Monday, February 23, 2015

Lisa Wheeler-Brown Party In St. Pete

Tuesday, February 24th - 5:30pm – 7:30pm
The Hanger, 540 1st Street Southeast, St. Pete
To RSVP please contact Jon Stewart at 614-364-6601 
Karl Nurse and Darden Rice will be there. 

Sign the New Petition for Medical Marijuana

Thank you for helping us get medical marijuana back on the ballot for 2016.  We need everyone to sign the new petition. here

Guide Dog Brittani Retires In St. Pete

Brittani, guide dog of wounded U.S. Marine veteran Cpl. Michael Jernigan, was honored upon her retirement when St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman declared Tuesday “Southeastern Guide Dog Brittani Day.” here 

The Florida Wildlife Corridor

On January 10, 2015 we begin a new 1000-mile leg of our Expedition, to highlight a wildlife corridor from Central Florida to the Gulf Coast, through the Big Bend, and across the Panhandle all the way to Alabama, 
where our trek will conclude.
We’ll document our journey the entire way, using social media to showcase imagery and reporting from the field. We’ll host a series of Saturday Trail Mixers, where followers can join the Expedition team and participate in our trek. We are committed to bringing the Florida Wildlife Corridor to life through our Expedition. Join us!


Clear Channel refused to accept billboard here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Justice for Brittany Overstreet

On February 13, twenty five activists marched through the streets of Ybor City to demand justice for Brittany Overstreet, a Black teenager who was attacked by her School Resource Officer at Chamberlain High School. here

On Monday, February 23, Bay Area Activists Coalition will be holding a rally at 7:45am at Joe Chillura Courthouse Square, 600 East Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33602, as Brittany and her family fight to get the charges dropped. The rally, “Kids Not Criminals: Justice for Brittany Overstreet” will be wearing all black and asking the question, Are our children really safe in Hillsborough County Schools?

Allen West Wants Congress To Censure Obama For Being An 'Islamist Sympathizer'

Florida Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam

 is aiming to wrest control of Florida water quality from the (absurdly, horribly) weak Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in which case taxpayers will never, ever have a "fair and balanced" accounting of the costs of pollution and why, exactly, the polluters aren't being held accountable to clean up their pollution. This development is unfolding right now in Tallahassee. It is being portrayed as a conflict between the ambitious Putnam and Gov. Rick Scott. In reality, these two are working 
hand-in-glove. here

Raíces en Tampa Rally To Support #DAPA

What: Sign-wave to support #DAPA
Where: La Mexicana Store
When: MONDAY, February 23rd at 6:00 pm

Jeb Bush Just Like His Brother In The Scariest Way

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Art Of Nicki La Rosa

Please join our art instructor, Nicki La Rosa, at her reception tomorrow at Bamboozle Tea Lounge. Her exhibition of fine art and photography will be displayed until March 12th and proceeds from her sales will support C4G!
For more info and to see Ms. Nicki's work, visit her website

John Morgan: We don't negotiate with prohibitionists

 We don't negotiate with prohibitionists. 
 Or bullies.

When Debbie Wasserman Schultz came out last year against Amendment 2, she didn't just simply empower our opposition - she obstructed thousands of patients who desperately need access to this medicine.  Her poor timing and very public stand against medical marijuana helped squander the efforts of thousands of volunteers and donors. 

Now she wants to have a conversation in exchange for me toning down my criticism of her position last year (and the damage she caused)?  Not a chance.  

Because, while I don't believe she is well loved or personally has much influence in this state, I'll allow her the possibility that she might have changed a few minds that we needed.  Staring down a campaign funded by a billionaire, we needed all the help we could get.  She turned her back on people with Cancer, MS, PTSD, epilepsy, severe neuropathic pain, and more.  She could have even stayed silent.  She didn't.  She made a big show of it.

I won't be bullied or trade favors when it comes to medical marijuana.  If she thinks its time to support the bill - as she should - then SHE SHOULD SIGN THE PETITION, MAKE A DONATION TO UNITED FOR CARE AND 

Everything else is B.S. politics in order to rehabilitate the damage she's done to herself by being on the wrong side of the issue.  It's not support - it's a quid pro quo and I won't do it.  3.4 million voters came out for medical marijuana - and she should know that if she runs for Senate, we're not going to fall in line just because she's more open to it now.   

First - we have to get this back on the ballot.  So I encourage you, your family, and your friends to use this moment to show your support for medical marijuana by contributing here.  Let's make this a lesson for her and anyone else against us.  We're coming back - and I'll be sure to let her know how we did in response to this.

- John Morgan

Florida Banana Republican T-Shirt

Florida Inc.

Florida is closing in, to win the red state race to be the most locked down by crony capitalism. here 

Photo exhibit looks at Florida's Seminole Tribe

Hillsborough County, Florida. Land Of Corporate Welfare

Recent giveaways
$3.4 million to Citigroup
$60,000 to an unidentified logistics operation 
$78,500 to a Tampa financial services firm. here
Need CASH, call Sandy Murman 813.272.5470

If Ms. Murman is busy, try Ken Hagan
Locals need not apply 

Call Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has a history of voting against medical marijuana in Congress. And 
she stood against the medical marijuana amendment that 
58% of Floridians supported last year.
But now she has an opportunity 
to finally do the right thing.
She can cosponsor the Veterans Equal Access Act, a bill that would allow doctors at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to recommend marijuana to patients with PTSD and other debilitating 
conditions in states where it’s legal.

Call her office now: 
 Urge her to support HR 667
the Veterans Equal Access Act

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ybor City Stogie T-Shirt

The 12th Annual WMNF Rockabilly Ruckus

Skipper's Smokehouse

Saturday Feb 28 6:00PM INFO


I think Diesel, Oli and Bubba are happy to be away from the shrimp docks and living with

Awake The State March 3rd

On the opening day of Florida's legislative session - 
Tuesday, March 3rd - locally-led Awake The State press conferences and rallies throughout the state will present a strong progressive agenda designed to build a Florida that works for every Floridian. This agenda was voted for online by thousands of Floridians, and represents a clear alternative to the regressive policies of Gov. Scott and his legislative allies.
Join us and sign up for an Awake The State event in your community.

Tampa City Council: "STOP LYING, SUPPORT LICENSES!" Rally

What: Rally against Tampa City Council 

When: Thursday, February 26th
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Where: Outside of Tampa City Council

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser In Ybor City

Hamburger Mary's Bar & Grille Tampa is proud to welcome Tampa Pride on Thursday, February 19th (Today) for a VERY SPECIAL Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser. Funds from this event will benefit the 1st Annual TAMPA PRIDE Festival and Parade to be held in the Gaybor District (Ybor City) on March 28, 2015. info

Rick Scott: Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Storm clouds circle the Florida governor, who seems insulated only by the state GOP's staggeringly low standards. 

The End Of The Republican Party

Republicans are hailing a federal judge’s decision to halt President Obama’s new program that would allow potentially millions of undocumented immigrants to temporarily work and live in the United States. 
Republicans just don't understand how numbers work. Not only is the Hispanic population the fastest growing minority in the US, they do vote. Republicans due to their lack of support for Immigration Legislation have now alienated numerous generations of potential future Hispanic voters. here

Ready For Hillary - Tampa

Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Mise en Place
442 West Kennedy Blvd
Tickets: $20.16
Host: $201.60 or bring 10 guests

If you are interested in joining the host committee 
Local greats Kevin Beckner, Gil Sainz, Rep. Janet Cruz, Hon. Pat Frank,Hon. Julianne Holt, Sen. Arthenia Joyner, Hon. Betty Reed will be there.

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

Hillsborough County commissioners unanimously approved a package of $3.4 million 
in incentives to convince Citigroup to bring up to 1,163 high-paying jobs to the county. here

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fight LGBT Discrimination: Pass the Competitive Workforce Act in Florida!

Right now in Florida, someone can be fired from their job or kicked out of their house simply because they are gay or transgender. here

Jackie Toledo On I275

City Council candidate Jackie Toledo appears in a campaign TV commercial talking with construction workers on Interstate 275 and wearing a pink hard hat.  her campaign did not get permission from the Florida Department of Transportation to shoot video in a restricted construction zone, an agency spokeswoman said. Nor did it provide the DOT with proof that it had the required $1 million in liability insurance for the shoot. here

Action 2015 Tampa Launch party!

Join ONE and for the launch of action/2015 in TAMPA! Action/2015 is a global movement made up of more than 1,000 organizations, including ONE, and hundreds of thousands of individuals who want 2015 to be a year of pivotal change for people living in extreme poverty. Join us to find out how you can be a part of this critical moment in history 
right here in TAMPA! info

C4G Tampa Smile Fest

Monday, February 16, 2015

Former Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp to Advocate for Florida Medical Marijuana Legislation

Former Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp is now advocating on behalf of Florida for Care, the organization pushing for comprehensive medical marijuana legislation.

A separate effort from the new ballot petition introduced last week, Florida for Care's work is purely centered on legislature, and working with both parties to secure access for patients with debilitating medical conditions. 

"Former Lt. Governor Kottkamp's vast understanding of legislative politics and his experience leading the Governor's Office of Drug Control will, without question, be a huge boost to our efforts," said Daniel Rogers, Florida for Care's Director of Legislative Affairs.

"I'm proud to work with Florida for Care on this very important mission.  We have a unique opportunity to bring something compassionate to the table - and respond to the majority of Floridians - 58% who supported medical marijuana in the last election," said Jeff Kottkamp.

Kottkamp's efforts on behalf of Florida for Care are also personal to him:  

"Like so many other Floridians who back medical marijuana, I have my own story. I watched my mother suffer with cancer for 10 years. I think when we have loved ones and think there is any way to alleviate their suffering, how can we not do whatever it takes?" Kottkamp said.

Over 3.3 million people - 58% of voters supported medical marijuana in the 2014 election, garnering roughly 500,000 more voted than Gov. Rick Scott and more than 900,000 than the opposition. voted in favor of medical marijuana in 2014.
Florida for Care will spearhead legislation in March of 2015 in Tallahassee, setting the standard for what the state’s medical cannabis system should look like and how it can function most effectively. Such a system must balance three core principles: first, safe, affordable patient access; second, a tightly controlled state regulatory structure; and third, a robust, free market commercial enterprise.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Bianca Garza via email at

Sunday, February 15, 2015

In your fat FACE Pam Bondi!

This One Picture Will REALLY Piss Off Florida Winguts

First gay couple in Florida to legally wed.   A Sheriff's deputy (in uniform) to a former Marine.
On this blessed day, allow me to be the first to say:  In your fat FACE Pam Bondi! here

Jeb Bush Was A Weird Stoner Bully In College

Ybor's Slam Dunk Scavenger Hunt

Lace up and join the huddle! Tampa Bay’s first free standing comprehensive clinic serving high risk youth is about to host its second annual fundraising event!

Ybor’s Slam Dunk Scavenger Hunt is a scavenger hunt playing off the NCAA’s championship tournament, March Madness. The interactive dash takes place March 21, 2015 and is open to the general public. Teams will advance through historic sites in Ybor using a series of clues and completing exciting challenges as they race toward the finish for the championship title. Included in scavenger hunt ticket is entry to the laid-back after party and awards reception immediately following the hunt. The scavenger hunt start whistle blows at 2 PM. Registration begins at 1 pm at the Ybor Youth Clinic at 1315 E 7th Ave, Suite 104. Don’t be a bench warmer - get your tickets in advance 

by visiting our website! info

2nd Annual Localtopia in St. Pete

Help shape the future of transportation in Hillsborough County

Question - Required - Which event(s) are you planning to attend?
Let us know you're coming by entering your information here

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Florida One-Term Wonders

David Jolly, FL-13. 

Tag Team says Whoomp! (There It Is), and they may be back again, but David Jolly won’t be in 2016. In 2012, President Obama carried this district with more than 50 percent of the vote. Jolly has already tried to deceive Florida voters, claiming he wasn’t a lobbyist when his own paperwork clearly said he was. We’re sure he’ll try to deceive them again when voters hold him accountable for being willing to risk Social Security in the stock market. more

Carlos Curbelo, FL-26

Carlos Curbelo – “Hey Mikey” might blow Floridians’ minds, but Carlos Curbelo will surely be a disappointment. We will make sure voters know that Curbelo has a long record of voting to approve contracts for his campaign donors, while supporting a budget that slashed hundreds of good-paying jobs for middle class families in his district. Curbelo even recently endorsed Republicans suing President Obama to stop immigration reform action. more

Get Ready to Fight for Civil Liberties in Tallahassee

The time is upon us once again. Monday, March 2 marks the start of the Florida legislature’s 2015 session and the ACLU of Florida will be at our state’s Capitol defending against bills that aim to limit your civil rights and civil liberties. We’ll also be fighting for new laws that look to expand freedoms for all Floridians. We’re excited about the work we’ll be doing and want to share just a glimpse of what’s to come. here
  • The practice of charging kids with adult crimes.
  • Ending Florida’s infamous and shameful practice of sending people to death row on a simple majority vote of a jury.
  • Reforming Florida’s prison system.

Florida Controversial Technique for DUI Checkpoints

Florida Joins The Pitbull Party

The enduring hunt for Republican celebrities has its newest viable target: Pitbull. Latino Republicans in Florida GOP has made overtures to the Cuban-American star to join the party and support its candidates. Rick Scott and Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado recently showered him with gifts and praise, giving him the key to the city and declaring his birthday, Jan. 15, “Pitbull Day.” Scott also bestowed the title of Ambassador of the Arts on him. here
“I’m not here to be part of any political party,” Pitbull said in a statement. “I’m here to bring political parties to my party because they can’t, they won’t they never will, stop the Pitbull party

Friday, February 13, 2015

C4G Tampa

Tampa Rally For Transit & Safe Streets

Tuesday, February 17 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm

The MadMug Tarot - a Major Arcana Project

The MadMug Tarot is mixed media Major Arcana 22 card Tarot deck featuring whimsically urbane, Sci-fi/ fantasy characters and symbols by local artist Dante Hadley. here 

Culture Vultures: The Palladium

Hosted by Linda Saul-Sena, 
"Culture Vultures" is a weekly series featuring local and visiting artists in music, theatre, dance and visual ars.

Florida for Care Cautious to Support HB 683

While Florida for Care applauds the filing of House Bill 683 by Rep. Greg Steube (R-D373), there are serious reservations regarding its provisions, which are far more restrictive than its Senate companion bill SB528.  “We are encouraged to see this companion bill filed by Rep. Steube. However, the exclusion of qualifying symptoms - in addition to qualifying diseases - and the prohibition on a patient’s ability to consume their medicine as recommended by a doctor is alarming.", said Ben Pollara, Executive Director of Florida for Care. here

For more information or to schedule an interview with Ben Pollara or Dan Rogers, please contact Bianca Garza via email at

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Tampa's Right Wing Infestation

Jackie Toledo- Rick Scott 
Dana Young - Pam Bondi Paul Erni -Tom Lee
Joe Citro
Jeff Brandes - Kent King here

Vote On Awake The State's Top Progressive Bills

It's time to Awake The State and fight for a Florida that works for every Floridian, not just the wealthy and well-connected.
Tell us what progressive bills you think Awake The State should prioritize using the form below. The five bills that receive the most votes will be featured at our Awake The State events on the first day of Florida's legislative session, 
Tuesday, March 4th. here

Downtown St. Pete Waterfront Master Plan

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Baileygate

Demand An Independent Investigation Into "Baileygate"

We’re just weeks into Gov. Rick Scott’s second term, and he’s already caught up in a major scandal. First it was reported that Scott lied about his firing of Florida’s top cop, longtime Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Commissioner Gerald Bailey. Now it appears that the firing was politically motivated and that Scott violated both state and federal law. here

Florida To Imprison Trans People for Using Public Bathrooms

Florida’s bigoted legislators are proposing one of the most viciously sadistic, hypocritical bills the legislature has ever considered. The basic purpose of the bill is quite simple: to forbid trans people from using the public bathroom that matches their true gender. According to the bill’s text, any trans person who enters a “single-sex public facility” that doesn’t match their “biological sex” is guilty of a first- degree misdemeanor. here