Saturday, February 8, 2014

1st Pot College Opens In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Fried Fish with yellow rice and yuca.
At Liborio's Latin Café On Causeway Blvd, in Tampa

The City of Gainesville

Requested permission from the state to use the University of Florida’s student union as an early voting location for upcoming municipal elections, Scott’s handpicked
Secretary of State Ken Detzner said "no."
Gov. Rick Scott has been doing everything in his power to make it harder for Floridians to vote ever since he got into office.
His latest effort to undermine our fundamental right to vote? here
More at Pushing Rope

Ashton Kutcher Blasts Miami

Friday, February 7, 2014

'Justice for Jordan Davis

Jacksonville activists rally outside the Duval County Courthouse
demanding 'Justice for Jordan Davis' here

Sad State Of Hillsborough County

County Commissioner
Dist. 4: Rick Cochran - Janet Lee Dougherty - Stacy White All GOP
 Dist. 5: Ken Hagan GOP
Dist. 7 All GOP 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Florida Legend Buddy MacKay Endorses Nan Rich

Sen. Nan Rich brought her dark-horse campaign for governor to the University of Tampa on Tuesday, trumpeting the endorsement of former lieutenant governor and congressman Buddy MacKay, a Democratic elder statesman.....more>

Mr. MacKay, now retired in Marion County, was a state legislator, U.S. House member, lieutenant governor under the late Gov. Lawton Chiles, and briefly governor after Chiles’ 1998 death. He lost the 1998 governor’s race to Jeb Bush. He’s one of the last remaining members of the group of progressive Democrats, including Chiles, Reubin Askew and Bob Graham, who dominated
Florida politics during the 1970s and 1980s.

EPA Abandons Lakeland

The Environmental Protection Agency
is walking away after a decades-long battle with
 Florida politicians and industry officials
over cleaning up phosphate-mining waste around Lakeland that could expose more than
100,000 residents to cancer-causing radiation levels......more>

Charlie Crist: "Guys Like Rick Scott"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Vanessa Guzman Of Boyton Beach

A Florida middle school teacher was suspending after assigning homework using Lil’ Wayne lyrics. The explicit lyrics to his hit “6 Foot 7 Foot”
were printed and passed out to an eight grade class, and
it made one parent very upset.....more>

Florida Frackers Attack The Everglades

Florida Frackers
The Everglades,
The Keys,
Migrating Birds. Tourists,

Nick Hanauer "Rich people don't create jobs"

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Guiso Mexicano
With beans and rice.
At The Strawberry Palace in Plant City

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Palm River

Kirk Cameron, or CCOCK

Republican Threesome

In Durant

Bad News For Florida's Right Wing

Medical marijuana will be on the ballot in November,
which is bad news for Gov. Rick Scott and other Republican leaders
who oppose any relaxation of the state’s backward cannabis laws. public surveys continue to show landslide support for medical marijuana, and a majority favoring the decriminalization of small amounts for personal use. This is a thorny problem for conservative Republicans like Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi, who are up for re-election. They now have to sally forth and crusade against a popular cause, trying to stir fear and doubts among a constituency
that’s heard it all before........more>

Read more here:

Read more here:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Take Me To Your Leader

We look around
and all we see is GOP
Where are our new leaders? 

Derrick Brooks, Elected To Hall of Fame

It's about time. here, visit

Right Wing Pouring Money Into Florida

Right-Wing groups from outside Florida
 are desperately pouring money into the race for the late Bill Young's seat,
and all that money is to boost
Republican lobbyist David Jolly
 who is running against Democrat Alex Sink......more>

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Follow The Leader Florida

Florida We Can Follow 11.4.14
Please visit Stogie's Smoke Shop,
and enjoy the game.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

At Olde Town Pizzeria in Plant City
Stay Local 

TPD: How We Do It In Tampa

TPD Officer Van Treese

Save Tampa’s Jackson House

Tampa’s historic Jackson House
The local NAACP is rethinking how they feel about Mayor Buckhorn. It seems  Mayor Bob has thrown up one roadblock after another in the saga over saving the house. 
 Bubba the Love Sponge and Linda Saul-Sena
tried to save Jackson House from demolition last September.
Both maintain the city obstructed the deal with last minute,
unreasonable deadlines and charges......more>
“The mayor has a vision of downtown, and let’s be honest, it doesn’t include African-American people.”...former Buckhorn supporter, NAACP member Yvette Lewis
“Whatever plan he has is a lot more sexier than restoring a dilapidated house for African Americans,” Bubba

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hillsborough Democrats Near Surrender

Just one Democrat remains in the running with four Hillsborough County Commission seats up for election now that candidate Mary Mulhern, a Tampa city council member, has withdrawn from the District 7 race for health reasons. To some observers, this scenario raises serious questions about the Democratic Party’s ability to compete in local elections.
Democrats have 61,000 more registered voters in the county than Republicans, yet the GOP has a solid 5-2 majority on the commission.....more> 
“It starts with leaders recruiting candidates to run for office. There’s a lack of focus on the recruitment process at the state level. Their focus seems to be on getting people elected to Congress or statewide office.”  Kevin Beckner

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tony, he is from Tampa.

Florida TParty Buster: Alan Cohn

Busting Dennis Ross

Florida Ku Klux Klan

Friday, January 31, 2014

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 Palomilla Steak  
with Moro and plátanos
 If there is a Cuban place around I will find it. Found this gem on the
Tamiami Trail in Port Charlotte more

Republicans Flock to Duck Dynasty Star

Group Pic, more

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jim, he is from Brooksville

High Times: Bob & Cathy Jordan

We recently heard about how Florida doctors may soon be able to prescribe medical marijuana to patients in need. So we went to speak with
Bob & Cathy Jordan for their reaction to the
Remember when  Manatee County Narcotics Cops In Ski Masks Raided Their Parrish Home?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Local Blogger Tim Fasano A TV Star

Ybor Surveillance

7th Ave

Florida LegiCamp 2014

LegiCamp is designed to be a place for progressive groups to pool resources and work co-cooperatively around specific Florida issues. It was started in 2011 in response to the agenda of Governor Rick Scott and the Republican-controlled Florida legislature.
Saturday, February 8, 2014 at 9:00 AM 
 Sunday, February 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM
University Of Florida Physics Complex Gainesville

Pete Seeger RIP

"We Shall Overcome"

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rick Scott's New Medicaid Scandal

Write a $1 million check
to Scott's re-election committee and get
contracts worth potentially billions
to serve Medicaid patients in regions across the state. Just ask Miguel Fernandez his new finance chairman for his campaign......more>

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 Pulled beef with rice, beans and pico de gallo. $4.00 
At the red barn on US 92 in Seffner. For locals only, don't tell anyone.

Bubba For Mayor Of Tampa

Tampa DJ Bubba the Love Sponge
is threatening to challenge Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn in 2015.....more>