Tuesday, October 21, 2014

We Want The Guavaween Parade Back

Again the ever changing Guavaween is back. This year it has a new name.
Guavaween Voodoo Carnival
What does Voodoo have to do with Ybor City? We are not New Orleans. 
No more street party. This year you get to go to The Cuban Club. For $20 - $85
But still no parade

The Ybor City Chamber of Commerce is considering licensing its nationally-known Halloween event, Guavaween, to a third party for 2014. "We think it's time for the Chamber to spin-off this unique special event,"
said David Alvarez, Chair of the Ybor City Chamber. here

I wonder how the merchants on 7th Ave feel about The Chamber taking away their business on possibly the best night of the year. We urge to party on 7th and support the folks that are there all year long.

Florida, Rick Scott Thinks You're An Idiot

After Rick Scott's total collapse at Wednesday's debate, his campaign all but confirmed that he's writing himself a check to the tune of $22 million. Rick Scott is personally paying to stuff his Propaganda down Floridians' throats.

John Romano On Anti-Amendment 2 Hysteria

Medical marijuana opponents exaggerate. They fabricate. They find legitimate concerns and extrapolate them until they achieve maximum shock and 
minimum reality.

"Scott Is Winning"

"Will Weatherford, channeling his inner Baghdad Bob"

Blue Ocean Film Festival in St. Pete

November 3 - 9, 2014
St. Petersburg, Florida

Alan Cohn Party In Temple Terrace

October 22nd, 2014 - 5:30pm – 7:30pm

RSVP to Dossie Marrone at
dossie@cohnforcongress.com or 813-750-8624 

Monday, October 20, 2014

News-Press Amendment 2 Town Hall In Fort Myers

John Morgan, United for Care Chairman
Denise Glass, Registered Nurse and SEIU Member
Cathy Jordan, Medical Marijuana Patient
Sheriff Bill Prummell, Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office
Dr. Jonathan Daitch, Lee County Medical Society Member
Jessica Spencer, Vote No on 2
Tuesday, October 21st, program will run from
6:30p.m. to 8p.m.
News-Press Office - Upstairs Conference Room 
2442 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Fort Myers, FL 33901

Early Vote Florida

Early voting starts today in a number of Florida counties. 
By the end of the week, early voting will be underway throughout the state.

Even if you've voted already, be sure to forward this link 
to this helpful new tool, to your Florida friends and family. 

Stephen Colbert on Fangate

Early Voting Starts Today In Pinellas County

It’s Election Day!  
Early Voting begins in 
Pinellas County today
Monday, October 20 -- and runs from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM every day through Sunday November 2ndClick here for a list of polling locations in Pinellas County.


Get out and VOTE Pinellas, remember what you guys did in August
Pinellas County led voter turnout in the 
Tampa Bay area by a wide swath.

Alan Cohn for Congress

VOTE 11.4.14

14 DAYS Florida

Eday is almost here Florida, 
are you ready?
Early Voting starts in 2 days, 
Florida early voting locations 

The Young Turks: Fangate

Tina Dupuy: GOP In The Clear

Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Am Terry Kimple

He has issued a point-by-point comparison that shows he is farther to the right than his opponent Melissa Snively. here

Jon Stewart: Florida's Ball Fan Controversy

We are the joke of the country, again!

I Pledge To Vote Yes On 2 - 15 Days

Alan Cohn Needs Our Help

Don't Be A Baby! VOTE!

Howard Dean: DFA Dialer

We're in danger of losing the Senate to the Republicans and, unless you step up to help, it's going to be extremely difficult to turn things around.

Right now, I need you to agree to call Democrats in key states through DFA Dialer during the critical Get Out The Vote period starting October 25. Democrats might not vote this year if they don't hear from you.

Fangate 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

16 Days To Go Florida

Are you ready boys and girls?
Florida early voting locations 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bacon Cheeseburger with fries.
At Smack Daddy's in North Port

Send Rick Scott His Own Fan

Order here
Ship it here
Office of Governor Rick Scott
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

Judithanne McLauchlan - Your Money

BRAND GOP: Al Higginbotham

John Morgan In Citrus County

(A few nights ago), while another debate across the state focused on a fan, I was on stage in Citrus County fighting for the patients who need medical marijuana.

And when a member of Florida's legislature was clearly having trouble repeating the same, intellectually dishonest talking points of the No on 2 ads, I said,

"You can’t sit up here and make s*** up! That works in Tallahassee but it doesn’t work in Citrus County.”

And with your help it won't. Not in Citrus County, Orange County, Lee County or anywhere in Florida - because Amendment 2 is about the patients and for the people, not the typical, double talking, do-nothing, Tallahassee politicians. They refused to lead. They failed us. But now it's up to us, not them.

Ben tells me we need less than $7,000 to hit our numbers.  Based on the amazing response last month, we can do that in a few hours.

There are literally thousands of donors large and small helping to fund this campaign.  We need you to join us, or if you've already donated, contribute again. There's no margin for error.

They outspent us 10-to-1 in the last 2 weeks.  They're not going to outspend us from here.

For the people,
John Morgan
Chairman, United for Care

Friday, October 17, 2014

George Sheldon on Florida Amendment 2 (Medical Marijuana)

Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Rick Scott gives Florida's electric utilities whatever they want. It is no surprise that they are among his largest campaign contributors. here 

FSU Controlled by GOP And Koch

Florida's Right Wing Infestation Is Spreading. 

Yes on 2 - "Rebecca"

Florida, How The Hell Did This Guy Become Our Governor?

Dems you can't let this happen again.
Remember GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable. here

1 tube per victim, please. While Supplies Last

Pam Bondi "A partisan ideologue"

    "When Pam Bondi became Florida's first female attorney general in January 2011, some who had known her as a prosecutor in Tampa had hopes she would be a real problem-solver, not a partisan ideologue. "

Thursday, October 16, 2014

On 11.4.14 We End Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Pam Bondi
George Sheldon
Bill Wohlsifer 

Rick Scott
Charlie Crist
Adrian Wyllie
Farid Khavari 

Jeff Atwater
William Rankin 

Adam Putnam
Thad Hamilton

John Mica
Wes Neuman
Al Krulick

Daniel Webster
Michael McKenna
David Falstad

Rich Nugent
ave Koller

Ted Yoho
Marihelen Wheeler

Steve Southerland
Gwen Graham

Vern Buchanan
Henry Lawrence

Jeff Miller
Mark Wichern

VOTE 11.4.14

Charlie Crist With The Awesome Amanda Murphy In New Port Richey

Thursday October 16th at 5 pm
Gulf Harbors Civic Center,
 4610 Floramar Terrace, New Port Richey 
If you have any questions call 727.237.7099

Senate District 22 Debate - Judithanne vs. Senator Brandes

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Tacos with Beans and Rice
At Taco Son in Tampa
Visit them here

Rick Scott is not a fan

Pat And April At The Straz Center

Tiger Bay Debate
Republican control… or Democratic Invasion?
Pat Kemp vs. Al Higginbotham
April Griffin vs. Dipa Shah
Friday, October 17, 2014 11am
Democrat voters outnumber Republican voters by about 60,000,
So why do they get to rule?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Scott, Bondi Grant clemency To Orville (Lee) Wollard

Petitioning Pam Bondi 
Grant clemency to a father serving a 20 year mandatory minimum sentence for protecting his family. here

Florida Death Count Vigil In Tampa

October 18, 2014 2:00 pm 
2909 West Bay to Bay Boulevard, Tampa
A vigil to call attention to the inhumanity of 
and her fellow legislators who have turned their backs on hard-working Floridians who cannot afford the high cost of health insurance. The legislators have turned down $51 billion of our tax dollars, essentially sentencing thousands to death yearly. This vigil is held for the 
2,200 victims who will die this year 
as a result of Republican legislators 
refusing to expand Medicaid in Florida. 
Will you join us? Christopher Radulich and Linda Ruescher 

VOTE 11.4.14

The Stogie Has A Right Wing Infestation: Aaron Eel

On Howard Dean...
"I can't believe that people are still fooled by this guy. Oh, well.... 33 million white people voted a nigger into the White House, so I guess anything's possible."

On Mr. River Alan Wright...
 "So he died in hospice and he had a "life's partner". LOL....!! WHO CARES!! I know that you people are totally against the 2nd Amendment. So tell me... if I taught my child to play Russian roulette with a loaded handgun and he blew his head off one day, would you feel sorry for him? Or ME?? That's exactly the way I feel about your "dear departed friend. There, now... who says that we can't understand each other?"

On Democracy In The Crescent City...
The blacks must be slapped back down so they will know their place. They aren't civilized. They don't know the meaning of civility or rules or protocol. Nor do they know the meaning of "Get down on the ground NOW and place your hands behind your back". They are like children in a grown-up world. Just like Thomas Jefferson said. Blacks: Nature's clowns. Until they get violent.

On Florida Family Arrested Over Baggy Pants...
"Blacks, no doubt. He was most likely using his baggy pants to conceal stolen merchandise. That or a gun. And notice too how the blacks will constantly stretch the truth concerning the authorities and their disposition and numbers. Oh well, you know how niggers lie"

On Rick Scott's Florida...
"The "right wing media"...??? LOL...!!! You mean the same people who never report black-on-white crime, yet fervently report coast to coast for months on Tawana Brawley's big racist lie? The only place that you'll learn about black on white crime is from the news service in the city where it happened. It never goes national and you know it! "Right wing media".. I only wish it were, since the first thing they'd do would be to see that placed like this were shut down."

 On Rick Scott worst enemy of Black Floridians...
"Good. I'm glad to hear that Scott did this. The 19th and 20th centuries are over, people. Blacks still get far too many handouts and breaks these days. And all for one reason... because of the color of their skin! I thought you lefties were supposed to be against that sort of thing."

On Tampa Bay Homeless...
"Funny isn't it, how all of these homeless liberals suddenly believe in God when they need your hand-out?"

On Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative...
"Most of these people are LAZY. I've offered many of them jobs after listening to their spiels at reds lights. Not a single one has ever showed up the next morning ready to work. And for the rest of them who DO want to work but can't find a job, you have only to look as far as Washington DC, the home of your great black father. It's his recession, you know."

 On God, Guns And Guts...
That sign's been there for decades. Since the early 70s at least. And every word is the truth. Look what we got now in America since YOU PEOPLE began to exert your political influence... a record high divorce rate.. a record high teen suicide rate... kids who don't know what sex they're supposed to be... school shootings..... young girls who think that food is some kind of enemy... a race of people who hate you because you've spent the last 50 years telling them that all of their problems are Whitey's fault.... a new psychotic killer every week. We never had ANY of these problems when that sign signified the law of the land. I know... I was THERE. So you can't tell ME anything! Because I've seen both worlds. While you...? You've only seen your 'grief councilor'.
Your liberal idealism is a FAILURE. But not to worry... you can always blame it on President Bush..... 

More here, here, here and here
Mr. Eel thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

Why Wasn't Adrian Wyllie Invited To The Debate?

I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend 
to the death your right to say it.

John Morgan: Their amazing hypocrisy

I've been around politics a while, and I shouldn't be surprised by lies - but I am. I know some of the folks on the No on 2 side. They're good people with good hearts.  But they aren't just wrong on the issues related to Amendment 2 - they're being absolutely hypocritical.

They're claiming that the list of diseases and conditions is too open-ended, yet they know that the only ones truly qualified to determine what is debilitating are medical doctors.  They'll trust a doctor enough to put one on TV - but not to do their job?  Hypocrisy.

They claim we should let legislature do its job, pointing out so-called "loopholes" that they know aren't loopholes at all - while they know that the Amendment  tasks the legislature and the Department of Health to sort out these details and regulations after passage.

I'm putting even more money up to fight this hypocrisy, but it's not enough.  We need you with us. This race is ours to win.  We WILL win it, because we are doing it for our families and friends and perhaps someday, ourselves.

We won't let the lies sit unanswered.  We are going up on TV, on radio, and online in a big way. We are punching back with the truth and we are going to win this thing.  Contribute here now.

For the people,
John Morgan
Chairman, United for Care