Friday, November 14, 2014

Rick Scott's Florida: Florida Hospitals Will Lose Billions

Florida hospitals treating the state’s large uninsured population face losing billions of dollars in federal funding if state lawmakers continue to refuse expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). here

Stogie T-Shirt


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Americans vote for the party that got them into the mess that Obama just dug them out of?

Consider, right now in America, corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is below 6%, U.S. gross national product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries The stock market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation, interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S. oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money. here

GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable.

Ybor City is reviving La Verbena festival of 1920's

Hillsborough County Tea Party Leader Sharon Calvert

In an email sent to voters yesterday she asks them to fill out a form to send a stern message to officials in Hillsborough County. “Let your Hillsborough County elected officials know that it’s still “NO” on having an 8% sales tax in Hillsborough County,” Calvert wrote. here

We ask that you do the opposite, tell the Hillsborough County Commission that you want a  referendum on the 2016 ballot. Join the discussion at 6:30 p.m. November 19 at Holy Hog in Downtown Tampa to talk about how to move Hillsborough forward despite early opposition.

Weird Florida "Hong Kong Willie"

Happy Birthday Gov. Howard Dean

Sign Gov. Howard Dean's birthday card

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

John Romano Calls Pam Bondi's Office

Florida Voices for Animals

Yolie Capin Is Having A Party

December 4
5215 South Nichol Street in Tampa 
Among those on the high-profile host committee is Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner, Columbia Restaurant Group President Richard Gonzmart, Tampa preservationist Del Acosta, Ambassador David A. Straz Jr. and former gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink. info

Florida GOP Luncheon

 Plant City

Rally At Rep. Kathy Castor's Office In Tampa

Thursday at 12:00 p.m.
4144 N Armenia Ave., Suite 300 Tampa

 If you care about the future of this country, join us for a rally and meeting to ask Representative Kathy Castor to pledge to vote no on Fast Track for the egregious Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and all other trade bills that should be debated under the regular legislative process. Fast Track would allow the President to circumvent our Constitution which states "Congress shall make all laws respecting trade." Fast Track would allow very little debate on the TPP, which has been negotiated in total secret, and attacks labor, the environment, and affordable medicines, among other targets. 
Can you join us in Tampa on Thursday?  

President Obama's Statement on Keeping the Internet Open and Free

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pam Bondi Convalescence Home In Tampa

Trip to Mackinac Island, Michigan
Prices May Vary

Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida, after taking a free ride on a chartered jet last year to a resort island far from her home state, made an unusual offer to one of the corporate lawyers from Washington who helped foot the bill: an invitation to stay at her Tampa home while recuperating from surgery.

Becky for Mayor Of Tampa

My Platform:
#1 – Increasing the minimum wage within the City of Tampa to $15 an hour
#2 – Decriminalizing marijuana in Tampa
 #3 – Police Accountability Measures – A) All officers of the TPD would be required to wear front facing cameras while on duty and turning them off would result in disciplinary actions.
#4 – Economic Development Beyond Downtown.
#5 – Equity in Mayoral Compensation

Hillsborough High School - Tampa

Three-year-old boy loses it when told he can't vote

Florida: Black Bears Need Your Voice

Florida black bears were once forced to the brink of extinction due to over-hunting and habitat loss. These typically shy forest dwellers have only recently started to rebound, thanks in part to a 1994 statewide ban on bear hunting.
Unfortunately, recent incidents involving human-bear conflicts, including cases of humans illegally feeding bears, have led some lawmakers to renew calls to reopen a bear trophy hunt in Florida. This ineffective solution would allow hunters to target bears deep in the woods far from human neighborhoods, who are not bothering anyone. Instead, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission should focus its attention on educating the public on how to avoid conflicts with bears through everyday actions, such as 
using bear-proof trash cans.

Please take a moment to send a message below to Gov. Scott and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and ask that they keep Florida black bears protected from trophy hunting. here

Stogie's Gift Shop: Tampa Bay Liberal T-Shirt

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Seminole Heights Sunday Morning Market

Stogie Recommends


Right Wing Floridian

Punta Gorda

Stephen Colbert Blasts Fort Lauderdale's Homeless Laws, Mayor Jack Seiler

Founder of U.S. UnCut Letter To Democrats

Dear Democrats,
Are you listening? President Obama says he hears us. He says that people don’t have a reason to show up to vote if the politicians they have to choose from don’t motivate them. He’s partially right. But that’s only part of a much larger problem. To all you would-be elected officials looking for my generation’s support at the polls, listen closely – get populist or get ready to lose bad. here

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Shrimp in Garlic Sauce
With fried rice and Hot & Sour soup. 
At China Wokery - North Port

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Raíces en Tampa To Spotlight Tampa City Council Lying

On October 16, 2014 during a Tampa City Council meeting, Raíces en Tampa attempted to have the Council vote in favor of supporting driver's licenses for the undocumented. Joined by supporters and people who would be affected by this change, Raíces en Tampa hoped the City of Tampa would be the first city in Florida to publicly support the movement for licenses. Tampa City Council refused to vote and at one point even stated they had never seen the resolution. A Raíces en Tampa member stated off the podium that each of them had indeed seen it, and reminded them that out of the seven City Council member, six of them had met with Raíces en Tampa. Mike Suarez lifted his finger to his mouth signaling the Raíces en Tampa member to silence herself and continued denying they had met with Raíces en Tampa. This is why Raíces en Tampa will hold a press conference on 
November 10, 2014 starting at 6:00 PM. 
@ La Mexicana - 2002 E Fletcher Ave, Tampa

90-Year-Old Fort Lauderdale Man Arrested for Feeding the Homeless

Why a 60 percent supermajority in Florida?

Jeb Bush 
The GOP legislature
Big Sugar
Florida Homebuilders
Florida Chamber of Commerce
Associated Industries of Florida
and Florida Hometown Democracy. here


what’s wrong with Florida?

Well, about 3 million Christian conservatives and other mostly anti-government Republican voters (sprinkled with some independents) keep re-electing governments that the other 15+ million of us get stuck with. here

The Plastic Bank: Year 1 of Creating a Global Movement

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Cocktails On Tampa's Riverwalk

The Tampa City Council on Thursday gave final approval to classifying the Hillsborough River walkway a “specialty center” and open-container area where visitors can carry beer, wine or mixed drinks on their stroll. here

Cool, great job City Council.
Two of our finest had this to say:
“We cannot legislate stupid,” Frank Suarez
“We are seeing a rebirth in this city, and we need to nurture that and keep it going.” Harry Cohen
 Now lets do it in Ybor City.

Time For A Imperial President

"President Obama, with Congress refusing to act, I strongly support bold executive action on your part. Let the Republicans howl, but if they won't do their jobs, someone else has to." here 

How The GOP Wins Elections

National exit polls show the overall 2014 midterm turnout barely broke 30 percent, and the electorate skewed older, white and male – voters more likely to turn to the GOP. By contrast, young people and people of color – the new Democratic base that swept Obama into office twice – made up the majority of nonvoters this cycle.
As a result, “This was a rout," here

DINO Bob Buckhorn Wants To Be Governor

Meet John Stemberger, Florida’s Leading Anti-LGBT Activist


Choose your top 3 presidential draft picks

Friday, November 7, 2014

Florida Weed Measure Blasted By Billionaire & It Totally Worked

It seems Floridians who voted NO were made fools of. Check out what  King County Sheriff, John Urquhart, from Seattle has to say. 
Got Used?

In Florida Weed Is More Popular Then The Governor

The Governor 48%
Weed 57%

Oregon voter turnout was 69.5 percent, and Democrats won BIG and Marijuana was legalized

More results
  • Despite a huge Koch cash dump, liberal Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley re-elected in a landslide.
  • Despite a relentless smear campaign by the state's largest (but shrinking) newspaper, Democratic Governor John Kitzhaber re-elected to an unprecedented fourth term.
  • The Democrats' state House majority expanded.
  • The Democrats' state Senate majority expanded by the critical seat that will neutralize a conservadem who had been gumming up the works, with a second possible pickup still too close to call.
  • Marijuana easily legalized.
  • An equal rights amendment resoundingly passed.
  • here
In Florida, 50.43%
Our Right Wing Infestation continues.
In Hillsborough County where Dems outnumber GOP by a large margin only 48.93% showed up. 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

 Ropa Vieja with yellow rice and platanos

At D & D Delights in Palmetto Beach
Stop in and say hello to Maria and Chef Yvonne
Trained by Chef Arsenio of the Columbia in Ybor.

Decriminalizing Marijuana In Tampa 3/3/2015



lt should be legal to feed the poor in FT. LAUDERDALE !!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: 4 More Years

Sells out her office for free food and wine

We all know about Mr. Scott
Re-elected with only 48% of the vote. 
Amendment 2 received nearly 500,000 more votes than Rick Scott did.

Lives on CREW’s Most Corrupt list

Free lube to GOP voters and Dems who don't vote. here
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’

Bianca A Garza Of United For Care

My heart aches, but it’s actually painless. But not for hundreds of thousands of Floridians. I am so saddened to know there are soo many Floridians who will continue to suffer, who will technically live as criminals and who will risk their lives to obtain cannabis for their family to find relief. Last night I literally had nightmares of the people Ive met along this journey who will continue to suffer, but my dreams don’t compare to their everyday reality. I normally don’t negative happenings on people, but I hope the No folks have a few nightmares themselves. Perhaps it will bring about a change in them. more
Great job Ms. Garza, thank you for all your hard work.

Chill Out, Liberals!

If you’re still freaking out over the Republicans taking the Senate here’s a joke to soothe your nerves:
Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
Republicans who?
That’s the question kids will be asking in 20 years when the majority of Republican voters die of old age and the party collapses! here

Ybor Paparazzi

Local Musician Christian

Padma Lakshmi: A Life-Changing Diagnosis

Florida Tea Partier Terminated

Congratulations Gwen Graham, great job panhandle!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Trouncing of the limp-dick Democrats

 The Republicans have The Power
This is what happens when you don't VOTE.

GOP Voters and Dems who don't vote, we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More

"This fight begins tonight" John Morgan

42.48% Rules Over 57.52% In Florida
Tallahassee politicians 
can ignore polls and 
ignore activists. 
They cannot ignore 
a clear majority of 
Florida voters. 
We will not be ignored. John Morgan 

What Stogie Had For Lunch

The Blue Boy
With Potato Salad
At Hamburger Marys in Ybor City

Invasion of the Data Snatchers

The Trillion Dollar Scandal

More than a trillion dollars is being siphoned out of developing countries every year. It's the biggest heist you've never heard of. here

The 5th Annual Tampa Bay Veg Fest

Saturday, November 8, 2014 
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
 Fort Brooke Park, Tampa info