County Center
601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL (Map)
Contact Joyce Hamilton-Henry at