Friday, November 17, 2017

Don't Snitch On Ken Hagan

He will come after you 
to pay his legal bills
A state watchdog says it is "deeply troubling" that Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan is seeking reimbursement from four citizens for legal bills that stemmed from ethics complaints against him. here

Tampa Hoods: Ybor City

7th Ave

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jessica Rose Powell In Ybor

Tonight 7 PM @ The Bunker
Ybor City, Florida

Cross Bay Ferry Gone - Tampa Mayor Not Interested

Still waiting for the Cross Bay Ferry to return? It’s going to be a while.
The ferry experiment connecting the downtowns of Tampa and St. Petersburg was lauded as a success. 
Considering Tampa was one of the four initial partners who covered the trial-run’s operating costs — Hillsborough and Pinellas counties and St. Petersburg also chipped in. Buckhorn’s lack of interest complicated bringing the boat back for a second season. here


Please support FLIC’s work to ensure just treatment of immigrant communities and that all can live and love without fear. here

Police Accountability and Transparency NOW

To: Governor of Florida, State Representatives, State Senators, Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Police Chief of Tampa, Hillsborough County Commission, City of Tampa Council, Plant City Commission, Plant City Manager, Plant City Mayor and Vice Mayor.

Florida GOP Greg Steube Of Sarasota Wants To Cut Down Our Trees

The Legislature has tried to prevent cities and counties from adopting new regulations. 
 City and county rules protecting trees are the next battleground in the rolling fight between local governments and the Florida Legislature.
Sen. Greg Steube, of Sarasota,arguably the most right-wing member of the state Legislature is taking aim at tree ordinances, saying rules limiting the trimming and removal of trees infringe on property rights. Source 
Katie Edwards, a Democrat from Plantation is also in on it. 

Are these guys getting paid by the power companies? 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Voters dissolve one of Florida's oldest towns

Florida GOP Trying To Muscle It's Way Into Dem Caucus

A clash between GOP Rep. Carlos Curbelo and Latino Democratic lawmakers over his attempt to join the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. 
CHC members accuse Curbelo, one of the most vulnerable Republicans in the House, of seeking membership to the all-Democratic caucus just to boost his chances in his Latino-heavy district. more

Tampa Hoods- Downtown


Monday, November 13, 2017

Miami Real Estate Developer Jorge Perez's Shameless Narcissism

Miami and Miami Beach, built on porous limestone or simply mounds of mud dredged from the surrounding sea, low-lying South Florida streets already flood regularly at especially high tides.
 “I believe that in twenty or thirty years, someone is going to find a solution for this.  Besides, by that time I’ll be dead, so what does it matter?” Source
Mr. Perez, do you have kids?

Tampa Hoods

Just not around here
Dale Mabry and Interbay

Our Warning To Florida Dems

You pick Gwen Graham as 
your nominee, You will lose and keep the governorship in the hands of the GOP. 
The left will not support her. 
We hope we are wrong.
"Democrats must observe the difference between "learning from history" and "living in the past" Kent Bailey
Mr. Bailey they will never learn.
Some notable local endorsements
So Called progressives Darden Rice,
Dwight Dudley and Karl Nurse.
DINO Darryl Rouson 
Tampa Mayor wannabe  Mike Suarez
Hopefully we won't have to repost this with a 
"We told you so" in Novenber of 2018.

Hang Out With Kimberly Overman In Seminole Heights

11.15 - 5:30 PM
Brew Bus Brewing

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bandeja Paisa
At El Cafetal in Tampa

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Welcome Mariella

County Commissioner

In our hearts since the start. here

Beth And Scott Shoup On WMNF Sunday Forum

WMNF 88.5
The Democratic Party from a Progressive viewpoint. What's wrong with Democrats and how do we fix it.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Shirley

Wild And Crazy Tallahassee

Former and current legislators and lobbyist are losing sleep waiting for the next sex scandal shoe to drop. here

Tampa Hoods

 Port Tampa

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Adult Beverages Not Allowed On The Streets Of Ybor

The Stogie Rum Runner

Riverwalk downtown.
Why not Ybor?
We think we found a solution

The mix can be found here - $2.00

The Captain here - $3.00
Disclaimer: This post is humor.
We are not telling you to break the law.
 Proceed at your own risk.

Ybor Paparazzi


Occupy Gainesville General Assembly

12.2 - 5:30 PM
Gainesville City Hall

Tampa Mayor Always Watching

CVS Wall facing Gaslight Park
Downtown Tampa

Tampa Rally to Support Educators

11.14 - 3 PM
Raymond O. Shelton 
School Administrative Center

Friday, November 10, 2017

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Willie

Rick Scott's Right Wing Propaganda

The GOP tax plan would save money, a ton of it, for 
Rick Scott.
"You cut taxes, you get more jobs, It's as simple as that." Rick Scott

Trickle-down tax cuts have consistently failed to create jobs or benefit 

working families.

What Stogie Had For Dinner

BBQ Beef
With Potato Salad and Beans
At Ken's BBQ in Lake City
Thanks Pamela and Marc

Florida Rep. Ted Deutch Of Boca Raton

Blasted the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee for not investigating Russian attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election and President Donald Trump‘s “efforts to thwart the operation of the United States Department of Justice.”

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Democratic Socialists In Ybor City

Jae and Ryan

Melissa and Dayna




Join them here

They are not the fringe.

They are the majority!

Poll: Democrats Want To Ditch Their Leaders And 
Move To The Left. 

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet René
Met her in Tallahassee at 3 AM