Sunday, August 3, 2014

Florida Billionaire Environmentalist

Vows to Take Rick Scott DOWN Tom Steyer 
has founded a Florida political committee, seeded it with $750,000 of his own money, and says he’ll spend far more to help Democrat 
Charlie Crist defeat Gov. Rick Scott. here

Read more here:

The Children Of Gaza

Rick Scott threw a party and women weren’t invited

Three years ago today, Gov. Rick Scott actually threw a party at the Governor’s Mansion to celebrate his commitment to restricting your access to reproductive health care. Scott and his allies rejoiced over his signing four anti-women’s health bills into law, including a new law diverting license plate funds to anti-choice organizations and one requiring ultrasounds that had been vetoed the previous year by then-Gov. Charlie Crist. here

Paul Hildwin's 28 Years In A Florida Hell Hole

Paul Hildwin of Hernando County 
who has spent 28 years on death row has had his murder conviction and death sentence overturned after DNA evidence destroyed the prosecution case used against him almost three decades ago. Tenacious legal work by the Innocence Project of Florida 
fended off his death, and painstakingly revealed crucial details pointing to his wrongful conviction. here

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thank You Eric Holder

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder 
sent a scathing letter to 
Gov. Rick Scott over voting changes in Florida and issued a warning that the 
Justice Department is 
“carefully monitoring” the state. 
He has our back, you gotta vote 11.4.14

Friends Of Stogie

Old fan of The Stogie just had a son. Welcome Roman.

Republicans Vote to End DACA and Deport DREAMers

 GOP House votes to defund DACA and prevent the creation of more DREAMers. 
The bill passed will freeze the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and will work towards winding it down. If the bill is made into law, President Obama will not be able to add new children to the program, and those in the program will not be able to renew their status. here
Florida GOP Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen  
broke ranks to oppose it. Good Job!
Latinos On 11.4.14 Lets do our thing. VOTE!

How We Git-R-Done In Rick Scott's Florida

 A month after Gov. Rick Scott took a secret hunting trip to the King Ranch in Texas last year, he faced a big decision. A seat had come open on the board that oversees Florida's efforts on the multibillion-dollar project to repair damage to the Everglades caused by agriculture. To fill that position, Scott picked a corporate executive named 
Mitchel A. "Mitch" Hutchcraft.
 Hutchcraft's major qualification for a seat on the board of South Florida Water Management District: He is the vice president in charge of the King Ranch's Florida agricultural acreage. here
This is how things work in Rick Scott's Florida
You pay, you play! On 11.4.14 do your thing, VOTE.

Ybor Paparazzi

 Marisol Marquez of Raíces en Tampa 

United for Care Responds to Florida Police Chiefs Association Lies

The latest press release from the Florida Police Chiefs Association urging caution on medical marijuana legalization appears to be a test case in shoddy, unattributed research, incomplete data, outdated information and the expected misleading and disingenuous conclusions. The truth is that studies suggest medical marijuana laws have not led to higher crime rates, increased traffic fatalities or greater teenage consumption in those states that have adopted them. here

Florida GOP to blame for health insurance rate hikes

The state is not doing its job to protect consumers from health insurance rate hikes. After passing up billions of dollars from the federal government for the state to expand Medicaid, Gov. Rick Scott and the Republican-controlled Legislature callously enacted a new law that, in essence, prevents the state’s insurance commissioner from regulating health insurance rates. here

Fuck The Tampa Bay Fox Affiliate

Soon after the Tigers announced they were receiving pitcher David Price in a trade Thursday, a Tampa Bay TV station took a swipe at Detroit by tweeting an image of the abandoned Packard Plant next to 
a picture of a sunny beach.
here and here

Conservatism is always on the wrong side of history

The unbelievably ugly reaction of the right wing to desperate children seeking help at the southern border is just the latest clash of competing views of what 
America stands for.

On the one hand, we have “liberal” America in which the richest nation in the history of the world can easily afford to take in and shelter children fleeing the extreme violence of their homelands. An America that was built on immigration. An America that was once known as “The Melting Pot.” An America that would never even contemplate sending a child back to a country where their lives are in immediate danger.

On the other hand, we have “conservative” America in which the richest nation in the history of the world can’t afford one single more child with brown skin no matter how crappy their native country is. here
Except if they are fleeing Castro

Tthe Cuban Adjustment Act

Hillsborough County Beware

Once upon a time, an antigay, anti-Muslim, 
"pro-Christian" platform could do wonders for getting you elected in the conservative corners of Hillsborough County. But the world keeps turning. Sue Carlton

Friday, August 1, 2014

Angela's Story

Thousands of MoveOn members took an important action to help children seeking refuge in the United States. Together, we've raised more than $100,000 to ensure these children have the legal representation and support they need for the immigration hearings that their lives may depend on.

Tricks Conservatives Use to Manipulate Americans

Premise: If I am not a conservative, then I am a liberal
Premise: I am not a conservative, 
Conclusion: I am a liberal here

7-11 Coming To Ybor City

7th Ave. Central Ybor 

Florida The Bloodshed State

Doctors in Florida cannot legally 
protect children from guns. here

Crickets From Pam Bondi's Office

"This is what we hear when utility companies try to cut successful conservation programs and raise our rates.  Crickets from Pam Bondi's office. Pam Bondi repeatedly looks the other way when corporations and her big contributors try to rip off Floridians. If big companies want a favor from Bondi, she takes their money then cues the crickets." here

Sen. Warren Calls for End to Corporate Welfare

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Not 1 + Rally In Ybor City

January 6, 2015 - First Day of Fairness

At a press conference today in St. Petersburg, Crist announced that if elected Governor, he will make January 6, 2015 a “First Day of Fairness” by signing five Executive Orders, including an Executive Order to “prohibit any form of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity within the state agencies or its contractors — because all Floridians should be equal in the eyes of the law.” here

Walgreen’s Is Moving To Switzerland To Avoid Paying U.S. Taxes

Remember next time you need stuff, 
go to an American store here
And before  you go shopping check this out
Nestle CEO, Brabeck, wants to privatize all water and hold it for ransom in order to maximize corporate profit.
And check this out
Republican senators blocked an election-year bill to limit tax breaks for U.S. companies that move operations overseas. here

George Zimmerman's New Job In Deland

 Keeping watch on a gun and motorcycle shop. The owner of the store didn’t ask Zimmerman to watch his store. He volunteered! here

Florida GOP Dennis Ross voted to sue President Obama

We do have a choice on 11.4.14, 
Check out Alan Cohn

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What Do Rick Scott & Justin Bieber Have In Common?

The Florida Medical Association Supports Medicaid Expansion

Remember we were denied this by the 
Florida GOP
Don't forget when you vote on 11.4.14

Orange County Commissioner Fred Brummer - Florida GOP

A majority of the Republican-led Orange County Commission vocalized support for marriage equality. Commissioners Scott Boyd (R), 
Pete Clarke (R), Jennifer Thompson (R) 
and Tiffany Moore-Russell (D) 
all announced their support.  
Florida GOP Fred Brummer
reiterated his opposition.

Alan Cohn Party In Tampa

Candidate for Florida’s 15th Congressional District
Wednesday, July 30 (Today), at 6:00pm

2905 W Euclid Avenue, Tampa info

Charlie Crist and Rick Scott Both Suck

Democrat Charlie Crist and Republican incumbent Rick Scott are teetering on becoming the least-liked pair of candidates for any governor’s race 
in the past 10 years. here

Tourist Beware, Flesh-Eating Bacteria in Florida Waters

Health officials in Florida 
issued new warnings about high levels of a flesh-eating bacterium in the ocean and other recreational waters in the state. here

Florida doesn't typically require beach shutdowns for bacteria infestations; in fact, 59 percent of its beaches aren't tested for bacteria levels; the others rely on federal funding to carry out periodic tests. But hey, only the strong survive in
 Rick Scott's Florida!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tom Petty Blasts Catholic Church

“I’m fine with whatever religion you want to have… [But] if I was in a club, and I found out that there had been generations of people abusing children, and then that club was covering that up, I would quit the club. And I wouldn’t give them any more money.” 
here, in Tampa Sep. 21

Florida Banana Republican Stuff

Stop the raids, justice for Naples, FL workers

In the early morning of July 16, one of Florida's biggest workplace raids led to 160 employees being investigated, with at least 16 under arrest. Back in 2011, a former employee of Fruit Dynamics went to the doctor after an injury on the job.The doctor discovered the worker was undocumented and allegedly was using someone else's Social Security number. Collier County officials began investigating Fruit Dynamics, the people who worked there, and after a three-year long operation, deputies raided Fruit Dynamics. here

Florida Hate Group Attacks Republican David Jolly

For doing the right thing. Open Letter to Florida Congressman: Reversal on Marriage Is 'Act of Cowardice and a Betrayal' here 

"Hard Work" - Gwen Graham for Congress

Pam Bondi Joins Millionaire’s Club

Bondi, a Hillsborough County prosecutor before her 2010 election, declared her net worth at the end of 2013 at almost $1.24 million — a nearly 60 percent jump from her 2012 net worth of $780,871.
Her reported worth was $472,260 when she first ran for office, meaning her net worth over her first term has almost tripled. here

88 Percent Of Florida Voters Support Marijuana For Medical Purposes

According to the Quinnipiac University poll, 88 percent of Florida voters now would allow use of marijuana for medical purposes — broad support that cuts across age, gender and political lines. That is up from 82 percent support that Quinnipiac 
reported in November. here

Monday, July 28, 2014

Call The Collier County Sheriff's Office

What: Emergency Call-In Day to the 
Collier County Sheriff's Office

When: Tuesday, July 29th starting at 8:00 am! - 5:00 pm!
Why: To demand, "Drop the charges" and 
"Release the #NaplesWorkers!"

Phone: 239-252-9300, info

Local Bigot Jacob P. Combs of ASAP Towing in Orlando

The owner of poorly reviewed ASAP Towing in Orlando was arrested Friday and charged with illegally towing vehicles of people who took part in last month’s Gay Days events in 
Orange County. 
Combs faces 29 counts of grand theft of a 
motor vehicles. 
The bigot is facing nearly 100 total charges for illegally towing the vehicles  between June 5 and 9 from a parking lot at Westwood Town Center, which is across the street from the hotel hosting the event. here

Southwest Florida Are You Guys Nuts?

You guys hired this guy? 
“I made a mistake in speaking before being fully briefed and I apologize. I’m a quick study, but in this case 
I shot an air ball.”
Curt Clawson - Florida Tea Party

SW Florida GOP is this the best you got? If it is you guys are in big trouble. Don't look at how dumb i am look over here
I just renewed my three-point challenge!

We will put him next to Ted Yoho

GOP: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Republican Party of Florida spokeswoman Susan Hepworth wasn't in the mood to talk, even though, according to her, she was the only RPOF official who could answer questions about the trips.
"I can tell you 100 times over and over that we follow the letter of the law. 
Do your own job," 
Hepworth told a reporter. 
And so The Tampa Bay Times did. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

 Meet Kim
She is from the Great State of Washington.
She has been homeless 3 years. 

Pamela Michener Racist In Sarasota

Sunday, July 27, 2014

99 Days To Go Until E Day

Mandatory Viewing Of GOP Propaganda In Florida

Florida GOP Alan Hays 
liked the film “America.” So much that he wants to make viewing the film by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza required viewing for all students. here

Florida Republican's Sugar Daddy

 On a Friday in February 2013, Gov. Rick Scott stepped aboard a Texas-bound plane to take part in a secret ritual for Florida’s GOP. Scott was departing for historic King Ranch, one of North America’s premier hunting grounds. The trips, records indicate, were financed all or in part with contributions from Florida’s sugar industry, right down to the hunting licenses. here

Scott won’t answer questions about his trip. After weeks of requests from the Times/Herald. The urge to keep details about the trips confidential is so strong among Florida’s elected officials that Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam’s press secretary shut a door in the face of a reporter asking about King Ranch. “You’ll have to talk to the Republican Party of Florida, since it was their fundraiser,” Putnam said as the door closed.

ead more here:

Florida Banana Republican Curt Clawson

Speech directed at Nisha Biswal and Arun Kumar, 
two senior American officials. Apparently, he believed they were foreign diplomats from the country of India.

Republicans Will Fail Miserably At The Polls In November

Help The Texas Young Democrats

They are initiating a supplies drive to send supplies to the communities on the border who are so kindly trying to take care of these children. Remember, this is truly a humanitarian crisis and not one manufactured through political maneuverings. These are CHILDREN who are fleeing for their lives. 

TYD has created an Amazon wishlist with the supplies that are being requested by the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, TX. Anything purchased on this list will be sent directly to these facilities supporting the outreach efforts in the Rio Grande Valley. Please help us by purchasing an item and sending it to a child in need. here

Or Send stuff here, 306 South 15th Street, McAllen, TX 78501

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Corruption In Hillsborough County

The federal government says Hillsborough County misused almost a million dollars in grants during its "Fight the Blight" campaign and it wants the money back. The inspector general of the Department of Housing and Urban Development released a scathing audit of the county's use of federal Community Development Block Grant money for these blighted areas. The audit shows serious problems in the department resulted in 
developers being helped by almost 
$1 million
 instead of low-income areas. 
The audit says code enforcement cleanups like 
the "Fight the Blight" programs in 2012 and 2013 
were actually misusing the federal money in surrounding areas not qualifying as low-income neighborhoods. The county used the money on areas that were "industrial and commercial properties," 
"farm and vacant land" that were "planned for development" and 
"new construction in residential properties. 
because commissioners wanted to ensure 
developers didn't have to pay 
impact fees.

Marco Rubio: A profile in cowardice

"It's outrageous and disheartening that Sen. Rubio, who once expressed support for a DREAM Act, has turned his back on Dreamers and now aligns with
Right-Wing Extremists 
like Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Steve King " 
said Lorella Praeli, advocacy director for 
United We Dream. here

Tell President Obama the seismic fight isn't over

The Obama Administration 
made a huge mistake  authorizing the use of deadly seismic blasting of the U.S. East Coast. These blast threaten to injure or kill up to 138,200 marine mammals—including endangered right whales—and devastate coastal communities who depend on tourism, fishing, and coastal recreation. here