Saturday, October 17, 2015

Florida Class Warfare

 Rick Scott, and the state’s economic development arm, Enterprise Florida, recently teamed up to promote Florida’s business climate to Kentucky businesses. In a radio ad, they asked Kentuckians if they were tired of unions and high taxes, and touted Florida as a place that has neither “as a right-to-work state,
with no income tax.” 
While Scott and his 
corporate functionaries 
tout these as state assets,  they are actually liabilities for the majority of Floridians. here

Bethune-Cookman University: We Got $15 Million

In an open letter Friday, Chairman Joe Petrock says that Scott was selected as one of five honorees for the 3rd annual Mary McLeod Bethune Legacy Awards Gala based on his ability to deliver needed resources to the university. Petrock says Scott’s support has included more than $15 million in funding allocations over the past three years. here

Ferry Linking Tampa And St. Pete

A commuter ferry service may be still years away but weekend ferry rides across Tampa Bay could be running in as little as a year through a pilot program pushed by St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman. He plans to pitch the idea to Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn at a meeting next week. (Good luck with that!) He said he has no qualms about working with Turanchik, whose failed attempts to bring the 2012 Olympics and commuter rail to Tampa have led some to dub him a dreamer. here
“I think if you’re not dreaming and shooting for the stars, you’ll certainly never reach them. You’ve got to try new things and see if you can put it together.” Rick Kriseman
A ferry has been running between the cities of Havana and Regla 
in Cuba since the 1940's. here

Feds Say No To Florida GOP

In a stinging blow to opponents of the state's anti-gerrymandering amendments, a federal court this week has thrown out a lawsuit filed by two Florida Republican Party officials who claimed the new law violated the constitution because it had a "chilling effect" on their free speech and petition rights.
Tim Norris, the Walton County Republican Executive Committee Chairman and Randy Maggard, the Pasco County Republican Executive Committee Chairman. sued the Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner in August, demanding that he not enforce the Fair Districts provisions of the state constitution. here

Marco Rubio Opposes Raising The Minimum Wage

Florida GOP Marco Rubio admitted that people can’t live off jobs that pay only 
$10 or $11 per hour. 
But the Republican Opposes 
raising the minimum wage. here 

Friday, October 16, 2015

YBOR Time Lapse

WTF: Bethune-Cookman University Students And Alumni

Are asking University officials to stop plans to honor Florida Gov. Rick Scott with an award named for the school's founder. The Mary McLeod Bethune Leadership Award is the school's highest honor. When word of plans to present the award to Scott got out, a group of those critical of the idea started an online petition asking school officials put an end to those plans. here
"I was absolutely floored," B-CU graduate Jasmine Burney said. "The students, the alumni and the surrounding community are also in shock."

Mario Rubio Could Win The Billionaire Primary

Marco Rubio may not be posting the same support as Donald Trump or Ben Carson in the polls, but he appears to be pulling ahead of his Republican rivals among one crucial demographic: billionaire donors. here

Bernie Fan In Tampa

Westshore Mall

Rick Scott Keeps Pushing Legislators For Corporate Welfare

 Rick Scott continues telling business leaders to pressure lawmakers for more incentive money (Corporate Welfare) to help attract companies to Florida. here
Also check out: 

Florida's Corporate Welfare Not Working

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Protest @ Marco Rubio's Office In Tampa

And this suspicious character watching us!

Ybor City Septima Avenida

2015 People's Climate March In Tampa

Kennedy and Westshore

Thank you TPD for taking care of us!
And Ben and Jerry for the free Ice Cream!

Florida's Right Wing Infestation

Florida’s taxpayers deserve smarter investment of our money. We rank near the bottom in education funding. Our roads and bridges cry out for repairs and upgrades. Florida inmates have needlessly died because the state was trying to economize on prison health care. We invest the least in our state services, per capita, in the country at less than half the national average. Many wounds are self-inflicted because, instead of investing in people and communities, the Legislature spends resources on tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations. here

Muslims Praying On Beach Causes PANIC In Florida

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Rebekah Pulley & Ronny Elliott Kick Off Localicious Week In St.Pete

10.16.2015 - 6pm
Hideaway Cafe in St. Pete

Florida GOP Do Your F*'n Job!

Florida environmental groups filed a suit asking the courts to force the Florida Legislature to return Amendment 1 funds to a conservation land buying fund. here
"We are asking for Florida’s courts to uphold the constitution as amended by the voters. The legislature needs to be held accountable for ignoring the will of the people." Serra Club Florida Conservation Chair Tom Larson.

Bargain Bob's Talents

In an interview with Dara Kam of the News Service of Florida, Tampa mayor Buckhorn was asked whether he’s considering running for governor. here
”I don’t know. I’m looking at it,” he said. Though he loves being Tampa’s mayor, he said he hasn’t stopped thinking his talents could step up to Tallahassee.
Lets look at some of the mayor's talents!

He was no fan of Amendment 2 here

He called the ACLU, the Council on America-Islamic Relations, and the NAACP fringe groups. Though this month he emphasized he wasn’t including the NAACP in those remarks. here
His lack of enthusiasm for Charlie Crist, the party’s 2014 gubernatorial nominee. here
His support of the MCM. here and here
His support of Pam Bondi. here
And  Patrick Murphy here
And lets not forget how cheaply he can be bought, which is how he earned the nickname "Bargain Bob" here at this blog. here
 He should fit right in Tallahassee's Pay-To-Play Culture!

The Super Rich Love Marco Rubio

While 1-per­cen­t­ers hop­ing for lower taxes have reas­on to like pretty much every Re­pub­lic­an run­ning for pres­id­ent, there’s one who should have Amer­ica’s wealth­i­est think­ing about what to do with their ex­tra thou­sands, or even mil­lions, of dol­lars: Marco Ru­bio. here

Florida People's Climate March 2015


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pat Kemp Took The #FLfor15 Challenge

"To live on $17 a day. $38 dollars in groceries don't go far w/o staples at home." 
Pat Kemp

Feel The Bern In Ybor Tonight

Buffalo Wild Wings 
Downtown Ybor City info

“11 Corrupt Corporations: Anheuser-Busch is #1

In addition to sponsoring the open-bar cocktail hour at the 2015 ALEC annual conference, beverage giant Anheuser-Busch is also a member of ALEC's Commerce, Insurance, and Economic Development Task Force — responsible for numerous anti-worker and union-busting initiatives. So, why not consider getting your drink somewheres else? (Uh, also: no big loss. Their beer tastes like pee.) here
In Tampa Bay, why bother? Drink local!

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Steak Sandwich
At Masaryktown Cafe in Masaryktown
Visit them here

Retrumplican Party

Monday, October 12, 2015

More Lies About GO Hillsborough

The Tampa Tribune here
  • ( Note chat above, this is not true. Rail IS our top priority.)
  •  Telephone responses here
  • Voters between the ages of 18-29 were automatically eliminated. 
  • Taxpayers who did not vote in last year's gubernatorial election didn't get to participate in the focus groups were which conducted last November.
  • Consultants only talked to Republicans without any registered Democrats, but only conservative members of the GOP who always vote in Republican primary elections were included in the Republican group.
  • Those who labelled themselves as moderate or liberal Republicans were not invited to the GOP focus group.
  • Participants in the focus groups were chosen from Carrollwood, Westchase, Town and Country and Brandon which means which means South Tampa, West Tampa, Central Tampa, Temple Terrace, East Tampa, Plant City, South Shore, South County and Sun City were excluded from having their voices heard in the focus groups.
  • The participants were each given $75 to take part in the focus groups and among the major takeaways are , there is no sense of crisis in transportation; rail is not seen as a viable alternative; the bus system has a major image and usage problem.
  • Read more about this sham here

Why Florida Will Get Messy For the GOP in 2016

Florida's Corporate Welfare Not Working

In 2014, the state gave out
$5.7 billion 
in Corporate Welfare
The state's ability to attract high-wage manufacturing jobs has not increased alongside a sharp rise in taxpayer-funded economic incentives (Corporate Welfare), which are often designed to attract those jobs, according to the Legislature's top economist. here

Marco Rubio's Secret-Money Commercials

Every pro-Rubio television commercial so far in the early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina has been paid for not by his campaign or even by a super PAC that identifies its donors, but instead by a nonprofit called Conservative Solutions Project. The secret-money group is giving him at least an $8 million assist, according to advertising tracker Kantar Media's CMAG. here
The candidate has presented himself as being opposed to such unaccountable money.

Rally for Rasmea Odeh's Appeal In Tampa

10.15.2015 - 7pm
Sam M. Gibbons Federal Courthouse

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Brian Blair's Kind Words For Jim Norman

"Congratulations Jim, you were always an efficient and effective leader on the BOCC. I also appreciate the fact that you respected those who did not always see "eye to eye" with you. Your a very gracious and kind person and I wish you success in all your endeavors!"  
Brian Blair on Jim Norman
@ SPB here

We wonder if he is also thinking of a comeback. Will we have new stuff for
The Blair Watch Project

You Big Dummy!

A new analysis conducted by Grammarly, a proofreading app, analyzed the spelling and grammar of comments on each presidential candidate’s Facebook page. Guess which political party’s supporters made mistakes at nearly twice the rate of the other?

Rick Scott's Pipeline

There are three major energy companies in Florida, which have formed a partnership to build a 474 mile underground natural gas pipeline, from Alabama and Georgia to a hub south of Orlando. The underground pipeline will be a joint venture owned by Spectra Energy (59.5 percent), Florida Power & Light parent NextEra Energy (33 percent), and Duke Energy (7.5 percent). here
During Scott’s first term, the governor acquired substantial investments in the natural gas industry. His holdings included stock in Spectra Energy, and more than two-dozen companies that produce and transport natural gas in different Florida counties. It appears that Scott owns a percentage in all the major natural gas pipelines in the state of Florida.

Mass Firing Of Teachers In Broward County

How would you feel as a parent if a little more than one month into the school year the principal of your new charter school fired the bulk of teachers and forced others to take huge pay cuts, lose benefits to remain? That's what happened at Paramount Charter School in Broward county where stunned parents discovered their kids were sitting around and drawing all day because there were 
no teachers left: here

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare State

Rick Scott wants legislators to keep in place a tax break for manufacturing companies.
Two years ago, the Florida Legislature agreed to waive the state’s 6 percent sales tax for equipment purchased by manufacturing businesses. But the
$137 million a year tax break 
is scheduled to end in 2017. here

Friday, October 9, 2015

Local Hero Richard Gonzmart

 "To be a great city, to attract corporations to move in, you have to have some kind of mass transit and rail's the way to go,” 
Richard Gonzmart,  4th generation President and co-owner of the Columbia Restaurant Group, says he's not only a light rail supporter, he's willing to pay for part of it. here

Florida Inc: Rick Scott

 Florida GOP State Sen. Jack Latvala said Wednesday that Gov. Rick Scott’s lengthy veto list last June was driven by politics and individual lobbyists and members who supported specific projects, not public policy. He said he saw few differences when comparing things like estimated return on investment from projects that were vetoed and those that made the final budget. “Mainly, the differences were in who supported those projects and who lobbied for those projects,” he said. here

Florida GOP Matt Gaetz: A Right Granted By God

A move to allow citizens to openly carry firearms is moving in the Florida Legislature. Rep. Matt Gaetz, introduced the proposal Tuesday to the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee. He told lawmakers the measure restores a right, “granted not by 
government but by God. here

People's Climate March - Tampa Bay

10.14.2015 - 5pm
100 N Westshore Blvd Tampa
We demand that Senator Marco Rubio, who continuously ignores the realities of man-kind created climate disruption, to act NOW! We will march from the corner of Westshore and Kennedy to Sen. Marco Rubio's Tampa office (5201 W. Kennedy Blvd

Florida: The Corporate Welfare State

With the backing of a variety of business groups, two Senate committees Tuesday approved bills that would reduce taxes on commercial leases and corporate income. here

Ybor Radical Cinema Club: Film night Harakiri

Monday, October 12 at 7:00pm
Ybor Daily Market
1920 East 7th Ave, Ybor City, Florida


John Morgan, the Chairman of United for Care, has announced he will be matching all donations 9 to 1 in order to support the petition gathering process and to support patient's right to medical marijuana in FL.  Morgan is already the leading donor to the campaign and largely funded it's 2014 effort. John Morgan stated, 
“I started doing this because of my brother and father. During his last days, my father was able to find relief with medical marijuana. My brother, Tim, is a hardworking family man who should not have to suffer or live like a criminal. Like the majority of voters in Florida, I want sick and suffering patients like my brother to have the option to legally use medical marijuana. Over the past 2 years I’ve met so many people across our state that also NEED safe, legal access to medical marijuana. We are going to make sure that happens.
The Tallahassee politicians quit on us early. I will not quit until the people of Florida have a comprehensive medical marijuana law. To show my commitment, I am going to match all online donations 9 to 1 from now until the end of December.”
United for Care needs to collect about 500,000 more petitions before Dec 31st in order to meet the deadline to make the 2016 ballot.
United for Care’s Campaign Manager, Ben Pollara, stated, “We are honored to have the backing of a man who is so compassionate and tenacious. If someone donates $10, he’s going to put $90 on it- that’s phenomenal. It’s going to be tough, but I still think we can make the ballot before the end of the year” here

For press inquiries please contact Bianca Garza at

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bob Buckhorn on citizen review board for Tampa Police

Pat Kemp: The Perfect Candidate At The Right Time

Will we be Denver or Los Angeles? It's a choice we are making right now by default with each day we don't plan for our transportation future.
Like many of you, I'm frustrated, disappointed and disheartened by the cloud that is now hanging over the Go Hillsborough, the county transportation plan.  It should have moved forward with transparency, openness and expertise, building a comprehensive plan for our future instead of an unconnected meagre of projects.
It's time for a plan. I'm excited that we now have an opportunity to buy CSX tracks in Hillsborough County. The tracks run from USF to downtown and across north Hillsborough County by Tampa International Airport and to Pinellas.  They go all the way through Lutz to Brooksville.  With CSX tracks, we'd have a right-of-way and we wouldn't have to wait decades to build a rail system.
In Orlando and Miami, CSX tracks have already been converted for commuter rail use. Converting the tracks will cost far less than a building a new light rail system and less than the cost of the current I-275 road expansion at $120 million a mile.
Beth Alden, the Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, calls it a "real opportunity as our opportunities get narrower and narrower." Alden says that "DOT has thrown down the gauntlet on this . . . DOT is willing to work with us but they need us to be partners at the table." 