Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Rick Scott's Executions

Scott has presided over 18 executions, 
 including 13 in the last two years,
the most executions carried out by any Florida governor 
in a single term since the death penalty was reinstated in the 1970s.
With another execution scheduled in 10 days, 
 Scott has already exceeded the 15 executions carried out in Gov. Bob Graham's second term. Only Jeb Bush, who oversaw 21 executions in two terms over eight years, remains ahead of Scott. here

Right Hand Films - Tampa

Nicholas Toth Of Tarpon Springs

Nicholas Toth, grandson of Anthony Lerios, owns a diving helmet shop on a seaside street filled with Greek taverns. The unique helmets he sells are handmade by him and are considered 
works of art by many. more>

Florida GOP Glo Smith: Before And After

A Florida Republican campaign sign 
vandalized with whiteface paint. 
The attack follows a string of bias incidents against black Republicans. here

Christian’ Conservatives Gleefully Celebrate

In a 5-4 partisan ruling the Supreme Court handed businesses the right to enforce their religious beliefs on their employees, so naturally the conservatives would be very happy about it. They get to punish women for having sex and appease their corporate masters. It’s a win all around! here
Best Liberal Memes in Response to the Stupid SCOTUS Hobby Lobby Decision
Florida reaction 

US EmbassyVienna: Florida

Monday, June 30, 2014


It appears that President Obama, with 182 EO’s, still has to sign off on another 100 Executive Orders before he even comes close to tying with 
George W. Bush – whose record stands at 291
And Bush Jr. pales in comparison to Ronald Reagan who must have been the great usurper of the Constitution with his Executive Order count standing at 381! here

Florida coalition fights to expand health care coverage

Rick Scott's Florida Is One Of Three States

That permanently deny ex-offenders the right to vote 
unless restored by the governor or a clemency board. 
Scott and the Florida GOP 
undid automatic restoration of rights for nonviolent 
ex-felons  and tightened rules in 2011. here


What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meat Loaf
With rice and salad.
At Family Table Restaurant in North Port

America's Koch Problem

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Not Getting Screwed

Florida Democrats are united behind a common goal Send Rick Scott packing.
 Crist is being opposed by Senator 
Nan Rich. 
She was a good Senator. 
But now she is backed by Republicans. 
The RPOF Rick Scott team has 
propped up Rich. 
She has stubbornly compromised her legacy by running. She will be remembered as a spoiler. Someone whose sole purpose was to attack a fellow Democrat. Progressives knowing this have fled Senator Rich's camp 
They have joined Governor Crist.
Rich has also been helped by outside forces. Republican funded outside sources. The racist group Progressive Choice. This group includes Democrats. 
Dems disloyal to the party. 
 Our findings are explosive. 
The depth and level of involvement of Republicans is staggering. Some Democrats close to Senator Rich have also been involved. 
We look forward to reading it. We love Rich, support her and want a debate. 
She has not compromised anything.
We are not GOP! 


The Florida Un-Democratic Party

Used their annual fundraising dinner to bash Gov. Rick Scott — but not to showcase the candidates that hope to replace him. Former Gov. Charlie Crist and former Senate Democratic Leader Nan Rich — weren’t allowed to address the more than 1,500 party activists who will be asked to help the eventually nominee defeat the governor. here

Leadership lacking on transit in Hillsborough

The comments last week by the chairman of Hillsborough County's mass transit agency illustrate why this region continues to lag behind other major metro areas in mass transit.
 Mike Suarez, the chairman of Hillsborough Area Regional Transit, scoffed at the notion that the county would be ready to present a transit package to the voters in 2016. "The boat has sailed on that," 
he said. Best to wait until 2018.
 That's a stall that has played out for decades, and it reflects a lack of vision and leadership that continues to hurt Hillsborough 
and the Tampa Bay region. here

Ben Bradley and Right Hand Films

Solar Panel Acreage Needed to Power the Entire Planet

Port Charlotte

Viva Florida

The Florida Department of State announces statewide activities to mark 50 years since the historic signing of the first landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. here

Saturday, June 28, 2014

President Obama’s Progressive Agenda

Republicans are using every last dirty trick to stop President Obama from promoting equal pay, raising the minimum wage, or making millionaires pay their fair share.

But, you’re fighting back in a HUMONGOUS way!

Feds Free Sami Al-Arian

USF Professor Al-Arian is a Palestinian American civil rights and Palestine solidarity activist arrested and put on trial for aiding the Palestinian resistance organization Islamic Jihad in 2003. He was set free today in Virginia. Federal prosecutors decided to finally drop his case after his family waited in legal limbo for five years. more>

More bad news for the GOP, they are rapidly losing Cuban support

Cubans in the U.S. have long identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party, even as Hispanics overall have tilted Democrat. But the party affiliation of Cubans has undergone a shift over the past decade, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of survey data. here

Friday, June 27, 2014


I came across a photo shoot for GrudgeLyfe and they let me take a pic.
Check them out here

Ilena Ros-Lehtinen's Party In Coconut Grove

Florida GOP Rep. Ilena Ros-Lehtinen 
and her husband, Dexter, are throwing a party next month at the 
Coconut Grove Ritz Carlton in Miami 
to celebrate three decades of matrimony.
In lieu of gifts, their guests can send $1,000 to the IRL PAC (Ros-Lehtinen’s leadership PAC) or purchase a table for $5,000.
Because nothing says true love like political fundraising. here

Evolve - Playthings

Pam Bondi Defends Gay Marriage Ban As Cities Fight Back

Florida GOP Danita Kilcullen: Whores Chasing Whores

Tea party activists sent out fliers and emails strongly criticizing 
Broward County Commissioner 
Chip LaMarca and School Board member 
Heather Brinkworth, both Republicans, 
for participating in a gay pride parade. Among other things, the fliers — which nobody in particular will take credit for 
asked if it is "worth
selling your soul to the devil" 
to get votes from gays.
Danita Kilcullen, a Republican committeewoman and co-founder of Tea Party 
Fort Lauderdale, made things infinitely worse by sending out an email version, which began with the statement "whores chasing whores, if you will." Kilcullen said she wasn't responsible for the fliers, 
but her email leaves little doubt she 
embraces the sentiment. here

Michelle Obama for the US Senate?

Following in Hillary Clinton’s footsteps?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Florida Blue Revolution 11.4.14

Jimmy Carter's Conservation Rap

Citizen's Hearing for Clean Energy Solutions In St. Pete

July 2, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.
FreeFall Theatre
6099 Central Avenue 
St. Petersburg info

"It's Your County!" Episode 2: with Commissioner Kevin Beckner

Feds investigating Hillsborough County Schools

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights is asking the Hillsborough County school district if it treats its black students differently. The agency is asking the school district to answer 42 questions within 15 days regarding an allegation that it is shortchanging minority students.
The allegation came to light after a former teacher said black students get harsher punishments and that students at low-income schools are denied access to experienced teachers. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Join TeamCharlie at St. Pete Pride

We're marching for equality this weekend
Where: 2313 Central Avenue, St. Pete
When: Saturday, June 28th, from 4 to 9 p.m.
Sunday, June 29th, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Come Join Us and bring a friend! info

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Florida's Happy Factor 33%

Amendment 2 Receives SEIU Florida Endorsement

Nurses, Doctors and Healthcare Workers Endorse 
 Medical Marijuana

The End Of The Florida GOP: Cubans shifting toward the Democratic Party

Cubans in the U.S. have long identified with or leaned toward the Republican Party,
 even as Hispanics overall have tilted Democrat.
 But the party affiliation of Cubans has undergone a shift over the past decade, 
According to The Pew Research Center 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Marco Rubio is suffering from a severe case of climate denier syndrome

Join Daily Kos and NextGen Climate in telling Sen. Marco Rubio to face the reality of climate change.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Foot Long Coney Island Hot Dog
At The World Famous  Coney Island Drive – Inn in Brooksville
Stay Local

Miami rallies against U.S. intervention in Iraq

Over two dozen activists still care 
and gathered at the Torch of Friendship in Miami, 
June 21, to rally against U.S. intervention in Iraq. here
Cars honked to show support and passersby joined to listen to the speeches and chant “No justice! No peace! U.S. out of the Middle East!” and “Money for jobs and education, not for wars and occupation!” The banner that read “U.S. hands off Iraq” waved alongside signs that said “Not then, not now! U.S. out of Iraq!” and “First Bush, then Obama, different party, same drama!”

Bill Ferree For Congress

ICON TOWER. Tallest skyscraper in the southeast US in downtown Tampa

Women are Smarter and More Likely to Vote Democrat

Dems tend to be friendlier towards women, 
unlike the GOP, which tries to keep women down by doing things like telling them they don’t deserve equal pay or benefits at their jobs. 
Republicans blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act. They keep fighting things like mandated contraception, with some saying that women should just keep an aspirin between their knees, to say nothing of their position on abortion (even for pregnancies caused by rape or incest). So yes, women vote Democratic, because they’re smart enough to know that the Party of Old, Rich, White Men wants to keep women down. here

Monday, June 23, 2014

Man Arrested after Video Recording Hillsborough County Deputies

David Rivera, Carlos Curbelo added to DCCC’s ‘House of Scandal’

As Republicans in Florida’s 26th Congressional district  meet for a debate tonight, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is adding both
David Rivera and Carlos Curbelo to HouseOfScandal.com: a new website that will help voters hold Curbelo and Rivera accountable and keep track of Republicans’ ethical misdeeds. here

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2014/06/gop-debate-prompts-democrats-to-highlight-scandals-in-fl-26-race.html#storylink=cpy

Tatiana Marche’ Denson Of Tampa

was born on February 11th 1979 at 
Tampa General Hospital
 to Gloria Maxine Denson and Tony Gandi.
She attended Hillsborough Community College
She is the youngest African American woman to ever file for office in the  
 Florida House of Representatives District 61
Check Her Out here

Marco Rubio At The Koch Brothers’ Secret Billionaire Summit

This is what happens when 
Marco Rubio 
and a gang of the world’s richest people meet 
behind closed doors. here
Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Billionaire Summit 


Tell Florida legislators: Pass a renewable electricity standard now


St Pete Promise - City Employee

Marco Rubio Calls For Strikes

Since he arrived on Capitol Hill in 2011, Rubio's been more interventionist on American foreign policy than his potential tea party-backed rivals. And recent international turmoil has given the freshman senator from West Miami a chance to demonstrate the kind of foreign policy he'd wage if he becomes president 
after the 2016 election......here

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Florida Banana Republican Shirt

Port Charlotte Mother Accused of Branding Her Kids

WMNF's Foodies-friendly Fundraiser!

What: WMNF Foodies-friendly Fundraiser
Where: The Queens Head Eurobar 
2501 Central Avenue, St. Pete
When: Tuesday, July 1, 5-10pm

Florida Transgender Community Aided by President Obama

With little of the fanfare or criticism that marked his evolution into the leader Newsweek nicknamed 
“The first gay president,” 
Obama became the first chief executive to say “transgender” in a speech, to name transgender political appointees and to prohibit job bias against transgender government workers.

The Hillsborough Democratic Party Sucks

Why, in a county where Democrat voters outnumber Republican voters by about 60,000, is it a foregone conclusion Republicans control the county's governing body? 

The Hillsborough Democratic party has long struggled at the basic elements of organization for local races, like fundraising and grooming candidates. Friday marked the end of qualifying for local elections, finalizing the field of candidates vying for four open seats on the Hillsborough County Commission. And, yet again, it appears unlikely Democrats will pick up a majority on the seven-member commission, where they now hold two seats and would be lucky to pick up another.

One of the races ended Friday, as incumbent Republican Ken Hagan drew no opposition in countywide District 5.
One other race will be decided without Democrat involvement, as three Republicans and a write-in candidate are vying for eastern Hillsborough's District 4, vacated by term-limited 
Al Higginbotham. Higginbotham, a Republican, instead is running in countywide District 7 and has a huge fundraising lead over his challengers. here

Gators vs. Canes

Luther Campbell, better known as Uncle Luke, is reporting several Florida high schools are banning University of Miami coaches from their campuses after learning Miami may have turned Joker Phillips into the NCAA 
for a recruiting “bump.” here 

Miami GOP Welcome Ted Cruz

Ted had a Miami homecoming Friday. 
The son of a Cuban exile, Cruz was welcomed as a long-lost son by the 
Miami-Dade Republican Party 
at its Lincoln Day Dinner. here
Ted Cruz 2016

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2014/06/texas-talking-ted-cruz-welcomed-like-a-miami-son-by-miami-dade-gop.html#storylink=cpy

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Farid Khavari - Florida 2014

Maybe Is Time To Look Somewhere Else 
Since 2010, Florida’s voter rolls have expanded by 546,985. Of that increase, 78 percent registered with parties other than the Republicans or Democrats. Check out Farid Khavari 

It’s official! Papers filed and fees paid, I am on the 2014 ballot as an independent (no party affiliation) candidate for Florida governor. I am running for you and your family 
and 99% of Floridians. 

Florida Tea Party Buster: Alan Cohn

In Tampa-area district, FL-15, polls are showing that voters are open to replacing 
 right-wing extremist Dennis Ross 
with Alan Cohn, the progressive Democrat 
 running for the seat.here

Florida Tea Party Buster: Will Bronson