Thursday, August 20, 2015

Will Kathy Castor Vote For War?

Rep. Kathy Castor says she’s not ready to announce whether she supports the Iran nuclear deal, but will within the next week or so. here
"We hope Ms. Castor thinks about this carefully. This could be the most important vote of her career. With her base, If she votes for war, everything good that she has ever done will be forgotten. She will always be remembered for helping the war hawks take us into another senseless war. Her base will forget about her, we know we will. She will go the way of Gwen Graham and Patrick Murphy." YCS

Sunshine Citizens‎StopTBX Action Item Attend Tampa CRA Meeting Today

Tampa City Hall

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Free Lube For Florida GOP Voters

So for those incurably truculent in Tallahassee, here is the reality of what happened:
You cheated. You got caught. And now you're pouting. What's infuriating is their arrogance. These are elected officials who willfully ignored constitutional amendments passed by a vast majority of Florida voters, and now they want to blame the state Supreme Court for calling them out on it?

“I  believe at my core that the Florida Supreme Court has grossly overstepped its boundaries,”
 Rep. Dana Young

Sen. Tom Lee pouted that the court maybe violated his First Amendment rights and muttered darkly about hiring a 
personal lawyer.

"Redistricting does not, it’s fair to say, bring out the best in people."

Registered Democrats in Florida still outnumber registered Republicans by 400,000, yet Republicans hold 17 seats in Congress to the Dems’ 10. Some might say that ain’t exactly genuine representation.
Remember the class size amendment? Ignored. We passed  “Polluter Pays,” demanding that Big Sugar and Big Ag clean up their Everglades mess, in 1996. Still waiting on that one. More than 75 percent of voters said yes to conservation land acquisition last year. The Legislature’s response was to blow off the will of the people. Again.
As for Fair Districts, in 2010, Floridians approved two constitutional amendments instructing the Legislature to create districts that made geographical 
and community sense.
Instead, its members cut secret deals and lied. here

For the folks that keep voting for these people, 
we got your back!

Why Are We Paying Rick Scott’s Legal Bills?

Rick Scott has shown time and time again that he thinks he’s above the law
 and now he’s forcing us to pay for it.
Sign the petition demanding mega-millionaire Gov. Rick Scott pay his own legal fees for attempting to skirt Florida’s Sunshine Law.
“Even for someone who has amply shown contempt for open government, Rick Scott's latest failure to play by the rules is outrageous.”
Miami Herald editorial, 8/10/15
“It's easy to spend money — when it belongs to someone else. Just ask Gov. Rick Scott.”
 Orlando Sentinel editorial, 8/11/15

The Revolutionary Road Radio Show

Listen here
Like their page on Facebook

Florida DINO Party In Ybor City

Evening with Special Guest 
DNC Chair and Congresswoman 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Tickets $50
Wednesday, September 2
at 5:30pm - 7:30pm
1234 5th Avenue - Ybor City

GOP Open to Torture

Jeb (Veto) Bush is, so is Marco Rubio and 
three-fourths of Republican voters say 
the CIA’s post-9/11 interrogation techniques were justified, compared to only 37 percent of Democrats and roughly half of independents. here

We Beleive In America

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tampa No. 1 City In Southeast? has ranked Tampa 
in its list of America’ five best big cities.
Must be our food!

Do The Math Florida

4,137,890 of them
 11,446,540 of us
Why do they get to rule?

John Kerry's Democracy In Cuba Idea

When President Cruz & 
Vice President Rubio
are crowned in 2017 we will hear no more of this nonsense about democracy. "We are a Republic not a democracy!". Obama's & Kerry's 21st Century "socialist" ideas will be scrapped immediately for a return to good old 19th century vulture capitalism. Those wealthy Cuban sugar barons who have been polluting the everglades & Florida Bay with the help of US taxpayer subsidies will reclaim their plantations in Cuba where they ...can use cheap peasant labor instead of those  lazy overpaid Haitians & Central Americans. 

Former casino owners will go back into business, underemployed women will get designer dresses & lots of work entertaining foreign tourists. Those polluting 50's junk heaps will be replaced by Uber operated Escalades & Mercedes w/ black glass. To eliminate voter fraud only caucasians w/ top secret security clearance, NRA GOLD CARDS & at least 6 homes in undisclosed locations will be certified by the secretary of state as elingible voters. And it will all be supported by a flat tax & a lottery. 
Wayne Schucker

My trip to Cuba in 2007

Florida Dem. Corrine Brown Files Federal Lawsuit To Keep Her Job

U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, whose Jacksonville to Orlando district would be overhauled in a redistricting proposal now before state lawmakers, filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday seeking 
to stop the change. here
Justices ruled that Brown’s north-south district was drawn largely to help Republicans retain overwhelming command of the state’s 27 congressional districts. The GOP holds a 17-10 edge over Democrats in Florida’s congressional delegation, despite there being about 500,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans in the state.

Florida Conservation Voters

FDOT Stealing Conch Republic Land

The Sunset Cove In Key Largo has been in business 65 years. It is the oldest motel on the island. One day the Florida Department of Transportation suddenly 
showed up at its door with a hell of a claim: Part of the resort, including the historic sign, was actually on state-owned land. As soon as possible, FDOT insisted, they must remove the sign and begin paying the state thousands of dollars in rent. here

Monday, August 17, 2015

Hillsborough County Beware: Jim Norman Is Plotting Again

He told Mitch Perry of SPB that he is plotting a comeback. Everything you thought you knew about what happened to him in 2010 is wrong. It was all the media's fault. He is fired up about setting the record straight. here 

“I’m embarrassed for our community that he’s even considering a run, as for me, I’m looking forward to holding him accountable for years of creating sprawl and turning his back on this county while enriching himself.” Pat Kemp

“I am out in the community meeting with voters and I consistently here that our community is ready for new ideas and new leadership, I am confident voters don’t want to go back to the days of investigations and accusations of corruption.” Brian Willis

“They will always remind you whatever challenges you have faced…so that will always be there, we all have a record, and so people have a tendency to remind us of our record, as well.” Tom Scott

Well said Mr. Scott, lets start now.
Also please note, Ronda Storms is also thinking about coming out of the shadows.

Florida Inc. Last In Lobbyist Transparency

Lobbyists in the Sunshine State are subject to the least-transparent public disclosure requirements in the country. here

GOP Bullshit In Tampa Bay

See how the 14th District jumps across the bay for no apparent reason? Republicans did that because they knew if the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg each got their own districts, there would be way too many Democratic-leaning African American and Latino voters for Republicans to stand a chance. here

So the GOP legislature made District 14 hop across the bay deliberately packing every minority voter they could find into just one district in order to virtually eliminate minorities' influence in the other.

Local Hero Al Fox In Ybor City

8.18.15 - 6:30pm
At CoWork Ybor, 1901 E. 7th Ave. 
Downtown Ybor City

Hillsborough County Young Democrats 
 will be hosting our local hero Al Fox President of the 
Alliance for Responsible Cuba Policy Foundation
It is suppose to be a deliberation between Mr. Fox 
 and Colonel Evelio Otero (US Air Force, Retired) 
about the future of Cuban relations. 
But with recent developments between the island and the US it could turn into a victory party for Mr. Fox.

Florida War Hawk Alcee Hastings

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings, a Democrat from Delray Beach, representing Florida’s 20th district will not support the Iran deal.  He will also introduce legislation on Sept. 8 that authorizes the sitting president or his successors to use military force to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state.  here

He is the second Florida Dem. 
voting for war. 

This guy will also vote for war!

Meeting with Rep. Castor in Tampa Today

11:30 AM
Stand up to stop war with Iran
At her office 
4144 North Armenia Avenue, Suite 300 Tampa

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Julian Bond RIP

Legendary civil rights activist Julian Bond has died in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. here
“He advocated not just for African-Americans, but for every group, indeed every person subject to oppression and discrimination, because he recognized the common humanity in us all.” Pat Kemp

Florida's Awesome City, St. Petersburg

They have a cool Mayor, Rick Kriseman who hangs out with

Cheech and Chong

He joined the Florida Mayors 
"Freedom To Marry" campaign!
He was endorsed by DFA!
He can sing
(See video)

 A vibrant downtown with thousands of residents. 
A well know Right Wing propagandist (In this case he is right) mention it with cool cities like Portland,
 San Francisco, Seattle and Denver.

Learn more about this great Progressive oasis
in purple Florida here and here

And what do we get? A Right Wing mayor who thinks he is a  Progressive. and a deserted Downtown on a Sunday afternoon! 

Florida AG Pam Bondi Suing EPA

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is leading 16 other attorneys general in a legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for illegally invalidating the individual air quality protection plans in those states. here
Pam Bondi Highlights
Bondi fired Florida’s two leading attorneys investigating 
the epidemic of foreclosure fraud ravaging our communities. here
Sells out Florida’s justice system to Washington lobbyists, socializing with attorneys who have corporate clients under state investigation. here

Pay-To-Look-Away Scandal


Thank You President Carter, The Whole Nation Is Rooting For You!

"President Carter, thank you for all your work on behalf of international peace, democracy and human rights. The whole nation is rooting for you, 
Mr. President." 

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Alex
He is from Vegas

Join fellow air-breathers and planet-dwellers in Tampa

Tuesday, August 18 at 10:00am

The BIGGEST step to combat climate change by any president, ever! That's what President Barack Obama did when he unveiled his Clean Power Plan, the first limit on carbon pollution from our power plants, the number 1 contributor to climate change.

We just wanted to say thank you!
Join our guest speakers: Tampa City Council Chair Frank Reddick, Rev. Russell Meyer, Fmr Insurance Consumer Advocate Sean Shaw, Small Business owner Ken Conklin, moderated by Tampa Bay Sierra Club 
Chair Kent Bailey.

Join fellow air-breathers and planet-dwellers as 
we thank the President for taking the steps 
to reverse climate change.
Tampa City Council, E Kennedy Blvd, Tampa

Pic: At the Cuban Club in Ybor city, Sunday, April 15, 2007

Party With Betty Reed In Tampa

August 20, 2015 - 5:30 PM
Grown Man Brand Studios in Tampa

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Friends Of The Stogie

"Happy to Support the Ybor Stogie Blog!"

City of Miami Police Beat Handcuffed Suspect in Squad Car, Photographer Assaulted Too

Welcome To Tampa, Expect Delays

Rush Hour?
No, Sunday Afternoon 2:30pm
If you are a company looking to relocate here, don't! 
this is what you and your employees will have to put up with and Florida DOT and our local goverment want to make it worst!

Right Wing Extremist Marco Rubio

On Sunday's Meet the Press, Marco Rubio actually doubled down on his extreme anti-abortion agenda. He wants to ban safe and legal abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest — and supports "personhood" legislation that could even outlaw certain types of birth control. here

Thank You Al Fox

"To a new era, new generation in relations with Cuba and Tampa/Hillsborough County. Thank you Al Fox for all your dedication and long years of work on behalf of Cuba/Tampa relations. Thank you U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor, Mary Mulhern, La Gaceta's Patrick Manteiga, and Bill Carlson of Tucker Hall for your leadership. I'm looking forward to the re-establishing our historic relationship with Cuba." Pat Kemp
"Mr. Fox, you never gave up, you did it!" YCS

Come thank Mr. Fox in person at the 
Hillsborough County Young Democrats Conversation Series IV 
August Meeting 2015
in Ybor City

Ybor Radical Cinema Club: Film Night

Early Works
Monday, August 17 at 7:00pm
Ybor Daily Market in Downtown Ybor City

Friday, August 14, 2015

United For Care In Downtown Tampa

Edgecomb Courthouse - Tampa
Have you signed yet?

Florida GOP: Tammany Hall South

Were plenty steamed over being slapped around by the state Supreme Court 
for attempting to cook the electoral books.
How dare the Florida Supreme Court! 
How dare these justices do their jobs! 
Oh, the oppression of it all!
Just how far out of touch with reality are they?

"We are under direction by a court that continues over and over again to exceed their constitutional authority."

That onerous provision guaranteeing the public ought to have access to open government, violated his right to speak freely to his legislative colleagues?

Rick Scott's Tab Climbs To $1 Million Dollars

Florida’s legal bill to defend Gov. Rick Scott grew Wednesday, as the governor’s office released documents showing he has agreed pay  lawyers $300,000 for defending him in two open government cases that were settled. here

$700.000 + $300.00 = $1 million dollars