Wednesday, April 2, 2014

McDonald's Cheat Their Employees

Stay Local

Want fish?
 Try a Tampa Grouper Sandwich 
Stay Local, Visit Tampa Bay Locavore

Florida 11.4.14


The 33rd Annual WMNF Tropical Heatwave

Ybor City

Tampa Bay Low In Health Rankings

We Are Not A Center-Right Nation

Americans know the rules are rigged (69%), and the rich and special interests have too much power in Washington (63%).
Americans want to raise the minimum wage (72%), rebuild our infrastructure (71%) and make the hedge fund managers and corporations pay their fair share (68%).
Americans want to invest in public education (69%) and for Congress to protect programs that provide help for the most vulnerable (86%).

Americans (69%) think the policies of the Republican party generally

favor the rich

Meet the Populist Majority
The Grand Old Party Was Grand.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Free Florida Sunshine

Non-Power Slave In North Port

Cesar Chavez: An American Hero

GOP-Controlled States Are the Biggest Federal Government MOOCHERS!

A popular question among liberals is how in the world Republican politicians and business owners get so many people to go against their better interests........more>
The former confederate states would be a third world country if they were their own nation today. That terrible fact is dragging the rest of the country down.

UCF: The Committee

The Committee
Made by University of Central Florida students and professors, was recently named best documentary at Sanford's Love Your Shorts Film Festival. It tells the story of how a Florida legislative committee led by state Sen. Charley Johns from 1956 to 1965 targeted homosexuals at state universities.
Its effects on the state's universities were long-lasting. Its efforts "degraded the national standing of the universities in Florida and had a lingering effect that was felt several decades after the Johns Committee went out of business," says former Sen.
 Bob Graham in the documentary.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Tallahassee Is Stealing Our Money

Those are local dollars
 Locally-raised money, shouldn’t be used to assist other communities that didn’t have the political foresight to provide for the
care of their most needy residents.”
 Hillsborough County Commissioner Sandra Murman
Because Hillsborough’s share is “diluted,” it won’t get as much federal money as it would have, said Tony Carvalho, the hospital alliance’s president  “It’s like forcing them to share their money
with everybody in the state,”......more>
“The goal of the formula is to take local public health funds provided by certain communities, and the federal match they earn, and share those benefits with communities that provide no local health funds to Medicaid, and to hospitals that provide little care to Medicaid patients,”
Tampa General spokesman John Dunn

Share, share, share, sounds like  socialism to me.

The Florida GOP "In Your Dreans Team"

AKA:The GOP Florida Hispanic Outreach Team
Reserved a room at a Cuban restaurant in Doral last week to present its chosen team to engage Hispanics across the Florida in state campaigns
— and nobody really noticed.......more>
Or nobody cares
The way this party treats women how does Anitere Flores sleep at night.
This brand is  soiled, there is no going back!

Join the ACLU of Tampa at USF

We're being watched.
The NSA is tracking phone conversations and online communications, local agencies are using surveillance cameras to follow people in public, and
Florida police are tracking cell phones
without warrants.
Join the ACLU of Florida's Greater Tampa Chapter
on Saturday April 5 for our Annual Meeting to find out
what you can do to fight back:
Greater Tampa Chapter Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 5, from 2 to 4 p.m.
Westside Conference Center E.
University of South Florida

Florida Gov. Rick Scott's Awful Poll Numbers May Lead To GOP Doom

Turn out the vote, lets be Scott free.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Tara

Tampa Redneck Road Rage

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Jimmy Patronis

 Rep. Jimmy Patronis GOP Panama City
 Every year during the legislative session in Tallahassee, he pushes a bill to destroy Florida's environmental regulations, 
Last Year
 Bill to block local governments from protecting thousands of acres of wetlands. Which passed
This Year
 He has  introduced a destructive bill that will prevent local governments from being able to protect their own water supply. 
HB 703 not only prohibits local governments from enforcing wetlands, springs or storm water protections – it takes the decision-making powers out of their hands and gives it to Tallahassee politicians.
Frank Matthews, who lobbies on behalf of developers, phosphate miners, boat manufacturers, sugar growers, power companies and a garbage company said 
"I can't say enough good things about him He couldn't be more accommodating. That's the appealing thing to me."
Wake Up Panhandle


Tampa Pub Crawl

 Saturday, April 5th
Pickup location: Crispy’s Beer & Wine Bar, at 8:15AM.
The list of breweries includes…
Cigar City Brewing
Cigar City Brew Pub
7venth Sun Brewing
Dunedin Brewery 
Rapp Brewing Company
3 Daughters Brewing 
Green Bench Brewing 
Cycle Brewing

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wage Theft In Florida

Corporate special interests
are pressuring the Florida House to
stop local governments from cracking down on
employers who steal from their workers.
How disgusting is this?
The Florida Retail Federation, representing mom & pop operations such as
 Walmart and Macy’s,
made upwards of $2 billion in “campaign contributions” from 2004-2012.
Most — 77 percent — went to Republicans, including Scott and the current crop now in legislative session.  
Call your state representative today at 888-714-5779 and tell them to vote NO on HB 957.

 Florida is one of the few states in the US that doesn’t have a
 Labor Department.

Tool: State Rep. Erik Fresen GOP Miami

Florida School Voucher Expansionist

USF What Are You Thinking?

 $60,000 Plus Expenses?
My friend could of found you a coach for $100
Go Bulls

Raíces Event At USF

April 2nd
Raíces en Tampa along with Tampa Bay SDS will be hosting
a powerful event at USF!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

GOP LITE: Bob Buckhorn

Is not happy with the prospect of Florida Democrats
nominating Charlie Crist for governor.
On Bay News 9, Buckhorn made it clear that he's
keeping his distance from Crist.
Will he ultimately endorse the Democratic nominee?
"I don't know," he said.
Keep in mind that Buckhorn could be a Democratic contender for governor in 2018. He would have a window if Scott wins a second term, but probably not if Democratic Gov. Crist
were running for re-election.......more>
Is he cheering for the other side for his own personal interests?

Duke Energy Rips Off Citrus County

Duke paid only $41 million of its $96 million
In county property taxes over the past two years.
As part of a settlement, Duke will pay Citrus $7.5 million.
Duke saves over $50 million
Check out what they are doing to the people in North Carolina. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Steak Burger
With mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw and Cucumber Salad 
At Grannies Restaurant in Ruskin

Tampa Bay Under Surveillance

Cockroach Bay Road in Ruskin

Monday, March 24, 2014

Will Weatherford Loser Of The Week

 It's a shame. A terrible shame
A school voucher bill, which he made a top priority, crumble on Thursday when the Senate sponsor, Galvano, pulled it from consideration......more>
We can't enrich our campaign contributors
Wake Up Pasco County

Eliseo Medina arrested at Mario Diaz-Balart's Office in Miami

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Holis and Jerry

Florida's Shake Shack

The Burger Chain
That Pays $10 An Hour,
offers full-time employees health, dental, vision, retirement, and disability benefits
plus paid time off........more>
South Beach - Boca Raton - Coral Gables
Your next location should be in Ybor City.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Florida's Latest Private Voucher Scheme

Rick Scott’s allies in the Florida Legislature are working to divert our tax dollars to unaccountable voucher schools. Private vouchers purposely divert funding away from our already underfunded public schools
Enriching their campaign contributors in the process.
We urge you to oppose HB 7099.

Ybor Paparazzi

Friends at Mace Multimedia

Stogie's Smoke Shop

Vote 11.4.14 here

Florida's Water and Land Legacy

Protecting clean water and our treasured natural areas for
future generations.
On November 4, 2014, vote Yes on Amendment 1!

Dr. McLauchlan for Florida State Senate

Check her out here

Saturday, March 22, 2014