Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Florida GOP Spends $237 Million To Defend Their Right Wing Agendas

Rick Scott and other top Florida Republicans frequently complain about government spending, but they have quietly spent more than $237 million on private lawyers to advance and defend their agendas. here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Robin
She is from Arkansas

Monday, March 13, 2017

Conversion Kings: Religious Proselytizing as the Second Wave of Hate In Tampa

By Dezeray Lyn

It was getting late when I sent the text message.
It was the same sinking feeling I had when I was passed along the flyer about an Arabic Fest giving away free phones, free toys, free money. 
The same frustration when I learned of a Christian conversion movement’s religious proselytism in a grassy section of suitcase city; bird of prey in a field of young, Muslim Refugees.
It was getting late when I sent the text to a person who, I was informed, was sending lengthy messages to Refugees in my community, stating they had previously made their acquaintance and wanted to arrange “small cell groups” to hold Christian fellowship teachings in the Refugee’s living rooms.  (In all cases, the Refugees had no recollection of meeting those texting them.)

Posing as Bibi, a young, Resettled Muslim in Tampa who had gotten one of these messages, I began a half hour text exchange with a person named David Radford.  (He shared his name with me after the third time I requested it.)  He quickly summoned me to his home, to ‘just say hi,’ at 9:16pm.  (Prior to stating his name)

Beyond that, he requested my address numerous times. 
During this conversation, I pretended to be ecstatic about his “small cell group” proposal and stated that I wanted to share the Quran with him, as he wanted to share the bible with me.  His response started with “Ok, um.” 

After a very circular conversation; ‘Bibi’ expressing a commitment to Islam and Radford becoming increasingly frustrated, he proceeded to send me 22 text messages in a row in less than a minute.  Each text with a single word, stating that the meeting would be at his home on his terms and he ended this prolific series with a tense

David Radford then ended his messages with Bibi, the person he believed to be a young, enthusiastic Muslim Refugee with a very unfriendly message stating that “I have a life to attend to.  The more you know God, the more relatable you will be with people. Bye Bye.”   And when I outed myself as not being Bibi, but a person intellectually oppositional to religious predation, he said, “Oh I only say this because I love you.”

And so it is that the deeper phase of xenophobia and disturbingly discriminatory behavior plays out from stage left; not by the nativist Trump supporter groundswell but by those whose discrimination comes layered under the guise of embrace.  Those inviting themselves to the living rooms of the vulnerable to Bible-wash their roots, their Islam, their tradition away.  Conversion kings who, seemingly, have little temper to spare with those who value and embody the teachings of their own Prophet. 

Previous to our abrupt end in dialogue, Radford stated that there were four of these small cell groups currently carrying on in Tampa.  Four living rooms invaded.  Four weekly intrusions into the faith of a people. 
In my community, we have the honor of being highly diverse with a populous including newly arrived people from virtually every continent on the Earth.  That diversity needs to be defended from the anti-Muslim sect who ‘befriends’ Muslims with conversion agendas clenched in closed fists folded up behind their backs. 

Christian privilege, domination and hegemony that continues to prey on Refugee communities needs to be confronted when and where it persists.  David Radford, along with the “Arabic Fest” (there is a legitimate Arabic Festival, however the address listed on the specific flyer referenced in this piece, ambiguous in most ways, sans for desperation baiting with all of its ‘free’ offerings, was traced back to a local, evangelical church) and the small cell groups invading the living rooms of the Resettled are reminiscent of the Bible-washing xenophobia and racism I encountered at the first Trump rally I attended to protest and disrupt. 

Trump’s televangelist pastor Mark Burns promptly took to the podium and declared boisterously that “there are no Black people.  There are no Asian people.  There are no Arab people.  There are no colors.  There is only red, white and blue.”  This is the sort of patriotic rhetoric that fostered in an epic, answered invitation for white nationalists to arise from under their rocks and dip their feet into the socio-political atmosphere to see if the temperature was right.
Attacking the dynamics of oppression includes an explicit struggle against those sidling up to and brushing elbows with the movement welcoming and embracing Muslims and Refugees joining our community as a means to garner a foothold to deploy conversion agendas.

The outrageous arrogance of members of an oppressor nation, in most cases complicit in making other countries the ‘mouth of a shark,’ that people are fleeing from, includes a “disciple making” organization offering Muslim children money to read and memorize bible verses. 
The ‘free money’ bait is just the cementation of the doctrinal pillage of those most desperate and vulnerable, and the pillage in itself is blind to the traumas of displacement, war and violence (experiences in which many turn to their holy texts and spirituality for comfort and healing) the most heinous trait of this ilk. The British-Somali poet Warsan Shire’s piece Home, declared by some to be a rallying call for Refugees, intimates an angst of displacement in a visceral way;
it's not something you ever thought about doing,
and so when you did - you carried the anthem under your breath, waiting until the airport toilet to tear up the passport and swallow, each mouthful of paper making it clear that you would not be going back.

Enveloping arms do not seize.  Nor do they porcupine and pressure away the sacred parts of people to suit the height of a holy high horse.  If you are in the business of conversion, you are distinctly not in the community of welcoming. 

 We welcome the extraordinary writer Dezeray Lyn
To Our Team!

Commissioner Pat Kemp Moves To Kill 2 Proposals For Urban Sprawl

Mariella Smith Speaks For Sierra Club Against Sprawl

UT Protest the Trump Administration

3.14 - 3 PM
The University of Tampa

#RESIST #TampaFlorida

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Wall Of Love In Ybor

Ybor Paparazzi

Kate Connolly
At Reservoir Bar

Fight For 15: #AskAcosta Keyotta Lee of Tampa

Whose Side is Acosta On?
The Fight for $15 scored a major victory when we helped knock out Donald Trump's first pick to lead the Department of Labor – the awful fast-food CEO Andy Puzder.
Now, Trump’s nominated Alexander Acosta for the job – and we want to know: Will he stand up for us?
This is our moment to find out – and make sure our senators hold him accountable.
What do you want to #AskAcosta?

Florida GOP Power Grab

A wide-ranging bill that would rein in local governments’ ability to increase taxes narrowly passed the Florida House Ways & Means Committee. here

Friday, March 10, 2017

Get Well Alan Snel

Alan Snel, a longtime Florida bicycle advocate, is in a Fort Pierce intensive care unit after a motorist hit him from behind while he was riding his bike Tuesday. here
Visit him on Facebook

"I was cycling to Fort Pierce on Old Dixie in St. Lucie County this morning when a motorist hit me from behind."

When I first started blogging Mr. Snel helped us out alot.
Visit his blog here

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Darcy
He is from Alabama

Wall Of Love In Ybor Tonight

9 PM - El Centro Ybor

Florida Sheriff David Morgan Shares His Opinions On "Black Culture"

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless living in Tampa

Rick Scott Loyalists Appointed To The State Constitution Revision Commission

Rick Scott named 14 people — nearly all of them loyalists who have served the governor or been appointed by him in other capacities — to the state Constitution Revision Commission. here

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Tampa Story featuring Bob Buckhorn

The Tampa Story featuring Bob Buckhorn from Ybor City Stogie on Vimeo.

Farewell Bob Buckhorn!

HART Riders

Jessica and Dawn

Tampa Hoods


FPL Customers About To Take It Deep

After losing a major battle in court last year, Florida Power & Light is now turning to the Florida Legislature to change the state law and give it the authority to charge customers, and profit off, speculative natural gas fracking. 
The bill, HB 1043 by Florida GOP Rep. Jason Brodeur, of Sanford, is titled
"Prudent Utility Investments in Natural Gas Reserves,"
and the Senate companion is SB 1248 
by Florida GOP Sen. Aaron Bean of 
Fernandina Beach.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Vaca Frita
With Moro and Yuca
At La Teresita in Tampa

Florida GOP: Foxes In The Henhouse

State of State
Rick Scott promised to fight for economic-incentive money, business tax cuts (Corporate Welfare) and conservative education reforms. here
A coalition of labor, environmental, LGBT-rights, and other left-leaning groups under the banner “Awake the State” organized more than a dozen rallies across Florida to coincide with the first day of the 2017 legislative session, including an event at the Capitol. Their message: Scott and Republican leaders are not fighting for us.
-“The governor, and frankly the speaker (Richard Corcoran), are living in an alternative reality.” Sen. Gary Farmer

Sierra Club Film Screening & Panel — Troubled Waters: Connections and Consequences

3.21 - 5:30 PM
The Tampa Theatre

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Jo Jo

Marco Rubio Protest At Dale Mabry And Kennedy In Tampa

Marco Rubio Tuesdays in Tampa, Florida
Since he was kicked out of his office in Westshore
 the folks have moved the weekly protest to the corner 
of  At Dale Mabry And Kennedy.