Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Florida Death Count Vigil In Tampa

October 18, 2014 2:00 pm 
2909 West Bay to Bay Boulevard, Tampa
A vigil to call attention to the inhumanity of 
and her fellow legislators who have turned their backs on hard-working Floridians who cannot afford the high cost of health insurance. The legislators have turned down $51 billion of our tax dollars, essentially sentencing thousands to death yearly. This vigil is held for the 
2,200 victims who will die this year 
as a result of Republican legislators 
refusing to expand Medicaid in Florida. 
Will you join us? Christopher Radulich and Linda Ruescher 

VOTE 11.4.14

The Stogie Has A Right Wing Infestation: Aaron Eel

On Howard Dean...
"I can't believe that people are still fooled by this guy. Oh, well.... 33 million white people voted a nigger into the White House, so I guess anything's possible."

On Mr. River Alan Wright...
 "So he died in hospice and he had a "life's partner". LOL....!! WHO CARES!! I know that you people are totally against the 2nd Amendment. So tell me... if I taught my child to play Russian roulette with a loaded handgun and he blew his head off one day, would you feel sorry for him? Or ME?? That's exactly the way I feel about your "dear departed friend. There, now... who says that we can't understand each other?"

On Democracy In The Crescent City...
The blacks must be slapped back down so they will know their place. They aren't civilized. They don't know the meaning of civility or rules or protocol. Nor do they know the meaning of "Get down on the ground NOW and place your hands behind your back". They are like children in a grown-up world. Just like Thomas Jefferson said. Blacks: Nature's clowns. Until they get violent.

On Florida Family Arrested Over Baggy Pants...
"Blacks, no doubt. He was most likely using his baggy pants to conceal stolen merchandise. That or a gun. And notice too how the blacks will constantly stretch the truth concerning the authorities and their disposition and numbers. Oh well, you know how niggers lie"

On Rick Scott's Florida...
"The "right wing media"...??? LOL...!!! You mean the same people who never report black-on-white crime, yet fervently report coast to coast for months on Tawana Brawley's big racist lie? The only place that you'll learn about black on white crime is from the news service in the city where it happened. It never goes national and you know it! "Right wing media".. I only wish it were, since the first thing they'd do would be to see that placed like this were shut down."

 On Rick Scott worst enemy of Black Floridians...
"Good. I'm glad to hear that Scott did this. The 19th and 20th centuries are over, people. Blacks still get far too many handouts and breaks these days. And all for one reason... because of the color of their skin! I thought you lefties were supposed to be against that sort of thing."

On Tampa Bay Homeless...
"Funny isn't it, how all of these homeless liberals suddenly believe in God when they need your hand-out?"

On Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative...
"Most of these people are LAZY. I've offered many of them jobs after listening to their spiels at reds lights. Not a single one has ever showed up the next morning ready to work. And for the rest of them who DO want to work but can't find a job, you have only to look as far as Washington DC, the home of your great black father. It's his recession, you know."

 On God, Guns And Guts...
That sign's been there for decades. Since the early 70s at least. And every word is the truth. Look what we got now in America since YOU PEOPLE began to exert your political influence... a record high divorce rate.. a record high teen suicide rate... kids who don't know what sex they're supposed to be... school shootings..... young girls who think that food is some kind of enemy... a race of people who hate you because you've spent the last 50 years telling them that all of their problems are Whitey's fault.... a new psychotic killer every week. We never had ANY of these problems when that sign signified the law of the land. I know... I was THERE. So you can't tell ME anything! Because I've seen both worlds. While you...? You've only seen your 'grief councilor'.
Your liberal idealism is a FAILURE. But not to worry... you can always blame it on President Bush..... 

More here, here, here and here
Mr. Eel thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

Why Wasn't Adrian Wyllie Invited To The Debate?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend 
to the death your right to say it.

John Morgan: Their amazing hypocrisy

I've been around politics a while, and I shouldn't be surprised by lies - but I am. I know some of the folks on the No on 2 side. They're good people with good hearts.  But they aren't just wrong on the issues related to Amendment 2 - they're being absolutely hypocritical.

They're claiming that the list of diseases and conditions is too open-ended, yet they know that the only ones truly qualified to determine what is debilitating are medical doctors.  They'll trust a doctor enough to put one on TV - but not to do their job?  Hypocrisy.

They claim we should let legislature do its job, pointing out so-called "loopholes" that they know aren't loopholes at all - while they know that the Amendment  tasks the legislature and the Department of Health to sort out these details and regulations after passage.

I'm putting even more money up to fight this hypocrisy, but it's not enough.  We need you with us. This race is ours to win.  We WILL win it, because we are doing it for our families and friends and perhaps someday, ourselves.

We won't let the lies sit unanswered.  We are going up on TV, on radio, and online in a big way. We are punching back with the truth and we are going to win this thing.  Contribute here now.

For the people,
John Morgan
Chairman, United for Care

Tampa City Council Vote on Driver's License Resolution

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 starting at 9:00 AM Raíces en Tampa will be attending the Tampa City Council meeting located at 315 E Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa. At the meeting Raíces en Tampa will ask City Council to publicly support a resolution to have Driver's Licenses accessible to undocumented immigrants. Joined by supporters and people who would be affected by this change, Raíces en Tampa hopes the City of Tampa will be the first city in Florida to publicly support the movement for licenses.
Contact: Marisol Marquez (813)846-6893

Michelle Obama In Orlando On Friday

First Lady Michelle Obama is attending a rally in Orlando to campaign alongside Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Florida Voters Check Out Stephen Sarnoff Of Clearwater

He is running against Chris Latvala, son OF long time Florida GOP Jack Latvala
Sarnoff is a municipal worker and president of Communications Workers of America Local 3179. But that doesn't make him a one-issue candidate, he said. He and other union men and women are "talking about bread-and-butter issues that affect people who have to work for a living," he said, such as proper educational funding, and a higher minimum wage. here Check him out here

Here is your chance Pinellas County
VOTE 11.4.14

No Marijuana Laced Gummy Bears In Polk County

Florida medical marijuana amendment debate 

I Pledge To Vote Yes On 2

Take the Pledge

Stogie's Gift Shop: T-Shirt

Find more tops & unique gifts at CafePress

George Sheldon on His Opponent Pam Bondi


With a net worth of $37 billion, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, has donated another $1.5 million to the No On 2 campaign (or, Drug Free Florida) -- the biggest medical marijuana opposition in the state of Florida. He had helped kick off the campaign when he donated $2.5 million to get things started back in June. here

"The No on 2 campaign has spent millions of dollars on TV - but the reality is that voters aren't buying their false claims. We are efficiently fighting back with the truth, and that's resonating across the state as we close in on election day," Ben Pollara 

Remember him when he trys to bring casinos to Florida

Tampa Phone Bank With Superstar Commissioner Kevin Beckner

Today, Tuesday, October 14th, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner will be joining our volunteers in Tampa to help call voters and encourage them to send in their ballots.
5:30 p.m.
 Tampa field office, 3105 W. Waters Avenue, Tampa 

Steve Southerland's Countdown Clock: 20 Days

Monday, October 13, 2014

Yes on 2 - "Saved"

Politics in Pinellas forum

3 Weeks To Go: United for Care Needs You

If you're waiting for the last minute to make a donation to United for Care and the Yes on 2 campaign, please don't.  
We need you to do it now.
Tomorrow is the 3 weeks to go mark.  Early voting is about to start, and we absolutely can't wait any longer to book our media buys.  We have to do it at the end of this week
We're not going to have the advertising budget they do - we have to make every opportunity count and we have no room for error.

The Florida Democratic Party Sucks

Despite an electorate split down the middle that voted for Barack Obama for president twice, half of Florida's All-Republican state Cabinet is cruising toward re-election with only token Democratic resistance. here
Gov. Dean please help us!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Garlic Parmesan Wings
At Cluck-U Chicken, 1163 Toledo Blade Blvd, North Port

Could this be the year Democrats take the Hillsborough Commission?

Pat Kemp and Elizabeth Belcher are trying to defeat Republican Commissioners Al Higginbotham and Victor Crist, respectively, and give Democrats a 4-3 edge on the board. here
Help them out. Pat Kemp, Elizabeth Belcher

Why, in a county where Democrat voters outnumber Republican voters by about 60,000, is it a foregone conclusion Republicans control the county's governing body? 

VOTE 11.4.14

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet David
He is from Massachusetts. He has been homeless 1 year.

How Sugar Owns Florida Government?

Al Higginbotham's Countdown Clock 21 Days:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Our Awesome April Griffin

She has been know to raise hell at meetings. She thinks MaryEllen Elia is full of shit and her opponent Dipa Shah called her a Liberal. Is she awesome or what. here
Ms Shah is being liberal a bad thing?
the Conservative Values Coalition of Florida called you one.
 You should fire whoever is advising you. And go hang out with Terry Kimple.

Ms. Shah we like you but you are 
up against the best we got.
Keep April Griffinwhere she is, 
VOTE 11.4.14, then party in Ybor.

"in politics, being outspoken is not understood," 
April Griffin

"Pay the Price" - Florida

America’s Snobbiest Cities: Tampa #6, Miami #2


In the last four years, Rick Scott has waged an assault on the rights of Florida women, even throwing a party at the Governor’s mansion as he signed laws rolling back the clock on women’s health.  Whether it’s interfering at the doctor’s office or restricting access to birth control, we do not need politicians like Rick Scott inserting himself into our personal decisions.
Visit our new #StopScott website and show your family and friends what it will look like if Rick Scott is allowed to keep interfering in our personal lives.

Lewis Black - Fuck! Voter Suppression

Rick Scott worst enemy of Black Floridians in the last 20 years

Anything she wanted to do, he killed. He cut off the Office of Supplier Diversity, which tries to help Black business do business with the state. He cut funding for the Black Business Investment Corporation, which helped fund Black businesses. It was terrible. He’s the worst enemy of Black Floridians 
in the last 20 years.” here

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pam Boni's Countdown Clock 23 DAYS:

Try Mr. Sheldon, he is one of us. He has served us well for a long time.  He has filed a lawsuit against Rick Scott's Culture Of Corruption. Has the Times endorsement and in a straw poll at USF HE WINS.

VOTE 11.4.14

Your WMNF Community Needs You!

Thanks for supporting WMNF!
If you'd like to join the Circle of Friends for monthly donations from your bank account, go here . If you would like to contribute monthly/or join the Circle Of Friends and use a credit/debit card for your contributions please call WMNF at 813-238-8001.
You can also mail checks made out to WMNF,
 to 1210 E MLK Jr. Blvd, Tampa, FL 33603

Our Hero Jody Westby

D.C. police recently stopped a man while responding to a call about a burglary alarm in Northwest Washington. Jody Westby, a neighborhood resident who intervenes, says the stop was inappropriate. more 

Florida Early Voting Locations 2014

Pat Kemp Is Having Another Party

At Leslie Reiner and Dr. Tony Kriseman's House
811 S. Edison Ave, Tampa
Monday, October 20th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Local greats 
Mary Mulhern and Linda Saul-Sena will be there. 
Where is Mayor Bob, is he sitting this one out too. rsvp, or to join host committee:
Bring Ca$h. Suggested Contribution: $50 - $1,000

Florida's Culture Of Corruption Spreading To Georgia

Friday, October 10, 2014

24 Days Till 11.4.14

After you vote come party in Ybor.
Victory Party 
11.4.14 - 7:00 PM  info
@ Tequilas in Ybor      

Tiffany Moore Russell Democrat for Orange County Clerk of the Courts

Check her out here

Hudson Resident Bill Akin

  Said the boys were no different from “bank robbers and rapists” because they 
entered the country illegally.

In the past 13 months, more than 63,000 undocumented minors have entered the United States over the Mexico border, and the federal government is looking for places to house them until they can be placed with relatives or sponsors.

The Holiday shelter, began accepting immigrant boys between the ages of 8 and 17 in June. It was seeking approval to double the number of beds at the Darlington Road facility.  Pasco County's Planning Commission approved it by a 6-3 vote. here
Great Job Pasco County

Tampa Bay Times Endorses Judithanne McLauchlan

“Voters… have a distinctive choice between an out-of-step incumbent and a well-prepared challenger. First-time candidate Judithanne McLauchlan of Madeira Beach would better reflect the values of this swing district.” – Tampa Bay Times

FL-26: Carlos Curbelo - "12 Years

vote 11.4.14

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Panhandle Get Ready For 2 Weeks Of Bull Shit

A House GOP super PAC is making a major television buy in the final two weeks of the campaign to boost vulnerable 
Steve Southerland. 
The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC affiliated with House GOP leadership, made a $600,000 media buy in the Tallahassee and Panama City television markets in their effort to fend off Gwen Graham. here

VOTE 11.4.14

USF Student Staw Poll: Florida GOP In Big Trouble

 The University of South Florida has released the results of a straw poll conducted on campus on the Nov. 4 election.
Charlie Crist(D) 49%
Rick Scott(R) 29%
Adrian Wylie(L) 8%
 Attorney General 
George Sheldon(D) 50%  
Pam Bondi(R) 37% 
 Chief Financial Officer
 William Rankin(D) 55%  
Jeff Atwater(R) 45%. 
Commissioner of Agriculture
Thaddeus Hamilton(D) 44%
Adam Putnam(R) 42%

Constitutional amendment legalizing medical marijuana in the state of Florida is supported by 70% of voters.

"Millennials are larger in size than the baby boomers," said political science Professor Susan MacManus, who is overseeing the poll. "So what you're seeing here is a glimpse of what politics will look like in a couple of years."

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Stuffed Bell Pepper
With Rice, Garbanzo Bean Soup and Platanos
At D & D Delights, 1301 S 20th St, Tampa
Best Food In Palmetto Beach
Visit them here

Pat Kemp On Climate Change 2009

She needs our help. Donate now to support Pat Kemp’s campaign for Hillsborough County Commission, District 7 (countywide). here

Florida Obama Voters We Need You

Millions of Americans are proud to have voted for President Obama in 2008
And again in 2012
Now he needs your vote one last time
Florida Obama voters we know he is not on the ballot but we need your help. Please VOTE on 11.4.14

Thank You Congressman Alcee Hastings

Congressman Alcee Hastings (FL-20) proudly announced his support of 
United for Care and the passage of Amendment 2 on Florida's ballot this November. 
Hastings has represented Florida in the U.S. House of Representatives since first being elected in 1992, and previously worked as an attorney and civil rights activist. Appointed by President Jimmy Carter, he became the first African American to serve as a federal judge in Florida. A native Floridian, Hastings’ district includes parts of Broward, Palm Beach, and Hendry Counties. Additionally, he serves as the Co-Chairman of the
 Florida Congressional Delegation.
“We are pleased to have earned the support of a lawmaker who has spent a lifetime serving our state and its people,” said Ben Pollara, Campaign Manager at United for Care.

Che Guevara's Murder - October 9, 1967

Commonly know as Che, was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. He was executed in Bolivia by CIA agent Félix Rodríguez on  
October 9, 1967. here

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

27 days to victory for medical marijuana ... Are you with us?

We have 27 days to go
I joined up as chair of this campaign over a year and a half ago - when a lot of people felt winning would be impossible. Now we are on the cusp of delivering compassionate care to thousands of Floridians, some in severe pain or having trouble eating 
or controlling their seizures.

We're asking every potential donor - large and small - to join us (or join us again).  Ben tells me that we need another $35,241 raised online in the next 9 days.

4 weeks is an eternity in politics, but very little time when it comes to fundraising.  A lot can happen and we need to be writing checks to advertising outlets now.  We can't let the No on 2 campaign's lies go unanswered.

Thank you, John Morgan

I am Reaching Into My Pocket For My License - Richard Pryor

Indiana Police Smash Car Window, 
Taze Black Man 

Sandusky, Ohio Police 

John Schilling: I blew the whistle on Rick Scott's fraud

I was an accountant at Columbia/HCA when Rick Scott was CEO. I uncovered two sets of books: one that showed the company ripping off taxpayers, and one that didn't. And I watched as the company that Rick Scott led turned in fraudulent books to the federal government. He hurt seniors, taxpayers -- everyone.

Fraud is in his DNA. And now, as our governor, he's been defrauding Floridians. It made me sick to see Scott regularly put profits over patients and prioritize the bottom line over the care of folks who needed help the most. He says he wasn't aware of it -- but that's just not true. He knew. He had to know.

That's why I worked with the FBI to help get Scott out of the health care business.  But today, he's at it again -- this time, from Tallahassee. He used the money he made from ripping off seniors to promote himself -- and, arguably, to buy the governor's mansion.

And if we don't stop him now, Scott will stay in there.
Let's get him out. Donate to Charlie Crist today:
Thank you, John Schilling